
From Ylvapedia

A list of Elin monsters.

For details on each race, please also refer to the race page.

For information on the effects of eating monster meat and eggs, see Monster Food Traits.


Every race has traits shared between all members. Below is an example of the traits of the Machine race:

Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Machine 2 2 100 50 100 110 Arcane Core Immune to Dim, Bleeding. Poison, Cut Resistance +20 Lightning Weakness -10 3 Good (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1%
The eggs are made of iron and do not rot
Physical Damage Reduction:20
When defeated, machines drop ore, microchips, batteries, etc. instead of corpses.

Table Key:

  • Race - Name of the race
  • HE - Head equipment slot
  • NE - Neck equipment slot
  • CH - Torso equipment slot
  • BK - Back equipment slot
  • HN - Hand equipment slot, for weapons/shields
  • RN - Finger equipment slot, for rings
  • WA - Waist equipment slot
  • FT - Feet equipment slot
  • Life - Starting life, 100 is average
  • Mana - Starting mana, 100 is average
  • Vigor - Starting stamina, 100 is average
  • Spd - Speed, 100 is average
  • Feat - Feats innate to the race
  • Feat Effect - Effects of each feat
  • Gene Slots - How many genes slots the race has
  • Mount Aptitude - How the mount functions as a mount, see Riding for more information
  • Livestock - Livestock skill level and how often a race will produce eggs and milk
  • Additional Info - Other traits shared by the race

For equipment slots, an O means the race has a given slot and a number means the race has multiple slots of that type. Otherwise, the race doesn't have that slot.

For each creature, information is listed in this format:

Creature Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Mirage β 38 Predator Neutral Sound Bit, Holy Bit, Lightning Bit Summoner Inhabits Aquli Teola and Lumiest Crater.

Table Key:

  • Creature - Name of the creature
  • Level - Combat level of the creature
  • Class - Creature's class if any. Creature's gain all benefits of their class but some feats such as Domain Specialization do not work for creatures
  • Animosity - Creature's attitude towards the player. See below for more information
  • Skills - List of spells or special abilities the creature can use
  • Feats - Feats the creature has. Does not include feats from race or class
  • Feat Effects - Effects of each feat
  • AI - How the creature acts during combat. Please see the combat page for more information
  • Notes - Any addition information about the creature


Monsters spawned by Shrines of Strife, or found on World Map ambushes are always hostile, even if the enemy is normally neutral.

Killing friendly enemies accrues negative karma (-5), as does kicking them (-1).

Karma is not lowered for killing neutral enemies.

Hostile enemies are always hostile, except in certain specific cases.


Elite monsters are stronger monsters that have『』around their 『Names』and are surrounded by a yellow aura. Elite monsters can found in Nefia, occasionally on overworld tires, and can also be spawned by the Shrine of Strife. When killed, elite monsters will drop their corpse, a statue of themselves, a Miracle or Godly quality item,and a gravestone.

A『Named』Monster that is covered in a purple spiral effect is an evolved monster. It has been strengthened in the same way as elite monsters but are much stronger than elite monsters and it also has additional abilities and feats added at random. Defeating an evolved monster will always result in it dropping at least one gene. These genes may include additional abilities and feats added at random.

『Named』enemies cannot be captured with monster balls.


Corpses of humanoid enemies always have the "Human Flesh" trait, except for a few races. Eating food with the "Human Flesh" trait increases insanity and may occasionally give the eater the "Cannibalism" feat. However, eating eggs with the "Human Flesh" trait does not increase insanity nor does it give the eater the "Cannibalism" feat.

Human Bane is effective against these races.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Yerles 2 2 110 90 100 100 Fast Learner 1 Learn feats faster. Platinum coin discount when training. 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 5% Milk 4%
Yerles Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Public Performer 2 Thief Hostile Wait, Wait Rogue Neutral in cities.
Gangster 5 None Hostile Predator
Rock Thrower 8 Thief Hostile Wait Rogue
Machine Infantry 18 Gunner Hostile Gunner
Tourist 1 Tourist Neutral Predator Job is always Fishing.
Festival Tourist 4 Tourist Neutral Melee Job is always Fishing
Gambler 8 Tourist Neutral Predator Job is always Gacha.
Fisher 1 Tourist Friendly Predator
Citizen (Yerles) 5 Gunner Friendly Gunner
Maid 6 Tourist Friendly Predator Job is always "Cleaning" and "Chores"
Cyberdome Civilian 4 Gunner Friendly Gunner Found in Aquli Teola.
Bunny 22 Gunner Friendly Gunner Has Four sprite variants: two male, two female.
Snail Torturer 28 Gunner Friendly Insult, Throw Potion, Entabgle, Draw Gunner Insults and Whips snails.
Security Guard 40 Gunner Friendly/Special Gunner Found in Aquli Teola.

Hostile if Karma is negative


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Eulderna 2 2 90 110 100 100 Bonded with Mana 1 Greatly reduce the effect of mana overflow 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 4% Milk 3%
Magic Precision 1 Reduce the chance of area spells used by you or your allies hitting friends
(Doubles your Magic Control skill when calculating.)
Eulderna Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Puppet 12 Predator Hostile Slow, Weakness, Elemental Scar Predator
Missionary of Darkness 19 Predator Hostile Mind Touch, Touch of Weakness, Resurrection Predator
Apprentice Trader 8 Wizard Neutral Mage Merchants' Guild NPC.

Has two variants: male and female.

Apprentice Mage 8 Wizard Friendly Lightning Arrow, Short Teleport, Elemental Scar Mage Mages' Guild NPC.

Has two variants: male and female.

Mage 8 Wizard Friendly/Merchant Lightning Touch, Ice Arrow, Fire Bolt Mage Can appraise items. Job is always "Research"


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Elea 2 2 80 130 100 110 Bonded with Mana 1 Greatly reduce the effect of mana overflow 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 3% Milk 2%
Old Forest Dweller 1 Ether Resistance +20
Elea Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Child (Elea) 1 None Neutral Magic Ball Predator
Citizen (Elea) 5 None Friendly Ether Touch Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Hillfolk 2 2 120 80 100 100 Mead Blood 1 Receive various bonuses when Drunk, walk straight when Drunk 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 5% Milk 4%
Underground Dweller 2 Poison, Darkness Resistance +10
Heavy Eater 2 Increased hunger cap (+20%)

Hillfolk Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Juere 2 2 100 100 100 105 Efficient Feeder 1 Increased food effects by 25% 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 5% Milk 4%
Traveling Chef Add 【Just Prepared】trait to meal you cook

Juere Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Bard 8 Pianist Neutral Predator Hobby is always Instrument.
Producer 1 Tourist Hostile Predator Hobby is always Extravagance.
Juere Infantry 8 Warrior Neutral Taunt Tank


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Norland 2 2 100 100 100 100 From North Increased hunger cap, Protected from item destruction by cold 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 6% Milk 5%

Norland Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Mercenary 5 Warrior Hostile Fighter Neutral in cities. Has two sprite variants: male and female.
Hot Guy 10 None Hostile Suicide Bomb Predator Neutral in cities.
Samurai 13 Warrior Hostile Fighter Neutral in cities.
Mercenary Archer 20 Archer Hostile Archer Neutral in cities.
Mercenary Warrior 20 Warrior Hostile Melee Neutral in cities.
Mercenary Mage 20 Wizard Hostile Ice Touch, Lightning Arrow, Death Arrow Mage Neutral in cities.
Executioner 26 None Hostile Summon Shadow Predator
Child (Norland) 1 None Neutral Predator
Beggar 5 Tourist Neutral Predator Job is always Gardening.
Punk 1 Gunner Neutral Gunner
Prisoner 5 Thief Neutral Predator Job is always Lumberjacking
Prostitute 3 Thief Neutral/Special Rogue Can be asked for a good time, sometimes.

Has two variants: male and female. Job is always Personal Pleasure. Can be asked directions.

Citizen (Norland) 5 None Friendly Predator Sprite changes in winter.
Noble 2 Warrior Friendly Predator Hobby is always Extravagance.
Magnate 10 None Neutral Predator Hobby is always Extravagance.
Secretary 11 Predator Friendly/Merchant Cure Major Wound, Silence Predator Can trade town influence for Furniture Tickets and other goods. Can be invested in for influence in towns.
Mayor 8 Predator Friendly Gunner
Elder (Yowyn) 7 Tourist Friendly/Merchant Predator Hobby is always Extravagance. Provides the same shop as Secretary.
Farmer 9 Farmer Neutral Predator Many are found in Yowyn. Job is always Farming, Hobby is always Gardening.
Sailor 11 Thief Friendly Rogue
Captain 18 Predator Friendly Predator Hobby is always Treasure Hunt
Elder 1 None Neutral Predator No karma loss when killed.
Hotspring Maniac 2 Tourist Neutral Predator
Guard 40 Archer Friendly/Special Archer Hostile if Karma is negative. Can be asked directions.
Janitor 28 Predator Neutral/Special Predator Job is always Cleaning. Hostile to Snails.
Mascot 42 Predator Friendly/Special/Merchant Predator Hostile if Karma is negative. Can be asked directions.

Can trade orens for casino chips. Can be found in Palmia & Fortune Bell

Thief 14 Thief Neutral Steal Money Rogue Thieves' Guild NPC.

Has two variant sprites: male and female.

Fighter 12 Warrior Friendly Fighter Fighters' Guild NPC.

Has two variant sprites: male and female.

Artist 3 Wizard Friendly Mind Touch Mage Hobby is always Painting
Nun 10 Tourist Neutral Cure Minor Wound, Holy Veil, Light Touch Predator
Palmian Special Forces 21 Gunner Friendly Gunner Can be called as reinforcements during Battlefield quests.
Caravan Master 21 Warrior Neutral Fighter Job is always Exploration. Although this is the same unit type as Nino, it is not unique.
Follower 18 Wizard Neutral Mage Can be of any faith. Occasionally, Fanatics will hang one from the gallows.

Releasing them makes the fanatics hostile, but provides Karma(+2) Hanging ones are Friendly.

Fanatic 15 Wizard Neutral Fighter Can be of any faith. Occasionally, they will hang Followers from the gallows.
Banker 28 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Can store orens for the player. If the Transfer Tax Payment policy is active, the bills will be deducted from this account.
Scrivener 28 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells various deeds.
Book Shopkeeper 18 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Spellbooks, Lorebooks, Maps, Treasure Maps, and Old Sketches.
Scholar 20 Wizard Friendly/Merchant Mage Sells policies and home skillbooks for gold bars.

Job is always Research.

Magic Shopkeeper 27 Predator Friendly/Merchant Ice Touch, Lightning Arrow, Death Touch Predator Sells Spellbooks and Magic Devices.
Healer 22 Priest Friendly/Merchant Cure Major Wound, Holy Veil Healer Can cure negative statuses on the player. Sells Spellbooks, Rods, Scrolls and Potions relating to Recovery.

Job is always Nursing.

Informer 21 Thief Friendly Rogue Can discover Nefia in nearby wilderness tiles. Can also lockpick chests for a fee.
Bartender 28 Gunner Friendly/Merchant Gunner Can ressurect allies for a fee. Sells alcoholic beverages.
Innkeeper 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Can feed the player for a fee. Sells Meals, Seasonings, and Travel Rations.
Fruit Shopkeeper 21 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Fruits, including some unfarmable ones. Occasionally sells Rainbow Fruit.
Receptionist 24 Predator Friendly Insult, Invisibility, Gravity, Teleport Predator Guild Receptionist. There is no way to recruit them to your home.
Blacksmith 29 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells equipment.
Gunsmith 29 Gunner Friendly/Merchant Gunner Sells Bows, Guns, and Ammo. Also sells mod tools for ranged weapons. The strength of the mod is determined by the shopkeep level.
Baker 22 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells goods derived from Wheat or Rice, such as noodles and bread.
Butcher 29 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Meat, Meat Meals, and Seasonings.
Fishmonger 21 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Fish, Bait, and Rods.
General Goods Shopkeeper 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells a little of everything.
Souvenir Shopkeeper 14 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells miscelaneous goods. Occasionally has Monster Balls.
Salesclerk 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells furniture, outdoor supplies, and food.
Furniture Merchant 20 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells furniture.
Dyer 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells dyes.
Lantern Merchant 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Seasonal festival only. Sells only lighting when you invite them to your home.
Blackmarket Shopkeeper 33 Predator Friendly/Merchant Steal Money Predator Enchanted equipment may be sold depending on the scale.
Junk Shopkeeper 19 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Junk.
Souvenir Shopkeeper 19 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells souvenirs such as Wooden Figure.
Fireworks Merchant 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Found at festivals. Sells fireworks of many types.
Animal Tamer 28 Predator Friendly/Merchant Summon Animal Predator Sells animal allies.
Slave Master 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Steal Money Predator Sells humanoid allies.
Drug Dealer 26 Predator Friendly/Merchant Steal Money Predator Sells medicine and drugs, such as acidproof liquids.
Exotic Merchant 38 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Currently identical to the Black Market Vendor.
Trainer 31 Warrior Friendly/Merchant Fighter Trainers can teach the player skills.

If players recruit the trainers from inside guilds to their homes, the skills taught are randomized to match a town trainer instead.

Part Time Mascot 35 Pianist Friendly Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Roran 2 2 100 80 100 110 Rare Species Learn feats faster
-2 character's Gene slots
Reduces the cost of Gene Engineering by -1 for genes that require more than 2 Gene Slots
5 Good (Amateur) Egg 6% Milk 4% Female only

The gene slot number is the value before Rare Species feat modification.

Roran Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Silver Eyed Witch 28 Warrior Hostile Taunt Fighter
Younger Sister 1 Thief Friendly Rogue Can be obtained by reading ★Younger Sister's Diary. Alternatively, can also be bought from a slave merchant or from the recruitment tab.

Sprite changes in winter.

Little Girl 4 Warrior Friendly Taunt Tank Job is always Lumberjacking.
Young Lady 1 Pianist Neutral Throw Potion, Weakness, Slow Predator Can be obtained by reading ★Young Lady's Diary.

Sprite changes in winter.

Flower Girl 14 Gunner Friendly Meteor Gunner
General Goods Vendor『Aoi』 21 Gunner Friendly/Merchant Gunner Always has Rainbow Fruit in stock.

Although she has a unique name, her sprite is not unique.

Rodwyn the Witch 21 Witch Friendly/Merchant Magic Arrow, Throw Potion, Magic Bolt Predator Every meal she sells has an additional trait added to it. Also sells putitification and broomification potions and books.

Has a unique appearance, but does not count as a unique NPC.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Mifu 2 2 70 110 100 130 Fox Ward 1 Blessings further protect allies
Hexes further weaken enemies
3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 8% Milk 6%
Fluffy Tail 1 Increased speed when not wearing waist gear
Heavy Eater 1 Increased hunger cap (+10%)

Mifu Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Citizen(Mifu) 5 None Friendly Miasma of Death Predator
Merchant(Mifu) 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Fixed Merchant in Mifu & Nefu Villages. Unique wares like Seeds, Milk, etc
Elder(Mifu) 14 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Job is always Extravagance. Same services as a Secretary.
Innkeeper(Mifu) 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Can Provide Meals, sells rations, seasonings, and food.
Ecopo Merchant 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Currently only located in Yowyn. They can trade Ecopo for Seeds & Scrolls of Extermination.
Platinum Merchant 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Found in Palmia. Sells ★Lucky Coins for 100 platinum each.
Foxfolk(Mifu) 5 Bard Neutral Silence, Death Bit Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Nefu 2 2 80 120 100 125 Old Fox Lineage 1 Increased spell learning speed 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 6% Milk 4%
Fluffy Tail 1 Increased speed when not wearing waist gear

Nefu Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Citizen(Nefu) 5 None Friendly Intonation of Light Predator
Guard(Nefu) 40 Archer Friendly/Special Archer Hostile if Karma is negative. Can be asked directions.
Secretary (Nefu) 11 Predator Friendly/Merchant Cure Major Wound, Silence Predator Can trade town influence for Furniture Tickets and other goods. Can be invested in for influence in towns.
Elder (Nefu) Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Vendor. Same goods as the secretary.
Innkeeper Mizuno 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Has a unique look and name, but isn't a Unique character.
Foxfolk (Nefu) (Black) 12 Thief Neutral Intonation of Shadow Rogue


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Succubus 2 2 85 120 100 100 Moonlit Kin 1 Learn "Dream Larva"
Able to prey on sleeping creatures.
Grow through pleasurable experiences.
Immune to status abnormalities caused by pleasurable experiences.
3 Good (Novice) Egg 11% Milk 8%

Succubus Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Mother 22 Predator Neutral Short Teleport, Entangle, Headpat Job is always Personal Pleasure
Nymph 13 Predator Hostile Touch of Sleep,

Mischief, Ice Bolt



Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Demigod 2 2 120 120 100 100 Sacred Twilight Faster faith gain
Increases all attributes when faithless
Immune to divine punishment
3 Good (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Vulnerable to Human Bane and God Bane

Demigod Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Unique only


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Apostle 2 2 100 150 100 100 Servant If you have three or more of these feat holders in your party, they will start fighting each other. 3 Good (Amateur) Egg 3% Milk %3 Elemental Damage Reduction: 20

They are all treated as humans, regardless of their species Vulnerable to Human Bane and God Bane Each apostle follows a specific God which cannot be changed

Apostles are given as the first reward for following a specific god. They remain even if the player switches to worshipping a different god. See the Gods page for more information.

Apostle Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Android 10 Gunner Reboot Ranged Follower of Mani
Golden Knight 10 Warrior Rush, Taunt, Nature's Embrace Tank Follower of Opatos

Doesn't have the weightlifting skill by default.

Carries anything without complaint

Applies "Gravity" on attack

Black Angel 10 Archer Speed, Slow, Insult, Always Floats Follower of Lulwy
Black Cat 10 Predator Death Arrow, Bane, Eye of Insanity Predator Follower of Ehekatl

Applies "lick" improvement to treasure dropped near him

Exile 10 Wizard Magic Arrow, Darkness Arrow, Nether Arrow Mage Follower of Itzpalt

Can cast two dart spells in a single round.

Defender 10 Paladin Cure Major Wound, Holy Veil, Lay on Hands, Resurrection Follower of Jure
Cute Fairy 10 Archer Eye of Dimness, Slow, Mind Arrow, Summon Tentacle Archer Follower of Kumiromi

Has the Elemental Scales feat.

White Vixen 10 Wizard Nether Bolt, Holy Bolt, Nether Bit, Holy Bit Follower of Kizuami
Fox Maid 10 Paladin Taunt, Hero Tank Follower of Horome
Has the feat for Lay on Hands, but can't use it.

Has the Celestial Fox trait.

Militant 10 Warmage Hero, Cure Critical Wounds Follower of Yevan


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Catsister 2 2 25 100 100 280 Fluffy Tail Your tail moves Increased speed when not wearing waist gear 6 Bad (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Elemental Damage Reduction:30
Perfect Evasion:60
Corpses have the food traits of 【Cat】and【Human flesh】
The gene slot number is the value before Rare Species feat modification
Rare Species Learn feats faster
-2 character's Gene slots
Reduces the cost of Gene Engineering by -1 for genes that require more than 2 Gene Slots

Catsister Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Younger Cat Sister 1 Thief Rogue Can be obtained by reading ★Diary of Younger Cat Sister.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Mermaid 2 2 90 120 100 100 Rare Species Learn feats faster
-2 character's Gene slots
Reduces the cost of Gene Engineering by -1 for genes that require more than 2 Gene Slots
6 Good (Amateur) Egg 8% Milk 6%. Shearable: Scale The gene slot number is the value before Rare Species feat modification

Mermaid Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Hotspring Mermaid 12 Pianist Neutral Mind Touch Predator Found in Olvina.



Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Giant 2 2 300 80 100 90 4 Normal

Giant Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Giant 40 None Hostile Throw Predator Figure has high tourism value.

The giant in Derphy is neutral.


These animals can be purchased from animal tamers or summoned by the Summon Animal.

Animal Bane is effective against these races.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Dog 1 2 100 80 100 120 Fluffy Tail Your tail moves Increased speed when not wearing waist gear 5 Good (Grandmaster) Egg 42% Milk 33%

Dog Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Puppy 1 None Neutral Predator
Dog 8 None Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Rabbit 60 90 100 150 Fluffy Tail Your tail moves Increased speed when not wearing waist gear 7 Normal (Grandmaster) Egg 36% Milk 29%

Shearable: Cashmere

Perfect Evasion:10

Rabbit Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Rabbit 1 Tourist Neutral Predator Trait; Fluffy Tail
Giant Squirrel 6 Predator Hostile Predator
Vorpal Bunny 30 Predator Predator Unarmed attacks trigger Neck Hunt


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Horse 2 140 50 100 180 6 Good (Grandmaster) Egg 46% Milk 36%

Shearable: Wool

Horse Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Horse 11 Predator Neutral Predator
Reindeer 12 Predator Hostile Predator
Yowyn Horse 15 Predator Neutral Predator Purchased from a trainer in Yowyn. 205 base speed


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Wolf 90 80 100 120 6 Good (Apprentice) Egg 19% Milk 15%
Shearable: Wool

Wolf Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Silver Wolf 18 None Neutral Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Dinosaur 2 140 40 100 150 Heavy Eater 5 Increased hunger cap (+50%) 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1%
Shearable: Hide
Vulnerable to Animal Bane and Dragon Bane
Dinosaur Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Dodo 1 None Neutral Predator Has color variations
Alien 18 Predator Hostile Predator Parasitic abilities not yet implemented(at β)
Tyrannosaurus 30 Predator Hostile Predator
Dodo Rex 42 Predator Hostile Predator Has color variations


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Bear 2 2 160 80 100 80 6 Good (Apprentice) Egg 16% Milk 12%

Shearable: Hide

Bear Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Bear Cub 8 None Hostile Predator
Grizzly Bear 24 Predator Hostile Predator
White Bear 28 Predator Hostile Predator
Mammoth 28 None Hostile Rush Predator A special message is shown when Mammoth meat is consumed.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Cerberus 3 2 180 70 100 120 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5 4 Normal (Amateur) Egg 3% Milk 2% Physical Damage Reduction:10
Heavy Eater 3 Increased hunger cap (+30%)

Cerberus Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Cerberus 40 Predator Hostile Fire Breathe, Death Breathe Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Bat 40 80 100 220 9 Normal (Apprentice) Egg 16% Milk 12% Perfect Evasion:50

Bat Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Bat 2 None Hostile Predator
Shadow None Special Suicide Bomb (Sound Element) Predator Summoned by Summon Shadow spell.

If an enemy uses this spell, they are Hostile.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Shiba 1 2 110 90 100 130 Blessing of Shiva Cold Resistance +15 5 Good (Grandmaster) Egg 42% Milk 33%

Shearable: Wool

Fluffy Tail Your tail moves Increased speed when not wearing waist gear
Loyal Teleports to the ally being attacked and receives damage in their place

Shiba Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Shiba Inu 12 Predator Hostile Tank
Bubble Crab 18 None Hostile Bubble Predator
Shiva 24 Predator Hostile Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Chicken 80 80 100 100 9 Good (Grandmaster) Egg 69% Milk 55%

Chicken Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Chicken 1 None Neutral Predator
Duck 3 None Neutral Predator
Goose 4 None Neutral Predator
Turkey 6 Predator Neutral Predator
Caladrius 11 Priest Neutral Nature's Embrace, Hero, Resurrection Healer


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Cat 1 2 100 120 100 160 Fluffy Tail Your tail moves Increased speed when not wearing waist gear 6 Good (Adept) Egg 29% Milk 23% Perfect Evasion:25

Killing a cat decreases karma by -1 Corpse will be given the【Cat】 food trait

Cat Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Cat 8 None Neutral Predator
Kitten 3 None Neutral Predator
Twintail 7 Wizard Neutral Invisibility, Light Bit Mage Lives around the altars on the world map.

Traits: Fluffy Tail, Favor of the Elements, Magic Mastery 2

Silver Cat 4 None Neutral
Stray Cat 10 Predator Neutral
Lion 18 None Neutral There's one in SW Derphy.
Carbuncle 22 Wizard Neutral Resurrection, Holy Veil, Cure Light Wounds Summoner May rarely be sold by Animal Tamers and one can be found in the Yowyn underground cafe


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Rat 60 80 100 120 7 Bad (Grandmaster) Egg 50% Milk 40%

Rat Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Rat 1 None Hostile Touch of Weakness Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Sheep 130 80 100 80 6 Normal (Grandmaster) Egg 46% Milk 36%

Shearable: Wool

Sheep Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Sheep 2 Tourist Neutral Predator Shearable.

Feat; Vacation Vibe 5

Goat 3 None Neutral Predator
Alpaca 6 Predator Neutral Predator
Llama 9 None Neutral Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Snake 100 100 100 100 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance+5 9 Normal (Journeyman) Egg 19% Milk 15%

Snake Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Cobra 10 None Hostile Poison Touch Predator
King Cobra 18 None Hostile Poison Touch Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Pig 1 2 100 80 100 100 Heavy Eater 3 Increased hunger cap (+30%) 6 Good (Grandmaster) Egg 42% Milk 33%

Shearable: Wool

Pig Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Wild Boar 8 Predator Hostile Rush Predator
Hungry Sea Lion 12 Predator Hostile Steal Food Predator
Super Hungry Sea Lion Predator Hostile Steal Food Predator
Pig 4 Predator Neutral Rush Predator
Cow 12 Predator Neutral Rush Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Hound 90 50 100 130 6 Good (Expert) Egg 24% Milk 19%

Hound Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
(Element) Hound 12 Predator Hostile (Element) Breath Predator Hounds spawn as any element except Holy and Ether.


The corpses of these monsters are given the【Tainted】 food trait.

They also often appear in The Cursed Manor.

Undead Bane is effective against these races.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Skeleton 2 2 90 80 100 90 Undead 2 Poison, Nerve Resistance +10, Dark, Nether Resistance +20, Fire Weakness -10 4 Normal Shearable: Bone
Light Eater 2 Decreased hunger cap (-16%)
Skeleton Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Skeleton Warrior 10 Warrior Hostile Fighter
Skeleton Berserker 24 Warrior Hostile Fighter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Stalker 2 2 90 140 100 150 Undead 1 Poison, Nerve Resistance +5, Dark, Nether Resistance +10, Weakness -5 6 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Always Invisible unless nefia boss

Stalker Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Stalker 21 Predator Hostile Predator
Shadow Stalker 39 Predator Hostile Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Zombie 1 1 125 80 100 60 Undead 2 Poison, Nerve Resistance +10, Dark, Nether Resistance +20, Fire Weakness -10 6 Normal (Amateur) Egg 4% Milk 3% Physical Damage Reduction:10
Light Eater 2 Decreased hunger cap (-16%)

Zombie Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Zombie 8 None Hostile Predator
Lesser Mummy 8 Touch of Fear, Touch of Weakness Predator
Mummy 14 Warrior Hostile Touch of Fear, Touch of Weakness, Bane Fighter
Ancient Coffin 15 None Hostile Miasma of Shadow, Curse, Weakness Predator
Greater Mummy 25 Warrior Touch of Fear, Touch of Weakness, Bane Fighter
Undead Younger Sister 15 None Neutral Predator Traits; Rare Species

Summoned by the Summon Undead Younger Sister spell. As a summon, she will not disappear until killed and is otherwise unrecruitable like regular NPCs. Alternatively, can be recruited from the recruitment tab. Has five variant sprites.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Phantom 2 2 70 90 100 100 Undead 2 Poison, Nerve Resistance +10, Dark, Nether Resistance +20, Fire Weakness -10 5 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Physical Damage Reduction:15
Elemental Damage Reduction:50
Light Eater 2 Decreased hunger cap (-16%)

Phantom Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Lesser Phantom 10 Wizard Hostile Slow Mage


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Ghost 2 2 30 130 20 90 Undead 2 Poison, Nerve Resistance +10, Dark, Nether Resistance +20, Fire Weakness -10 5 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Physical Damage Reduction:75
Elemental Damage Reduction:75
Perfect Evasion:30
Light Eater 2 Decreased hunger cap (-16%)

Ghost Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Grudge 9 None Hostile Touch of Weakness, Slow, Weakness Predator
Candle Ghost 10 None Hostile Bane, Fire Touch Predator
Ghost 12 None Hostile Touch of Fear, Touch of Weakness Predator
Red Baptist 14 Wizard Hostile Fire Bolt, Short Teleport Mage
Blue Baptist 19 Wizard Hostile Ice Bolt, Short Teleport Mage
Shade 20 None Hostile Touch of Fear, Touch of Weakness Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Armor 2 30 80 100 50 Arcane Core1 Immune to Dim, Bleeding.
Poison, Cut Resistance +20
Lightning Weakness -10
5 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Physical Damage Reduction:80

Armor Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Iron Mass 22 Warrior Hostile Melee


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Lich 2 2 60 150 100 100 Undead 1 Poison, Nerve Resistance +5
Dark, Nether Resistance +10
Fire Weakness -5
3 Normal DV: +15
Physical Damage Reduction: 25
Elemental Damage Reduction: 30
Light Eater 1 Decreased hunger cap (-9%)

Lich Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Lich 24 Wizard Hostile Miasma of Death, Magic Arrow, Ice Bolt, Shadow Bolt Mage


See the Gods section.


These aquatic creatures appear in many of the seas and bridges on the world map.

Fish Bane is effective against these races.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Snail 2 2 100 80 100 40 Snaily 1 Melt in salt 10(NPC), 3(PC) Good (Expert) Egg 23% Milk 18%

Snail Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Snail 1 Tourist Hostile Predator Fortune Bell is inhabited by neutral snails with various graphics


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Crab 2 2 60 80 100 100 7 Normal (Journeyman) Egg 19% Milk 15% Physical Damage Reduction:15

Crab Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Crab 6 Predator Hostile (Elemental) Bubble Breath Predator
Hedgehog 18 None Hostile Predator Cut elemental counters against melee attacks.
Shining Hedgehog 20 Hostile Spiky Predator

Ancient Crab

Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Ancient Crab 2 2 4 150 80 100 60 Crab Scissors Restraining the attacker with scissors 3 Normal Physical Damage Reduction:25

Elemental Damage Reduction:25

Ancient Crab Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
(Element) Ancient Crab 21 None Hostile (Element) Bubble Breath, Wait Predator Spawns as fire, ice, or lightning element

If you are wet, the bubbles won't burst when you touch them. The bubbles can also be destroyed without detonating using ice magic.

Hermit Crab

Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Hermit Crab 45 80 100 40 9 Normal Egg 17%, Milk 13% Physical Damage Reduction:25

Hermit Crab Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Hermit Crab 1 Predator Hostile Predator


These machines can be dominated by the faith effect of Mani of Machine. (with some exceptions)

In addition, they can upgrade their status through Mani's artifact.

Machine Bane is effective against these races.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Machine 2 2 100 50 100 110 Arcane Core Immune to Dim, Bleeding.
Poison, Cut Resistance +20
Lightning Weakness -10
3 Good (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1%
The eggs are made of iron and do not rot
Physical Damage Reduction:20
When defeated, machines drop ore, microchips, batteries, etc. instead of corpses.

Machine Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Mine Dog 13 None Hostile Wait, Gravity, Drop Mine Predator Neutral in cities. Inhabits Little Garden
Wood Golem 14 Predator Hostile Predator Drops pine stone
Golem 16 Gunner Hostile Archer
Self Propelled Gun 18 Gunner Hostile Gunner Inhabits Little Garden
Iron Maiden 22 None Hostile Predator Cut Fighting Not possessed (in beta)
Stone Golem 22 Predator Hostile Predator Drops granite stone
Blade Omega 30 None Hostile Predator Inhabits Little Garden
Steel Golem 35 Predator Hostile Predator Drops steel stone
Gold Golem 42 Predator Hostile Predator Drops gold stone
Cube 52 None Hostile Eye of Dimness Predator Multiplies, Immune to the "Machine Domination" ability of Mani followers.
Mirage β 38 Predator Neutral Sound Bit, Holy Bit, Lightning Bit Summoner Inhabits Aquli Teola and Lumiest Crater.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Bike 2 100 60 200 100 5 Physical Damage Reduction:10

Perfect Evasion:20

Bike Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Unimplemented, at this time.


See the Gods section.


These monsters have “Elemental Dust” feat.

Fairy Bane is effective against these races.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Imp 2 3 65 110 100 100 Elemental Dust 1 Magic, Dark, Nerve, Nether, Sound, Mind, Chaos Resistance +5 5 Normal (Novice) Egg 11% Milk 8% Elemental Damage Reduction:30
Perfect Evasion:30
Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5

Imp Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Imp 8 None Hostile Magic arrow, Short Teleport, Elemental Scar Caster


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Wisp 60 150 100 50 Elemental Dust 3 Magic, Dark, Nerve, Nether, Sound, Mind, Chaos Resistance +15 8 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Physical Damage Reduction:50
Elemental Damage Reduction:50
Light Eater 3 Decreased hunger cap (-??%)

Wisp Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Will o'wisp 12 None Neutral Ether Breath Predator Luminous.

Progresses the player's ether disease.

(Element) Bit None Special (Elemental) Arrow Predator Luminous.

Summoned by Summon (Element) Bit spells.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Spirit 2 2 90 120 100 100 Elemental Dust 2 Magic, Dark, Nerve, Nether, Sound, Mind, Chaos Resistance +10 5 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Elemental Damage Reduction:30
Light Eater 3 Decreased hunger cap (-??%)

Wraith Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Electric Cloud 12 None Hostile Lightning Bolt, Lightning Breathe Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Fairy 2 2 35 130 100 180 Little One 1 Levitation
Cannot equip equipment weighing more than 1.0s
Greatly increase evasion (+50 DV)
3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 8% Milk 6% DV: +75
Elemental Damage Reduction: 15
Perfect Evasion: 50
Elemental Dust 1 Magic, Dark, Nerve, Nether, Sound, Mind, Chaos Resistance +5

Fairy Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Fairy 12 None Hostile Mind Bolt, Short Teleport, Steal Money Predator
Child(Fairy) 1 Wizard Neutral Magic Ball Mage
Citizen(Fairy) 5 None Friendly Predator
Adventurer (Fairy) 10 Friendly/Adventurer


Dragon Bane is effective against these races.


See the animals section.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Dragon 2 260 100 100 100 Heavy Eater 5 Increased hunger cap (+50%) 5 Good (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1%
Shearable: Dragon Scale
Physical Damage Reduction:10

Dragon Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Unique only at this time.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Drake 2 180 80 100 100 Heavy Eater 3 Increased hunger cap (+30%) 6 Good (Amateur) Egg 5% Milk 4%

Shearable: Dragon Scale

Drake Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Mass Monster 20 None Hostile Touch of Weakness Predator Multiplies when hit.
(Color) Drake 31 None Hostile (Element) Breath Predator Spawns as either Red(Fire), Blue(Ice), or Yellow(Lightning)


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Wyvern 2 180 80 100 100 Heavy Eater 2 Increased hunger cap (+20%) 5 Normal (Amateur) Egg 4% Milk 3%

Shearable: Dragon Scale

Wyvern Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Wyvern 26 Predator Hostile Fire Breath Predator


These plants can be befriended through the Kumiromi of Harvest faith effect.


Ent Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Mushroom 70 80 100 90 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5 10 Normal (Journeyman) Egg 20% Milk 16%

Mushroom Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Spore Mushroom 12 None Hostile Wait Predator
Chaos Mushroom 29 None Hostile Wait, Teleport Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Mandrake 70 120 100 90 8 Normal (Amateur) Egg 3% Milk 2% Elemental Damage Reduction:40

Mandrake Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Man Eating Flower 9 None Hostile Miasma of Poison Predator
Mandrake 15 None Hostile Scream Predator
Pumpkin 24 None Hostile Throw Potion Predator Invisible, Float.

Other Monsters


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Asura 4 90 70 100 100 6 Normal (Amateur) Egg 4% Milk 3% Elemental Damage Reduction:20

Perfect Evasion:15

Asura Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Asura 22 Warrior Hostile Fighter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Yeek 2 2 70 90 100 130 4 Normal (Expert) Egg 23% Milk 18%

Yeek Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Yeek 2 None Hostile Predator
Yeek Archer 4 Archer Hostile Wait Archer
Yeek Warrior 6 Warrior Hostile Fighter
Kamikaze Yeek 6 None Hostile Suicide Bomb Predator
Master Yeek 9 Wizard Hostile Short Teleport, Shadow Bolt, Summon Yeek Mage


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Yith 4 4 180 220 100 120 Cosmic Horror 2 Mind resistance +20
Immune to fear, confusion, sleep, blind
6 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Impossible to detect by telepathy

Yith Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Tentacle None Special (Elemental) Touch, Entangle, Draw Predator Tentacles summoned by cute fairy. Can't move, spawn with various elements, and use hand spells that correspond to the element.
Shub-Niggurath 44 Predator Hostile Eye of Insanity, Summon Monster, Short Teleport Predator
Great Race of Yith 50 Predator Hostile Drain Blood, Eye of Insanity, Bane, Entangle Predator
Spiral King 52 Wizard Hostile Chaos Arrow, Death Arrow, Sound Ball, Eye of Mutation Mage


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Rock 80 50 100 90 Arcane Core Immune to Dim, Bleeding.
Poison, Cut Resistance +20
Lightning Weakness -10
9 Normal (Novice) Egg 9% Milk 7% Physical Damage Reduction:25

Rock Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Bomb Rock 14 Predator Hostile Suicide Bomb, Short Teleport Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Orc 2 1 130 70 100 100 4 Normal (Apprentice) Egg 13% Milk 11%

Orc Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Orc 6 None Hostile Predator
Orc Warrior 11 Warrior Hostile Fighter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Frog 80 80 100 90 8

Frog Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes

Chaos Shape

Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Chaos Shape 1 100 100 100 100 Mutating Body Your body grows parts 3 Normal Their meat can be used to make gelatin in a millstone.
NPC Chaos Shapes will gain one part per level 5.

Chaos Shape Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Cupid 2 2 80 130 100 110 5 Normal (Apprentice) Egg 16% Milk 12% Elemental Damage Reduction:25

Perfect Evasion:25

Cupid Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Cupid of Love 18 Archer Hostile Eye of Dimness Archer Happiness beds not yet implemented.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Quickling Perfect Evasion:50

Quickling Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Spider 2 40 70 100 180 8 Good (Expert) Egg 25% Milk 20%

Shearable: Spider Silk

Perfect Evasion:20

Immune to snaring effect of webs.

Spider Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Spotted Spider 6 None Hostile Web Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Golem 2 2 150 70 100 70 Arcane Core 1 Immune to Dim, Bleeding.
Poison, Cut Resistance +20
Lightning Weakness -5
3 PV: +15
Physical Damage Reduction: 10
Elemental Damage Reduction: -15
Light Eater 2 Decreased hunger cap (-16%)
Golem Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Golem Hostile Gunner


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Goblin 2 2 110 90 100 100 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5 3 Normal (Novice) Egg 13% Milk 10%

Goblin Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Gnome 3 None Hostile Short Teleport, Steal Predator
Goblin 3 None Hostile Predator
Goblin Shaman Warmage Hostile Cure Minor Wound, Fire Bolt, Slow, Summon Animal Hexer
Goblin Warrior 7 Hostile Warrior
Goblin Wizard 8 Hostile Lightning Arrow, Short Teleport Wizard
Zealot of Fire 20 Warmage Hostile Summon Fire, Elemental Scar, Cure Minor Wound Warmage Summons Fire Hounds, Fire Centipedes, Flaming Ancient Crabs, and Red Drakes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Kobold 2 2 90 80 100 100 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5 4 Normal (Novice) Egg 11% Milk 9%

Kobold Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Kobold 7 Warrior Hostile Fighter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Piece 2 2 90 80 100 100 Light Eater 2 Decreased hunger cap (-16%) 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Physical Damage Reduction:15

Piece Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
<Pawn> 18 Warrior Hostile Taunt Tank
<Rook> 18 Predator Hostile Rush Predator
<Knight> 20 Inquisitor Hostile Holy Veil, Holy Shield, Bane, Gunner Predator
<Bishop> 20 Wizard Hostile Magic Arrow, Short Teleport, Slow
<King> 22 Warrior Hostile Summon Pawn Summoner
<Queen> 24 Warmage Hostile Magic Arrow, Death Arrow, Teleport, Summon Pawn Summoner


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Insect 80 80 100 110 9 Normal (Master) Egg 34% Milk 27%

Shearable: Silk

Physical Damage Reduction:20

Insect Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Beetle 12 Predator Hostile


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Slime 80 120 100 70 9 Good (Master) Egg 32% Milk 25%
Shearable: Cashmere(Snow Putit), Gold Fiber(Snow Putit(Golden))
Corpses and Eggs are made of Jelly and do not decompose

Their meat can be used to make gelatin in a millstone

Slime Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Putit 1 None Hostile Predator
Snow Putit 8 Tourist Neutral Predator
Snow Putit(Golden) 15 Wizard Neutral Predator Golden Snow Putits drops gold bars when killed
Beth Putit 4 None Hostile Predator
Acid Slime 10 Predator Hostile Acid Touch, Sea of Acid Predator Can do acid damage. Corrodes equipped items of target.
Bubble 12 None Hostile Predator Multiplies


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Hand 2 2 100 100 100 100 6 Normal (Amatuer) Egg 7% Milk 5%

Hand Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Hand of the Dead 9 None Hostile Draw, Touch of Weakness Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Troll 2 240 50 100 70 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance+5 4 Normal Physical Damage Reduction:15
Heavy Eater 4 Increased hunger cap (+40%)

Troll Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Troll 24 None Hostile Predator
Gagu 38 Warrior Hostile Touch of Weakness, Touch of Fear Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Harpy 2 2 2 90 100 100 100 4 Normal (Journeyman) Egg 19% Milk 15%

Shearable: Griffon Scale

Perfect Evasion:20

Harpy Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Harpy 16 None Hostile Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Minotaur 2 2 170 60 100 80 Heavy Eater 2 Increased hunger cap (+20%) 4 Normal (Apprentice) Egg 13% Milk 11%

Minotaur Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Minotaur 14 Warrior Hostile Rush Fighter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Centipede 2 90 80 100 90 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5 8 Bad (Journeyman) Egg 21% Milk 17%

Centipede Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Scorpion 8 None Hostile Poison Predator
Centipede 15 None Hostile Predator
King Scorpion 21 None Hostile Predator
Fire Centipede 24 None Hostile Predator


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Eye 100 120 100 40 Underground Dweller 1 Poison, Darkness Resistance +5 8 Normal (Amateur) Egg 2% Milk 1% Elemental Damage Reduction:30

Immune to Nerve

Eye Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Floating Eye 3 None Hostile Nerve Touch Predator
Deformed Eye 12 None Hostile Silence, Eye of Mutation Predator
Mad Gaze 29 Predator Hostile Eye of Insanity, Mind Bolt Predator
Death Gaze 39 Predator Hostile Eye of Mana Predator



Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Metal 1 100 100 300 Metal999 Resistance to Fire, Lightning, Darkness, Mind, Poison, Nether, Nerve, Chaos, Magic, Cut +24
Reduce all damage significantly
6 Bad Cannot produce Eggs or Milk

Metal Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Metal Putit 15 Tourist Hostile Magic Touch, Wait, Escape Potions of Mercury drop in place of corpses when slain.
Silver Bell 4 None Neutral Wait, Escape Predator Small Medals & Platinum drop in place of corpses when slain.

Spawns only during winter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Medusa 3 2 2 100 110 100 100 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 8% Milk 6% Elemental Damage Reduction:25

Medusa Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Medusa 26 Warmage Hostile Warmage


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Lizardman 2 1 120 70 100 120 4 Normal (Apprentice) Egg 13% Milk 11%

Lizardman Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Lizardman 12 Warrior Hostile Fighter


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Wasp 55 80 100 150 9 Normal (Expert) Egg 26% Milk 21% Perfect Evasion:30

Wasp Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Wasp 7 None Hostile Poison Touch Predator
Bee 9 None Neutral Poison Touch Predator Can drop a Queen Bee. Ones spawned by beehives are neutral.


The God Bane is effective against these race.


See the Humanoids section.


See the Humanoids section.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Machinegod 2 200 80 100 100 Arcane Core Immune to Dim, Bleeding.
Poison, Cut Resistance +20
Lightning Weakness -10
3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 1% Milk 1% Vulnerable to God Bane and Machine Bane

Machinegod Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
『Big Daddy』 20 Machinegod Neutral Rush, Fire Breathe Gunner Occasionally appears in nefia and wilderness tiles as neutral NPCs. Special message on entering the level. Has additional random abilities in nefia higher than 50 danger level.

When slain, a Little One appears, which can be captured with the specialty balls from Little Garden and brought back safely.
Is recruitable like most other NPCs.


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Undeadgod Vulnerable to God Bane and Undead Bane

Undeadgod Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info

Catgod Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
God 2 200 200 200 100

God Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes


Nefia Boss

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Scorching Rock Demon 『Tephra』 10 Rock Predator Hostile Fire Ball, Fire Breath Boss of Vernis Mine. It has the [Arcane Core] feat. The statue has a high tourism value.
『Isygarard』 12 Eulderna Wizard Hostile Melee Boss of Nymelle. He has a machine soldier and two golems in tow.
Melilith's Nightmare『Alone』 35 Eulderna Wizard Hostile Darkness Ball, Bleed Breath, Summon Undead Younger Sister Mage Boss of The Cursed Manor.
The following enemies are not dungeon bosses, but are notable boss-like enemies.
The Prince of Betrayal『Innos Tur'as』 2000 God Warrior Hostile Fighter Secret Superboss of The Place Where Winds Rest. Upon Defeat, drops the ★Ether Dagger.


Unlike Elona, these unique monsters reappear after being defeated.

Like regular monsters, they can be multiplied by fertilized eggs.

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Vice Captain of Orc《Goda》 15 Orc Warrior Hostile Rush, Taunt, Summon Orc Vopal
《Santa Claus》 40 Chaos Shape Gunner Hostile ??? Generates with a random title

Unique Town NPCs

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Little Dog『Poppy』 1 Dog None Friendly Predator Joins when rescued from Puppy Cave.

Job is always Exercise, Hobby is always Treasure Hunt.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Frontier Inspector『Loytel』 2 Norland Gunner Friendly Gunner Sells items that relate to the home.

Job is always Supervising, Hobby is always Gardening.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Talesinger of Olvina『Farris』 8 Norland Bard Friendly Cure Minor Wounds, Hero Predator Sells scrolls that help adventurers, and items that relate to the home.

Job is always Singing.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Shadow of Mysilia『Fiama』 18 Norland Thief Friendly Rogue Joins through story. After leaving the party, can be found in Willow. Has the item, ★Fiama's Journal.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Shadow of Mysilia『Ashland』 20 Norland Thief Friendly Rogue Joins through story. After leaving the party, can be found in Willow. Has the item, ★Ashland's Guitar.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Ill Eyed『Quruitzia』 14 Norland Warmage Friendly Death Touch, Magic Arrow, Ice Bolt, Shadow Bolt Warmage Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.
Wandering Alchemist『Kettle』 10 Norland Alchemist Friendly Nature's Embrace, Elemental Shield, Intonation of Mind, Mind Arrow Predator After the related quests, Kettle can duplicate items crafted by the player in his shop.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Steel Dragon『Corgon』 Dragon Predator Friendly Fire Breath Predator Currently the only member of the Dragon race.

Has good mount aptitude, and Dragon Scale can be sheared from it.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Exile『Demitas』 Apostle Wizard Friendly Poison Arrow, Ice Bolt, Shadow Bolt Mage Allows the duplication of all spellbooks, but restocks only once every 30 days.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Outland Lord『Cetrus』 32 Elea Bard Friendly Predator
Scholar of History『Theolucia』 11 Norland Bard Friendly Predator Farris's younger sister.
Voice of the Night 26 Juere Predator Friendly Insult, Invisibility, Gravity, Teleport, Steal Predator Receptionist of the Thieves Guild. She has no fixed name. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Maiden of the Night『Anastazija』 32 Norland Thief Friendly Rogue Watchman of Thief's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Bringer of the Night『Najena』 45 Juere Thief Friendly Rogue Grand master of Thief's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Nefu Village
Maiden of Blades『Misaki』 34 Nefu Warmage Friendly Taunt, Cure Minor Wounds Warmage Can provide the Euphoric blessing. Has the "Loyal" and "Celestial Fox" feats.

Job is always Praying, Hobby is always Blacksmithing.

Idol of the Royal Court『Stasha』 8 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
Acting Mayor『Nola』 12 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
Prince of Palmia『Xabi』 18 Norland Warrior Friendly Predator
『Denek』 20 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
King of Palmia『Zane』 22 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
Shield of Palmia『Conery』 37 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
Iron Hammer Of Palmia 『Gilbert』 44 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
Port Kapul
Watchman of the Fighter's Guild『Doria』 36 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter Watchman of Fighter's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Grand Master『Thorran』 44 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter Grand master of Fighter's Guild.Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Womanizer『Raphael』 12 Norland Predator Friendly Predator Has Baby feat rank1.

Job is always Romance, Hobby is always Personal pleasure.

The Duke of Mysilia『Jonan』 16 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
『Older Younger Sister』 20 Roran Sword Sage Friendly Chaos Intonation Predator An older sister who is not related to you by blood, but was separated from you.

If you are a true big brother/sister, she will be your companion.

Has the [Adam] feat at rank 5.

The Prince of Mysilia『Efrond』 20 Norland Gunner Friendly Insult, Eye of Insanity, Eye of Dimness Gunner Drops ★Efrond's Guitar.
The Mysilian General『Caldorn』 22 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
The Silver Gale『Melvin』 38 Norland Warrior Friendly Intonation of Lightning, Mist of Darkness, Speed Archer
Majestic owl『Griffin』 42 Chiken Predator Friendly Levitate, Boost Predator Cannot be recruited.
The Red Hair『Barrich』 41 Norland Bard Friendly Rush, Sound Breathe Predator
The Mysterious Servant『Eluminaire』 65 Elea Warmage Friendly Ether Bolt, Ether Ball, Miasma of Ether Warmage
Mifu Village
The Blessed Priestess『Kinu』 34 Mifu Warmage Friendly Holy arrow, Nether ball Warmage Bestows the blessing of Holy Veil. Has the "Miko" feat.

Job is always Praying, Hobby is always Farming.

The Innocent Girl『Gwen』 8 Roran None Neutral Predator No karma loss when killed. Will always follow the player wherever they are on the map.
Master Painter『Felmera』 14 Norland Pianist Friendly Invisibility, Summon Animal Predator Will take Old Sketches and provide paintings and journal gallery entries.

Job is always Painting

Suffering Apprentice『Renton』 14 Norland Wizard Friendly Ice Bolt, Ice Arrow Mage
Honor Student『Revlus』 15 Norland Wizard Friendly Nerve Bolt, Nerve Arrow Mage
Grand Master『Jorg』 34 Norland Wizard Friendly Mage Grand master of Mage's Guild. Can change domains for the player at high enough rank in the guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
The watchman of the Mage Guild 『Lexus』 38 Norland Wizard Friendly Ice Touch, Lightning Arrow, Death Arrow Mage Watchman of Mage's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Tinker's camp
Caravan Master『Nino』 29 Norland Tourist Friendly Summon Animal Predator Sells recipes for the home.
Caravan's mascot『Moyer』 8 Norland Bard Friendly Cannot be recruited.

Other Unique NPCs

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Chief of Asylum『Lowell』 21 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
Fortune Bell
Casino Clerk 22 Norland Predator Friendly Insult, Invisibility, Gravity, Teleport Predator Fortune Bell's Receptionist. She has no fixed name.

Sells items in exchange for Casino Chips. Gives a free scratch card once a day.

Can be brought home, but will not respawn in the Fortune Bell.

Little Garden
『Little One』 1 Chaos Shape Tourist Friendly Predator Eating the corpse grants the [Adam] feat. Killing Little Ones will reduce the town level of the Little Garden by 5.

Rescuing additional Little Ones reduces the penalty by one.. Cannot be recruited to the Home. Let's take her home to Little Garden!

Once returned to Little Garden, you receive +5 influence for Little Garden.

『Strange little girl』 6 Norland Tourist Friendly/Vendor You can recruit her, but you can only purchase items from her when she is in Little Garden. Sells genes that allow you to change NPC combat AI, as well as syringes of heaven and syringes of ether solvent.
『Big Sister』 95 Chaos Shape Warmage Friendly/Vendor Nerve Arrow, Miasma of Nerve, Rush, Eye of Dimness Warmage Guardian of the Little Garden. Cannot be recruited to the Home. Sells Little Balls for free and sells furniture tickets for Little Garden in exchange for influence.

Has 20 body parts, [Adam] 20, and the Cover ability.

The Cursed Manor
Cursed Girl『Melilith』 18 Eulderna Wizard Friendly Summon Undead Younger Sister, Death Arrow, Miasma of Darkness, Holy Veil, Resurrection Mage NPC reward should the player complete her treasure hunt by offering her the correct treasure.
Merchant's Guild
Guild Master『Marian』 30 Juere Thief Friendly Rogue Grand master of Merchant's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
The Workshop of Miral & Garokk
Legendary Smith『Garokk』 42 Hillfolk Warrior Friendly Fighter
Legendary Smith『Miral』 44 Hillfolk Warrior Friendly Fighter Vendor. Sells items in exchange for ★Small Medals.
Seeker's Keep
Shadow of Palmia『Slan』 16 Norland Thief Friendly/Vendor Rogue Sells Maps.

Hobby is always Treasure Hunt.

Seeker 45 Elea Warmage Friendly/Vendor Lightning Arrow, Death Arrow, Ice Touch Warmage Possesses the ★Mystic Mask . Once a year, can provide the player with many free books.
The Place where Winds Rest
『Billy』 18 Dog Wizard Ether Arrow Mage Has the Spiky and Ether Armor feats. Ether-element attacks.
Firebrand of Strife『Eureka』 36 Demigod Executioner Friendly Rush, Entangle, Insult, Weakness, Intonation of Blood Predator Provides the Cat's Eye blessing upon request.

Has the Frontline Commander feat. Job is always Praying、Hobby is always Fluffy stroke.

Backer Adventurers

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Emissary of Ivory Tower『Random Name』 25 Elea Wizard Friendly Taunt, Chaos Arrow, Divine Wisdom, Speed, Short Teleport Mage Unique NPC, but does not have a fixed name and does not have a unique portrait.
God Cursed 『Gaki』 26 Juere Thief Friendly Taunt, and other random spells/abilities x3 Rogue Always carries a Cocky Wakizashi. Has unique dialogue.
Mechanical Doll 『Kiria』 32 Machine Warrior Friendly Rush, Frost Touch, Lightning Bit Fighter Always carries a Steam-Emitting Claymore. Is the Machine race, and has unique characteristics.
Fated Understander 『Mesherada』 42 Eulderna Warmage Friendly Lightning Bolt, Holy Bit, Divine Wisdom, Holy Veil Warmage Always carries a Silver-crafted Dagger. Always floats.
Eternal Traveler 『Wini』 50 Elea Wizard Friendly Magic Arrow, Magic Bolt, Magic Ball, Magic Bit Mage
Shadow Witch 『Verna』 55 Norland Wizard Friendly Summon Shadow, Chaos Ball, Death Ball, Insult, Speed, Boost Mage Always floats. Activates Boost (the same ability as Lulwy's Apostle), when HP is about 25%. Appearance changes when Boost is active.