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Players may randomly gain wishes by drinking from fountains, servers, wells.


Differences from Elona

Wishes have been heavily modified since elona.

To be granted a wish with water from the well, you must consume a Key Item called “Fragrance of Goddess”, which can be obtained from the statue of Luck if you do not already possess one and have not wished during the current calendar year.. Carrying it gives you a random chance to start the wish prompt when drinking from a well.

Wishes do not need to be an exact match when entering a wish, but rather a close one. The player may not wish for Precious Items.

If you wish for an item that is not available or does not exist, you will be laughed at coldly and the Fragrance of Goddess will be consumed.

Rod of Wish

The wand of wishes is an item that allows you to activate a wish even if you do not have Fragrance of Goddess. The power of the wish depends on magic devices and player's magic. Also, the power increases when the rods are blessed (x 1.5). A cursed rod also has 1.5 times the power, but the disadvantage is that the number of items generated is always one.

Randomly generated wish wands usually have zero charge and cannot be used.

Wishes with more than one charge can only be bought at the store or obtained as a reward for quests.

Item Generation Power

The power of the wish increases with the number of “Black Cat's Saliva” (Key Item) you possess and does not involve any other factors such as luck, danger level, player level, or skill. The Black Cat's Saliva can be obtained from the statue of Luck if you are not eligible for a Fragrance of Goddess, but this item is not consumed when you make a wish.

Any equipment wished for will be of quality Miracle or above. The level of enchantment of the equipment depends on the strength of the wish and the player's internal level. The number of slots for ranged weapons and other items is random.

If you wish for stackable items such as currency, you will receive multiple items depending on the value of the item and the strength of the wish.

Example Low power High power
Equipment enchantment Increase learning by 3 Increase learning by 12
Oren 800 Orens 30,000 Orens
Antibodies 3 25

Items related to wishes

Name How to obtain Effect Consume? Remarks
Fragrance of Goddess the statue of Luck (if you don't have Fragrance of Goddess and have NOT made a wish during the current calendar year). Can trigger a wish once a year Yes It can be found in the Journal (j-key) Key Item.
Black Cat's Saliva the statue of Luck (if you have Fragrance of Goddess, or if you already made a wish that year.) Increase the strength of wish generation No The less slobber, the lower the enchantment level and value.
Wish Rod Purchased by magicians, etc. Can trigger a wish at will Yes Ridiculously expensive. Does not consume Fragrance of Goddess.
Holy Well Noyel Doesn't trigger a wish. No Effect has been changed since elona; can only restore potential and acquire water.

Examples of Wishes

Note:The examples below are translated from the Japanese page and have not been tested in the English version. Due to language differences, it is possible that a different item will be generated with priority even if you wish it in the English version.

Common Wishes

These are frequently wished for. If you're unsure of what to wish for, one of these may be useful.

Since equipment is greatly affected by the reinforcement by Black Cat's Saliva, the more of it you have, the stronger equipment is likely to be generated.

Frequently wished for
Name Classification Effect Example of abbreviated input Remarks
seven league boots Feet Fixed effect: Increase travel speed seven PV, DV, and selling price is also there.
speed ring Finger Fixed effect: Speed ​​increase Selling price is high there.
aurora ring Finger Fixed effect: Bad weather resistance Selling price is high there.
Vindale cloak Back Fixed effect: Ether resistance vindale PV, DV, and selling price is also there.
Antibody Drink Treating Ether Disease You can get more than one piece depending on the number of Black Cat's Saliva.

Antibodies are also available at casino and Miral and Garokk's Workshop.

Lightsaber Longsword Has a high probability of Force enchantment. Force weapon refers to magic, magic device and casting skill, and is recommended for casters.
Railgun Ranged Weapon A gun with high damage and long effective range Because of its miraculous quality, there are many slots for modification tools.
cane Ranged Weapon Consume MP and perform magic attacks of various elements. Because of its miraculous quality, there are many slots for modification tools.
King's bed Bed The most expensive and best performing bed at the moment. Can be obtained easily via tickets. Weighs 210+ stones.
snowman generator generator Easy to handle due to its light weight among generators. See also the following limited item generators. Snowman generators come in higher denominations than wind or human generators per wishing power.
q Spawns some crossbow ammo. q Let's settle down!

What we can wish for

These are available through wishes, but are a bit iffy.

What we can wish for
Name Classification Effect Example of abbreviated input Remarks
Oren Currency Currency The amount you get is not much.
Gold bar Currency Currency The amount you get is not much.
Treasure map You can only get one piece.
Material kit The material is always Iron. The number of pieces you get depends on the value.
rod of wish rod A 0-charge wish rod is generated. No, you cannot wish for three more wishes.
Ether ext Ether trees of Nymelle's lowest layer are generated. ether If you want ether antibodies, wish for them using "antibody".
Card You get scratch cards. Maybe this isn't what you wanted?

You can't wish for a card that a monster drops.

Panty Ranged Weapon The world’s most comfortable pair of ultra-soft underwear!!It has its uses, but they are subtle because they can be bought from vending machines. It is not miracle quality either.
Trumpet Instrument Pet If you wish for a “pet” you will get this instead of a companion.
Moon Furniture A moon with a weight of 5500s, available at the Festival of Olvina. moon Moongate are preferred.
boat Furniture Boats in Port Kapur and other places. Not as valuable as the ★God's body pillow, but more valuable.
(Large signs) ext None in particular Large signs in the workshop, the Little Garden, the Snail Torture Club
Generator generator You get “human power generators”. (Not verified in English version)

The most common “generator” found in towns cannot be obtained from a wish because other generators are given priority.

Gene DNA With no memory When typing, "gene " must be followed by a space, as other items take precedence.

It cannot be used for Gene Engineering because you get the gene in its initial state, which has no memory of anything.

(Lost) God's Artifact Equipment Lost god's artifact can be reobtained A remedy for helpless believers who have lost their rewards from God. You cannot have more than one of the same piece of equipment, and duplicates will be destroyed when you pick them up.
Monster ball Item Capture monsters or non-unique NPCs below a given level In the normal case, it is not worth it, but if you wish with a rod of wish when you have a lot of drool or when your magic device skill exceeds 100, the number and level of drool can be tremendous.
breaker mech 39s. Turn on and off a type of generator that does not require labor. Can be stolen on the Cursed Manor B1F
stasis chamber mech 315s. Decorative furniture with no effect Can be stolen on the Cursed Manor B1F
BBQ table etc. crafter Can cook difficult meat dishes, etc. Only 40 tickets, not worth it.

Items for which wish acquisition is limited

These are items for which the means of obtaining other than wishes are currently unknown.

Items for which wish acquisition is limited
Name Classification Effect Example of abbreviated input Remarks
water drain generator generator 100Mw Wall-mounted power generator.
wind generator generator 100Mw gen, generator Power generator.
statue of Kumiromi etc. deco Not ★Statue of god, but an ineffectual stone statue that is displayed in towns. Kumiromi etc. The statues of the seven pillars (Izpalt, Opatos, Kumiromi, Jure, Lulwy, Ehekatl, and Mani) with no effect.

The ones displayed in the city cannot be collected with tickets.



figure Figure/ Statue of nothing. Installed as a box.
dream larva item See Succubus The only way for non-succubus players to obtain it.

It is mainly an ornamental aphrodisiac.

Heart of Innos Tur'as item See Innos Tur'as You can only obtain it when he is registered in the card codex.
big poster mount Dodgy drawings
balloon ext Middle click to change appearance Japanese dreary cartoon speech balloons.
grand cross furniture Decoration of only the cross parts of the Grand cross of the goddess in the Noyel church
cauldron crafter Large cauldron of 3*3 tiles, no difference in performance from normal
igloo furniture
lever mech Can be switched on and off (no effect)
ride furniture Same effect as trolley Various designs are obtained at random, some only by wishing.

What you can't wish for

Some of the items that existed in Elona are not yet implemented, and parameter changes and special events cannot be wished away at this time.

Not implemented or deleted

  • Happy bed
  • Scrolls of name/ability acquisition/material change
  • Potion of Descent
  • Descent of the Gods
  • Death (they do answer)
  • Youth
  • @/q
  • decayed weapon, magic stone, rune etc.

Things implemented, but cannot be wished for

  • Attributes such as speed
  • Learning skills/abilities
  • Specific NPC figures
  • Change of class/race
  • Change of age/gender
  • Wall/floor/platform/map objects in general
  • Iron ball (divine punishment)
  • Build tool (for demo version)
  • blueprint (for alpha)
  • teleporter
  • buried statue
  • mine entrance
  • stairways
  • traps
  • Land deed
  • Kumiromi's secret experience
  • Frying scroll
  • Altar of Chaos