
From Ylvapedia

Resources are one of the categories of items in Elin and are used as materials for crafting.

Resources can be obtained from the Wilderness and Nefia, or by further processing them in production facilities. Resources can also be recovered by dismantling items with a hammer.

List by Item


Resource Naturally occurring materials Where to collect Other sources Note
Tuft of grass Grass, forest grass, blue grass, deep grass, mystic grass Weed, Flower, Forest Nefia
Leaf Grass Weed, Flower, Water lily Dropped when hammering flowers.
Big Leaf Grass Palulu tree
Vine Grass Vine, wall vine, Seaweed
Branch Grass, wood Tree (seedlings to young)
Log Wood, bone Tree (young to withered), wreck (lumber)
Resin Oak Tree (young to withered)
Bark Oak Tree (young to withered)
Needle Bone Cactus
Body parts (Other than bone) Raw Food Drops from animals and monsters,or dissecting corpses with a butcher's tool
Bone Bone, coral Bones, remains, wreck (urn), fish
Stone Granite, Mica, Marble, Diorite et al Stone, wreck (stone), stone wall, huge rock
Ore Plastic, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, Steel,

Obsidian, et al.

Large rocks, veins Metal and mechanical monsters drop
Gem Lapis Lazuli, Silver, Onyx, Emerald, et al. veins, wreck (treasure chest)
Gem ore Dismantling gemstone equipment. Gemstones Equipment made of gemstone materials, dismantled with a hammer
Sulfur Silt Sulfur rock
Earth crystal Topaz Block in Nefia or wildness map with a danger level 10+ (rare) 【High Purity】(Price & Not Duplicable Lv. 5), 【Unusual】 (Price & Copy Fee Lv. 3)

Used for Breaking powder, low-level runes

Sun crystal Gold Block in Nefia or wildness map with a danger level 25+(rare) 【High Purity】(Price & Not Duplicable Lv5), 【Rare】 (Price & Copy Fee Lv. 4).

Used for sun lamps, geyser, mid-level runes.

Mana crystal Ether Block in Nefia or wildness map with a danger level 40+(rare)

Expect around 1-3 crystals for mining the entire level.

【High Purity】(Price & Not Duplicable Lv5),【Super Rare】 (Price & Copy Fee Lv. 5).

Used for Generator, Grimoire for Study, high-level runes.

Fiber Spider's web, wreckage (cloth), Shears animal hair (see Ranch) Process leather with dismantling tools, dismantle garbage bags with a hammer
Chunk (Soil) Dirt, mud, blue soil, ice Soil wall, floor of a field Can be taken from hard soil beds and fields (soil) in unlimited quantities.
Chunk (Ice) Ice Ice wall in snowfields
Chunk (Sand) sea sand, white sand Sand wall, sand floor Can be taken from hard soil beds and fields (sand) in unlimited quantities.
Fragment Bone, coral, sea sand, quartz sand

mica, crystal, jade, amethyst, titanium, diamond, ether

coral, shell, Fragments, Crystal Bake sand in a furnace
scrap Iron, copper wreck (scrap), Debris, walls and floors of Machinarium Nefia Empty cans to be dismantled with a hammer
Battery Silver wreck (scrap) mechanical monsters drop
Microchip Silver wreck (scrap) mechanical monsters drop
Queen bee Processed Food, apparently Uncommon bee drop [Rare] (Price & Copy Fee Lv. 4)
Shit Soil, Silver (rare), Gold (rare) Sometimes abandoned on the players land


When you shear the hair of animals with scissors, you obtain fiber made of the material corresponding to that animal (race). Most fiber types grant intrinsic traits, see Materials

See also Ranch.

Material Race
Wool Sheep (sheep, goat, alpaca, llama), Pig (pig, cow, hungry sea lion, etc.), Horse (horses, reindeer), Wolf, Shiba
Cashmere Rabbit, Slime (snow petit), Giant Squirrel
Leather Bear (bears, mammoth), Dinosaur (Dodo, Alien, Tyrannosaurus)
Silk Insect (Beetle)
Spider Silk Spider
Bone Skeleton
Scale Mermaid
Griffon Scale Harpy
Dragon scale Dragon, Wyvern, Drake (Drake, Mass monster)
Gold Slime (Golden snow petit)

Resources obtained by processing

These are resources obtained by further processing the resources. For detailed recipes, please refer to the Creating page.

Resource Tool Material
String Workbench vine/thread x2
Tight Rope Workbench String + Big Leaf
Nail Tinker's Table Bone/scrap/Ingot
Stick Sawmill Branch
Plank Sawmill Log
Cut Stone Stonecutter Stone
Bolt Blacksmith's desk Scrap/Ingot
IC chip Machine Table Microchip x3 + Gem
Ingot Smelter Ore/Gem/Gem Ore
Thread Spinner Fiber
Texture loom Thread x2
Carbone Log Kiln Log
Glass Kiln Fragment
Clay Millstone Soil/Sand + Potion or Drug
Brick Kiln Clay
Empty potion bottle Millstone Potion + Leaf/Flower
Dye Dye maker Empty potion bottle + any item

List by Means of Acquisition

Object Tool Harvest Location Skill
Tree (Sapling) Axe Branch Field Lumberjacking
Tree (Young) Bark, Resin, Log Field
Tree (Mature) Bark, Resin, Log Field
Tree (Withered) Bark, Resin, Log, Seed Field
Palulu Tree Big Leaf, (and resources from trees) Beach
Palulu Tree (Harvestable) Palulu, Big Leaf (and resources from trees) Beach
Fruit Tree (Harvestable) Apple (and resources from trees) Forest
Bamboo Bamboo Shoot, Log, Seed Field, Nefu Village
Vine Plant Vine Field, Nefia Gathering
Cactus Cactus, Bone Needle, Seed Beach
Weed Grass, Leaf, Seed Field
Bird's Nest Eggs, Fertilized Eggs, Straw Forest, Tinker's Camp
Flower (Color) Flower, Leaf, Seed Field
Berry Bush Forest Grass, Branch Field
Berry Bush (Harvestable) Berry, Seed Field
Crim Bush Forest Grass, Branch Field
Crim Bush (Harvestable) Crim, Seed Field
Api Bush Forest Grass, Branch Field
Api Bush (Harvestable) Api, Seed Field
Mushroom Red, White, Truffle, Rare Mushrooms, Seed Field, Cave and Forest Nefia
Coral Coral Fragment Beach
Seaweed Seaweed Beach, Port Kapul, Lumiest
Bone Bone Field, Beach, Mountain
Wreck (urn) Bone Nefia
Wreck (lumber) Log Nefia
Wreck (Rock) Stone Nefia
Wreck (Fabric) Scrap Nefia
Wreck (Gemstone) Gem, Ore, Scrap Nefia
Wreck (Electronic) Scrap, Microchip, Battery Nefia
Cobweb piece of silk Nefia, Olvina
Moss grass Tuft of grass Nefia
Wall vine vine Nefia
Stump log Forest Nefia
Debris scrap Machinarium Nefia
Fragment quartz sand fragment Machinarium Nefia
Chemicals dirty water Machinarium Nefia
Water lily leaf Mysillia
Fish raw bone Mysillia, Port Kapul
Dirt floor Shovel Dirt Any Digging
Grass floor tuft of grass Any
Sand floor Sand Beach
Ice floor Stone (Ice) Snowy areas
Ash floor Chunks made of pre-burned material Any
Conveyor belt chrome scrap Machinarium Nefia
Rail pine log Vernis mine
White line White sand Litte garden
Blocks in Outdoor Pickaxe (Resources that make up the block), Pebble, Gold Bar (Rare) Outdoor Mining
Blocks in Nefia (Resources that make up the block), Pebble, Earth Crystal (Rare), Sun crystal (Rare), Mana crystal (Rare), Gold Bar (Rare) Nefia
Soil Block Soil, Pebble, Stone, Earth Crystal (Rare), Sun crystal (Rare), Gold Bar (Rare) Field, Nefia
Soil Block (Vein) Soil, Gem Field, Nefia
Sand Block Sand Bach
Sand Block (Vein) Sand, Ore, Gem Bach
Wall (Stone) Rock, Junk Stone, Pebble, Earth Crystal (Rare), Sun crystal (Rare) Ruin Nefia, Void
Wall (Wood) Planks Haunted Mansion, Towns
Wall (Ash) Chunks made of pre-burned material Any
Ice Block Chunk of ice Snowy areas
Grass block Forest grass Forest Nefia
Stone (Small) Stone Field
Stone (Big) Stone Field
A Big Rock Ore Field
Huge rock stone Mountain
Rock salt salt, limestone Beach, sea
Sulphur Rock Sulphur Mountain
Crystal Fragment Mountain
Stalagmite stone, Pebble Nefia
Wall frame Copper scrap Machinarium Nefia
Wooden wall frame Pickaxe


Oak log Vernis mine
Gem Equipment Hammer Gem Ore Crafting
Trash & Junk Pieces, Ingots, Stone, Log, Texture, Scrap Trash appears in My Home
Furniture Ingots, Planks
Fertilizer Corpse
Flower Leaf
Log Branch
Corpse Butcher's Tool Skin, Bone, Fang, Offal, Heart, Bone Anatomy

Ash Floors/Walls

Fires caused by meteor or other means burn floors and walls, turning them into “ash floors/walls”.

When these are destroyed, chunks are obtained, but these chunks are made of materials before they are burned.

Therefore, chunks of almost any material used for the walls and floors of a town can theoretically be obtained.


Type Location
Acacia Tree Forests
Mushroom Tree Swamps
Oak Tree Fields
Willow Tree Willow
Cherryblossom Tree Near Olvina, Olvina
Mahogany Tree Mountains
Fir Tree Snow Areas
Cedar Tree Forests
Fruit Tree (Poplar) Forests
Fossilized Tree Nymelle bottom floor, Mysilia Castle Garden, Mage's Guild, The place where winds rest
Blue Flower Cold Locations, Forests
Pink Flower Swamps
White Flower Most Fields
Yellow Flower Most Fields
Rafflesia Nymelle bottom floor