
From Ylvapedia

Farming on your own land will ensure a steady supply of delicious food and resources needed for cooking and crafting.

List of Crops

See Food for the traits of each crop.

Edible crops
Crop Classification Maximum yield Fertility Days to harvest (approx.) By-products Seed availability Remarks
Rice Raw Foodstuff 2 3 20 Straw, leaves Merchants in Mifu Village Hydroponics is possible
Wheat Raw Foodstuff 2 3 20 Straw, leaves Yowyn (with karma reduction) Hydroponics is possible
Mushroom Mushroom 1 2 1 Red Mushroom, White Mushroom, Truffle and Rare Mushroom Complete the quest "Preparing for Pioneering"., Field map(forest) Does not need sunlight to grow

Mushrooms can be used as a vegetable for cooking, but cannot be used as an offering for Kumiromi

Carrot Vegetable 3 3 20 Merchants in Mifu Village, Harvest request
Imo Vegetable 3 3 20 Merchants in Mifu Village, Harvest request
Cabbage Vegetable 3 4 20 Merchants in Mifu Village, Harvest request
Radish Vegetable 2 4 20 Harvest request
Tomato Vegetable 4 3 20 Complete the quest "Preparing for Pioneering", Harvest request
Corn Vegetable 3 4 20 Merchants in Mifu Village, Harvest request Plant remains after Harvested.
Bamboo shoot Vegetable 1 1 1 Bamboo logs, etc. Nefu Village Seeds cannot be taken from bamboo shoots

if harvested too late, they turn into bamboo (trees)

Apple Fruits 3 3 40 Poplar logs, etc. Palmia, Aquli Teola, Field map(forest) Plant remains after Harvested.
Orange Fruits 3 3 40 Poplar logs, etc. Field map(forest) Plant remains after Harvested.
Pear Fruits 3 3 40 Poplar logs, etc. Field map(forest) Plant remains after Harvested.
Blueberry Fruits 3 1 20 Meadow, Field map(plain) Plant remains after Harvested.
Palulu Fruits 1 2 40 Large leaves, palulu logs, etc. Port Kapul, Field map(beach) Plant remains after Harvested.
Banana Fruits 3 3 40 Palulu logs, etc. Field map(beach) Unlike palulu, large leaves are not harvested. Plant remains after Harvested.
Cactus Fruits 2 3 20 Bone needles Field map(beach) Plant remains after Harvested.
Grape Fruits 1 5 20 Vine Harvest request, Olvina Plant remains after Harvested.
Rainbow Fruit Fruits 1 8 20 Bone needles Cute fairy
Crim Nuts 3 2 20 Meadow, Field map(plain) Plant remains after Harvested.
Api Nuts 3 2 20 Field map(plain) Plant remains after Harvested.
Red herb Herb 1 2 14 Meadow, Field map(Forest, Willow and cherry forest)
Blue herb Herb 1 2 14 Meadow, Field map(plain)
Purple herb Herb 1 2 14 Field map (Mountain), Forest Nefia
Classification Seed Crop Fertility Days to harvest (approx.) Seed availability Remarks
Resource Oak Oak 0.5 30 Meadow, Field map(plain)
Resource Pine Pine 0.5 30 Mifu Village, Field map(Mountain)
Resource Acacia Acacia 0.5 30 Nefu Village, Field map(snow field)
Resource Fir Fir 0.5 30 Noyel, Field map(snow field)
Resource Cedar Cedar 0.5 30 Meadow, Field map(plain)
Resource Birch Birch 0.5 30 Meadow, Mifu Village, The Graveyard, Field map(plain)
Resource Mahogany Mahogany 0.5 30 Field map(Mountain)
Resource Willow Willow 0.5 30 Willow, The Graveyard, Field map(Willow and cherry forest)
Resource Rosewood Rosewood 0.5 30 Meadow, Field map(plain)
Resource Cherryblossom Cherryblossom 0.5 30 Field map(Willow and cherryblossom forest)
Resource Green mushroom tree Green mushroom tree 0.5 30 Field map(forest)
Resource Purple Mushroom Tree Oak 0.5 30 Aquli Teola, Field map(forest)
Resource Blue Mushroom Tree Acacia 0.5 30 ecopo merchant
Resource Christmas tree Fir 0.5 30 Aquli Teola
Resource Feywood tree Feywood 10 Cute fairy Mature feywood supply electricity.
Resource Coralwood tree Coralwood 7 Cute fairy
Resource Weeds Grass, Leaves 1 8 Meadow, Field map(plain) When this crop is improved, a food trait is given.
Resource Cattail Grass, Leaves 1 20 Mifu Village, Nefu Village
Resource Pasture grass Pasture 0.5 20 Complete the quest "Preparing for Pioneering"., Field map(plain) When this crop is improved, the number of harvests increases and a food trait is also given to the seeds, not crop itself.
Resource Silver grass Pasture 0.5 20 Field map(plain) When this crop is improved, the number of harvests increases and a food trait is also given to the seeds, not crop itself.
Fiber Cotton Cotton, Leaves 2 20 Merchant's Guild(with karma reduction) Maximum yield:3
Flower White flower White flower 1 14 Meadow, Field map(plain) Maximum yield:1

When this crop is improved, a food trait is given.

Flower Yellow flower Yellow flower 1 14 Meadow, Field map(plain) Maximum yield:1

When this crop is improved, a food trait is given.

Flower Blue flower Blue flower 1 14 Field map(forest, snow field) Maximum yield:1

When this crop is improved, a food trait is given.

Flower Flower Flower(pink) 1 14 Field map(forest) Maximum yield:1

When this crop is improved, a food trait is given.

Farming Process

Seeds are obtained from

Seeds can be obtained by harvesting ripe plants with a sickle or by cutting down withered trees. A very low percent of the time, seeds will also be dropped if the crop is still growing or if the remnants of the plant are collected after harvesting.

Reap seeds from crops growing in the field or planted on the harvest request map. You can also harvest from crops planted in towns, at the occasional cost of karma per harvest.

Some seeds can be purchased from merchants in Mifu Village. The Ecopo merchants in Yowyn also receive a variety of seeds with a +1 enhancement value.

Seeds can also be obtained randomly from Kumiromi of Harvest's faith bonus. His apostle, the Cute Fairy, also can provide seeds that cannot be obtained elsewhere.


The first thing to do in order to farm, is to remove weeds from the map to free up fertility.

The land has a set value called fertility, and each grown plant consumes this value.

You can check the fertility value from the Home board. You can also check it from the information bar by changing the settings of the widget “Information Bar”.

If the fertility value is negative, reap seeds and harvest plant will yielt no returns, while the plant is still being consumed. Delegated farming and bee hives ignore fertility.

With Delegated farming with negative fertility, productivity will decrease, as in manual harvesting.

Fertility will be returned if plants are removed by harvesting, so remove all plants and trees that have nothing to do with the operation of the land.

Note that vegetation as floors or walls, or vegetation growing outside the boundaries of the map, do not influence fertility.

To increase the maximum fertility level, you can raise the level of the Soil Home skill, expand the land (talk to your assigned maid) or to have residents with farmer and/or gardening jobs/hobbies.

Residents whose job or hobby is farming or gardening will increase fertility based on their farming skill and bed efficiency.

Tents have 50 amount of fertility but no sunlight. Consider growing mushrooms or using a sunlamp.

As shown in the list of crops at the beginning of this article, the fertility consumed by plants differs depending on the type. You can also check this from the item description of the seeds, so check in advance and grow them on a scale that you have enough room for.

Plants put in the seed state do not consume fertility until they germinate. Be careful not to make judgments based solely on the fertility indicator on the Home bulletin board, as this may lead to misjudgment of capacity.


Seeds can be sown on ordinary ground and still grow, but it is more efficient to grow them in a field.

A field can be created by stripping the grassy area with a shovel and tilling the soil with a hoe. If you have tilled too much and need to revert ground, you can replace it with grass and shovel again as needed.

Rice and wheat are also crops that can be grown hydroponically, meaning that seeds can be sown near a body of water and still grow like a field. Riparian areas can be increased with the Bottomless Pot or water tiles.

Crops can only be grown on the player's land and in the tents. Even if you cultivate the ground and make a field in the town or Nefia, you cannot grow crops.

In addition, if you are growing crops in your tent, you will need to secure sunlight, as described below.

Field Environments

Crops need sunlight to grow. If they are grown indoors or in other places where sunlight does not reach, they will not grow.

Also, from December to February in the game, it is winter, and even if they are grown outdoors, they will not receive enough sunlight. Crops not only stop growing, but eventually wither and die. As an exception, mushrooms do not need sunlight to grow, so you can grow them freely indoors.

It is possible to grow crops indoors or in winter by lighting up the fields with special lamps that emit sunlight, such as Sun pendant light. If you can secure sunlight, it is also possible to grow crops even if there is snow on the fields.

In fact, sun lamps can emit sunlight even without electricity. However, the area of effect is narrower than when power is supplied. (without power: 2 tiles radius, with power: 6 tiles radius)


After planting seeds in a field or paddy field, crops can be harvested after a while. Each time you water your crops with the watering canister, the number of days until harvest is reduced by one day. When it rains, watering is done automatically. Paddy fields are always watered.

Fertilizer can be obtained by putting rotten or rottable items (like food) in a Compost Box and letting it rot. The amount of fertilizer produced depends on the weight of the item. If you place the fertilizer on the crop and wait an hour, the crop will grow by 10% of the number of days until fully grown. Rot speed is vastly increased in containers like the aging rack, compost box, brewery barrel and drying brick.

By the way, you can get a Defertilizer by mixing fertilizer and burnable or non-burnable trash in a mill-stone. If you don't want to kill an ornamental tree or other plant, you can use defertilizer to stop its growth. Defertilized plants will survive the winter but also will never ripen again, they are fully frozen in their current state and ignored by delegated farming. Consider defertilizing your flowers for beehives.

Seeds can have bonus stats, that apply to the food harvested. Bonuses are randomly awarded upon leveling up seeds and are limited to 7 points in 1 character stat per seed. Those bonuses are potency for the main stats (STR, END, DEX, PER, LER, WIL, CHA) as well as (an exception) CHA experience. So there are 8 different possible strains for each crop. All seeds of the same plant that grow touching each other will be assigned to the same strain. So if you want to create different strains, you need to space them out by 1. Crops cannot switch strains - once a strain for that seed is chosen, it is chosen.

Food quality level also increases randomly with seed level. The value of harvested crops rises quickly and at some point raw harvested food is more valuable than the wine that would result from it.

Delegated farming will also upgrade your crops albeit very slowly. The jumps will be smaller and the ripen to harvest delay is around 5 days.


Once your crop has grown to harvest time, it is time to harvest. Don't forget to use a sickle to secure the seeds for the next growing season.

If you do not set up the “Delegated Farming” described below, the plants that you harvest will not bear fruit again, so clear away the remaining grass and sow new seeds.

Mature trees planted in the field reliably drop seeds, so logs can be consistently collected without worry.


When you harvest crops in the field with a sickle, the seeds may be improved to increase their + value, with +1 crop level for every 10 seed enhancement levels.

The + value of the crop improves the quality of the log or crop, and you can get more materials from trees, pasture grass and silver grass.

In addition, for crops, pasture and silver grass that can be eaten, a random food trait is given, and each time you breed them, that trait is strengthened. Note that the only food traits that can be given to seeds through breeding are those related to potential and [collagen-rich] (increased charisma experience).

For crops that cannot be eaten, such as trees and cotton, the item traits of the harvest will be strengthened.

The quality of the honeycomb produced by beehives on the same map will increase with the level of flowers planted. (For details, see Bee hive.)

  • Through breeding, it is also possible to cancel out negative traits that a crop possesses. (For example, by giving the trait [Rough (DEX Potency positive)] to a palulu, you can cancel out the trait “Coarse (DEX Potency negative)])
  • The traits that can be strengthened through selective breeding are limited to the original trait level +7, but the quality traits can be continuously strengthened without limit.

The probability of a seed being enhanced increases if fertilizer is used, if the player has faith in the harvest Kumiromi, or if the player's farming skills are much higher than the level of the seed. The maximum level of seeds that can be improved depends on the player's farming skill.

Delegated Farming

As the level of Hearth stone increases, the "Delegated Farming" policy becomes available. This policy will automatically grow, harvest, and breed the crops planted on the land. However, the yield and breeding efficiency are not as good as when you grow your own.

Even if the crops have been harvested, Delegated Farming is possible to convert them into seeds for the next crop. Therefore, by only doing the harvesting process yourself, you can prevent a decrease in the amount of harvests due to Delegated Farming.

Also, the type of breeding of the same crop next to each other may be unified, and the same crop with different dietary characteristics may become monotonous if planted next to each other. If this is not desirable, they should be planted at a distance from each other.

The area to be farmed can be specified by a sign or scarecrow in the field. There is no need to have residents who have “farming” and “gardening” as their hobby and job.

Crops that have by-products such as branches and wood will be harvested as well, but seeds will be used up only for replanting.

The harvest is sent to a shared container, but if there is no shared container to accept the harvest, such as vegetables or fruits, they are sent to a shipping box.

When winter comes and crops stop growing due to a lack of sunlight, Delegated Farming will harvest the crops before they die and leave the seeds behind.

If the crops can be grown in winter using mushrooms or sun lamps to provide sunlight, they can be grown using the Delegated Farming.