
From Ylvapedia

Elin's world consists of Locations, spread across the World Map, Wilderness Tiles, and Nefia.

Within these locations, the player may undertake Quests, accept Requests from Npcs, or achieve goals for the various Guilds.

World Map

Version EA23.74: This article is behind the latest stable release of Elin, but maybe close enough to be reliable.


Locations can be divided into Towns, Settlements and Nefia. Unique Npcs are spread throughout these locations, and have varying features or services to provide to the player. All Towns and Settlements are linked to a Faction, but currently implementation of faction-wide effects is limited to the player's faction.


A static map that can be requested on the request board is defined as Towns in this wiki.

In towns, players may buy things from Vendors, or accept Requests from a Quest Board. Towns also provide many services, such as innkeepers providing meals to the player, or bartenders resurrecting dead allies on the spot, rather than going home to pick them up.


Fixed maps that are neither towns nor Nefia are called Settlements in this wiki.

Settlements, such as Little Garden or Seeker's Keep provide unique services, but do not have quest boards for requests, and may be lacking many other services provided at towns, such as innkeepers or ordinary vendors.


Nefia are the dungeons of the world.

There are static Nefia which are in set places across the world, and many random Nefia which scale according to the player's fame level. Nefia are swarming with hostile Monsters, and are dangerous places for the player to be. The random Nefia change locations periodically, as the world is rerolled.