Home Skills & Policies

From Ylvapedia

At the house board, the player can enact many decrees and skills for My Home that apply many various effects. Certain NPCs can effect the level of the skill.

Plans, bought from scholars for Gold Bars, can allow you to learn new skills and policies.

Home Skills

Certain NPC jobs and hobbies affect home skill levels.

You can raise home skill levels at the cost of Gold Bars, at Skill Level +5 bars/level. Innate cap refers to the maximum level that the skill can increase through gold bars alone; it can still be increased further by resident jobs.

Home Skills
Skill Name Effect Acquisition Book Cost Innate Level Cap
Construction Enables more functions in build mode. Levels up with Hearthstone. Initially learned - -
Administration Each level provides more administration points for enacting policies. Skill Level +4 points Initially learned - -
Food Supply Increases maximum number of residents. Skill Level +5 Initially learned - -
Legacy Each level adds +1 item that is assessed towards land value. Skill Level +5 Initially learned 6 30
Tax Evasion Reduces taxes paid every month. The skill level of all your settlements is added together. Expect around 25% tax reduction at combined skill level of 100. Fiama 11 -
Local Patriotism Makes it easier to improve resident's affinity. 4 -
Studious Increase the efficiency of residents' work and increase the bonuses they receive from them. 6 -
Soil Increases quality of land's soil. (+5 Fertility * Skill Level) 7 20
Public Safety Plays a role in how often attacks happen in the home Resident's job/hobby - -
Public Moral Affects the Civility of residents. 6 -
Emergency Ration Reduce penalties if population surpasses the max limit. Resident's job/hobby - -
Natural Power Generation Provides energy for appliances and mechanical tools. 10mw x Skill Lv Resident's job/hobby - -
Publicity Promotional strength to boost visitor and tourist numbers (Each level has the effect of 2.5x Attractiveness) 7 -
Luck Affects the probability of a Lucky month for the land. 15 -
Attractiveness Affects the number of guests Land feat of beach, sea, and snowfield - -


Policies are passive traits that consume a fixed amount of administration points while active.

Each policy gradually accumulates experience while active, leveling up and increasing in effectiveness over time.

Policies also have individual potentials, but it is unknown at this time how to raise them.

Department Policy Effect Admin Cost Acquisition Book Cost
Law Growth Boost Increases speed at which hearthstone grows. 3 Initially learned Free
Law Growth Supression Prevents hearthstone growth. 0 Initially learned Free
Law Border Watch Decreases enemy level of randomly generated enemies in My Home 3 4
Law Designer Drug Increases the probability of pets and residents living on the land drinking 2 4
Law Demon Invocation Increases content level and enemy level of randomly generated enemies in My Home 3 4
Law Human Right Law prohibiting killing and injuring people at home 4 6
Law Ban Radio Wave (Unverified) Law prohibiting residents from using illegal radio waves 4 6
Law Prohibition Prohibit pets and residents living on the property from drinking alcohol 3 4
Law Tourist Protection Increase the number of guests visiting My Home with a policy of Open for business 4 6
Law Panty Mandate Panties of residents and pets of the land, regardless of gender or race, will be generated as Fortune Drum prizes.

At a very low rate, residents will produce their own panties.

0 Nola 5(Influence)
Welfare Strict Anti-Littering Law Reduces the amount of garbage items generated. Has a penalty to civility. 1 Initially learned 4
Welfare Weed Pulling Campaign Reduces the amount of weeds generated. 1 Initially learned 4
Welfare Waste Sorting Campaign Reduce garbage generation rate and increase civil standards 1 4
Welfare Compulsory Vaccination Law making vaccination compulsory. Reduces sickness in the home. 2 4
Welfare Resident Wanted! Increase the number of people wishing to immigrate on the request bulletin board 4 6
Welfare Energy Conservation Lowering the amount of electricity consumed in the land 2 4
Welfare Nocturnal Life Residents will now be awake during the night 1 4
Economy Resident Tax Collect a small amount of tax from residents on the first of each month

The collected tax is added to the PC's salary

6 Initially learned 9
Economy Tax-Free Land Land where income is not taxed. Up to three tax-free lands can be designated. 0 Initially learned Free
Economy Open for Business Guests will start visiting your home 5 Loytel 6
Economy Legendary Heirloom Increase the value of items with the highest heirloom ranking 5 7
Economy Traveler's Inn Add the quality of the bed to the accommodation fee 6 9
Economy Furniture Store License Increases the prices of furniture 4 6
Economy Mass Exhibition Duplicate tourism exhibits will also be recorded in the tourism value, albeit only slightly. Cannot be set up at the same time as a private exhibition. 4 6
Economy General Store License Increases the prices of items other than food, beverages, and furniture 4 6
Economy Luxury Suite Rip off lodging fees from the wealthy. 8 12
Economy Fence License Increase the selling price of stolen items. It will also increase the contribution value of the Thieves' Guild when selling items. 3 4
Economy Rip-off Store Increase the selling price of goods substantially, but the purchasing power of customers will also decrease substantially. 10 15
Economy Platinum Ticket Increases tourism income from the wealthy. 7 11
Economy Slaver License Increases the selling price of slaves 6 9
Economy Solo Exhibition Increase the tourism value of tourism exhibits. Cannot be set up at the same time as mass exhibits. 8 12
Economy Celebrity's Heaven Increase the number of wealthy visitors to My Home 7 11
Economy Home Discount Decreases the price of goods sold from vendors in My Home 6 9
Economy Wealth Tax Increases resident tax for wealthy residents 9 14
Economy Faith Tax Increase inhabitant taxes according to the faith of the inhabitants 5 7
Economy Restaurant License Increases the prices of food and beverages 4 6
Economy Premium Store It raises the selling price of goods, but also reduces the purchasing power of customers. 5 7
Utility Transfer tax payment (common to all locations) Monthly taxes will be deducted from your bank deposit 0 Hearthstone Lv2 Free
Utility Delegated Farming Automatically grow, harvest, and breed crops in the area designated by the land or field stand

See Farming for more details.

0 Hearthstone Lv2 Free
Utility Anti Spam Package (common to all locations) Refuse to accept random packages other than Precious Objects 0 Hearthstone Lv2 Free
Utility Animal Prohibited Zone Ordinances prohibiting the entry of neutral animals 0 Hearthstone Lv2 Free
Utility Mother Prohibited Zone Ordinances prohibiting the entry of Mother and prostitutes 0 Nola Free
Utility Salary Transfer (common to all locations) Direct transfer of base income to the bank 0 Nola Free
Utility Livestock Privileges Ordinance allowing livestock to use shared containers 0 Hearthstone Lv2 Free
  • Book cost is in gold bars or town influence.