Elin:Fortune Drum

From Ylvapedia

★Fortune Drum is a facility located at Tinker's Camp, Port Kapul, Olvina, Noyel where old tickets can be used to play a lottery.

The prizes change monthly, and some of them are precious items that can only be found here.

Note that if this item is taken out of the map where it is located and used, it is virtually impossible to use it on any other map, as the only prizes are Lose(Humble Gift).

Limited prizes

  • These prizes are items derived from Merchandise given to supporters in Elin's crowdfunding.
    • The ★Lucky coin that can be obtained in the Fortune Drum are also specially designed (commemorative coins in a case) to reproduce the above-mentioned goodies.
Sprite Item Category
Elin Item Sprite Canvas of Rachel.png ★Canvas of Rachel Deco
Elin Item Sprite Memorial Block.png ★Memorial Block Deco
Elin Item Sprite Petit Charm.png ★Putit Charm Deco
Elin Item Sprite Figure of Goddess.png ★Figure of Goddess Deco
Elin Item Sprite Lucky Coin (Limited Design).png ★Lucky coin (Limited Design) Currency

Other prizes

  • Ether Antibody (1st prize: 3 bottles, 2nd prize: 1 bottle, 3rd prize: 1 bottle)
  • Small Medals (1st prize: 10 coins, 2nd prize: 3 coins, 3rd prize: 1 coin)
  • Platinum Coins (1st prize: 50 coins, 2nd prize: 20 coins, 3rd prize: 10 coins)
  • Furniture and Mechs (boat, boss chair, computer, TV, etc.)
  • Valuable Craft Materials (noble bear, pot, microchip, etc.)
  • Material Kit
  • Water
  • Resident ticket
  • Scroll of Ally
  • Indulgence
  • Recipe
  • Bag
  • Traveling rations
  • Younger sister
  • NPC's Panty
    • By default, some NPCs, mainly female unique NPCs and human and fairy races, are selected as wearers.
    • If you set the Panty Mandate policy, residents and pets of your land will be selected as wearers, regardless of gender or race.

Lose(Humble Gift)

  • Tissue
  • Scrubber