Elin:Little Garden

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A small schoolyard full of Little Ones, west of My Home (Meadow) . Big sister keeps everyone safe ♥


Little Ones

Big Sister's mission is to protect the Little Ones and wants the help of an angel to bring them back to her Little Garden. Little Ones spawn when you defeat a 『Big Daddy』. When a 『Big Daddy』 spawns in a map, "you hear a loud roar" will be printed in the log in yellow letters. Big Sister sell little balls for free, which are used to capture little ones. Bring captured little ones back to the little garden and let them out of the ball to be rewarded 5 influence, and the development level of the map (affect stores size) will increase.

Killing little ones will decrease the development level and increase the ticket prices of all claimables item on the map at a rate of 1 per little one killed. This increase can be worked off by rescuing little ones to offset your misdeeds; every 5 little ones saved reduces any penalty by 1. Killing little ones does not affect the spawn rate of big daddies.


The meat of the Little Ones carries the [ADAM] trait, the only source of this food trait in the game. When eaten, it grants an increase in base stat potentials, along with the message “you evolve”. This increase starts at +5 and gradually decreases with each use until it is +1 per Little One eaten. The maximum base potential increase is +50 total, after which eating more will not grant any more base potential.

Chaos Shape gain additional benefits from the [ADAM] trait in the form of the ADAM feat, which grants 2 life and 3 speed per rank, unto a maximun rank of 10. Each Little One meat grants one rank.



  • Big Sister (Little Ball, Furniture ticket, see also Notable Furniture)
  • Strange Little Girl (Gene Items, Syringes)
Strange Little Girl Shop
Name Influence Note
Braincells 2 DNA that can change the AI of your pet's combat
Syringe of Ether Solvent 2 When used on pets during Gene Engineering, it reduces the remaining time. When used on yourself or NPCs, it causes hallucinations and cures one of the ether Diseases at a certain rate
Syringe of Heaven 1 An item for thinning out the Little Ones that have gathered too much to make them happy. When injected into a Little One, it causes them to leave behind an egg and depart for heaven. (Karma +3)

Note that Little One eggs never have [Adam], including ones generated when using this item.

Notable Furniture

Name Ticket Quantity Note
★Izpalt's Body Pillow 10 1
★Mani's Body Pillow 10 1
★Lulwy's Body Pillow 10 1
★Kumiromi's Body Pillow 10 1
★Jure's Body Pillow 10 1 Reduces insanity when used while sleeping
★Opatos's Body Pillow 10 1
Telescope 10 1 When you use it, you can look around the map you are on
Jukebox 10 1 Play music from available cassette tapes as sound effects
Painting of "The Cat" 8 1 Raise Tourism
Painting of "The Younger Sister" 7 3 Raise Tourism
★Cooler Box 6 1 Can also be obtained from the "A request to find a puppy" quest
Noble bear 5 1 Craft resource for King's bed and Whisle of Peace
Slide 5
Last Remaining Flicker of Decency in this Wretched World 4 1 Craft resource for Futon
Decayed Big Daddy 4 3
Dome 4
Globe gym 3
Jungle gym 3
Mini pool 3 Allow you to remove your clothes once inside.
Seasaw 2
Swing 2
Ride 2 1 of each Designs: Dog, Rabbit, Dolphin, Mandragora, Black Angel, Exile
Horizontal bar 2
Miniature 1 1 of each Designs: Creeper, Vault Boy, others
Naughty Book 1 1 Gain a damage bonus of 1% (maximum 10%) against subject


  • Blade Omega x3
  • Mine Dog x4
  • Self Propelled Gun x5
  • There are 4 inaccessible generators in the northernmost corner of the map
  • Cassette tape No.51 "Yuki", desk in the classroom
  • Cassette tape No.85 "PSML515", Log chair behind slide