
From Ylvapedia

Many NPCs, including monsters, can be recruited as residents of the player's land through various means.


Residents can be taken around as pets, and because pets always have the property of being registered as residents of the player's land, the method of recruiting residents can be said to be the same as recruiting pets.

For this reason, please refer to the Ally page for specific recruitment methods.


  • Maid
    • Expands your land, applies to pay additional taxes to Mysilia, and change the player's title. You can appoint your favorite residents and livestock as a maid.
    • Gold bars are used to expand the land, which can be up to 96 km2 in size.
      • The gold bars required to expand the land to its maximum are 677 for the Meadow, 505 for Vernis, and 567 for other land.
    • There is a separate NPC with the name “Maid”. If you recruit him/her, he/she is appointed as a maid by default.
  • Livestock
    • You can designate any resident as livestock or revert them to a resident from the resident board/list.
    • Consume grass to produce milk and eggs. If the livestock can be sheared, they can also consume grass to recover the sheared hair.
      • Production efficiency varies by races.
    • Livestock are not counted as residents, but instead cannot do their original jobs and hobbies, cannot be bought and sold, cannot be taken on adventures as pets, and no longer generate requests.
    • Livestock that have been reverted to resident status cannot be designated as livestock again for 10 days.
    • Please also refer to the Ranch page.
  • Secretary
    • Although not strictly a role, the presence of a secretary/elder NPC allows for investment in the town's development
    • The size of a store is calculated as “the size of the store itself + the level of development of the land”, so investing in the level of development of the town will raise the size of all the stores in the area.
      • Also, there are stores, such as vending machines, that cannot be directly invested in, but for which the level of development of the town has a visible effect.
      • If you own multiple plots of land, the level of development is treated individually for each plot of land.
    • The Influence Shop has the same selection of goods as in other cities, but the furniture collection tickets are for Mysilia.


Each resident of My Home has a primary job which they will try to fulfil if your home has the proper facilities and signboard, and a hobby which they will do on the side.

In addition, it seems that residents who produce something will sell it directly from the shipping chest if there is no shared container where they can deliver their products.


The efficiency of the job/hobby is variable, depending on the skill level of the residents, the quality, comfort traits, the type and material of their bed, and their Affinity. Even a poor makeshift bed provides a substantial bonus to their efficiency.

Even residents who do not have the corresponding skills will automatically acquire them when they perform job/hobby and gain experience. Experience is gained every day so long as the resident is not in your party and is working.

Ranks for jobs and hobbies can be checked on the resident board/list.

The rank order: Amateur<Novice < Apprentice < Journeyman < Expert < Adept < Master < Grandmaster

Job/hobby efficiency affects both the resident's chance to produce an item, as well as their bonuses to land skills such as Soil.

The Fresh Air land trait adds an extra 20% efficiency to all residents.

Finally, each resident over the maximum population will reduce efficiency by 20%, to a minimum of 0. The Emergency Rations skill can offset this penalty slightly, with diminishing returns. (At 25 Emergency Rations skill, the penalty is reduced to 10% for each excess resident.)

Fixed Jobs/hobbies and Changing Jobs/hobbies

Also, some types of NPCs have fixed jobs and hobbies, such as a magician whose job is research, and a farmer whose job is farming and his hobby is tinkering in the fields.

Fixed jobs/hobbies have a "*" at the end of their name, such as "Lumberjack*" or "Supervising*".

Some are selected only for job, some only for hobbies, some for both, and some are possessed only by certain NPCs.

If their job and hobbies are not fixed, you can reroll them by using the Whip of love; it can be purchased as you progress through the main quest.

When a fixed job or hobby is newly set for an NPC in an update, the already generated NPC's job and hobby will not automatically change, and the fixed job and hobby will be reflected only by using the whip of love on the NPC.

Job/hobby list

Job Requirements Positive Negative Produce Job or Hobby Skill Note
Breeding None Egg, Milk Unique Negotiation Livestock's job

No skill growth through work

Supervising None Administration Unique Investment 『Loytel』's Job
Assassin None Public Safety Unique Stealth 『Ashland』 and 『Fiama』's job
Rumor None Pubilicity, Natural Power Generation Public Moral Unique Regeneration 『Demitas』's job
Lumberjack Lumberjack sign Logs Job Lumberjacking Little Girl, Prisoner's job
Blacksmith Anvil Ores Job Blacksmith 『Miral』, 『Garokk』, Blacksmith, Gunsmith's job, 『Misaki』's hobby
Cooking None Meals, Seasonings Both Cooking Butcher, Fishmonger, Fruit Shopkeeper, Baker, 『Rodwyn』's job

『Quruitzia』's hobby

Fishing Fishing Sign Emergency Ration Fish Both Fishing Very small chance of fishing up small medals

Fishermen and tourists job

Farming Farm sign Soil, Emergency Ration Job Farming Farmer, Beggar, Cow's job, 『Kinu』's hobby
Gardening farm sign Soil, Emergency Ration Both Farming Beggar's job, 『Loytel』 and Farmers' Hobby
Garbology Garbage dump sign Garbage Both Gathering
Hunting None Emergency Ration Animal Corpse, Marbled Meat Both Bow 『Melvin』, Mercenary Archer's job
History Bookshelf Ancient Book Both Memorization
Singing Mic Local Patriotism Both Music 『Farris』's job and hobby, 『Barrich』's hobby
Exploration None Publicity Gold Bar Both Travel Caravan master's job
Cleaning None Public Moral Both Pickpocket Cleans the home. (Stains, etc), Janitor and Maid(NPC)'s job
Chores None Both Weight Lifting Cleans the home. (Garbage, livestock products), 『Quruitzia』, Maid(NPC)'s job
Shopping None Home Discount Both Negotiation
Nursing None Public Moral Milk Both Regeneration Revival and status recovery of residents, Healer's job
Handcraft None Souvenir Both Production
Research Bookshelf Tax Evasion Job Literacy 『Kettle』, Scholar, Mage's Job
Instrument Instrument or Mic Local patriotism Both Music Bard's hobby
Game Tv Set Nocturnal Life Both Magic Device
Exercise None Natural power generation Hobby Weight Lifting 『Poppy』's job
Reading Bookshelf Studious Hobby Literacy Book Shopkeeper's job
Lottery None Public Moral Gacha ball Hobby Investment
Meditation None Natural power generation Both Meditation
Drug None Designer Drug Public Moral drugs Hobby Meditation
Cheering None Local patriotism, publicity Both Negotiation Dancer's job
Painting an easel Naughy book, dojin book, milk Both Sculpting 『Felmera』's job and hobby, apprentice artist's hobby
Praying None Public Moral, Public Safety letter of indulgence Both Faith 『Kinu』, 『Misaki』, 『Eureka』's job
Self harm None engagement amulet, troublesome soup Both Anatomy
Blog Computer, Monitor Pubilicity Both Literacy
Diary None Studious Hobby Literacy
Bathing Bathtub Pot of water, Rubber duck, Egg Hobby Swimming
Pet Cat House, Dog House, Cat tower Administration, Security Hobby Meditation 『Garokk』's hobby
Writing Writing Tool Studious Both Literacy
Fluffy stroke Cat House, Dog House, Cat tower Luck, Civility, Public Moral Hobby Meditation 『Eureka』's hobby
Personal pleasure Bed natural power generation Eggs Hobby Magic Device Prostitute and Mother's job
Walking None Mushroom Hobby Traveling 『Kettle』, 『Demitas』's hobby
Dieting None Can of Catechin, Gelatin Hobby Cooking
Smoking None Natural Power Generation, High Tax Public Moral Negotiation Hobby Meditation
Drinking None Public Moral, Civility, Booze Hobby Cooking
Antique None Junk Hobby Appraising
Extravagance None High Tax Hobby Appraising 『Jonan』, 『Zane』, 『Xabi』, 『Stasha』, 『Gilbert』,

Noble, millionaire, Elder, Banker, Producer's hobby

Skill level has no effect on the amount of tax generated.

Washing Fishing Sign Local patriotism Both Weaving
Romance None Resident Wanted! Milk Hobby Negotiation
Sleeping Bed Local patriotism Hobby Regeneration 『Corgon』's hobby
Rambo None Public Safety Ammunition Hobby Gun
Gacha Gacha Public Moral Gacha ball Hobby Investment Gambler's job
Pioneer None Public Moral, Faster growth of Hearth Stone Job Farming
Treasure Hunt None(Treasure map) Auto collect treasure Treasure map Both Gathering If you put the treasure map in a shared container, the map will be consumed to acquire a treasure chest

『Poppy』, 『Slan』, Captain's hobby

Hoarding None Gold bars, small medals, runes, old tickets, dominant genes, junk Unique Gathering 『Corgon』's Job


Population is capped for each lot. The current and maximum population can be found on the Home board.

In the land that the player has set as Home, the player is counted as one of the residents.

Pets accompanying the player as companions and residents who have physically left the land due to death or other reasons are also counted.

Unique NPCs, residents transferred to the hearthstone, and livestock are excluded from the resident count.

The act of physically leaving the land, such as going out as a companion or dying, is not a means of exclusion from the count.

When the number of inhabitants exceeds the limit, the inhabitants start slacking off and their work and hobby efficiency is penalized.

The specific penalties are not specified, but in the case of “fishing,” the rate of fish production is reduced, and the success rate of elements that have a probability of success is lowered.

The higher the number of excess people, the heavier the penalty.

In addition, bonuses to land skills like Soil or Natural Generation are reduced by 20% for each resident over the population cap. The Emergency Ration skill reduces this penalty with diminishing returns- at 25 Emergency Ration skill, the penalty is reduced to 10% for each resident over the population cap.

The maximum population is improved by increasing the hearthstone level, and it also varies with land feat.

The penalty can also be mitigated by raising the Home skill of “emergency food” through hobby work such as “farming”.


If you own two or more plots of land, you can use one of the following methods to move any of your residents to another plot of land.

  • Accompany the resident you want to move with you as a companion, and then speak to them on the new plot of land and select “I want you to move to this land”.
  • From the Resident Board/Resident List, select “Move to Hearthstone” for the resident you want to move, store them in a Hearthstone, and then “Summon” them from the Hearthstone at the destination.
    • The number of people who can be stored in the Hearthstone is determined by the total level of all the Hearthstones in the land.