Bestiary/Unique NPCs

From Ylvapedia

Unique NPCs, friendly or neutral, who live in towns and settlements.

Unique Town NPCs

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Little Dog『Poppy』 1 Dog None Friendly Predator Joins when rescued from Puppy Cave.

Job is always Exercise, Hobby is always Treasure Hunt.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Frontier Inspector『Loytel』 2 Norland Gunner Friendly Gunner Sells items that relate to the home.

Job is always Supervising, Hobby is always Gardening.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Talesinger of Olvina『Farris』 8 Norland Bard Friendly Cure Minor Wounds, Hero Predator Sells scrolls that help adventurers, and items that relate to the home.

Job is always Singing.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Shadow of Mysilia『Fiama』 18 Norland Thief Friendly Rogue Joins through story. After leaving the party, can be found in Willow. Has the item, ★Fiama's Journal.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Shadow of Mysilia『Ashland』 20 Norland Thief Friendly Rogue Joins through story. After leaving the party, can be found in Willow. Has the item, ★Ashland's Guitar.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Ill Eyed『Quruitzia』 14 Norland Warmage Friendly Death Touch, Magic Arrow, Ice Bolt, Shadow Bolt Warmage Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.
Wandering Alchemist『Kettle』 10 Norland Alchemist Friendly Nature's Embrace, Elemental Shield, Intonation of Mind, Mind Arrow Predator After the related quests, Kettle can duplicate items crafted by the player in his shop.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Steel Dragon『Corgon』 Dragon Predator Friendly Fire Breath Rare Species Learn feats faster
-2 character's Gene slots
Reduces the cost of Gene Engineering by -1 for genes that require more than 2 Gene Slots
Predator Due to Rare Species feat, has 3 Gene Slots instead of 5
Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.
Exile『Demitas』 Apostle Wizard Friendly Poison Arrow, Ice Bolt, Shadow Bolt Rapid Cast +1 Spell Projectile per rank Mage Allows the duplication of all spellbooks, but restocks only once every 30 days.

Does not contribute to your town's number of residents.

Outland Lord『Cetrus』 32 Elea Bard Friendly Predator
Scholar of History『Theolucia』 11 Norland Bard Friendly Predator Farris's younger sister.
Voice of the Night 26 Juere Predator Friendly Insult, Invisibility, Gravity, Teleport, Steal Predator Receptionist of the Thieves Guild. She has no fixed name. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Maiden of the Night『Anastazija』 32 Norland Thief Friendly Rogue Watchman of Thief's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Bringer of the Night『Najena』 45 Juere Thief Friendly Rogue Grand master of Thief's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Nefu Village
Maiden of Blades『Misaki』 34 Nefu Warmage Friendly Taunt, Cure Minor Wounds Celestial Fox Gains Life, Speed, Dark, Holy, Magic Resistance +5
Increases as more tails grow (every 5 levels) up to max of 9 tails
Warmage Can provide the Euphoric blessing.
Job is always Praying, Hobby is always Blacksmithing.
Loyal Teleports to the ally being attacked and receives damage in their place
Idol of the Royal Court『Stasha』 8 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
Acting Mayor『Nola』 12 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
Prince of Palmia『Xabi』 18 Norland Warrior Friendly Predator
『Denek』 20 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
King of Palmia『Zane』 22 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
Shield of Palmia『Conery』 37 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
Iron Hammer Of Palmia 『Gilbert』 44 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
Port Kapul
Watchman of the Fighter's Guild『Doria』 36 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter Watchman of Fighter's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Grand Master『Thorran』 44 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter Grand master of Fighter's Guild.Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Womanizer『Raphael』 12 Norland Predator Friendly Predator Has Baby feat rank1.

Job is always Romance, Hobby is always Personal pleasure.

The Duke of Mysilia『Jonan』 16 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
『Older Younger Sister』 20 Roran Sword Sage Friendly Chaos Intonation Predator An older sister who is not related to you by blood, but was separated from you.

If you are a true big brother/sister, she will be your companion.

Has the [Adam] feat at rank 5.

The Prince of Mysilia『Efrond』 20 Norland Gunner Friendly Insult, Eye of Insanity, Eye of Dimness Gunner Drops ★Efrond's Guitar.
The Mysilian General『Caldorn』 22 Norland Warrior Friendly Fighter
The Silver Gale『Melvin』 38 Norland Warrior Friendly Intonation of Lightning, Mist of Darkness, Speed Rapid Arrow +1 Ranged Projectile per rank, Faster Reload Archer
Majestic owl『Griffin』 42 Chiken Predator Friendly Levitate, Boost Predator Cannot be recruited.
The Red Hair『Barrich』 41 Norland Bard Friendly Rush, Sound Breath Predator
The Mysterious Servant『Eluminaire』 65 Elea Warmage Friendly Ether Bolt, Ether Ball, Miasma of Ether Warmage
Mifu Village
The Blessed Priestess『Kinu』 34 Mifu Warmage Friendly Holy arrow, Nether ball Miko Draws strength from cursed equipment Warmage Bestows the blessing of Holy Veil.
Job is always Praying, Hobby is always Farming.
The Innocent Girl『Gwen』 8 Roran None Neutral Predator No karma loss when killed. Will always follow the player wherever they are on the map.
Master Painter『Felmera』 14 Norland Pianist Friendly Invisibility, Summon Animal Predator Will take Old Sketches and provide paintings and journal gallery entries.

Job is always Painting

Suffering Apprentice『Renton』 14 Norland Wizard Friendly Ice Bolt, Ice Arrow Mage
Honor Student『Revlus』 15 Norland Wizard Friendly Nerve Bolt, Nerve Arrow Mage
Grand Master『Jorg』 34 Norland Wizard Friendly Mage Grand master of Mage's Guild. Can change domains for the player at high enough rank in the guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
The watchman of the Mage Guild 『Lexus』 38 Norland Wizard Friendly Ice Touch, Lightning Arrow, Death Arrow Mage Watchman of Mage's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
Tinker's camp
Caravan Master『Nino』 29 Norland Tourist Friendly Summon Animal Predator Sells recipes for the home.
Caravan's mascot『Moyer』 8 Norland Bard Friendly Cannot be recruited.

Other Unique NPCs

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Chief of Orphanage『Lowell』 21 Norland Bard Friendly Predator
Fortune Bell
Casino Clerk 22 Norland Predator Friendly Insult, Invisibility, Gravity, Teleport Predator Fortune Bell's Receptionist. She has no fixed name.

Sells items in exchange for Casino Chips. Gives a free scratch card once a day.

Can be brought home, but will not respawn in the Fortune Bell.

Little Garden
『Little Sister』 1 Chaos Shape Tourist Friendly Predator Eating the corpse grants the [Adam] feat. Killing Little Sisters will reduce the town level of the Little Garden by 5.

Rescuing additional Little Sisters reduces the penalty by one..

Let's take her home to Little Garden!

Once returned to Little Garden, you receive +5 influence for Little Garden.

『Strange little girl』 6 Norland Tourist Friendly/Vendor You can recruit her, but you can only purchase items from her when she is in Little Garden. Sells genes that allow you to change NPC combat AI, as well as syringes of heaven and syringes of ether solvent.
『Big Sister』 95 Chaos Shape Warmage Friendly/Vendor Nerve Arrow, Miasma of Nerve, Rush, Eye of Dimness Loyal Teleports to the ally being attacked and receives damage in their place Warmage Guardian of the Little Garden. Cannot be recruited to the Home. Sells Little Balls for free and sells furniture tickets for Little Garden in exchange for influence.

Has 20 body parts and [Adam] 20.

The Cursed Manor
Cursed Girl『Melilith』 18 Eulderna Wizard Friendly Summon Undead Younger Sister, Death Arrow, Miasma of Darkness, Holy Veil, Resurrection Mage NPC reward should the player complete her treasure hunt by offering her the correct treasure.
Merchant's Guild
Guild Master『Marian』 30 Juere Thief Friendly Rogue Grand master of Merchant's Guild. Cannot be recruited to the Home.
The Workshop of Miral & Garokk
Legendary Smith『Garokk』 42 Hillfolk Warrior Friendly Fighter
Legendary Smith『Miral』 44 Hillfolk Warrior Friendly Fighter Vendor. Sells items in exchange for ★Small Medals.
Seeker's Keep
Shadow of Palmia『Slan』 16 Norland Thief Friendly/Vendor Rogue Sells Maps.

Hobby is always Treasure Hunt.

Seeker 45 Elea Warmage Friendly/Vendor Lightning Arrow, Death Arrow, Ice Touch Warmage Possesses the ★Mystic Mask . Once a year, can provide the player with many free books.
The Place where Winds Rest
『Billy』 18 Dog Wizard Friendly Ether Arrow Spiky Cut Resistance +20
Cut counter to attackers on contact
Mage Has Heavy Shell (Ether Disease) feat. Ether-element attacks.
Firebrand of Strife『Eureka』 36 Demigod Executioner Friendly Rush, Entangle, Insult, Weakness, Intonation of Blood Frontline Commander Strengthen allies per enemy count on the same level Predator Provides the Cat's Eye blessing upon request.

Job is always Praying, Hobby is always Fluffy stroke.

Nefia or wildness maps
『Big Daddy』 20 Machinegod Gunner Neutral Rush, Fire Breath Arcane Core Immune to Dim, Bleeding.

Poison, Cut Resistance +20 Lightning Weakness -10

Gunner Occasionally appears in nefia and wilderness tiles as neutral NPCs. Special message on entering the level. Has additional random abilities in nefia higher than 50 danger level.

When slain, a Little Sister appears, which can be captured with the specialty balls from Little Garden and brought back safely.

Is recruitable like most other NPCs.

Non-Unique NPCs with 『Name』

These NPCs have a unique appearance and a name with a 『』, but are treated as general NPCs.

Name Level Race Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
『Rodwyn』 the Witch 21 Witch Friendly/Merchant Magic Arrow, Throw Potion, Magic Bolt Predator Every meal she sells has an additional trait added to it. Also sells putitification and broomification potions and books.

Has a unique appearance, but does not count as a unique NPC.

Mifu Village
General Goods Vendor『Aoi』 21 Gunner Friendly/Merchant Gunner Always has Rainbow Fruit in stock.

Although she has a unique name, her sprite is not unique.

Nefu Village
Innkeeper 『Mizuno』 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Has a unique look and name, but isn't a Unique character.