
From Ylvapedia


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Apostle 2 2 100 150 100 100 Servant If you have three or more of these feat holders in your party, they will start fighting each other. 3 Good (Amateur) Egg 3% Milk %3 Elemental Damage Reduction: 20

They are all treated as humans, regardless of their species

Vulnerable to Human Bane and God Bane

Apostles of God

Apostles are given as the first reward for following a specific god. They remain even if the player switches to worshipping a different god.

See the Gods page for more information.

Each apostle follows a specific God which cannot be changed

Apostle Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Android 10 Gunner Neutral Rapid Arrow +1 Ranged Projectile per rank, faster reload Ranged Follower of Mani
Reboot Reboot when dead
Golden Knight 10 Warrior Neutral Rush, Taunt, Nature's Embrace Strength of Earth Able to lift heavy objects (more carry capacity) and can carry anything without complaint
Inflicts "Gravity" upon attack
Tank Follower of Opatos

Doesn't have the weightlifting skill by default

Black Angel 10 Archer Neutral Speed, Slow, Insult, Always Floats Boost Boost attributes when near death (greatly increased speed, +4 Rapid Arrow, +2 Rapid Cast) Follower of Lulwy
Rapid Arrow +1 Ranged Projectile per rank, faster reload
Black Cat 10 Predator Neutral Death Arrow, Bane, Eye of Insanity Blessing of Ehekatl Enhance equipment dropped as loot (by licking) Predator Follower of Ehekatl
Exile 10 Wizard Neutral Magic Arrow, Darkness Arrow, Nether Arrow Rapid Cast +1 Spell Projectile per rank Mage Follower of Itzpalt
Defender 10 Paladin Neutral Cure Major Wound, Holy Veil, Lay on Hands, Resurrection Follower of Jure
Cute Fairy 10 Archer Neutral Eye of Dimness, Slow, Mind Arrow, Summon Tentacle Elemental Dust Magic, Dark, Nerve, Nether, Sound, Mind, Chaos Resistance +5 Archer Follower of Kumiromi
Fairy Stomach is one of the only ways to get Rainbow Fruit seeds
Fairy Stomach Eating sometimes produces random seeds
White Vixen 10 Wizard Neutral Nether Bolt, Holy Bolt, Nether Bit, Holy Bit Miko Draws strength from cursed equipment Follower of Kizuami
Fox Maid 10 Paladin Neutral Taunt, Hero Celestial Fox Gains Life, Speed, Dark, Holy, Magic Resistance +5
Increases as more tails grow (every 5 levels) up to max of 9 tails
Tank Follower of Horome
Militant 10 Warmage Neutral Hero, Cure Critical Wounds Frontline Commander Strengthen allies per enemy count on the same level Follower of Yevan

Other Apostles

It is a monster whose race is apostle, other than an apostle given by God. They are also counted as apostles.

Apostle Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Exile(Citizen) 14 Wizard Friendly Magic Arrow, Darkness Arrow, Nether Arrow Predator Follower of Itzpalt

They don't have Rapid Cast and Magic Res +20.