
From Ylvapedia


Race HE NE CH BK HN RN AR WA FT Life Mana Vigor Spd Feats Feat Effects Gene Slots Mount Aptitude Livestock Additional Info
Norland 2 2 100 100 100 100 From North Increased hunger cap, Protected from item destruction by cold 3 Normal (Amateur) Egg 6% Milk 5%

Norland Level Class Animosity Skills Feats Feat Effects AI Notes
Mercenary 5 Warrior Hostile Fighter Neutral in cities. Has two sprite variants: male and female.
Hot Guy 10 None Hostile Suicide Bomb Predator Neutral in cities.
Samurai 13 Warrior Hostile Fighter Neutral in cities.
Mercenary Archer 20 Archer Hostile Archer Neutral in cities.
Mercenary Warrior 20 Warrior Hostile Melee Neutral in cities.
Mercenary Mage 20 Wizard Hostile Ice Touch, Lightning Arrow, Death Arrow Mage Neutral in cities.
Executioner 26 None Hostile Summon Shadow Predator
Child (Norland) 1 None Neutral Predator
Beggar 5 Tourist Neutral Predator Job is always Gardening.
Punk 1 Gunner Neutral Gunner
Prisoner 5 Thief Neutral Predator Job is always Lumberjacking
Prostitute 3 Thief Neutral/Special Rogue Can be asked for a good time, sometimes.

Has two variants: male and female. Job is always Personal Pleasure. Can be asked directions.

Citizen (Norland) 5 None Friendly Predator Sprite changes in winter.
Noble 2 Warrior Friendly Predator Hobby is always Extravagance.
Magnate 10 None Neutral Predator Hobby is always Extravagance.
Secretary 11 Predator Friendly/Merchant Cure Major Wound, Silence Predator Can trade town influence for Furniture Tickets and other goods. Can be invested in for influence in towns.
Mayor 8 Predator Friendly Gunner
Elder (Yowyn) 7 Tourist Friendly/Merchant Predator Hobby is always Extravagance. Provides the same shop as Secretary.
Farmer 9 Farmer Neutral Predator Many are found in Yowyn. Job is always Farming, Hobby is always Gardening.
Sailor 11 Thief Friendly Rogue
Captain 18 Predator Friendly Predator Hobby is always Treasure Hunt
Elder 1 None Neutral Predator No karma loss when killed.
Hotspring Maniac 2 Tourist Neutral Predator
Guard 40 Archer Friendly/Special Archer Hostile if Karma is negative. Can be asked directions.
Janitor 28 Predator Neutral/Special Predator Job is always Cleaning. Hostile to Snails.
Mascot 42 Predator Friendly/Special/Merchant Predator Hostile if Karma is negative. Can be asked directions.

Can trade orens for casino chips. Can be found in Palmia & Fortune Bell

Thief 14 Thief Neutral Steal Money Rogue Thieves' Guild NPC.

Has two variant sprites: male and female.

Fighter 12 Warrior Friendly Fighter Fighters' Guild NPC.

Has two variant sprites: male and female.

Artist 3 Wizard Friendly Mind Touch Mage Hobby is always Painting
Nun 10 Tourist Neutral Cure Minor Wound, Holy Veil, Light Touch Predator
Palmian Special Forces 21 Gunner Friendly Gunner Can be called as reinforcements during Battlefield quests.
Caravan Master 21 Warrior Neutral Fighter Job is always Exploration. Although this is the same unit type as Nino, it is not unique.
Follower 18 Wizard Neutral Mage Can be of any faith. Occasionally, Fanatics will hang one from the gallows.

Releasing them makes the fanatics hostile, but provides Karma(+2) Hanging ones are Friendly.

Fanatic 15 Wizard Neutral Fighter Can be of any faith. Occasionally, they will hang Followers from the gallows.
Banker 28 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Can store orens for the player. If the Transfer Tax Payment policy is active, the bills will be deducted from this account.
Scrivener 28 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells various deeds.
Book Shopkeeper 18 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Spellbooks, Lorebooks, Maps, Treasure Maps, and Old Sketches.
Scholar 20 Wizard Friendly/Merchant Mage Sells policies and home skillbooks for gold bars.

Job is always Research.

Magic Shopkeeper 27 Predator Friendly/Merchant Ice Touch, Lightning Arrow, Death Touch Predator Sells Spellbooks and Magic Devices.
Healer 22 Priest Friendly/Merchant Cure Major Wound, Holy Veil Healer Can cure negative statuses on the player. Sells Spellbooks, Rods, Scrolls and Potions relating to Recovery.

Job is always Nursing.

Informer 21 Thief Friendly Rogue Can discover Nefia in nearby wilderness tiles. Can also lockpick chests for a fee.
Bartender 28 Gunner Friendly/Merchant Gunner Can ressurect allies for a fee. Sells alcoholic beverages.
Innkeeper 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Can feed the player for a fee. Sells Meals, Seasonings, and Travel Rations.
Fruit Shopkeeper 21 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Fruits, including some unfarmable ones. Occasionally sells Rainbow Fruit.
Blacksmith 29 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells equipment.
Gunsmith 29 Gunner Friendly/Merchant Gunner Sells Bows, Guns, and Ammo. Also sells mod tools for ranged weapons. The strength of the mod is determined by the shopkeep level.
Baker 22 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells goods derived from Wheat or Rice, such as noodles and bread.
Butcher 29 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Meat, Meat Meals, and Seasonings.
Fishmonger 21 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Fish, Bait, and Rods.
General Goods Shopkeeper 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells a little of everything.
Souvenir Shopkeeper 14 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells miscelaneous goods. Occasionally has Monster Balls.
Salesclerk 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells furniture, outdoor supplies, and food.
Furniture Merchant 20 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells furniture.
Dyer 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells dyes.
Lantern Merchant 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Seasonal festival only. Sells only lighting when you invite them to your home.
Blackmarket Shopkeeper 33 Predator Friendly/Merchant Steal Money Predator Enchanted equipment may be sold depending on the scale.
Junk Shopkeeper 19 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells Junk.
Souvenir Shopkeeper 19 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Sells souvenirs such as Wooden Figure.
Fireworks Merchant 25 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Found at festivals. Sells fireworks of many types.
Animal Tamer 28 Predator Friendly/Merchant Summon Animal Predator Sells animal allies.
Slave Master 31 Predator Friendly/Merchant Steal Money Predator Sells humanoid allies.
Drug Dealer 26 Predator Friendly/Merchant Steal Money Predator Sells medicine and drugs, such as acidproof liquids.
Exotic Merchant 38 Predator Friendly/Merchant Predator Currently identical to the Black Market Vendor.
Trainer 31 Warrior Friendly/Merchant Fighter Trainers can teach the player skills.

If players recruit the trainers from inside guilds to their homes, the skills taught are randomized to match a town trainer instead.

Part Time Mascot 35 Pianist Friendly Predator