User:トレモロン/Miscellaneous Resource Transformation

c.f. User:トレモロン/Hammering Alchemistry

systematic understanding of items produced in hammering: craftable items

Hammering produces items following several rules.

Equipments or not

Firstly, whether an item is categorized as an equipment or not matters.

When an item is categorized as an equipment (including bullets), it will turn into a base state of its material.

For an instance, rubynus equipment becomes an ore gem, and one made od ether becomes a fragment.

For unequipable items, they all turn into the main ingredient, a.k.a. leftmost ingredient in their crafting UI.

For example, a bookshelf becomes a plank, as a plank is the main ingredient of a bookshelf.

Craftable items that accept multiple items as the main ingredient

However, some items can be made from different items.

For examples, a bolt can be crafted from either a piece of scrap or an ingot.

In this case, hammering produces the leftmost one among all options.

Therefore, a bolt turns into a piece of scrap regadless of how it was made.

This resource transformation allows players to make rubynus bunk beds from rubynus ingots.

A dish turns into a random item in the category. The produced item has initialized parameters.

However, if the dish has a name taken after the main ingredient, its hammering product is fixed to the main ingredient.

For an instance, "api nuts cookies" become api nuts without RNG.

Items that have special hammering features


  • items that require equipments or tables
    • produce nothing.
  • Modded range weapons
    • produce mods on top of base states
  • grimoire of study
    • random spell books
  • natural ramp
    • natural ramp automatically turns into a stone ramp when placed. Digging this results in sonte.
    • natural ramps made of grass, deep grass, forest grass, mystic grass, ash, red soil, soil, blue soil, deep soil, forest soil, light soil, yellow soil, or mystic soil don't follow the rule.

Duplication helped by Kettle

Duplicated items turn into ashes.

They have tags that say "it is duplicated" which fix their hammering products to ashes.

The tag does not survive crafting or processing.

[duplicatable item:A]→[B made from A that can be hammmered into a useful resources]

Duplication of any given fibers

Make a spider web made of the material you want to duplicate.

Let Kettle duplicate it.

Spin into a thread and hammer it.

[duplicatable item: spider web]→[thread made from A that can be hammmered into a useful resources]

Duplication of any given ingots

You need two ingots or a material hammer first.

Make a pipe ooout of the material you want to duplicate.[1]

Let Kettle duplicate the pipe.

Make bird cages out of them and hammmer them twice.

This duplication needs rubber ducks.

Notable Ingots Hemp

Hemp's trait lowers price of the item.

This pipe duplication, for example, can be maximized by making pipes out of hemp bolts.


For paper generators or paper fridge.

Dark matter

This duplication enables making a dark matter water bin out of 2 ingots.

Duplication of Log

A tree you grew gives you a log eith "made by you" tag.

Materail hammer doesn't remove the tag, so you can make ehter duplicatable log or other things.

  1. It needs to be a specific type of pipe that can be used in crafting a bird cage.