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Revision as of 09:53, 22 March 2025 by Sakumashiki (talk | contribs) (Waystone now allows map renaming and user map uploading in the tent.)
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This article summarizes the furniture that can be used by placing it on the ground.

For decorative furniture, see the Furniture page,

Container for furniture that has the ability to store items,

For beds, please refer to the beds page.

Facility list

Name Use How to obtain Note
Training dummy(straw) Can train attacks by consuming stamina Rewards for the quest "The Way of Crafter" NPCs also train occasionally, and you can change their appearance with a middle click.
Training dummy(log) Can train attacks by consuming stamina Crafting at the Carpenter's table NPCs also train occasionally
Sand bag Can train attacks by consuming stamina Crafting at the Carpenter's table NPCs also train occasionally

Normal sandbag, different from the one in Elona used to hang NPC

Armored training dummy Can train attacks by consuming stamina

PV varies depending on the armor used as material.

Crafting at the Blacksmith's table
Gallows Facility to train defense. You can restrain yourself or your companion and let the inhabitants attack you. Obtained in the course of the quest “Defense Training”.
Wooden horse Facility to train defense. You can restrain yourself or your companion and let the inhabitants attack you.
Cross Facility to train defense. You can restrain yourself or your companion and let the inhabitants attack you.
Tax chest Can pay bills for taxes and courier service usage Purchased at casino, collected in Missilia, Palmia, Derphy
Waystone Can leave the map instantly and can be set as a resurrection point in case of death

Inside the tent, you can change the map name and upload user map.

Crafting at the Mason's table
Trash bin Earn Ecopo by throwing away unwanted items. Crafting at the Carpenter's table or Blacksmith's table There are several different looks and different workbenches that can be produced.
Casino table Play blackjack Fortune bell See Fortune Bell for game details.
Throwing circle Play basketball Fortune bell See Fortune Bell for game details.
Slot machine Play slots Fortune bell See Fortune Bell for game details.
Pachislot machine Play slots Derphy, Lumiest See Fortune Bell for game details.
Telescope Look around the map you are on Speckwing, Little Garden Binoculars, a hand-held item, have the same effect.
Mirror table Can change the player's appearance. Crafting at the Glassmaker's table, Mysilia, Derphy, Aquli Teola etc.
Toilet Improve the hygiene of the players Crafting at the Blacksmith's table
Bathtub Improve the hygiene of the players Crafting at the Blacksmith's table
Stone bathtub Improve the hygiene of the players Crafting at the Mason's table
Changing room When you enter one of it, you can take off your clothes. When you go back in, you can put your clothes back on. Olvina To get into the hot springs, you need to undress with this.
Mini pool When you enter one of it, you can take off your clothes. When you go back in, you can put your clothes back on. Little Garden To get into the hot springs, you need to undress with this.
Trolley entrance Allows the rider to get on and off a companion without using the riding abilities.

If you touch the pet while riding, you can dismount from the pet you were riding and let the pet wait in place.

Touching it again allows the rider to mount the waiting companion.

Can change the PCC skin during a ride from the middle click.

Crafting at the Carpenter's table The waiting companion is considered to have left the party. When they are mounted, they rejoin the party.
Mannequin You can change the equipment on the player and the mannequin at the same time.

You can name the mannequin by middle-clicking on it.

Crafting at the Carpenter's table For players who want to change their combat equipment and skill boost equipment at the same time
Radio Can play environmental sounds Crafting at the Machine table
Boomer Play music from available cassette tapes as a sound effect Crafting at the Machine table
TV Play music from available cassette tapes as a sound effect Crafting at the Machine table
Jukebox Play music from available cassette tapes as a sound effect
Gramophone Change the BGM for the map you are on. Buy from Nino Can also be used from the inventory
Firework launcher Fireworks with the corresponding number are set off. Buy from Festival Merchant Some fireworks can be changed in pattern and color. See Fireworks for details.
Moongate Randomly visit maps published by users. Buy from Nino See Moongate for more details.
Starweaver's Moongate Select a user's map that you have visited in the past and visit it.

You can choose to go to the base of a player who speaks a different language than you from the settings.

Buy from Nino
Teleporter Transfers between multiple locations or between locations. Buy from Nino Teleportation between locations is only available between locations of base level 5 or higher.

See Teleporter for more details.

Crafter and Processor

You can use these facilities even from within the inventory.

Only methods of obtaining and general uses are listed here.

For specific recipes that can be made with each facility, please refer to Creating.

Crafter and Processor

Name Use Crafted by Location Note
workbench Can make rudimentary building materials and crafter and processor Quick craft Miral and Garokk's Workshop
tinker's table Making tools,ammo, intermediate materials, etc. Workbench Orphanage, Willow
drafting table Can make crafter and processor Workbench Somewhere
signboard workshop Make signbords for housing Workbench N/A
flooring workshop Make floors for housing Workbench Derphy, Port Kapul, Lumiest
wall workshop Make walls for housing Workbench Derphy, Lumiest
block workshop Make blocks for housing Workbench Derphy, Lumiest
platform workshop Make platforms for housing Workbench Lumiest
carving tool Make pillars for housing Tinker's table Tinker's Camp, Miral and Garokk's Workshop
carpenter's table Make items made of wood Workbench Orphanage, Mysilia, Willow
mason's table Make items made of stone Workbench Somewhere
blacksmith's table Make items made of metal Drafting table Somewhere
machine table Make mechanical items Drafting table Aquli Teola, Miral and Garokk's Workshop
loom Make items made of cloth Drafting table Somewhere
sewing tool Same effect as loom Tinker's table N/A
glassmaker's table You can make windows and showcases. Drafting table Mysilia, Aquli Teola
accessory table Make rings and necklaces. Drafting table Somewhere
writing tool Can make posters, books, etc. Tinker's table The Embassy
Sawmill Can process wood. Workbench Port Kapul, Lumiest, Miral and Garokk's Workshop
Stonecutter Can process stone. Workbench Tinker's Camp, Orphanage, The Cursed Manor, Port Kapul
Smelter Make ingots from ores and gemstones Drafting table Mysilia, Port Kapul(Fighter's Guild), Lumiest, Miral and Garokk's Workshop, Noyel
Gem Cutter To process gem ores into gemstones Drafting table Mysilia, Lumiest
Spinner Fiber can be processed into yarn. Drafting table Derphy, Mifu Village
Millstone Various items and foods can be made. Workbench Derphy, Mysilia, Mifu Village, Lumiest, The Cursed Manor
Wooden mortar Foods can be cook. Drafting table N/A
Kiln Various items and foods can be made. Drafting table Derphy, Mysilia, Speckwing, Miral and Garokk's Workshop, Noyel
butcher's tool Disassemble corpses and skins Tinker's table Tinker's Camp, Yowyn, Derphy, Mysilia, Port Kapul
Sculpting Table Carve monster statues from stones, ingots, and corpses Workbench Lumiest, The Cursed Manor Statue models are randomly choiced from monsters that have been defeated once, ranging up to the your sculpture skill +15 level
Ration Maker Make travel rations Drafting table Speckwing
Dye Maker Create dyes from a variety of materials Tinker's table N/A See Dye for color shades
Incubator Quickly hatch fertilized eggs Machine table N/A You can also hatch the egg by placing on a bed and allowing it to hatch over time.
Grinding wheel Repair rusted equipment using polishing powder Drafting table Mysilia, Willow, Miral and Garokk's Workshop See Equipment for details
Barrel processing machine Remove all modification tools attached to ranged weapons using breaking powder Drafting table Mysilia, Mifu Village See Weapons for details
Scratch machine Obtain prizes by consuming scratch cards N/A Fortune bell Common: Single Casino Chip

Uncommon: Foods, Miniature box, furniture,etc.

Rare: Small Medal

★Fortune Drum Draw a lottery with an old ticket. N/A Tinker's Camp, Port Kapul, Olvina, Noyel See individual pages for details of prizes
Anvil Recipe is available, but the ingredients are not yet implemented. Workbench Tinker's Camp, Mysilia, Willow, Port Kapul(Fighter's Guild), Lumiest, Miral and Garokk's Workshop, Noyel
furnace Recipe not yet implemented Drafting table Palmia, Port Kapul(Fighter's Guild)
jewelry tool Recipe not yet implemented Tinker's table
bone carving tool Recipe not yet implemented Tinker's table Tinker's Camp
alchemy tool Recipe not yet implemented Tinker's table Tinker's Camp


For specific recipes that can be made using each piece of equipment, see Cooking.

Name Use Crafted by Location
bonfire Can cook simple dishes

Fiama and Ashland gather here before the residents join.

Quick craft Meadow, Hill Cave, Vernis, Speckwing, Mifu Village, Nefu Village
fireplace Can cook the same food as a bonfire. Mason's table Orphanage, Merchant's Guild, Mysilia, Port Kapul, Speckwing, Lumiest, Miral and Garokk's Workshop, The Mansion of Younger Sister, Noyel, Seeker's Keep
BBQ table In addition to the dishes that can be cooked over a fire or in a fireplace, high-level meat dishes, etc. can be cooked. Machine table Derphy, Willow, Palmia, Quiet Beach, Speckwing
cutting board Can cook fish dishes. Tinker's table Port Kapul, Quiet Beach, Fortune bell, Lumiest, Noyel
mixer Can cook fruits dishes, etc. Tinker's table Olvina, Noyel
oven Can cook breads, cakes, and cookies Drafting table Yowyn, Mysilia, Willow, Palmia, Port Kapul(Fighter's Guild), Lumiest, The Mansion of Younger Sister, Noyel
camp pot Can make simple soups. Tinker's table Hill Cave, Tinker's Camp
cauldron In addition to dishes that can be made in a camp pot, high-level soups and noodle dishes can be made. Tinker's table Mysilia, Palmia, The Cursed Manor
cooker Can make various kinds of food. Mason's table Olvina, Yowyn, Mysilia, Willow, Speckwing, Miral and Garokk's Workshop, The Mansion of Younger Sister
microwave oven Make take-out pizza etc. Machine table Derphy, Palmia
espresso machine Can brew milk-based drinks Machine table N/A