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*Note* Not all item images are uploaded, so many are not displayed.

Template for displaying item images, item names, etc.This template calls Module:Item and Module:Item/IDAliases.

template parameter
Parameter Type Description
1 String Item name. if img has no value, this value will be the image file name.
2 or x Number A number enclosed in parentheses () after the item name. It can be a string, but mainly refers to the number of items.
size String Specifies the image size; units of px are also required. Default:32x32px
ext String Specify the extension.Default:png
img String Specify an image.
link String Specify the link destination. Don't forget namespace, etc. Specifying no, N, or false will not link.
v Number Specify a variation of the item image of the same name.
id String Item id specifies the variation of image.
grid String Specify 1,yes,Y,true to change the way it is displayed.


result syntax description
 Basic type.
 By entering 1 for parameter 2 or x, 1 is enclosed in ().
Pot of HoneyPot of Honey
{{Item|Pot of Honey|size=64px|link=Elin:Bee}}
 Set the image size to 64px and link to 'Elin:Bee'.
 Note that the larger the image, the larger the margins.
Pile of BreadPile of Bread(2)
{{Item|Pile of Bread|x=2|link=no}}
 If 'no' is entered for the link parameter in the basic type, the image and item name will not be linked.
Pile of BreadPile of Bread
{{Item|Pile of Bread|link=no|img=Elin_Item_Sprite_Pile of Bread 2.png}}
 The image can be displayed by entering the file name in the img parameter.
The priority of the image is img>id>v>name.
Pile of BreadPile of Bread
{{Item|Pile of Bread|v=3}}
 Display image 3 of a pile of bread. If name substitution is possible, the image is displayed.
Burnable GarbageBurnable Garbage
{{Item|Burnable Garbage|grid=1}}
 Change the display method.
Bottle of AleBottle of Ale
{{Item|Bottle of Ale|id=50}}
 Automatic determination of images with the Bottle of Ale id of 50.