User contributions for Barrett
30 December 2024
- 12:3112:31, 30 December 2024 diff hist +4,307 N Elin:モンスター/イス/螺旋の王 Created page with "{{Infobox Profile ja | image = | image2 = | nameEn = Spiral King | nameJa = 螺旋の王 | alias = | aliasJa = | gender = | genderJa = | level = 52 | levelJa = 52 | race = Yith | raceJa = イス | class = Wizard | classJa = 魔法使い | faith = Random | faithJa = ランダム | faction = | facti..."
23 December 2024
- 08:0508:05, 23 December 2024 diff hist +4,173 N Elin:モンスター/ウサギ/ヴォーパルバニー Created page with "{{Infobox Profile ja | image = | image2 = | nameEn = Vorpal Bunny | nameJa = ヴォーパルバニー | alias = | aliasJa = | gender = Random | genderJa = ランダム | level = 30 | levelJa = 30 | race = Wyvern | raceJa = Rabbit | class = Predator | classJa = プレデター | faith = Random | faithJa = ラ..."
- 07:5707:57, 23 December 2024 diff hist +108 Elin:モンスター/恐竜/ティラノサウルス 先天フィートと装備部位を追加 Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 07:5307:53, 23 December 2024 diff hist +4,202 N Elin:モンスター/シバ/シヴァ Created page with "{{Infobox Profile ja | image = | image2 = | nameEn = Shiva | nameJa = シヴァ | alias = | aliasJa = | gender = Random | genderJa = ランダム | level = 24 | levelJa = 24 | race = Shiba | raceJa = シバ | class = Predator | classJa = プレデター | faith = Random | faithJa = ランダム | faction..."
- 07:4207:42, 23 December 2024 diff hist +4,074 N Elin:モンスター/ウィスプ/ウィル・オ・ウィスプ Created page with "{{Infobox Profile ja | image = | image2 = | nameEn = Will o'wisp | nameJa = ウィル・オ・ウィスプ | alias = | aliasJa = | gender = Random | genderJa = ランダム | level = 12 | levelJa = 12 | race = wisp | raceJa = ウィスプ | class = | classJa = | faith = Random | faithJa = ランダム | fac..."
- 07:3107:31, 23 December 2024 diff hist +3,687 N Elin:モンスター/コウモリ/コウモリ Created page with "{{Infobox Profile ja | image = | image2 = | nameEn = Bat | nameJa = コウモリ | alias = | aliasJa = | gender = Random | genderJa = ランダム | level = 2 | levelJa = 2 | race = Bat | raceJa = コウモリ | class = | classJa = | faith = Random | faithJa = ランダム | faction = | factionJ..." Tag: Visual edit: Switched
16 December 2024
- 10:1010:10, 16 December 2024 diff hist +3,937 N Elin:モンスター/ワイバーン/ワイバーン initial create