Precious Objects

From Ylvapedia
(Redirected from Elin:貴重品)

Several items in Elin are precious but are not equipable or wieldable.

Sprite Item Type Effect Desc Where
Elin Item Sprite Ehekatl's Body Pillow.png ★Ehekatl's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep, Higher chance of discovering new recipes Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Jure's Body Pillow.png ★Jure's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep, Reduces insanity Little Garden, Jure Conversion Campaign in Noyel
Elin Item Sprite Opatos's Body Pillow.png ★Opatos's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep

Regenerates Nefias

Little Garden
Elin Item Sprite Kumiromi's Body Pillow.png ★Kumiromi's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep Little Garden
Elin Item Sprite Mani's Body Pillow.png ★Mani's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep Little Garden
Elin Item Sprite Lulwy's Body Pillow.png ★Lulwy's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep Little Garden
Elin Item Sprite Itzpalt's Body Pillow.png ★Itzpalt's Body Pillow Bed Increased effects of sleep Little Garden
Elin Item Sprite Feather of Healing.png ★Feather of Healing Misc Complete full heal of all stats and statuses. Noyel Festival
Elin Item Sprite Guitar.png ★Ash's Guitar Instrument Ashland
Elin Item Sprite Guitar.png ★Efrond's Guitar Instrument Efrond
Elin Item Sprite Wind Sword Mound.png ★Dagger Grave Exterior Memorials may be made to the Adventurer. Place Where Winds Rest, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Altar of Chaos.png ★Altar of Chaos Utility By offering the heart of Innos Tur'as to it, you can fight him again. Crafting from Mason's table
Elin Item Sprite Loytel Mart.png ★Loytel Mart Exterior Wagon-shaped vending machine. Can only be used on the player's land. In the initial state, junk, shoulder massage ticket, one hour arm pillow ticket, and champagne call ticket can be purchased. Home quest
Elin Item Sprite Cooler Box.png ★Cooler Box Container It slows the process of decay. [***] Puppy Cave, Little Garden
Elin Item Sprite Gift Box of Jure.png ★Gift Box of Jure Container Opens to provide goodies(For details, see the relevant page) A special gift box filled with Jure’s tenderness. My Home on December 25th
Elin Item Sprite Holy Tree.png ★Holy tree Decoration Ornamental item ★Gift Box of Jure, Noyel Festival
Elin Item Sprite Gift Box of Elin.png ★Gift Box of Elin Container Opens to provide goodies(★Bundle of Memorial Sketches, ★Letter of Will, a crim ale) A special box filled with Elin's gratitude My Home (Kickstarter rewards)
Elin Item Sprite Bundle of Memorial Sketches.png ★Bundle of Memorial Sketches Book When given to Felmera, adds several sketches to journal. ★Gift Box of Elin (Kickstarter rewards)
Elin Item Sprite Letter of Will.png ★Letter of Will Book Has a chance to ignore death penalty. Changes grave design, ★Gift Box of Elin (Kickstarter rewards)
Elin Item Sprite Gene Machine.png ★Gene Machine Mech Used for Gene Engineering. It consumes 120MW. Nino
Elin Item Sprite Fortune Drum.png ★Fortune Drum Facility Draw a lottery with an old ticket. Tinker's Camp, Port Kapul, Olvina, Noyel
Elin Item Sprite Canvas of Rachel.png ★Canvas of Rachel Deco ★Fortune Drum
Elin Item Sprite Memorial Block.png ★Memorial Block Deco ★Fortune Drum
Elin Item Sprite Petit Charm.png ★Putit Charm Deco ★Fortune Drum
Elin Item Sprite Figure of Goddess.png ★Figure of Goddess Deco ★Fortune Drum
Elin Item Sprite Deed.png ★Land Deed Book If you read it on land that does not belong to any faction, you can acquire rights to that land. Scrivener
Elin Item Sprite Deed.png ★Relocation Deed Book When read on the world map, one property owned by a player can be selected and moved to that location. The land feats that the property has do not change when it is moved. Scrivener
Elin Item Sprite Advanced Adventurer License.png ★Advanced Adventurer License Book Allows you to earn more than the maximum fame value (5000) Random nefias are generated at the 51st level of danger or higher. Scrivener
Elin Item Sprite License.png ★Void Exploration License Book Allows you to enter the Void. Scrivener
Elin Item Sprite License.png ★Illumination Engineer License Book Allows the color of the light emitted by the lights to be changed from the middle click. Scrivener
Elin Item Sprite Secret Experience of Kumiromi.png ★Secret Experience of Kumiromi Book Gain 1 feat point for player, or 3 feat points for the pet. Statue of the Harvest

Lucky month

Elin Item Sprite Book A.png ★Book(Young Sister) Book Adds Younger Sister to allies. Miral
Elin Item Sprite Book A.png ★Book(Younger Catsister) Book Adds Younger Cat Sister to allies. Miral
Elin Item Sprite Book A.png ★Book(Young Lady) Book Adds Young Lady to allies. Miral
Elin Item Sprite Ticket to Befriend Melilith.png ★Ticket to Befriend Melilith Book Ticket allows player to recruit Melilith as an ally. The Cursed Manor
Elin Item Sprite Small Medal.png ★Smal Medal Currency Trade for precious items at The Workshop. Locations
Elin Item Sprite Lucky Coin.png ★Lucky Coin Currency +2 Luck, it is kept as Key Item after use. Platinum merchant, ★Fortune Drum