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Revision as of 18:45, 24 March 2024 by The Observer (talk | contribs) (Added ADAM trait)
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Level Up

Type Starting Feat Flavor Effect Requirement Cost
General Apprentice Ascetic Being an ascetic enhances your vital force +4 Life +8 +12 +16 +20 1
General Magical Gene You gain mana by using gene manipulation +4 Mana +8 +12 +16 +20 1
General Short Distance Runner Years of training strengthens your stamina. +4 Vigor +8 +12 +16 +20 1
General Stone Defense You establish your own defensive style. +2 PV +5 PV +10 PV 1
General Dodge You learn how to dodge attacks. +2 DV +5 DV +10 DV 1
Main Attribute Arm Wrestler Train arm wrestling to increases your strength +2 STR +10% +4 STR+20% +5 STR+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Flexible Fingers Moving your fingers makes you dexterous. +2 DEX +10% +4 DEX+20% +5 DEX+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Tough Pushing your head against a wall makes you tougher. +2 END +10% +4 END+20% +5 END+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Watch's Eye Train your eyes by looking into the distance. +2 PER +10% +4 PER+20% +5 PER+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Curious Deepen your interest in everything. +2 LEA +10% +4 LEA+20% +5 LEA+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Spiritual Contact with supernatural beings to hone your magic. +2 MAG+10% +4 MAG+20% +5 MAG+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Strong Will Fight back tears and strengthen your will. +2 WIL+10% +4 WIL+20% +5 WIL+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Sexy You learn sexy poses. +2 CHA+10% +4 CHA+20% +5 CHA+30% 1/1/1
Main Attribute Lucky Sighting a falling star brings you luck +2 Luck +4 Luck +6 Luck 1/1/1
Main Attribute Agile Chasing cats increases your speed +5 Speed +10 Speed 1/2
Skill Evade You improve your evasion skill. +2 Evasion +4 Evasion +6 Evasion 1/1/1
Skill Negotiator Working under a trader improves your negotiation skill. +4 Negotiation +8 Negotiation 1/1
Skill Martial Artist You learn the tricks of martial arts from fighting in streets. +3 Martial Arts +6 Martial Arts 1/1
Skill Believer Training under a priest deepens your faith. +4 Faith +8 Faith 1/1
Special Animal Lover Your love of animals leads you to understand animal language. +2 Charisma, Animals can start talking. 1
Special Exorcist Your prayer weakens the power of cursed whisperings. Nullifies curses occasionally. 1
Special Easy Sleeper You learn how to count sheeps. Increased Stamina recovery when sleeping,

Increased chance of learning a recipe when sleeping

Special Party Animal You attend parties to be popular +1 Max ally +2 Max ally +3 Max ally 1/2/3
Special Lonely Soul You learn how to turn solitude into strength Boost to attributes proponent to max ally vacancies.* 1/1/1/2/2
Special Shepherd You learn how to lead a flock +1 Max summon +2 Max summon +3 Max summon +4 Max summon +5 Max summon +6 Max summon 1/1/1/2/2/2
Special Defender You learn how to use foul language to distract enemies Learn special action "Taunt"

+1 Taunt range

Special Gourmet You learn knowledge about food and nutrition. Shows food traits Cooking 1

*Main Attribute feats add +10% potential to the base potential per tier, meaning potential can not drop below this new amount.

*Lonely testing: At rank 2 lonely, 135 base speed (Nefu (125) + Agile Rank 2 (+10)), and two ally vacancies, the feat was providing 1 speed per vacancy.


Racial Feats
Race Feat Flavor Effect
Yerles Fast Learner 1 Learn Feats Faster

Platinum coin discount when training

Eulderna Bonded with Mana 1 Reduce the effects of Mana Overflow
Magic Precision 1 Reduce the chance of area spells hitting friends
Fairy Little One 1 Greatly increase evasion

Cannot equip stuff weighing more than 1s.

Elemental Dust 1 Magic, Dark, Nerve, Nether, Sound, Mind, Chaos resistance +
Hillfolk Mead Blood 1 Receive various bonuses when Drunk. Walk straight when Drunk.
Underground Dweller 2 Poison, Darkness resistance ++
Juere Efficient Feeder 1 Increased food effects.
Elea Bonded with Mana 1 Reduce the effects of Mana Overflow.
Old Forest Dweller 1 Ether Resistance ++++
Chaos Shape Mutating Body 1 Fewer body parts. Your body grows parts.
Snail Snaily 1 Melt in salt.
Lich Undead 1 Poison, Nerve Resistance +

Dark, Nether Resistance ++ Fire Resistance -

Golem Arcane Core 1 Poison, Cut resistance ++++

Immune to Daze, Bleeding

Mifu Fox Ward 1 Blessings further protect allies. Hexes further weaken enemies.
Fluffy Tail 1 You have a fluffy tail. Increased speed when not wearing waist gear.

(Hidden: Can be cuddled by NPCs and players)

Old Fox Lineage 1 Your lineage is ancient. Increased spell learning speed.
Succubus Moonlit Kin 1 Learn "Dream Larva"

Able to prey on sleeping creatures. Grow through pleasurable experiences.

*Yerles seem to have a 25% discount on feat experience required, a 20% discount on learning new skills, and platinum costs increase by 1 at 300 potential instead of 250 potential for a level 1 skill.


Feat Flavor Effect Acquisition
Adam You are evolved +2 life, +3 speed per rank As a Chaos Shape, eat food with the [ADAM] tag that is found on Little One meat.