
From Ylvapedia

The Mifu are a hybrid race of fox-human who live quietly in a corner of Tyris. Unlike their sister race, the Nefu, they are characterized by their white hair and fur, and large fluffy ears that stand up straight. They are cheerful and mischievous, and while they aren't particularly resilient, they make up for it with their outstanding knowledge of blessings and curses.

Racial Stats and Feats

Race Str End Dex Per Lea Will Mag Cha Total Life Mana Vigor Spd Skills Feat Feat Effect
Mifu 5-10 5-10 8+5 8+5 12+25 7 11+20 9+10 65+45 70 110 100 130 Pickpocket(130)



Martial Art(130)

Fox Ward 1

Fluffy Tail 1

Heavy Eater 1

Blessings further protect allies. Hexes further weaken enemies.

Increased speed when not wearing waist gear.

Hunger cap increased by 10%


Fox people with sensitive ears and tails. Isolation in their mountain village has allowed the Mifu to retain their unique culture, differing from the rest of Tyris in architecture, cuisine, dress, and more. Judging by the fields of Mifu Village, they particularly love rice.

While Mifu can do well in most magic-focused archetypes, they perform best in dedicated support roles. Direct physical combat should be avoided due to poor strength and endurance, and a low life score should be compensated for by hiding behind one's allies.

While they have high innate speed, this comes at the cost of a waist slot; wearing waist equipment while having the fluffy tail feat results in a ~15% penalty to speed.

Fox ward is the essence of Mifu-style play: every blessing by a Mifu decreases damage taken by the recipient. Conversely, every hex by a Mifu increases the damage its victim suffers. These can be potent force multipliers when used to support allies or minions.

The Heavy Eater feat raises the hunger cap. Since excess nutrients are wasted when eating food that exceeds the hunger cap, this feat allows to eat more nutritious food without worrying about nutrient loss.


For every blessing or hex on a Mifu/on a target a Mifu is attacking up to a maximum of 4,

Received damage = original damage * 100/(100+number of buffs * 5)

Received damage = original damage * (100+number of debuffs * 5)/100

Hence at 4 blessings/hexes, the final damage values are 83% incoming and 120% outgoing.

Suggested Classes

Mifu perform best in support classes which center around buffing and debuffing.

  • Priest
  • Inquisitor

Lore and Trivia

  • The Mifu are a backer race.
  • Mifu can be petted like animals; this has a small chance of producing milk or an egg.


Mifu Concept Art

Mifu concept art.

Mifu concept art.

Mifu concept art.