![]() | Some of the text on this page is from the Beta build of the game. |
Immortal undead endowed with immense intelligence and magic, Liches possess greater mana and meditation skills compared to other races. However, they lack the physical stamina for direct combat. While liches have resistance to several elements, they are weak to fire.
Racial Stats and Feats
Race | Str | End | Dex | Per | Lea | Will | Mag | Cha | Total | Life | Mana | Vigor | Spd | Skills | Feat | Feat Effect |
Lich | 5-10 | 6-5 | 6-5 | 7 | 8+5 | 13+30 | 15+40 | 5-10 | 65+40 | 60 | 150 | 100 | 100 | Meditation(140)
Casting(130) Magic Device(130) Martial Art(120) |
Undead 1
Light Eater 1 |
Poison, Nerve Resistance +5
Dark, Nether Resistance +10 Fire Weakness -5 Hunger cap decreased by 9% |
Other traits
- DV: 15
- Physical Damage Reduction: 25
- Elemental Damage Reduction: 30
Ambitious magi who turn to lichdom to escape death. They've lost much of the strength and vitality they had before, not to mention they're now as attractive as corpses can be, but in exchange, they retain their wisdom, and their magical power grows stronger than it had in life.
Liches are an extreme caster archetype with excellent starting attributes in mana, will and magic, but poor in just about everything else. Lich has the parameters of Physical Damage Reduction and Elemental Damage Reduction and a modest bonus to DV instead of low vitality. Given that the Physical Damage Reduction and Elemental Damage Reduction calculations are quite simply additive, the mani and kizuami artifacts give you somewhat better durability for your Life (especially against magic). Compared to a fairy, a lich trades speed and charisma for better casting capabilities; however, the problems of early-game are made even worse with a lich's low carry capacity, survivability and ability to gather allies without penalty. A lich's low physical stats make it unsuited for just about any role except a magical one; a player aiming to create a hybrid class should pick eulderna for defense and nefu for offense.
Liches have resistant to poison, nerve, dark, and Nether elements due to their undead feet, but are vulnerable to the fire. While poison and nerve-element attacks are rarer, dark and nether resistances are more valuable. While fire damage is quite common, fire resistance to compensate for a lich's weaknesses can easily be found on scale or dragonscale gear.
The feat of a Light Eater is to lower the Hunger cap, and Lich can fill up on food with less nutrition than other races. If they eat food with more nutrition than their Hunger cap, the excess nutrition will be wasted, so in order for them to eat nutritious food without wasting it, they need to eat when they are as hungry as possible.
Suggested Classes
Liches are best suited for purely magical professions. They have a poor physical side, making it tough for them to become a hybrid class.
- Wizard
- Witch
Lore and Trivia
- Perhaps because Litch is undead, his insanity level does not increase when he eats human flesh. Instead, the chance of getting cannibalistic feats is also reduced.