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This page focuses on items that can only be used on players' land, such as boards and signs.

Please also refer to the pages for Furniture, Facility, and Containers.


By using signs, you can designate parts of your land to be used for specific purposes.

When a sign is placed in a room, the entire room can be designated as the area of effect.

House Board

Allows the player to change the roof and outward styling of a building.

Room Board

Allows the player to change the specifications of a room, and change the group of rooms and assign a different appearance to adjacent rooms.

You can also set access type for the room.

Public: All NPCs, including guests, can enter the room.

Only Resident: Only residents can enter the room, and guests will no longer be able to enter the room.

Private: Only players can enter the room, and all NPCs, including pets, will no longer be able to enter the room.

Stockpile Sign

Designates a room or a 3 block radius as a stockpile.

Items collected in build mode are transferred to the area.

Fuel Storage Sign

Designates a room or a 3x3 area as a stockpile for fuel for furnaces, kilns, cooking tools, etc. All items in the home will automatically refuel with logs or branches from this area.

Commodity Stockpile Sign

Designates a room or a 3 block radius as a shopping area. Items tagged for sale will replenish with same-category items inside this area. When an item with a sell tag is sold out, items in the same category in this area will be automatically replenished.

Sales Tag

Designates an item on the ground for sale. If inside the area of a Commodity Stockpile, will automatically replenish with items from the same category from boxes in the same area.

Can also be tagged on non-shared containers to sell the items within the container to tourists. Put an unsellable item (like junk stone) in it to keep the container itself.

Contrasting to the shipping chest, sales via sales tag do not result in gold bars or hearth stone experience but benefit from negotiation skill and policy level, therefore resullting in more profit in the long run.

The sales tag is a reuseable tool that can be crafted in the signboard workshop for 1 plank. The recipe is already initially known.

Garbage Dump Sign

Designates a room or a 5x5 area as a stockpile.

  • Npcs will use this area to gather and drop trash. They will place trash in the proper sorting bins if they are in radius of this sign.
    • The Combustible waste box, Non-combustible waste box and compost box collect waste independently of this signboard
      • If the container for the waste you want to throw away is empty, residents will throw it in the container before the waste disposal area
    • Even if the waste disposal area and waste containers are in place, littering will not completely disappear. Combining other measures will improve Civility
      • The Civility increases according to the "Public Moral" Home skill, and can also be raised by the "Waste Sorting Campaign" policy.
      • Residents with “chores” as a hobby collect the litter and put it in the containers
      • While the "Strict Anti-Littering Law” policy can be used to put pressure on littering, in the long run, policies that are straight up civil are more effective.

Lumberjack Sign

Designates a room or a 4 block radius as a lumber yard.

  • Residents with lumberjack jobs or hobbies will move into this area to work. However, they will not actually cut down trees but instead just produce wood.

Ranch Sign

Designates a room or a 4 block radius as a ranch. Livestock NPCs gather around this area.

Fishing Sign

Designates a room or a 4 block radius as a fishing area.

Farm Sign

Designates a room or a 5x5 area as a farm.

  • Residents with farming or earth-moving jobs or hobbies will move into the area to work. However, they will not be able to actually manage the fields in the area, they will only be able to receive bonuses to Home skills as an effect of their work.
  • If you have set up a Delegated farming policy, only fields within the area/room designated by this sign will be subject to automatic cultivation & harvesting.


Placed at the map edge of a base, a signpost specifies where it will appear when a player enters the home from the direction in which the signpost is placed.

  • Only one square at the edge of each direction on the map can be designated; placing a signpost in the center of the base has no effect.
  • When used in conjunction with a guidesign, the effect of the guidesign takes precedence over the signpost.

Guide Sign

Designates a room or 3x3 area as the location where a player will appear when entering the home.

  • Once this is in place, the player will appear at the location specified by this sign, no matter from which direction you enter the home.

Dining spot sign

Designates a room or a 4 block radius as a the dining hall.

  • Residents will dine within this area.
  • Eating within this area will increase food effect by 10%.