Template:Monster SMW En

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Displays the monster's profile and skills in table form It is intended to be used on individual pages for each monster. Copy the below information and fill it in


{{Template:Monster En
|name   = Name
|title  = Title (unused)
|race   = Race
|class  = Class
|gender = Gender
|faith  = Faith
|level = ##
|life  = ##
|mana  = ##
|vigor = ##
|speed = ##
|str   = ##
|end   = ##
|dex   = ##
|per   = ##
|lea   = ##
|wil   = ##
|mag   = ##
|cha   = ##
|Weight Lifting   =
|Mining           =
|Digging          =
|Swimming         =
|Lumberjacking    =
|Farming          =
|Regeneration     =
|Disarm Trap      =
|Lockpicking      =
|Pickpocketing    =
|Stealth          =
|Spot Hidden      =
|Gathering        =
|Literacy         =
|Appraising       =
|Anatomy          =
|Memorization     =
|Riding           =
|Travel           =
|Fishing          =
|Meditation       =
|Faith Skill      =
|Control Magic    =
|Magic Capacity   =
|Magic Device     =
|Casting          =
|Symbiosis        =
|Music            =
|Negotiation      =
|Investing        =
|Carpentry        =
|Blacksmith       =
|Sculpture        =
|Jewelry          =
|Weaving          =
|Crafting         =
|Alchemy          =
|Cooking          =
|Two Handed       =
|Heavy Armor      =
|Shield           =
|Throwing         =
|Dual Wield       =
|Light Armor      =
|Tactics          =
|Evasion          =
|Marksman         =
|Eye of mind      =
|Greater Evasion  =
|Strategy         =
|Martial Art      =
|Long Sword       =
|Axe              =
|Scythe           =
|Staff            =
|Polearm          =
|Mace             =
|Bow              =
|Short Sword      =
|Gun              =
|Crossbow         =