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<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1" start="0">
Found in FactionBranch.cs on line 374.<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1" start="0">

if (EClass.rnd(5) == 0 && this.policies.IsActive(2810, -1))
if (EClass.rnd(5) == 0 && this.policies.IsActive(2810, -1))
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</syntaxhighlight>So there's a 80% chance if open for business is active, then
* So there's a 80% chance per hour that if the policy: "Open for Business" is active, then:
** A number of visitors will arrive.  '''This number is: [3 + Land lvl + Your Land's Attractiveness / 5 + Publicity / 2 + 20<sup>^</sup>] *  ((100 + Your Land's Attractiveness + 200<sup>^^</sup>) / 100) * (100 + sqrt(Tourist Safety lvl * 3) / 100)'''
** Then if the policy of Celebrity's Heaven is active and the sqrt(Celebrity's Heaven lvl / 2) + 5 is greater than or equal to a random number from 1-100 THEN
** Wealthy visitors are generated based on the Danger Level of the zone.
* If you do not have the Mother Prohibited Zone policy active, mothers can spawn.
** Each visitor gets an allowance of their Character Level * 100. If they are wealthy its: Character Level * 1000.
^<sup>This is if you have a settlement with an Ancient Ruin present</sup>
^^<sup>Currently unsure if this is 200 or 20</sup>
It is highly advisable to make a settlement for Inns / Tourism in a Snowy Biome with an Ancient Ruin.
=== Let's look at a high end example: ===
If you had a maxed level Snowy Biome settlement with an Ancient Ruin preset as a feature, then . . .

num8 = 3 + (I'm guessing land lvl) + (attractiveness  / 5) + (If ancient ruin value is active then, it * 2) + publicity / 2
And you had 100 Publicity and 100 Tourist Safety:

num8 = num8 (from above) * (100 + ancient ruin * 20 + attractiveness) / 100
You could expect to find that:

num8 = num8 (from above) * (100 + integer of the sqrt((of a float of tourist safety) * 3) / 100)
* [3 + 7 + (10 + 15) / 5 + 50 + 20] = 85
* 85 * ((100 + 25 + 200<sup>^^</sup>) / 100) = 276.25
* 276.25 * ((100 + sqrt(100 * 3) / 100) = 323 visitors an hour.

Then if Celeb heaven is on AND the sqrt(Celeb heaven / 2) + 5 is greater than or equal to a random number from 1-100
IF you assumed that the ^^ amount was 20, instead of 200, then:

The amount of visitors you would expect = 144 visitors an hour.

wealthy visitors are generated (based on something called content lvl (which may be danger lvl))
=== Let's look at a low end example: ===
If you were just using a maxed level Meadow . . .

add the random visitors somewhere random
And you had 10 Publicity and 10 Tourist Safety:

Then the next lines check to say if its a mother and if you have the anti mother policy
You could expect to find that:

Then they get an allowance of their character level * 100,
* [3 + 7 + 5 + 20] = 35
* 35 * (100/100) = 35
* 35 * ((100 + sqrt(10*3) / 100) = 36 visitors an hour.

and if they're wealthy its * 1000

TLDR; if you want to build a settlement that generates orens through visitors you should use a snowy / ancient ruin tile
Further testing is required.

== Housing: Taxes ==
== Housing: Taxes ==
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|Resident Tax
|Resident Tax
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1" start="1">
Found in FactionBranch.cs on line 819.<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1" start="1">
public int GetResidentTax()
public int GetResidentTax()
Line 169: Line 189:
*** If not wealthy: (10 + resident level * 2) * base tax percentage% * hobby tax standard%.
*** If not wealthy: (10 + resident level * 2) * base tax percentage% * hobby tax standard%.
**** For example, a wealthy citizen of lv 5, whose hobby is reading and the resident tax policy level is 9, his tax is (50 + 2 * 5)* 120% * 65% = 46.8.
**** For example, a wealthy citizen of lv 5, whose hobby is reading and the resident tax policy level is 9, his tax is (50 + 2 * 5)* 120% * 65% = 46.8.

** Now we go to the policies.
** Now we go to the policies.
Line 188: Line 207:
** But your land is not tax free, so the final tax is 123 orens. Making your blood boil already? Wanna buy a nuke for Mysilia?
** But your land is not tax free, so the final tax is 123 orens. Making your blood boil already? Wanna buy a nuke for Mysilia?

== Housing: Innkeeping ==
{| class="wikitable"
|Bed Comfort
|Traveler's Inn Policy
|Luxury Suite Policy
Found in FactionBranch.cs on line 865.<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1">
    public void CalcInnIncome()
        int num = this.CountGuests();
        if (num == 0)
        int num2 = 0;
        int num3 = 0;
        foreach (Thing thing in EClass._map.things)
            if (thing.IsInstalled)
                TraitBed traitBed = thing.trait as TraitBed;
                if (traitBed != null && traitBed.owner.c_bedType == BedType.guest)
                    int maxHolders = traitBed.MaxHolders;
                    num2 += maxHolders;
                    num3 += traitBed.owner.LV * (100 + traitBed.owner.Quality / 2 + traitBed.owner.Evalue(750) / 2) / 100 * maxHolders;
        num = Mathf.Min(num, num2);
        if (num == 0)
        num3 /= num2;
        num3 = num3 * (100 + 5 * (int)Mathf.Sqrt((float)this.Evalue(2812))) / 100;
        float num4 = 10f + Mathf.Sqrt((float)num) * 10f;
        if (this.policies.IsActive(2813, -1))
            num4 += Mathf.Sqrt((float)this.CountWealthyGuests()) * 50f * (80f + 5f * Mathf.Sqrt((float)this.Evalue(2813))) / 100f;
        if (this.policies.IsActive(2812, -1))
            num4 = num4 * (float)(100 + num3) / 100f;
        num4 = Mathf.Min(num4, Mathf.Sqrt((float)this.Worth) / 15f + 5f);
        this.incomeInn += EClass.rndHalf((int)num4) + EClass.rndHalf((int)num4);
</syntaxhighlight>Num is the count of all guests in your base.
If there's a single bed assigned to guests then:
* Num2 is now max holders Num3 = Guest Bed Value^ * ( 100 + bed quality / 2 + bed comfort value / 2 ) / 100 * max holders.
* The new Num is the min of the count of guests or the max holders of beds.
* Num3 is now Num3 / Num2
* Num3 = num3 * ( 100 + ( 5 * sqrt ('''Traveler's Inn policy''' lvl ) ) ) / 100.  Num4 = 10 + 10 * sqrt ( Num )
IF the Luxury Suite policy is active, then Num4 = Num4 + sqrt (Wealthy Guest Count * 50 * ( 80 + 5 * sqrt ( '''Luxury Suite policy lvl''' ) ) ) / 100
IF the Traveler's Inn policy is active, then Num4 = Num4 * ( 100 + Num3 ) / 100
num4 = the min of ( num4 or ( sqrt (This.Worth<sup>^^</sup>) / 15) + 5)
The income from your Inn in total is now num4 / 2 rounded down * 2
^<sup>This number is a value currently hidden without the use of mods to detect it.</sup>

^^<sup>It is currently unclear what This.Worth is. Speculation is that it is the value of your entire settlement.</sup>
[[Category:Elin Spoiler]]
[[Category:Elin Spoiler]]
