
From Ylvapedia
(Redirected from Elin:ロドウィン)

Main article: Bestiary

Elin Npc Portrait Rodwyn.png
Elin Npc Sprite Rodwyn.png

















A witch with a small bakery in Mysilia. She sell not only delicious freshly baked bread, but also mysterious magic books and medicines that are typical of witches.

By the way, what does this bread contain?

Character Sheet


Innate Feat Description Effect
Rare Specie Learn feats faster

Gene suitability

Learn feats faster.

Reduces the cost of Gene Engineering by -1 for genes that require more than 2 Gene Slots

Feat Description Effect
Way of Witch Can brew more potions

Skilled at broom riding

No implemented yet.

Bonus multiplies the witch's riding skill by 1.25, then adds a flat 25 on top of that.

Magic Mastery 1 +1 Specialized Domain +1 Specialized Domain


  • Magic Arrow
  • Magic Bolt
  • Potion Throw


  • Random


Name Rodwyn
Race Roran Class Witch Faith Random Lv 21
Life 100 Mana 80 Vigor 100 Speed 110 Luck ??? Domains Fire, Poison, Chaos, Magic
Age Random Sex Female Work Cooking Hobby Random Gene Slots 3 Battle AI Predator
Strength 11-?? Endurance 15-?? Dexterity 11-13? Perception 28-30? Learning 35-39? Will 24-25? Magic 30-32? Charisma 30-33?
Weightlifting Mining 9 (100) Digging Swimming Lumberjacking 4-6? (100) Taming Farming Regeneration 13 (140)
Lockpicking Pickpocket Disarm Trap Stealth Spot Hidden Gathering 4-8? (100) Literacy Appraising
Anatomy Memorization Riding 12-14? (130) Travel Fishing Meditation 13-17? (130) Faith 3-9? (100) Control Magic
Magic Capacity Casting 11-15? (130) Magic Device 14-19? (140) Symbiosis Music Negotiation Investing
Carpentry 5-6? (100) Blacksmith Sculpture Jewelry Weaving Crafting 5-6? (100) Alchemy 23 (100) Cooking
Two Handed Heavy Armor 3-4? (100) Shield 3-7? (100) Throwing 20-26? (130) Light Armor 3 (100) Dual Wield
Tactics 15-18? (130) Marksman Eye of Mind Evasion 4-9? (100) Greater Evasion Strategy
Martial Art 14-16? (120) Long Sword 4-6? (100) Axe 3-5? (100) Scythe 3 (100) Staff 23 (130) Polearm 4 (100)
Mace 6-9? (100) Bow 7-8? (100) Short Sword 21-25? (140) Gun Crossbow 5-7? (100)


In addition to the usual assortment of baked goods, she sells spellbooks of Broomification and various medicines such as Potions of Putitification

The bread sold by Rodwyn has one additional random Food Trait. In addition to common food traits, some of the baked goods have some suspicious effects attached to them, such as [Dangerous] or [Aphrodisiac].


Rodwyn has a unique appearance and name, but is treated as an ordinary NPC. As such, she will drop her card and statue only about as often as any other non-unique NPC. If she is recruited to the home and is no longer in Mysilia, a new Rodwyn will be reswpawn in a few days.


  • Same as regular bakery.
Action Message
Idle Rodwyn the witch kneads a bread dough with ease.

Rodwyn the witch takes a fluffy loaf of bread from an oven.

Rodwyn the witch looks at you and nods .

"Take a look at my wares!"

"Good to have you here."

Attacked "Guards! Guards!"

"Ambush!" "You thief!"

Player Death "Die thief."

"You deserve this."

NPC Death "Please spare my life."
