Elin:Ether Disease

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(Redirected from Elin:エーテル病)

Ether disease is a set of symptoms which can manifest on the player over the course of gameplay. Some of them have positive effects, but they always carry a negative effect. Like mutations and feats, they may be found under the feats tab.


The progression of ether disease increases with ambient exposure over time, or when attacked by ether element attacks. When enough progression has accumulated, a new ether disease is added to the player. It functions similarly to the corruption mechanic in Ancient Domains of Mystery, which Elona drew much inspiration from.

In Elona, if the player's Ether Disease symptoms progress to all 20 stages, they die, but in Elin, there is no such specification.

Ether resistance from sources such as the Elea racial or vindale cloaks reduce the rate of progression of ether disease by ether damage, while equipping items made of ether increase it.

While ether disease always has a negative component, some players may choose to minimise the downsides in order to take advantage of the upsides diseases provide.


Ether disease can affect not only players but also pets and NPCs.

Allies can contract ether disease from taking ether damage, and from equipment that progresses ether disease, however they do not progress ether disease passively. Because you have more control over when an ally gets ether disease, it is possible to selectively obtain favorable mutations and keep them.

Curing Ether Disease

Ether antibody

Ether diseases are cured with a potion of ether antibody; these remove the two newest symptoms from all symptoms. Blessed potions remove 3 diseases, while cursed ones advance the progression of ether disease.

Static sources of these potions are:

Potions of ether antibody may also rarely generate wherever potions are randomly sold, such as vending machines or general vendors, but they cost tens of thousands of orens.

Ether solvent

The item “Syringe of ether solvent”, which can be purchased from the strange little girl in the Little Garden, can remove one of the player or pet's ether ailments with a certain probability.

In order to purchase it, you must rescue the Little Sister.


By resting in the Olvina hot spring while naked in the changing room, you can obtain a buff that slows the progression of Ether Disease.

Land with a geyser land feat, or a water feature with a geyser item placed on it, is also treated as a hot spring. If both a land feat and an item geyser are present, the effect of the hot spring is enhanced.

Power of Ether Disease

Ether diseases now fluctuate in symptom intensity with reference to level.

Pets and NPCs are level-dependent, while players are referenced by total feat points earned -1, not including additional feat points from Kumiromi's Secret experience, etc.

Some etheric diseases have higher effects and penalties the higher the level you are afflicted with them.

Once the symptoms develop, they do not increase in intensity as the affected person's level increases, so the same etheric disease must be contracted again for stronger symptoms.

List of Ether Diseases

Name Flavour Effect
Scalding Face You have sores on your face. Charisma decreases(4 + Lv / 5)
Facial Hives* Your face is ulcerate. Charisma decreases (4 + Lv / 5)×2
Crumbling Face* Your face is crumbling. Charisma decreases (4 + Lv / 5)×3
Weakening You suffer debilitation. Life decreases -15 (fixed value), Strength decreases(4+Lv / 3)
Dementia You have dementia. Mana decreases -15 (fixed value), Magic decreases(4+Lv / 3)
Enemy Of All Living Things Your existence provokes living things. Decrease Charisma by (3+ Lv / 4), Neutral creatures go hostile,

Reduced karma penalty when killing (NPCs with a reduction of -1 are reduced to 0, and those with a reduction of -5 are reduced to -1) Onset only occurs when ether disease is at the third stage of progression or higher.

Potion Addict You are addicted to potion. Consume potions regularly
Third Eye You have 3 eyes. Perception increases (5 + Lv / 3), Charisma decreases (5 + Lv / 3)
Fourth Eye* You have 4 eyes. Perception increases (5 + Lv / 3) x2, Charisma decreases (5 + Lv / 3) x2
Enlarged Head Your head has grown huge. Endurance decreases (5 + Lv / 3), Dexterity decreases (4 + Lv / 4)

Learning increases (6 + Lv / 2), Will increases (2 + Lv / 6)

Thick Neck Your neck is extremely thick. PV increases (12+Lv), Charisma decreases (5+Lv/5),

Cannot wear Neck gears

Heavy Shell ⏶ You are covered by heavy carapace. PV increases (15 + Lv / 2), speed decreases (10 + Lv / 5)
Hoof Transformation ⏶ Your feet transformed into hooves. Speed increases by (30+Lv / 5), up to 100(Lv 350) max. Cannot wear Foot gears
Single Ether Wing ⏶ You have grown a single feather. +10 Weight reduction, Levitation, cannot wear Back gears.

Speed increases by (10+Lv / 5)

Dual Ether Wings* ⏶ You have grown dual feathers. +20 Weight reduction, Levitation, cannot wear Back gears.

Speed increases by (10+Lv / 5) x2

Hunger For Slaughter ⏶ Desire for violence arises within you. DV decreases (10 + Lv), damage modifier increases (5 + Lv / 2)
Ether Hand Poison drips from your hands. +20 Poison Resistance, Poison damage is given to bare-handed or shielded martial arts, the potions you touch (excluding ether antibodies etc.) sometimes change into harmful potions.
Mana Battery You are a living mana battery. Magic Resistance +5, Always absorb mana from rods and convert it into spell stock
Gravity Point You generate gravity. -10 Weight Alternation
Strong Gravity* You generate heavy gravity -20 Weight Alternation
Immense Gravity* You generate massive gravity. -30 Weight Alternation
Living Humidifier Clouds of rain follow you. Increased chance of rain weather (No effect on NPCs)
* These are advancements of the ones above them.
⏶ These effects scale based on current feat level

Individual Symptom Description

Ether Hand

Timing of the toxicization

  • picking up potions on the floor
  • taking all potions in a container
    • when Shift+left-clicking or, When picking up an entire box of potions, toxicization does not occur.
  • Toxification is done individually, not per stack.

Potions that negate toxification

  • Portions not in round bottle shape
  • Valuable potions etc.
    • Water
    • Sewage
    • Mercury
    • Blood of fallen angels
    • Ether antibodies
  • Potion produced by toxification
    • Poisons
    • Acidproof liquid
    • Blindness
    • Paralysis
    • Confusion

All of these are considered affected, except. It should be noted that salt water and potions of weakness are also not resistant to toxicization.

Poisonous martial arts

Martial arts using bare hands or shields are converted to poison elements. This effect does not apply to martial arts with martial weapons.


Below contains Spoiler of Elin and Elona. (Click to show)

Ether is the lifeblood of Ylva; it is produced by the trees of the old forests and in the time of Sierra Terre, harvested as crystals from the fossilised remains of such trees. It is an important power source, most of all for the immense Cyran airships commandeered by Eulderna in the desert empire's ambitions of conquest.

During the ten years' war, Master Cetrus summoned a brief burst of etherwind from Nymelle to bring down the Euldernan airships invading Mysilia. However, a mysterious plague afflicted the citizens of Mysilia soon after, the first appearance of ether disease on the planet.

After the player ventures into the depths of Nymelle, Ornev explains that the time of Ylva's cleansing and the return of the etherwind are at hand.

Lore-wise, the effects of ether disease are typically muted; save for the unfortunate like Lily or those caught out in etherwind, external symptoms do not manifest until old age, if at all. The rapid effects on the player are considered to be an instance of gameplay and story segregation.

As the plot of Elona unfolds, the true nature of ether disease is made clear: in one of Prince Saimore's cutscenes, he explains to Bethel, Lomias and Larnniere that ether disease is caused by the destruction of meshera, a bacterial bioweapon/enhancer concocted during the era of Rem-Ido. This bioweapon ultimately caused the fall of that chapter of Ylva's history as the bacteria escaped control and ran rampant, with only the people living in the old forests surviving.

By the era of Sierra Terre, while people have re-emerged from the old forests to populate the world once more, the still-ubiquitous meshera has integrated itself into peoples' biologies as a symbiote. Its destruction via exposure to ether damages the immune system, leaving people vulnerable to all kinds of exotic diseases with wild symptoms - the collective term for which is ether disease.