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Paladins are zealous warriors who swear loyalty to their deity. They wield two-handed weapons and are always at the forefront of battle, protecting their allies. The paladins of Jure are particularly renowned for their devoutness and bravery.

Class Stats and Feats

Class Str Con Dex Per Lea Will Mag Cha Total Domains Skills Weapon Skills Feat Feat Effect
Paladin 7+35 8+40 0 0 0 4+20 0 6+30 25+125 Fire



Two Handed(150)

Heavy Armor(140)




Long Sword (160)



Devout 2

Defensive Instinct 1

Increase benefit from god's favour.

Lay on hands available when worshipping Jure.


Paladins are priests with a more martial and offensive bent, favouring two-handed weapons over shields and possessing more physical prowess at the cost of magical ability. Burning with devout fervor, paladins are always on the frontlines, ready to dispense holy wrath at a moment's notice.


A paladin's early game is similar to that of the warrior's; remarkably easy. With good strength, constitution and will growths, as well as ready access to the holy domain for healing and support magic, even a novice paladin is extremely durable. Heavy armour helps mitigate damage, while tactics and two-handed keep the melee damage coming. Their spellcasting capabilities may not be on par with priests', but can serve either in a minor support or damage capability, offering them more versatility than warriors.

Paladins are even more devout than priests or inquisitors, possessing two ranks of the class feat as opposed to one. As such, paladins should start worshipping a god as soon as they are able to reap the benefits; while one can get lucky and find an altar to one's intended deity in the wilderness or a nefia, a trip to the Truce Ground, Aquli Teola, Mifu Village, or Nefu Village is far more reliable and should be undertaken as soon as possible. The longer a character's belief in a deity, the stronger the bonuses he or she receives, so it's recommended to start as early as possible. Changing gods is only necessary if you intend to collect more apostle pets; it is intended that feats and treasures rewarded by gods will not function properly for non-believers.

Once you have worshiped God, make learning the “Model Follower” feat a top priority. This is a feat that automatically performs the daily prayers necessary to train your faith skills, and while you can substitute manual daily prayers in extreme cases, it greatly improves the efficiency of your play, such as when traveling the world map for days at a time. Furthermore, a paladin should have an altar at home in order to give offerings and train faith. The altar in Palmia's church can be claimed and then thrown to a delivery box, upon which it can be mailed to the player's home.

Lay on hands is identical to the defender's unique ability, reviving either the paladin or an ally upon death once every sleep. Paladins who wish to reserve the death save for themselves can ride or host allies, who will then be knocked out instead of killed at 0 HP instead of triggering lay on hands. Because of this class feat, it's expected that a paladin will follow Jure.

Suggested Races

  • Yerles
  • Juere
  • Eulderna
  • Hillfolk

Suggested Gods

  • Jure is the only real choice for a paladin, as lay on hands is too good to pass up. The role a paladin plays can be passably substituted for by a priest, so those seeking to follow other deities should pick that instead as opposed to wasting a powerful feat.

Starting Equipment

  • Spellbook of cure minor wound
  • 7 bandages

Lore and Trivia

The paladin is a backer class.