Elin:Journal of Lutz

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Diaries in the form of letters from Lutz, delivered to the player's home.

Read them and you may learn some useful wisdom for your adventure.

Volume 1

Maybe that title of "former hero" was just a joke all along. Everything I believed in was built on a lie. When I heard the sound of it all collapsing, I thought about leaving this world behind.

But then, for some reason, I was struck by the round, innocent eyes of Mii-Chan, the gluttonous seal. In them, I saw a small glimpse of hope for a paradise. And so, I decided to aim for the promised land, just the two of us.

Now, I live off the land in a remote forest, preparing for the journey ahead.

Who this letter, written in a sleepless night, will reach―I'm looking forward to finding out.- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 2

Life in the forest isn't bad. The nuts from the Api shrubs last a long time, and there are plenty of mushrooms and bamboo shoots to fill Mii-Chan's belly.

What fascinates me most are animal nests. From time to time, I find fertile eggs there, prized by traveling merchants. One morning an egg I had left on my straw bed hatched into a baby giant squirrel. I'm a little worried about how the jealous Mii-Chan will react, but I'm sure it'll grow to be a reliable companion.

Surrounded by Ris-Chan and Mii-Chan, I've found a small sense of peace.

Until the next letter.

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 3

The summer sun bakes the sandy beach, and Mii-chan and the Ris-Chan are napping quietly beside me. I'm swaying in a hammock, a glass of Palulu juice in hand.

It's perfect. I think coming here was the right choice. Finding this place after leaving the forest and venturing a little farther―it must have been a twist of fate.

Next time, I'll tell you more about this beach.

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 4

Life by the beach has its own charm. If you plate some cactus flesh and seaweed, it almost feels like a resort. With the big leaves of Palulu trees, I can make simple dishes, and cactus needles serve well as toothpicks.

There's rock salt too, but digging it out isn't easy. My old pickaxe can't even make a dent. But I don't plan on using impossibility as an excuse. I'll figure something out.

Until the next letter.

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 5

Sometimes, I wonder if these letters will ever reach someone's hands, or if they'll just be left wither away, unknown and forgotten.

Either way, it's fine. It doesn't really matter what I leave behind in this world, or who might find it, or what they might think.

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 6

Tools like pickaxes have something called hardness. A pickaxe made from a tough material can crush even iron ore, but with a wooden pickaxe, unless you're incredibly skilled at mining, you won't even scratch the surface of ordinary stones.

It's time to return to my forest base. If I use that black basalt stone I've been saving for moments like this, I should be able to make a pickaxe that can dig through that rock salt.

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 7

While exploring the beach, I found an ancient machine buried in the sand. A rare device that, when you insert a small box called a "cassette," plays a strange tune. Mii-Chan, startled at first, now listens quietly.

I've also crafted a barbecue set. This beach has become our second base. Sitting by the fire, listening to ancient music, I wished for time to stop, if only for a moment. But a restless feeling deep inside won't allow it. I need to find the promised land. Where could it be?

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest

Volume 8

I wonder if anyone is reading my letters. If "you" are reading this, what could be the reason? Just passing time? Or did you pick it up hoping to find something?

If you hold my diaries dear, do me a favor and throw them away. No, there's an even better way.

When you need to get rid of accumulated trashes or junks, a hammer is best. By smashing them to pieces, you can turn them into something new. So, pick up a hammer and break my diaries. Smash them with all your strength. That way, these pages might carry just a bit more meaning.

- Lutz, the Former Hero in the Remote Forest