Elin:Yevan of Strife

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<Yevan of Strife>



Yevan, the god who presides over war, is known as an oddity among deities for his lack of interest in divine squabbles and his focus on engaging with the mortal world instead. Viewing conflict as the driving force between life's evolution and harmony, he finds the endless struggles and ravages of war amongst humans to be supremely delightful. Often seen in simple robes at the aftermath of battles, his polite demeanor belies his penchant for ominous statements, making him considered as dangerous as Opartos(sic) amongst the gods.


Fan the flames of war.

Yevan is the offensive warrior's choice as opposed to Opatos' defensive, granting bonuses to strength, dexterity, and perception to help warriors hit hard, accurately, and critically. While ranged attackers can make use of some of these stats, his skill bonuses to two-hand and dual wield cement him as the pick for players who wish to play a berserker archetype. Combined with riding to cover melee attackers' need to close in on enemies and an oddball travel to get to where the fighting is taking place, Yevan is a sword compared to Opatos' shield.

Yevan worshippers are made to deal with swarms of weaker enemies - his initial god perk increases a player's physical damage in stages as the player kills creatures, with more kills required for each level; the initial effect is an additional 1d3 damage at level 1, increasing to 1d5 at level 2, 1d7 at level 3, 1d9 at level 4, and 1d11 at level 5. As a rough guide, the bonus of the Flame of the Strife will give you about level 1 to 2 in a raid on an outdoor map, and about level 3 to 5 in a multi-floor Nefia search.When the player ceases killing, the buff gradually decreases back to nothing. It's possible to kill friendly creatures to increase the kill counter in case there aren't any enemies around.


The militant, Yevan's god pet, increases the strength, dexterity and perception of all allies in proportion to how many enemies are currently on the map. He is a dedicated support unit made to bolster frontline melee fighters and cure critical wounds, and ideally should be ridden or hosted in order to allow him to safely exercise his abilities as he has increased potentials in a wide variety of melee weapons. If the militant dies, all stat bonuses from his presence are immediately lost. His frontline conductor's feat increases in effectiveness with the number of owners, so it is effective when he fights alongside Eureka or other militants.


Warmonger grants a bane attack against dragons, animals, humans, and machines as a faction effect, allowing it to inflict heavy damage on numerous enemies. In addition, benefits available only to those who equip it include additional cut damage, cut resistance, and activation of neck hunting, making it a rare means of gaining cut resistance outside of innate feat.

How to gain favor

Gaining favour with Yevan is fairly straightforward, as in addition to long swords and axes, he accepts any body armour as offerings; stone breastplates can easily be crafted and sacrificed.

Signals from God

Action Message
Converting "A new follower, huh? Interesting choice."
Turning Apostate "You know, I was growing pretty fond of you. Well, time to show my divine wrath."
Taking Over An Altar "Mhm, nice work."
Failing to take over Yevan's altar "Ah, a mediocre attempt. My least favorite."
Offering items worth high value "Interesting. You have my thanks."

"Ah, nice gift. Much appreciated."

"I don't mind the gift, but make sure you're spending on equipment too, alright?"

Load Game/Entering Home "Good timing, right when I was getting bored."
Sleeping "Eat well and sleep well. Simple, but crucial for overcoming challenges."
Praying "Need a hand?"

"Mhm, faith can be decisive in some battles. I'll lend a hand when you need."

"Make sure you're facing a challenge from time to time. Weaker opponents get boring quickly."

"I have a lot respect for Kumiromi and Jure. Can't enjoy some healthy combat without supplies and medication, after all."

"This scar on my eye? Well, it's like a badge of honor."

"Watching you makes me want to return to the battlefield."

"You make sure to pave your own way. Nothing more entertaining for me than that."

"May the blessings of strife be with you."

Killing "How fun! Exactly how combat should be."

"Nice mincemeat!"

"Looks like you're putting on some valuable experience. Just as you should!"

"Haha, you can feel yourself growing more and more, can't you?"

Activating Ability N/A
Granting Pet "Lend him your strength. Don't worry, you'll be fine."
Granting Artifact "Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. Here's a little something to recognize it."

Lore and Trivia

  • Yevan of Strife is a backer god.