Elin:Code Analysis/Combat
![]() | This page does not contain information obtained through legitimate play, but rather through Elin's data analysis, debug mode, and internal file viewing. It may contain serious spoilers or information that may detract from the enjoyment of playing the game. please summarize the content in a way that is easy to understand for people who cannot read the code, rather than posting the code as it is. |
Evalue List
Value# | Element | Notes |
(92) | Penetration | |
(108) | Throwing | |
(132) | Tactics | |
(133) | Marksman | |
(305) | Magic Device | |
(411) | Spell Enhance | |
(482) | Force Weapon | |
(1400) | Feat: Weapon Mastery | 1, 2 |
(1404) | Feat: Ranged Mastery | 1, 2 |
Damage Reduction Scaling with Enemy Level
As of Beta version: 22.23. Last updated EA23.46
The following is how much damage reduction the enemy receives past level 50:
Firstly, enemies at or below level 50 have 0% DR.
Conversely, enemies at or above level 1024 have 80% DR.
if (!this.IsPCFaction && this.LV > 50) { dmg = dmg * (100 - (int)Mathf.Min(80f, Mathf.Sqrt((float)(this.LV - 50)) * 2.5f)) / 100; }
If it is the player character faction and the enemy's level is higher than lvl 51, then:
your damage is multiplied by * (100 - an integer that is the smallest of either (80, the sqrt of a float (the enemies level - 50) * 2.5) / 100)
so either your damage is reduced by 80% against enemies above 1024 or its [sqrt(floor - 50) * 2.5] / 100 for enemies between lvl 51 and lvl 1023
Enemy Level: | DR percentage (%) |
51 | 2.50 |
100 | 17.67 |
150 | 25.00 |
200 | 30.61 |
250 | 35.35 |
300 | 39.53 |
350 | 43.30 |
400 | 46.77 |
450 | 50.00 |
500 | 53.03 |
550 | 55.90 |
600 | 58.63 |
650 | 61.24 |
700 | 63.74 |
750 | 66.14 |
800 | 68.47 |
850 | 70.71 |
900 | 72.89 |
950 | 75 |
1000 | 77.06 |
Weapon Hit Mechanics
Updated EA23.46
"Curve" refers to the game's method for adding a sliding curve to the effectiveness of skill values
CURVE( input, start, step, rate) if input <= start return input repeat x10 { num = start + repeatindex * step if input <= num return input else input = num + (input - num) * rate /100 } return input
First the system evaluates the attacker's 'TO HIT' and the target's 'EVASION'
The TO HIT value will be calculated differently depending on the type of weapon used (thrown, range, melee, martial) and style
Weapon Type | Calculation |
Thrown | Curve([attacker's DEX]/4 + [attacker's STR]/2 + [attacker's weapon skill], 50, 25, 75) + 75 (250 if not PC Faction) |
Martial (No Shield) | Curve([attacker's DEX]/3 + [attacker's STR]/3 + [attacker's weapon skill], 50, 25, 75) + 50 |
Martial (With Shield) | 75% of Curve([attacker's DEX]/3 + [attacker's STR]/3 + [attacker's weapon skill], 50, 25, 75) + 50 |
Cane | Curve([attacker's WIL]/4 + [attacker's weapon's primary attribute]/3 [attacker's weapon skill], 50, 25, 75) + 100 |
All Others | Curve([attacker's DEX]/4 + [attacker's weapon's primary attribute]/3 [attacker's weapon skill], 50, 25, 75) + 50 |
Your Hit modifier from gear and the weapon are then added to the above (a distance modifier is then applied for Ranged weapons)
EVASION is calculated on a Curve([target's PER] / 3 + [target's evasion skill], 50, 10, 75) + [target's DV] + 25
These values are then modified in the following order with compounding effect:
Condition | Effect |
Attacker has Bane | TO HIT = 75% |
Attacker has HigherGround | TO HIT +20% |
Attacker is Riding | TO HIT = TO HIT * 100 / (100 + 500 / higher of(5 or 10 + [attacker's riding skill])) |
Attacker is Hosting | TO HIT = TO HIT * 100 / (100 + 1000 / higher of(5 or 10 + [attacker's symbiosis skill])) |
Attacker is Being Ridden | TO HIT = TO HIT * 100 / (100 + 1000 / higher of(5 or 10 + [attacker's STR])) |
Attacker is a Parasite | TO HIT = TO HIT * 100 / (100 + 1000 / higher of(5 or 10 + [attacker's DEX])) |
Attack is Two Handed | TO HIT = TO HIT + 25 + sqrt([attacker's two handed skill] * 2) |
Attack is Dual Wield ^ | TO HIT(DW) = TO HIT * 100 / (115 + Slot# * 15 + Slot# * (2000/(20+ attacker's dual wield skill)) [Clamped to 1-100] |
Attacker is Blind | TO HIT = 33.33% (or 10% if ranged/throwing) |
Target is Blind | EVASION = 50% |
Target is Dim | EVASION = 50% |
Target has Higher Ground | EVASION + 20% |
^ Where Slot# represents the main hand / off hand and any indexed hand after two. Only the (2000/(20 + attacker's dual wielding skill)) is clamped between 1-100. This means optimally the best dual wielding scenario occurs when you have 1980 dual wielding.
Now the system has the TO HIT and EVASION values, it uses these to calculate if an attack was a hit, miss, or crit in this order
IF Target is Dim & 1 in 4 chance CRIT
IF Target is Dead or Sleeping CRIT
IF [target's Greater Evasion] * 10 > TO HIT num = EVASION * 100 / TO HIT IF 'num2' > 300 & random 0 to ([target's Greater Evasion]+250) > 100 MISS IF 'num2' > 200 & random 0 to ([target's Greater Evasion]+250) > 150 MISS IF 'num2' > 150 & random 0 to ([target's Greater Evasion]+250) > 200 MISS
IF [target's Perfect Evasion] > random 0 - 99 MISS
IF 1 in 20 HIT
IF 1 in 20 MISS
IF random 0 - TO HIT < random 0 - (EVASION * 125 (150 if ranged attack) / 100) MISS
IF random 0 - 5000 < [attacker's PER] CRIT
IF [attacker's Critical skill] + sqrt([attacker's Eye of Mind skill]) > random 0 -200 CRIT
IF attacker has [Heart of Death] num = 100 - [attacker's current HP] * 100 / [attacker's Max HP] IF num >= 50 & (num^3 / 3) > random 0 - 100000000 CRIT
Martial Arts
else if (this.IsMartial || this.IsMartialWeapon)
this.weaponSkill = this.CC.elements.GetOrCreateElement(100);
this.attackType = (this.CC.race.meleeStyle.IsEmpty() ? ((EClass.rnd(2) == 0) ? AttackType.Kick : AttackType.Punch) : this.CC.race.meleeStyle.ToEnum(true));
this.dBonus = this.CC.DMG + this.CC.encLV + (int)Mathf.Sqrt((float)(this.CC.STR / 5 + this.weaponSkill.Value / 4));
this.dNum = 2 + Mathf.Min(this.weaponSkill.Value / 10, 4);
this.dDim = 5 + (int)Mathf.Sqrt((float)(this.weaponSkill.Value / 3));
this.dMulti = 0.6f + (float)(this.CC.STR / 2 + this.weaponSkill.Value / 2 + this.CC.Evalue(132) / 2) / 50f;
this.dMulti += 0.05f * (float)this.CC.Evalue(1400);
this.toHitBase = EClass.curve(this.CC.DEX / 3 + this.CC.STR / 3 + this.weaponSkill.Value, 50, 25, 75) + 50;
this.toHitFix = this.CC.HIT;
if (this.attackStyle == AttackStyle.Shield)
this.toHitBase = this.toHitBase * 75 / 100;
this.penetration = Mathf.Clamp(this.weaponSkill.Value / 10 + 5, 5, 20) + this.CC.Evalue(92);
if (this.IsMartialWeapon)
this.dBonus += this.weapon.DMG;
this.dNum += this.weapon.source.offense[0];
this.dDim = Mathf.Max(this.dDim / 2 + this.weapon.c_diceDim, 1);
this.toHitFix += this.weapon.HIT;
this.penetration += this.weapon.Penetration;
if (!this.weapon.source.attackType.IsEmpty())
this.attackType = this.weapon.source.attackType.ToEnum(true);
The player kicks or punches using the Martial Arts skill. The player will kick or punch based on melee style or character specifications.
Damage is determined by Martial Arts, Strength, Dexterity, Enchantment Value
Damage dice is 2+(Martial Arts / 10), to a maximum of d6.
The damage value of the dice is 5+√(Martial Arts / 3).
Damage multiplier is 0.6 + ((Strength / 2 + Martial Arts / 2 + Tactics / 2) / 50.0).
If the player has the Weapon Mastery feat, additional damage is provided at a rate of 0.05x(Weapon Mastery Rank). (Effectively, +0.05 or +0.10)
Accuracy is ((Strength /3 + Dexterity /3 + Martial Arts)+50)), with a minimum value of 25+50 and a maximum of 75+50. If the player is wielding a Shield, there is a -25% downward adjustment.
Penetration is calculated at (Martial Arts/10)+5, with a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 20% + Penetration.
If wielding Martial Art Weapon:
Damage Bonus is your empty hand Damage Bonus + Weapon's Damage Bonus
Dice Number is your empty hand Dice Number + Weapon's Dice Number
Dice Face is your empty hand Dice Face / 2 + Weapon's Dice Face
Dice Number is your empty hand Dice Number + Weapon's Dice Number
To Hit Bonus is your empty hand To Hit Bonus + Weapon's To Hit Bonus
Penetration is your empty hand Penetration + Weapon's Penetration
if (this.isThrow)
bool flag = this.weapon.HasTag(CTAG.throwWeapon) || this.weapon.HasTag(CTAG.throwWeaponEnemy);
int num2 = (int)Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Sqrt((float)(this.weapon.SelfWeight + this.weapon.ChildrenWeight)) * 3f + 25f + (float)(flag ? 75 : 0), 10f, 400f + Mathf.Sqrt((float)this.CC.STR) * 50f);
int num3 = Mathf.Clamp(this.weapon.material.hardness, flag ? 40 : 20, 200);
this.weaponSkill = this.CC.elements.GetOrCreateElement(108);
this.attackType = AttackType.Blunt;
this.dBonus = (this.CC.IsPCParty ? 3 : 7);
this.dNum = 2;
this.dDim = ((this.CC.IsPCParty ? 0 : this.CC.LV) + this.CC.STR + this.CC.Evalue(108)) * num2 * num3 / 10000 / 2;
this.dMulti = 1f;
this.toHitBase = EClass.curve(this.CC.DEX / 4 + this.CC.STR / 2 + this.weaponSkill.Value, 50, 25, 75) + (this.CC.IsPC ? 75 : 250);
this.toHitFix = this.CC.HIT + this.weapon.HIT;
this.penetration = 25;
The player throw the item from hand returning or not using the Throwing skill.
Attack Type is always Blunt
Weight Value is [√Throwing Item Weight] x 3 + 25 + if is Throwing Weapon: 75 else 0, with floor of 10 to ceiling of 400 + [√Strength] x 50
Material Value is Material Hardness, with floor of if is Throwing Weapon: 40 else 25 to ceiling of 200
Dice Number is always 2
Dice Face is (if isn't Player Character: Character Level + Strength + Throwing ) x Weight Value x Material Value / 10000 / 2
Accuracy is (Dexterity / 4 + Strength / 2 + Throwing) with a minimum value of 25+50 and a maximum of 75+50 + (if is Player Character: 75 else 250 )
To Hit bonus is Character To Hit Bonus + Weapon's To Hit Bonus
Damage bonus is if is Player Character: 3 else 7
Damage Multiplier is always 1
Penetration is always 25
Melee & Ranged
if (this.IsRanged)
this.weaponSkill = this.CC.elements.GetOrCreateElement(this.toolRange.WeaponSkill);
this.weaponSkill = this.CC.elements.GetOrCreateElement(this.weapon.category.skill);
if (!this.weapon.source.attackType.IsEmpty())
this.attackType = this.weapon.source.attackType.ToEnum(true);
bool flag2 = this.IsCane || this.weapon.Evalue(482) > 0;
if (flag2)
this.weaponSkill = this.CC.elements.GetOrCreateElement(305);
this.dBonus = this.CC.DMG + this.CC.encLV + this.weapon.DMG;
this.dNum = this.weapon.source.offense[0];
this.dDim = this.weapon.c_diceDim;
this.dMulti = 0.6f + (float)(this.weaponSkill.GetParent(this.CC).Value + this.weaponSkill.Value / 2 + this.CC.Evalue(flag2 ? 304 : (this.IsRanged ? 133 : 132))) / 50f;
this.dMulti += 0.05f * (float)this.CC.Evalue(this.IsRanged ? 1404 : 1400);
this.toHitBase = EClass.curve((this.IsCane ? this.CC.WIL : this.CC.DEX) / 4 + this.weaponSkill.GetParent(this.CC).Value / 3 + this.weaponSkill.Value, 50, 25, 75) + 50;
this.toHitFix = this.CC.HIT + this.weapon.HIT;
this.penetration = this.weapon.Penetration + this.CC.Evalue(92);
if (this.IsCane)
this.toHitBase += 50;
if (this.ammo != null)
this.dNumAmmo = ((this.ammo.source.offense.Length != 0) ? this.ammo.source.offense[0] : 0);
this.dDimAmmo = this.ammo.c_diceDim;
this.dBonusAmmo = this.ammo.DMG;
if (this.dNumAmmo < 1)
this.dNumAmmo = 1;
if (this.dDimAmmo < 1)
this.dDimAmmo = 1;
this.dBonus += this.ammo.DMG;
this.toHitFix += this.ammo.HIT;
this.dNumAmmo = 0;
this.dDimAmmo = 0;
The player swings their melee weapon using the Tactics skill or shoots ranged weapons using the Marksman skill
If the weapon is: Cane or it has the Force Weapon enchantment it uses Casting skill instead of Tactics or Marksman skill
If the weapon is: Cane or it has the Force Weapon enchantment it uses Magic Device skill instead of Longsword / Shortsword / Axes / etc...
Damage Bonus is: Player Character Damage Bonus + Weapon Mod Tool Damage Bonus + Weapon Damage Bonus
Damage Multiplier is: 0.6 + (Weapon Skill Attribute + Weapon Skill / 2 + (If Melee Weapon its Tactics, if Ranged Weapon its Marksman, if Cane or Force Weapon its Casting)) / 50
If the player has the Weapon/Ranged Mastery feat, additional damage is provided at a rate of 0.05 x (Weapon/Ranged Mastery Rank). (Effectively, +0.05 or +0.10)
Accuracy is: (Dexterity or Will if Cane) / 4 + Weapon Skill Attribute / 3 + (If Melee Weapon Tactics, if Ranged Weapon Marksman, if Cane or Force Weapon Magic Device)
If it's Cane accuracy additional + 50
To Hit Bonus is: Character To Hit Bonus + Weapon To Hit Bonus + Ammo To Hit Bonus (if load with ammo)
Damage Bonus is: Character Damage Bonus + Weapon Damage Bonus + Ammo Damage Bonus (if load with ammo)
Penetration is: Character Penetration + Weapon Penetration
This is line 44 of Ability.cs
Here we have the code that describes which formula it uses to determine the spellpower of an NPC's spell
public override int GetPower(Card c)
int num = base.Value * 8 + 50;
if (!c.IsPC)
num = Mathf.Max(num, c.LV * 6 + 30);
if (c.IsPCFactionOrMinion && !base.source.aliasParent.IsEmpty())
num = Mathf.Max(num, c.Evalue(base.source.aliasParent) * 4 + 30);
num = EClass.curve(num, 400, 100, 75);
if (this is Spell)
num = num * (100 + c.Evalue(411)) / 100;
return num;
Here we have the curve function:
public static int curve(int a, int start, int step, int rate = 75)
if (a <= start)
return a;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int num = start + i * step;
if (a <= num)
return a;
a = num + (a - num) * rate / 100;
return a;
Spellpower is curve( (Spell Level x 8 + 50), 400, 100, 75 ) x (100 + Spell Enhance Enchanement) / 100 if it's Player Character
Spellpower is the larger one between Spell Level x 8 + 50 or Char Level x 6 + 30 or Main Attribute x 4 + 30 if it's not the Player Character
About curve function: curve(a, start, step, rate)
Set i = 0
. Calculate num = start + i * step
. When a
exceeds num
, the excess portion needs to be multiplied by rate / 100
. Then increment i
by 1. Repeat the above steps 10 times
In simple terms, this function is used to compress numerical values. The slope of the function's curve gradually decreases to (rate / 100)^10
Spellcasting/Damaging Spells
Dice number, dice sides and damage bonus are rounded down.
Type | Dice Number | Dice Sides | Damage Bonus | Notes |
Touch | 1+Spellpower/100+Attribute/10 | 3+Spellpower/50 | Melee range | |
Arrow | 1+Spellpower/160+Attribute/30 | 8+Spellpower/12 | Spellpower/25 | Single target |
Bolt | 1+Spellpower/120+Attribute/20 | 4+Spellpower/20 | Damage all targets in a 10 tiles long straight line | |
Ball | 1+Spellpower/70+Attribute/20 | 2+Spellpower/35 | Damage all targets in a 5 tiles radius ball from the caster
Damage = Damage x 100 / (90 + range x 10) | |
Miasma | 2+Spellpower/150 | 5+Spellpower/80 | Damage once per turn | |
Breath | 1+Spellpower/80+Attribute/20 | 6+Spellpower/100 | Attribute/4 | Damage all targets in a 7 tiles long 35° cone from the caster |
Meteor | 1+Spellpower/150 | 4+Attribute*3 | Always Fire element
Damage all targets in a 10 tiles radius ball from the caster Can be blocked by walls Also damage the caster | |
Earthquake | 1+Spellpower/30 | 2+Attribute/3 | Always Imapct element
Damage all targets in a 12 tiles radius ball from the caster Deal double max dice damage to enemies with Gravity debuff Deal half damage to enemies with floating effect | |
Shatter Hex | 1+Spellpower/160+Attribute/30 | 8+Spellpower/12 | Spellpower/25 | Removes all hexes on target and damages surrounding enemies.
Requires at least one hex on target to work. |
Spellcasting/Healing Spells
Type | Dice Number | Dice Sides | Healing Bonus | Notes |
Cure Minor Wounds | 1+Spellpower/50+Will/30 | 5+Spellpower/40 | Spellpower/30 | |
Cure Heavy Wounds | 2+Spellpower/40+Will/25 | 6+Spellpower/30 | Spellpower/25 | |
Cure Critical Wounds | 3+Spellpower/35+Will/20 | 7+Spellpower/25 | Spellpower/20 | |
Healing | 4+Spellpower/30+Will/15 | 8+Spellpower/20 | Spellpower/15 | |
Healing of 《Eris》 | 5+Spellpower/25+Will/10 | 9+Spellpower/15 | Spellpower/10 | |
Healing of 《Odina》 | 6+Spellpower/20+Will/5 | 10+Spellpower/10 | Spellpower/5 | |
Healing of 《Jure》 | 8+Spellpower/10+Will | 15+Spellpower/5 | Spellpower | |
Nature's Embrace | 1+Spellpower/125 | 4+Spellpower/75 |
Spellcasting/Buff Spells
Type | Power | Duration | Notes |
Intonation of (Element) | (CHA/40 + 1)*5 | Spellpower/25 + 8 | The power in this case is the resistance it provides |
Telepathy | Spellpower/5 + 15 | ||
Invisibility | Spellpower/30 + 5 | Spellpower/12 + 6 | |
See Invisible | Spellpower/40 + 6 | Spellpower/6 + 12 | |
Disguise | Spellpower/2 + 20 | ||
Cat's Eye | Spellpower/30 + 5 | Spellpower*3 | |
Holy Veil | Spellpower/6 + 5 | ||
Elemental Shield | Spellpower/200 + 5 | Spellpower/15 + 8 | The power in this case is the resistance it provides for all three types |
Hero | STR: Spellpower/30 + 5
DEX: Spellpower/30 + 5 |
Spellpower/4 + 10 | |
Levitation | Spellpower/5 + 10 | ||
Holy Shield | Spellpower/15 + 15 | Spellpower/3 + 10 | |
Divine Wisdom | MAG: Spellpower/40 + 6
LER: Spellpower/40 + 6 LIT: Spellpower/40 + 3 |
Spellpower/4 + 10 | |
Broomification | Spellpower + 30 |
The cells with empty Power entries do not scale.
Spellcasting/Debuff Spells
Type | Power | Duration | Notes |
Miasma | Spellpower/100 + 5 | ||
Gravity | Spellpower/20 + 10 | ||
Silence | Spellpower/80 + 5 | ||
Weakness | Spellpower/50 + 10 | ||
Bane | Spellpower/30 + 50 | Spellpower/50 + 10 | The power in this case is the luck it reduces |
Excommunicate | Spellpower/50 + 20 | ||
Elemental Scar | Spellpower/100 + 5 | Spellpower/40 + 8 | The power in this case is the resistance it reduces for all three types |
Spellcasting/Summoning Spells
case EffectId.Funnel:
if (EClass._zone.CountMinions(CC) > CC.MaxSummon || CC.c_uidMaster != 0)
CC.Say("summon_ally_fail", CC, null, null);
CC.Say("spell_funnel", CC, element.Name.ToLower(), null);
CC.PlaySound("spell_funnel", 1f, true);
Chara chara = CharaGen.Create("bit", -1);
chara.SetMainElement(element.source.alias, element.Value, true);
chara.SetSummon(20 + power / 20 + EClass.rnd(10));
chara.SetLv(power / 15);
EClass._zone.AddCard(chara, tp.GetNearestPoint(false, false, true, false));
chara.PlayEffect("teleport", true, 0f, default(Vector3));
chara.MakeMinion(CC, MinionType.Default);
Type | Duration | Level | Notes |
Summon Bits | 20 + rnd (10) + Spellpower / 20 | Spellpower / 15 | |
Summon Animal | Until it dies | Spell Level * (100 + Spellpower / 10) / 100 + Spellpower / 30 | |
Summon Undead Younger Sisters | Until it dies | Spell Level * (100 + Spellpower / 10) / 100 + Spellpower / 30 | |
Summon Shadow | Until it dies | Spellpower / 10 + 1 | Use Suicide Explostion attack |
Note that summons other than Bits has infinite duration