
From Ylvapedia
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Foods can be cooked to develop their attributes and their potential more efficiently.


Foods have various levels of attributes; however, the level of their attributes and potential do not seem to be additive.

An example of this: Two of the same grape that provide 4 MAG will not necessarily give 8 MAG on the final product.

Some dishes can use more than one ingredient, making them excellent food with many food traits.

You can create your own dishes to match the main attributes you want to develop, and you can also buy dishes made with various ingredients at stores.

When the gourmet Feat reaches rank 2, additional seasonings can be added to some dishes.

The nutritional content of homemade dishes varies depending on the nutritional content of each ingredient.

  • Some dishes have "Additional Traits” that are automatically added during crafting, separate from the traits of the ingredients. You can check the additional traits on the crafting window.
  • Dishes initially generated without a store or cookware, such as those located in town, have their own nutritional and food traits


(Brackets) indicate optional item

Icon Dish Category Lv. Equipment Recipe Gourmet 2 Additional trait Recipe/Dish Acquisition Notes
Elin Item Sprite Bread.png Bread Bread 1 Oven Dough (+ cheese)
Elin Item Sprite Cooked Rice.png Cooked rice Rice Meal 1 Cooker Rice + seasoning × Initially learned

Nefu village

Elin Item Sprite Cookie.png Cookie Cookie 1 Oven Nut + dough (+ seasoning) × Initially learned
Elin Item Sprite Fried Egg.png Fried egg Egg Meal 1 Cooker Egg Initially learned


Elin Item Sprite Instant Ramen.png Instant ramen Noodle 1 Cauldron Pot of noodle + seasoning × Initially learned


Meat on the bone Meat on the bone Meat Meal 1 BBQ table, Bonfire, fireplace Corpse Initially learned

Fighters Guild

Elin Item Sprite Mini Salad.png Mini salad Vegetable Meal 1 Cutting board Vegetable Initially learned

Port Kapul

Elin Item Sprite Mousse.png Mousse Cake 1 Mixer Fruit + gelatin OR milk Initially learned

Fortune Bell

Roasted fruit Roasted fruit Fruit Meal 1 BBQ table, Bonfire, fireplace Fruit Initially learned
Elin Item Sprite Skewer of Grilled Fish.png Skewer of grilled fish Fish Meal 1 BBQ table, Bonfire, fireplace Fish Initially learned
Elin Item Sprite Vegetable Soup.png Vegetable soup Soup 1 Cauldron, Camp pot, Cooker Vegetable Initially learned


Elin Item Sprite Weed Stew.png Weed stew Soup 2 BBQ table, Bonfire, fireplace Grass OR weed OR pasture OR herb +2 PER Initially learned
Elin Item Sprite Stone Roasted Sweet Imo.png Stone roasted sweet imo Vegetable Meal 3 BBQ table, Bonfire, fireplace Imo + pebble +3 CHA Initially learned
Elin Item Sprite Assorted Fruit.png Assorted fruit Fruit Meal 4 Cutting board Fruit + fruit
Elin Item Sprite Boiled Egg.png Boiled egg Egg Meal 4 BBQ table, Bonfire, fireplace Egg +2 END Pot Initially learned Hammering it returnes a raw egg
Elin Item Sprite Loaf of Bread.png Loaf of bread Bread 4 Oven Sack of bread dough + seasoning (+ egg) × Lumiest
Elin Item Sprite Meat Roast.png Meat roast Meat Meal 5 BBQ table Corpse + vegetable Olvina, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Sauteed Fish.png Sauteed fish Fish Meal 5 Cooker Fish + sauce (+ vegetable) × Willow, Port Kapul, Palmia
Elin Item Sprite Potage.png Potage Soup 6 Cauldron, Camp pot, Cooker Vegetable + seasoning ×
Elin Item Sprite Pasta Salad.png Pasta salad Noodle 7 Cooker Pot of noodle + vegetable (+ seasoning) × Specwing, Fighters Guild
Elin Item Sprite Hot Spring Egg.png Hot spring egg Egg Meal 8 Microwave oven, Floating in hot spring water. Egg (+ seasoning) +4 DEX Initially learned Eggs cooked in hot springs have 【Warm】
Elin Item Sprite Omelette.png Omelette Egg Meal 8 Cooker Egg + sauce (+ seasoning) ×
Elin Item Sprite Pickled Vegetable.png Pickled vegetable Vegetable Meal 8 Cutting board Vegetable + sauce
Elin Item Sprite Breadstick.png Breadstick Bread 10 Oven Nut + sack of bread dough + seasoning (+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Onigiri.png Onigiri Rice Meal 11 Cutting board Rice + seasoning (+ corpse) (+ fish) × Nefu village, Specwing
Elin Item Sprite Sherbet.png Sherbet Fruit Meal 11 Mixer Fruit + seasoning (+ egg) ×
Elin Item Sprite Sashimi.png Sashimi Fish Meal 12 Cutting board Fish + sauce Mifu village, Fighters Guild, Fortune Bell, Yowyn B1F
Elin Item Sprite Shortcake.png Shortcake Cake 12 Oven Fruit + sack of cake dough + seasoning × Yowyn B1F
Elin Item Sprite Spicy Stir-fry.png Spicy stir-fry Meat Meal 12 Cooker Corpse + spice (+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Stew.png Stew Soup 12 Cauldron, Camp pot, Cooker Corpse + seasoning (+ rice) ×
Elin Item Sprite Take-out Pizza.png Take-out pizza Meal 12 Microwave oven Dough (+ seasoning) (+ vegetable) (+ corpse) (+ nut) × -3 LER Pot Port Kapul, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Salad.png Salad Vegetable Meal 14 Cutting board Vegetable + fruit + seasoning (+nut) ×
Elin Item Sprite Cream Stew.png Cream stew Soup 16 Cauldron, Camp pot, Cooker Milk + meat + vegetable + vegetable ×
Elin Item Sprite Carbonara.png Carbonara Noodle 18 Cooker Pot of noodle + cheese + sauce ×
Elin Item Sprite Fried Fish.png Fried fish Fish Meal 18 BBQ table Fish + tempura flour (+ seasoning) × Mysilia, Port Kapul
Elin Item Sprite Manju.png Manju Cookie 18 Oven Nut + dough + seasoning (+ corpse) (+ fruit) ×
Elin Item Sprite Soft And Fluffy Bread.png Soft and fluffy bread Bread 18 Oven Nut + dough + dough OR flour OR pot of noodle (+ seasoning) (+ cheese) × Mysilia,Yowyn
Elin Item Sprite Caramel Cake.png Caramel cake Cake 19 Oven Fruit + gelatin + sack of cake dough + seasoning (+ egg) ×
Elin Item Sprite Stewed Vegetable.png Stewed vegetable Vegetable Meal 20 Cauldron, Camp pot, Cooker Vegetable + vegetable (+ vegetable) (+ meat) ×
Elin Item Sprite Whole Roasted Meat.png Whole roasted meat Meat Meal 20 BBQ table Corpse + corpse + seasoning (+ nut) × Willow, Fighters Guild, Port Kapul, Palmia
Elin Item Sprite Cazuela.png Cazuela Soup 21 Cauldron Fish + seasoning (+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Rice Bowl.png Rice bowl Rice Meal 22 Cauldron Rice + egg + seasoning (+ corpse) (+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Flan.png Flan Egg Meal 23 Mixer Egg + gelatin + seasoning × Mages Guild, Port Kapul, Palmia, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Jelly.png Jelly Fruit Meal 23 Mixer Fruit + gelatin + seasoning × Port Kapul, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Cream Puff.png Cream puff Bread 24 Oven Nut + fruit + dough + seasoning ×
Elin Item Sprite Garlic Spaghetti.png Garlic spaghetti Noodle 24 Cooker Pot of noodle + vegetable + sauce + spice × Olvina, Specwing
Elin Item Sprite Stir Fried Vegetable.png Stir fried vegetable Vegetable Meal 24 Cooker Vegetable + corpse + seasoning × Mysilia
Elin Item Sprite Tempura.png Tempura Fish Meal 24 BBQ table Fish + vegetable + tempura flour (+ nut) × Nefu village, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Grilled Meat With Shiso Leaves.png Grilled meat with shiso leaves Meat Meal 25 BBQ table Corpse + nut + vegetable (+ seasoning) × Willow, Specwing
Elin Item Sprite Tiramisu.png Tiramisu Cake 26 Oven Nut + sack of cake dough + seasoning (+ fruit) × Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Garlic Spaghetti.png Spaghetti with meat sauce Noodle 28 Cooker Pot of noodle + corpse + sauce × Lumiest, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Ginger Bread Man.png Ginger Bread man Cookie 30 Oven Nut + dough + egg (+seasoning) × ★Gift Box of Jure Recipe acquisition is limited to dismantling
Elin Item Sprite Curry.png Curry Rice Meal 30 Cooker Rice + corpse + vegetable + spice (+ seasoning) × Port Kapul, Fighters Guild
Elin Item Sprite Pie.png Pie Bread 31 Oven Nut + fruit + dough OR flour OR pot of noodle + seasoning (+ corpse) ×
Elin Item Sprite Caesar Salad.png Caesar salad Vegetable Meal 32 Cutting board Vegetable + vegetable + nut + egg + sauce × Mysilia
Elin Item Sprite Croquette.png Croquette Meat Meal 32 Cooker Corpse + vegetable + tempura flour + sauce (+ seasoning) ×
Elin Item Sprite Live Sashimi.png Live sashimi Fish Meal 32 Cutting board Fish + vegetable (+ fish) × Lumiest, Port Kapul
Elin Item Sprite Crepe.png Crepe Fruit Meal 34 Oven Fruit + egg + sack of cake dough + seasoning (+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Kid's Lunch.png Kid's lunch Egg Meal 35 Cooker Egg + rice + fruit + seasoning (+ cheese) × Specwing, Palmia, Fortune Bell
Elin Item Sprite Sukiyaki.png Sukiyaki Soup 35 Cauldron Corpse + vegetable + seasoning (+ egg) (+ pot of noodle) × Mysilia, Nefu village
Elin Item Sprite Giant Shortcake.png Giant shortcake Cake 36 Oven Fruit + fruit + sack of cake dough + sack of cake dough + seasoning ×
Elin Item Sprite Tsukimi Udon.png Tsukimi udon Noodle 36 Cauldron Pot of noodle + egg + seasoning (+ corpse) (+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Sushi.png Sushi Fish Meal 40 Cutting board Fish + rice + vegetable + sauce × Nefu village
Elin Item Sprite Pizza.png Pizza Bread 42 Oven Dough (+ vegetable) (+ corpse) (+ nut) ×
Elin Item Sprite King Parfait.png King parfait Fruit Meal 44 Mixer Fruit + fruit + nut + sack of cake dough + seasoning × Port Kapul
Elin Item Sprite Burger.png Burger Bread 45 Oven Dough+ corpse+ seasoning + cheese(+ vegetable) ×
Elin Item Sprite Ramen.png Ramen Noodle 46 Cauldron Pot of noodle + seasoning (+ corpse) (+ vegetable) (+ fish) ×
Elin Item Sprite Holiday Meal.png Holiday meal Fish Meal 50 Cooker Fish + vegetable + corpse + egg (+ seasoning) × Nefu village
Elin Item Sprite Delux Snow Putit cake.png Delux snow putit cake Cake 55 Oven Fruit + egg + milk+ sack of cake dough + seasoning × ★Gift Box of Jure Recipe acquisition is limited to dismantling

Recipes by Ingredient

Icon Item Vegetable Grain Meat Fish Fruit Egg Nut Seasoning Gourmet 2 Other
Elin Item Sprite Bread.png Bread Cheese
Elin Item Sprite Cooked Rice.png Cooked rice ×
Elin Item Sprite Cookie.png Cookie ×
Elin Item Sprite Fried Egg.png Fried egg
Elin Item Sprite Instant Ramen.png Instant ramen ×
Meat on the bone Meat on the bone
Elin Item Sprite Mini Salad.png Mini salad
Elin Item Sprite Mousse.png Mousse Gelatin, milk
Roasted fruit Roasted fruit
Elin Item Sprite Skewer of Grilled Fish.png Skewer of grilled fish
Elin Item Sprite Vegetable Soup.png Vegetable soup
Elin Item Sprite Weed Stew.png Weed stew Grass, herb
Elin Item Sprite Stone Roasted Sweet Imo.png Stone roasted sweet imo Imo
Elin Item Sprite Assorted Fruit.png Assorted fruit
Elin Item Sprite Boiled Egg.png Boiled egg
Elin Item Sprite Loaf of Bread.png Loaf of bread ×
Elin Item Sprite Meat Roast.png Meat roast ×
Elin Item Sprite Sauteed Fish.png Sauteed fish Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Potage.png Potage ×
Elin Item Sprite Pasta Salad.png Pasta salad ×
Elin Item Sprite Hot Spring Egg.png Hot spring egg × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Omelette.png Omelette × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Pickled Vegetable.png Pickled vegetable ×
Elin Item Sprite Breadstick.png Breadstick
Elin Item Sprite Onigiri.png Onigiri ×
Elin Item Sprite Sherbet.png Sherbet ×
Elin Item Sprite Sashimi.png Sashimi × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Shortcake.png Shortcake
Elin Item Sprite Spicy Stir-fry.png Spicy stir-fry × Spice
Elin Item Sprite Stew.png Stew ×
Elin Item Sprite Take-out Pizza.png Take-out pizza ×
Elin Item Sprite Salad.png Salad ×
Elin Item Sprite Cream Stew.png Cream Stew × Milk
Elin Item Sprite Carbonara.png Carbonara × Cheese, Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Fried Fish.png Fried fish ×
Elin Item Sprite Manju.png Manju ×
Elin Item Sprite Soft And Fluffy Bread.png Soft and fluffy bread × Cheese
Elin Item Sprite Caramel Cake.png Caramel cake × Gelatin
Elin Item Sprite Stewed Vegetable.png Stewed vegetable ×
Elin Item Sprite Whole Roasted Meat.png Whole roasted meat ×
Elin Item Sprite Cazuela.png Cazuela ×
Elin Item Sprite Rice Bowl.png Rice bowl ×
Elin Item Sprite Flan.png Flan × Gelatin
Elin Item Sprite Jelly.png Jelly × Gelatin
Elin Item Sprite Cream Puff.png Cream puff ×
Elin Item Sprite Garlic Spaghetti.png Garlic spaghetti × Sauce, Spice
Elin Item Sprite Stir Fried Vegetable.png Stir-fried vegetable ×
Elin Item Sprite Tempura.png Tempura ×
Elin Item Sprite Grilled Meat With Shiso Leaves.png Grilled meat with shiso leaves ×
Elin Item Sprite Tiramisu.png Tiramisu ×
Elin Item Sprite Garlic Spaghetti.png Spaghetti with meat sauce × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Ginger Bread Man.png Ginger Bread man ×
Elin Item Sprite Curry.png Curry × Spice
Elin Item Sprite Pie.png Pie ×
Elin Item Sprite Caesar Salad.png Caesar salad × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Croquette.png Croquette × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Live Sashimi.png Live sashimi ×
Elin Item Sprite Crepe.png Crepe ×
Elin Item Sprite Kid's Lunch.png Kid's lunch × Cheese
Elin Item Sprite Sukiyaki.png Sukiyaki ×
Elin Item Sprite Giant Shortcake.png Giant shortcake ×
Elin Item Sprite Tsukimi Udon.png Tsukimi udon ×
Elin Item Sprite Sushi.png Sushi × Sauce
Elin Item Sprite Pizza.png Pizza ×
Elin Item Sprite King Parfait.png King parfait ×
Elin Item Sprite Burger.png Burger × Cheese
Elin Item Sprite Ramen.png Ramen ×
Elin Item Sprite Holiday Meal.png Holiday Meal ×
Elin Item Sprite Delux Snow Putit cake.png Delux snow putit cake × Milk


Cooking by Fire Damage

Some foods will be cooked when they are destroyed by fire. The quality of the finished product will be higher depending on the strength of the fire.

Can be cooked: meat, fish, fruit, nuts, dough, rice, egg, Imo

Cannot be cooked(just be destroyed): vegetables other than Imo, seasonings, powdered medicine

Microwave Egg Bomb

If you cook an egg in a microwave oven, it will sometimes explode, blowing up the surrounding objects and creatures.

The power of the explosion will be stronger depending on the quality of the egg and the player's cooking skills.

The eggs of unique NPCs have a large bonus to their quality, so when they explode, they can be very dangerous.

Cooking Fiasco

If you fail to cook a dish that uses fire, there is a small chance that a fire will break out from the cooking utensils.

If a fire breaks out, don't panic and try to put it out by throwing potions or spraying water with a watering can.

Cooking with Processor

Processing equipment can also be used to cook food. Cooking with processor has different specifications from cookware craft.

Transferring traits

If you make your foods using millstone or other processor, the traits will come from what the ingredients had, but the highest level is inherited instead of being combined with the same trait, as in cooking.

(For example, if an ingredient with Strength Lv. 4 and an ingredient with Strength Lv. 3 are combined, the finished product will have Strength Lv. 4.)

Processing to override traits

Many things can be turned into seasonings by using an aging rack to turn them into cheeses. Cheeses will always have the -2 PER and will override any positive PER modifiers that the previous food had.

Jerky will likewise have a DEX Lv. -2.

Fermentable/non-fermentable items

Aging racks and sun-dried bricks can rot foodstuffs, seasonings, and preserves and process them into cheese and jerky, respectively.

However, items that meet the following conditions will not ferment.

Not applicable Examples Notes
Dishes Soft and fluffy bread etc. Rotten but not fermented.
Resources Hearts, flowers, etc.
Products of fermentation Cheese, jerky In case you change the material with a raw material kit, you can make it rot again.
Foods made from other than raw or processed foods Corpses of putits, bomb rock eggs, etc. It can be fermented by transforming it with a raw material kit. However, silverbell (metal) eggs are not effective because they lose their PER Lv. when turned into cheese.

Recipes for food that can be made in processing facilities

Preserved food

Preserved food Processing facilities recipes Notes
Kibble millstone corpse/fish+bark
Rice cake wooden mortar rice+rice
Travel ration ration maker flour+nut/

rice+brown mushroom

Jerky sun-dried bricks

sun-dried rack

fermentable foods DEX Lv. to -2 Override

Rice and Dough (flour, noodles, powdered medicine, etc.)

Image Grain/Dough recipe (millstone) Notes
Elin Item Sprite Bag of Rice.png
Rice Bundle of rice + Bundle of rice
Elin Item Sprite Flour.png
Flour Bundle of Wheat + Bundle of Wheat
Elin Item Sprite Sack of Bread Dough.png
Bread Dough Bundle of Wheat/Rice + Yeast
Elin Item Sprite Sack of Cake Dough.png
Cake Dough Bundle of Wheat/Rice + Sugar
Elin Item Sprite Sack of Tempura Flour.png
Tempura flour Bundle of Wheat/Rice + Chili/Olive Oil
Elin Item Sprite Pot of Noodle.png
Noodle Bundle of Wheat/Rice + Salt
Elin Item Sprite Handful of Crim Powder.png
Crim Powder Crim + Nuts
Elin Item Sprite Handful of Bone Powder.png
Bone Powder Bone + Bone
Elin Item Sprite Handful of Red Powder.png
Red Powder Red Herb + Red Herb
Elin Item Sprite Handful of Blue Powder.png
Blue powder Blue herb + Blue herb
Elin Item Sprite Handful of Purple Powder.png
Purple powder Purple herb + Purple herb

Rice has two items with shared names and default traits. Top-tie bag is craftable, bale-shaped is not.


created seasonings inherit the characteristics of the ingredients, but like dishes, they do not combine the same characteristics, only the highest value is inherited.

If the food trait [Aphrodisiac Mix], [Bug Mix] or [Adam] is attached, the number created is fixed to one.

Seasoning Processor Recipe # Note
Sugar Kiln Honeycomb 2
Honey Millstone Honeycomb×2 1
Gelatin Millstone Corpse*×2 4-5 *The corpses of Slimes and Chaos Shapes

cannot be used even if they are of the corresponding race.

Soy Sauce Millstone Fish + Seaweed 3-5
Bonito Flakes Sawmill Fish 4-5
Cheese Aging Rack fermentable foods, milk 1