Elin:Older Younger Sister

From Ylvapedia
(Redirected from Elin:年上の妹)

A recruitable NPC that can be found wandering Mysilia, searching for her beloved sibling.

Elin Npc Portrait Older Younger Sister.png
Elin Npc Sprite Older Younger Sister.png


『Older Younger Sister』






The player's non blood related older sister, her smile can protect you from anything.

She is particular about putits.

Perhaps you should give her some allowance money?

Quiz Answers
Question Answer
What is an older younger sister? 4. Non-blood related older sister
What is she hiding in your room? 6. Everything
What is the strongest shield? 5. Her Smile
What is her favorite putit? 3. Snow Putit
What does she want from you? 3. To be together forever
Will you give her an allowance? 10k orens and she joins the player.


While she does have the Adam 5 trait, as she is not a Chaos Shape, this will not increase the trait even if fed food with it. Her stat base potentials are also the default amount.