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This page explains about the potions and other drinks that are classified into the "Drink" category, such as alcohol, solid medicines, and milk.


Items classified under the Drink category can be further divided into four types: potions, drug, booze, and milk.

Drinks can be used not only for drinking, but also as crafting materials such as for clay and cauldrons, and each subcategory has its own unique uses.

You can buy a variety of beverages from vending machines.


A potion is the common name for a drinkable item that comes in a round bottle, and it can be drunk, mixed or thrown at enemies to produce various effects.

In addition, beverages such as juice that have no effect are also classified as potions.

Items classified as potions can also be used as materials when crafting empty bottles with a millstone.


In addition to being able to buy potions from vending machines, healers sell cure and support magic potions, and drug dealers sell status abnormality potions and other potions.

If you have contracted Ether Hand, when you pick up or buy potions – excluding ether antibodies – they will sometimes turn into harmful potions.

Potion (Medicine)
Name Where to Acquire Effect Blessed Cursed Note
Water Shrine of Thing, Holy well None Bless the mixed items. Curse the mixed items. If you use an empty bottle at the Holy Well of Noyel, you will always get blessed water.
salt water Drug dealer If a snail drinks or bathes in it, it will take a lot of damage.
dirty water Machinarium Nefia Vomit (Player/Resident only)
Cure Minor Wounds Healer Heals Holy damage
Cure Major Wounds Healer Heals Holy damage
Cure Critical Wounds Healer Heals Holy damage
Healing Healer Heals Holy damage
Healing of 《Eris》 Healer Heals Holy damage
Healing of 《Odina》 Healer Heals Holy damage
Healing of 《Jure》 Healer Heals Holy damage
Infravision Healer Cat's Eye (600 turns)
Ultravision Healer See Invisible (45 turns) The amount of increase is +11?
Telepathy Healer Telepathy (55 turns)
Speed Healer Increase speed by 20 (25 turns) Increase speed by 40 (63 turns?) Increase speed by 40 (40 turns) To be verified: Even if it is cursed, the effect increases.

Unlike in Elona, this potion will not age you.

Slow Healer Decrease speed by 20 (35 turns?) Unlike in Elona, this potion will not decrease your age.
Hero Healer Hero (60 turns) Fear (20 turns)
Troll blood Healer Nature's Embrace (8 turns) Bleeding (14 turns?) Recovery amount is 2d6?
Resistance Healer Elemental Shield (20 turns) Elemental Scar (24 turns) Each resistance is +6? If cursed, -9 each?
Weakness Resistance Healer Elemental Scar
Restore Body Healer Restores damaged attributes (Str, End, Dex, Cha). Temporal boost to attributes Unlike in Elona, the temporal boost with blessed potions is not a fixed, permanent 20% until death. Instead the boost wear off through time.
Restore Mind Healer Restores damaged attributes (Per, Ler, Will, Mag).
Weakness Healer Weakness (20 turns)
Silence Healer Silence
mutation Healer Acquire a mutation. Acquire a positive mutation. Acquire a negative mutation.
cure mutation Healer Cure a mutation. Cure a negative mutation. Cure a positive mutation.
putitification Rodwyn Putitifies (230 turns) Sold by Rodwyn, the witch who lives in Mysilia
ether antibody Casino, Miral and Garokk's Workshop, ecopo merchant Treat 2 Ether diseases. Treat 3 Ether diseases. Progress 2 Ether diseases. Ether disease is treated from the newest one.
perfume of Ward monsters Casino, Healer Less chance of being ambushed on the world map The effect lasts for 3 sleeps, if you don't sleep it is infinite
perfume of Lure monsters Casino, Healer Greater chance of being ambushed on the world map The effect lasts for 3 sleeps, if you don't sleep it is infinite
perfume of Meetings Casino, Healer Easier to encounter events such as Kickstarter backer trails The effect lasts for 3 sleeps, if you don't sleep it is infinite
perfume of Lure metals Casino, Healer Greater chance of encountering metal monsters The effect lasts for 3 sleeps, if you don't sleep it is infinite
poison Drug dealer If you drink it, you will get Poison Bad status

When mixed with food, it gains the food trait “Poison Mix”.

blindness Drug dealer blindness
confusion Drug dealer confusion
paralysis Drug dealer paralysis
hormone drug Drug dealer Change gender Change gender + rejuvenation Change gender + aging The portrait does not change, but the appearance changes when a character with a male or female graphic uses it

If the character with the “???” gender uses it, they will become male or female, and if the male or female use it, they will sometimes become “???” gender.

love potion Drug dealer Affinity increases, sometimes lays eggs and gives milk If you hand it directly to them using the Present or Trade commands, their Affinity will decrease by 20.
acidproof liquid Drug dealer If you drink it, you will take acid damage

If you mix it with equipment, it will gain the acidproof trait.

If you mix it with equipment, it will rust.
mercury Metal Putit If you drink it, you will take acid damage

If you mix it with equipment, it will gain the acidproof trait.

Rare craft Resource, Metal Putit Drop Items
Blood of Fallen Angel Statue of Wind If you drink it, you will take acid damage

If you mix it with equipment, it will gain the acidproof trait.

Rare craft Resource


Beverages that have no effect when drunk.

Potion (Beverage)
Name Note
snow You can obtain this by collecting the snowballs that children throw in the snow-covered town. As this is also a potion, you can get an empty bottle by crafting it.
bucket of water Like the water potion, you can add a blessing or curse to other items by mixing them with a blessed or cursed item. However, unlike water, placing it on an altar will not cause it to be blessed or cursed.
liquid A red liquid in a small bottle.
soft drink


Drugs come in capsule and powdered medicine forms, and can be offered to the Mani of Machine.

Drugs are often sold by Drug Dealers.

Powdered medicines will not work if thrown at NPCs, but they can be used as ingredients in cooking bread and cookies as alternative to flour.

Name Shape Effect Note
sleeping pill Capsule sleeping It looks like a capsule, but you can also throw it at your enemies and splash it on them.
crim powder Powder Eating it causes hallucinations.
bone powder Powder Eating it cures insanity and hallucination, grants a state of Peace of Mind.
blue powder Powder Eating it cures Bleeding
red powder Powder Eating it cures Poison.
purple powder Powder Eating it cures insanity and hallucination, grants a state of Peace of Mind.


Drinking booze will make you drunk, and if you have the Hillfolk race feat, you will receive a bonus to one of your attributes. Blessed booze will give you more of a bonus.

In Elona, drinking cursed booze would make you vomit, but this effect has been removed in Elin.

You can also offer booze to Lulwy of Wind.

In addition to the booze sold by the bartender, you can also make some of your own alcohol in the brewing barrels. The selling price of the wine you make yourself will vary depending on the items used as ingredients. (For details, see the page here.)

Name Brewable Note
Crim ale You can make this by putting crim into a brewing barrel.
Beer You can make this by putting mushrooms etc. into a brewing barrel.
Sake You can make this by putting rice into a brewing barrel.

It can be offered to Kizuami and Horome.

Wine You can make this by putting ingredients other than those listed above into a brewing barrel.
Ale × There are many different designs.
Cocktail ×
Ramune × Although it is classified as a booze, it does not make you drunk when you drink it.


Drinking blessed milk will make you taller, while cursed milk will have the opposite effect.

Milk can be drunk, used as an ingredient in some dishes, or made into cheese in an aging shelf.

Milk in a brown pot is also used to raise baby pets.

Pots of milk are sold by merchants in Nefu Village, produced by livestock, and sometimes given by NPCs who have been drugged with aphrodisiacs.

Name Note
pot of milk It is also used to raise pets.
can of milk
bottle of milk
coconut juice