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Among the most mysterious and oldest races in Sierre Terre, the Elea are serene, mystical and beautiful beings. Preferring isolation, they live peacefully in forests. They have resistance to ether and vast magical powers, with the capability to mitigate damage from magical backlash.

Racial Stats and Feats

Race Str End Dex Per Lea Will Mag Cha Total Life Mana Vigor Spd Skills Feat Feat Effect
Elea 5-10 6-5 10+15 10+15 7 12+25 13+30 13+30 76+100 80 130 100 110 Meditation(140)

Magic Capacity(150)


Bonded with Mana 1

Old Forest Dweller 1

Reduce the effects of Mana Overflow.

Ether Resistance ++++ (20)


Mysterious people originally from the old forests, of which the Vindale is one. As the era of Sierre Terre began, some elea gradually began to leave the old forests and live in the wider world; they integrated into human society and have lived peacefully alongside humans for a long time. As the generations have passed, "outsider" elea, as their kin in the old forests call them, have largely lost the powers that their ancestors wielded, but retain an affinity for magic.

Elea are to wizards what hillfolk are to warriors: specialised, but not cripplingly so; they are more extreme than how they were in Elona. A player seeking to create a hybrid character should pick eulderna for survivability, or nefu for offensive capability. Elea are also powerfully charismatic, which lends them to performing and summoning. Their resistance of mana overflow can be substituted for with magic capacity, but immunity to ether damage is hard to find. Note that ether damage immunity does not translate to an ether disease immunity; Elea are capable of suffering from ether disease.

Suggested Classes

For a combat-oriented class, a purely magical class is recommended. Otherwise, you can use your Charisma to become a pianist.

  • Wizard
  • Witch
  • Pianist

Lore and Trivia