Elin:Sword Sage

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Sword sages are spiritual practitioners who transverses between the spirit world and the mortal realm, wielding the power to repel malevolent spirits. Skilled in the arts of curses and divination, they master the technique of enhancing weapons with talismans infused with spells.

Class Stats and Feats

Class Str Con Dex Per Lea Will Mag Cha Total Domains Skills Weapon Skills Feat Feat Effect
Sword Sage 7+35 6+30 0 0 0 5+25 7+35 0 25+125 Fire









Magic Device(140)

Long Sword (150)




Talisman Mastery 2 Increased Talisman Effect

Increased Talisman Charges


Mystics from a foreign land, sword sages weave magic into their weapons, invoking spells through the rhythm and movement of combat. This unique casting style allows them to circumvent many of the problems other spellcasters face, at the cost of requiring preparation beforehand.


Several things should be noted about the calligraphy set and talismans:

  • It takes several turns to use and can be interrupted.
  • Talismans, once attached, cannot be removed.
  • Talismans cannot be stacked; attempting to attach more talismans to a weapon will result in the original talismans being overwritten, even if they were of the same spell.
  • Talisman spell casting is not affected by silence, dim, or any other effects.
  • Talisman spell casting does not consume MP.
  • Spells cast by talismans are of the spell level the sword sage knows.
  • Spells are only cast, and talismans only expended, on a hit on an enemy.
  • The damage from the spell is in addition to that of the physical hit, meaning the attacker has doubled action economy.

Suggested Races

A sword sage must be capable of both magical and martial prowess, and races that best suit that are good picks.

  • Yerles
  • Juere
  • Eulderna
  • Elea
  • Nefu

Suggested Gods

Starting Equipment

  • Spellbook of fire bolt
  • Spellbook of ice bolt
  • Spellbook of intonation of lightning
  • Calligraphy set
  • 6 bandages

Lore and Trivia

The inquisitor is a backer class.