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As the name suggests, wizards are well-versed in the art of magic. Their survival hinges on obtaining and managing their spellbooks.

Class Stats and Feats

Class Str Con Dex Per Lea Will Mag Cha Total Domains Skills Weapon Skills Feat Feat Effect
Wizard 0 0 0 4+20 3+15 8+40 10+50 0 25+125 Fire






Magic Device(130)

Control Magic(140)

Staff(130)Short Sword(120) Magic Mastery 2 +2 Specialized Domain


Frail and weak to begin with, wizards eventually become powerful and versatile to the point of raining meteors on their enemies and summoning monsters to fight for them. While a spellcaster's early game is easier than it used to be in Elona, it's nevertheless considerably less forgiving than that of a warrior's and requires some foreknowledge of the game's mechanics in order to perform well. With the more complex spellcasting mechanics of Elin, it takes more knowledge and effort for a wizard to achieve peak power than in Elona.


Gone are the days of wizards hyper-focusing on learning, will and magic. With each elemental domain now based on a different stat, a wizard wishing to be truly versatile must have a well-rounded stat spread. Wizards wishing to be summoners must invest into charisma, as summoning spells are of the mind domain; wizards wishing to exsanguinate their foes must build their strength, as spells of the cut domain are rooted in it.

Suggested Races

Suggested Gods

Starting Equipment

  • Spellbook of fire touch
  • Spellbook of ice arrow
  • Spellbook of teleport

Lore and Trivia