
From Ylvapedia

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Item/IDAliases/doc

return {
	['_dish_lunch'] = 'Lunch Box',
	['_egg'] = 'Egg',
	['_meat'] = 'Corpse',
	['_poop'] = 'Shit',
	['ability'] = 'Ability',
	['ajinomoto'] = 'Bottle of Glutamine',
	['altar'] = 'Altar',
	['altar_ancient'] = 'Ancient Altar',
	['altar_chaos'] = 'Altar of Chaos',
	['altar_fox'] = 'Altar 2',
	['altar_fox2'] = 'Altar 3',
	['altar_machine'] = 'Cyber Altar',
	['altar_strife'] = 'Altar 4',
	['amulet_armored'] = 'Neck Guard',
	['amulet_begger'] = 'Beggar's Pendant',
	['amulet_charm'] = 'Charm',
	['amulet_decorative'] = 'Decorative Amulet',
	['amulet_engagement'] = 'Engagement Amulet',
	['amulet_jewel'] = 'Bejeweled Amulet',
	['amulet_moonnight'] = 'Moon Chime',
	['amulet_necklace'] = 'Necklace',
	['amulet_peridot'] = 'Peridot',
	['amulet_talisman'] = 'Talisman',
	['anvil'] = 'Anvil',
	['apple'] = 'Apple',
	['armor_banded'] = 'Banded Mail',
	['armor_breast'] = 'Breastplate',
	['armor_bullet'] = 'Bulletproof Jacket',
	['armor_chain'] = 'Chain Mail',
	['armor_coat'] = 'Coat',
	['armor_composite'] = 'Composite Mail',
	['armor_foreign'] = 'Great Armor',
	['armor_light'] = 'Light Mail',
	['armor_plate'] = 'Plate Mail',
	['armor_ring'] = 'Ring Mail',
	['arrow'] = 'Arrow',
	['arrow_makeshift'] = 'Makeshift Arrow',
	['artifact_summon'] = 'Heart of Innos Tur'as',
	['ash'] = 'Pinch of Ash',
	['ash2'] = 'Pinch of Ash 2',
	['ash3'] = 'Pinch of Alchemical Ash',
	['awning '] = 'Roof',
	['axe'] = 'Woodcutter's Axe',
	['axe_bardish'] = 'Bardish',
	['axe_battle'] = 'Battle Axe',
	['axe_destruction'] = 'Axe of Destruction',
	['axe_hand'] = 'Hand Axe',
	['axe_machine'] = 'Machine Axe',
	['backerGrave'] = 'Grave',
	['backerGrave2'] = 'Grave 2',
	['backpack'] = 'Backpack',
	['backpack1'] = 'Backpack',
	['backpack2'] = 'Bag',
	['backpack3'] = 'Trunk',
	['bait'] = 'Bait',
	['balloon'] = 'Balloon',
	['balloon_ono'] = 'Balloon',
	['bamboo_shoot'] = 'Bamboo Shoot',
	['bandage'] = 'Bandage',
	['bank'] = 'Bank',
	['bark'] = 'Bark',
	['barrel'] = 'Barrel',
	['basketGoal'] = 'Basket Goal',
	['bathtub'] = 'Bathtub',
	['battery'] = 'Battery',
	['bbq'] = 'BBQ Table',
	['beachnet'] = 'Net',
	['bed'] = 'Bed',
	['bed_double'] = 'Bunk Bed',
	['beehive'] = 'Beehive',
	['berry'] = 'Blueberry',
	['bill'] = 'Bill',
	['bill_debt'] = 'Debt Bill',
	['bill_tax'] = 'Tax Bill',
	['blanket_cold'] = 'Coldproof Blanket',
	['blanket_fire'] = 'Fireproof Blanket',
	['block'] = 'Block',
	['blood_angel'] = 'Blood of Fallen Angel',
	['blueprint'] = 'Blueprint',
	['blunt_bonehammer'] = 'Dragonbone Hammer',
	['blunt_club'] = 'Club',
	['blunt_earth'] = 'Earth Hammer',
	['blunt_hammer'] = 'Mallet',
	['blunt_mace'] = 'Mace',
	['board'] = 'Quest Board',
	['board_build'] = 'Build Board',
	['board_expedition'] = 'Map Board',
	['board_home'] = 'Home Board',
	['board_map'] = 'Faction Board',
	['board_modern'] = 'Electronic Board',
	['board_resident'] = 'Resident Board',
	['board_tech'] = 'Research Board',
	['boardHouse'] = 'House Board',
	['boardRoom'] = 'Room Board',
	['boat1'] = 'Boat',
	['boat2'] = 'Boat 2',
	['boat3'] = 'Boat 3',
	['bolt'] = 'Bolt',
	['bone'] = 'Bone',
	['bonfire'] = 'Bonfire',
	['bonito'] = 'Handful of Bonito Flakes',
	['book'] = 'Book',
	['book_ancient'] = 'Ancient Book',
	['book_kumiromi'] = 'Secret Experience of Kumiromi',
	['book_plan'] = 'Plan',
	['book_resident'] = 'Resident List',
	['book_skill'] = 'Specialized Book',
	['book_story'] = 'Diary of Fiama',
	['book_story_home'] = 'Diary of Farris',
	['book_tutorial'] = 'Adventure Log',
	['bookshelf'] = 'Bookshelf',
	['boomerang'] = 'Boomerang',
	['boots_'] = 'Pair of Boots',
	['boots_armored'] = 'Pair of Armored Boots',
	['boots_composite'] = 'Pair of Composite Boots',
	['boots_foreign'] = 'Pair of Heavy Boots',
	['boots_heavy'] = 'Pair of Heavy Boots 2',
	['boots_rune'] = 'Pair of Runic Boots',
	['boots_seven'] = 'Pair of Seven League Boots',
	['boots_tight'] = 'Pair of Tight Boots',
	['bow'] = 'Long Bow',
	['bow_short'] = 'Short Bow',
	['bow_skull'] = 'Skull Bow',
	['bow_wood'] = 'Wooden Bow',
	['box_xmas'] = 'Gift Box of Jure',
	['branch'] = 'Branch',
	['break_powder'] = 'Breaking Powder',
	['brewery'] = 'Brewery Barrel',
	['brick'] = 'Brick',
	['bridge_tree'] = 'Tree Bridge',
	['broom_witch'] = 'Witch's Broom',
	['brush'] = 'Brush',
	['bucket'] = 'Bucket of Water',
	['bucket_empty'] = 'Empty Bucket',
	['bucket_fish'] = 'Fishing Bucket',
	['bullet'] = 'Bullet',
	['bullet_energy'] = 'Energy Cell',
	['burger'] = 'Burger',
	['bushdenoel'] = 'Bush de Noel',
	['butcherknife'] = 'Butcher Knife',
	['butter'] = 'Box of Butter',
	['cabbage'] = 'Cabbage',
	['cabinet'] = 'Cabinet',
	['cactus'] = 'Cactus',
	['cage'] = 'Cage',
	['cage_bird'] = 'Bird Cage',
	['cage_bird2'] = 'Breeding Bird Cage',
	['cake_festival'] = 'Delux Snow Putit Cake',
	['calbell'] = 'Call Bell',
	['camera'] = 'Camera',
	['camppot'] = 'Camp Pot',
	['candle'] = 'Candle',
	['candle_stand'] = 'Candle Stand',
	['candle_stand2'] = 'Light Stand',
	['candle_stand3'] = 'Luxury Stand Lamp',
	['candle_stand4'] = 'Light Stand 2',
	['candle_stand5'] = 'Light Stand 3',
	['candle2'] = 'Crystal Light',
	['candle2_sun'] = 'Sun Crystal Light',
	['candle3'] = 'Wall Light',
	['candle4'] = 'Wall Lamp',
	['candle5'] = 'Wall Foreign Lamp',
	['candle6'] = 'Lantern',
	['candle7'] = 'Wall Lamp 2',
	['candle8'] = 'Candle 2',
	['candle8b'] = 'Candle 3',
	['candle8c'] = 'Candle 4',
	['candle9'] = 'Lantern 2',
	['cane_simple'] = 'Cane',
	['canvas'] = 'Canvas',
	['canvas2'] = 'Canvas 2',
	['canvas3'] = 'Huge Canvas',
	['cappuccino'] = 'Cup of Cappuccino',
	['cardboard_box'] = 'Package',
	['carpet'] = 'Floor Mat',
	['carrot'] = 'Carrot',
	['case'] = 'Showcase',
	['case2'] = 'Showcase',
	['caseL'] = 'Big Showcase',
	['casino_coin'] = 'Casino Chip',
	['casket'] = 'Ornamental Box',
	['catalyst'] = 'Catalyst',
	['catechin'] = 'Can of Catechin',
	['cathouse'] = 'Cat House',
	['catReturn'] = 'Return',
	['catSteal'] = 'Steal',
	['catTeleport'] = 'Teleport',
	['cauldron'] = 'Cauldron',
	['cauldron2'] = 'Cauldron 2',
	['cello'] = 'Cello',
	['chair'] = 'Chair',
	['chair_long'] = 'Long Chair',
	['cheese'] = 'Block of Cheese',
	['chest_boss'] = 'Exquisite Treasure Chest',
	['chest_gamble'] = 'Small Gamble Chest',
	['chest_merchant'] = 'Merchant Chest',
	['chest_modern'] = 'Modern Container',
	['chest_modern2'] = 'Modern Chest',
	['chest_practice'] = 'Practice Chest',
	['chest_stone'] = 'Stone Chest',
	['chest_tax'] = 'Tax Chest',
	['chest_treasure'] = 'Mystic Treasure Chest',
	['chest3'] = 'Treasure Chest',
	['chest4'] = 'Wooden Box',
	['chest5'] = 'Wooden Box 2',
	['chest6'] = 'Sturdy Box',
	['chest7'] = 'Wooden Box 3',
	['chest8'] = 'Wooden Box 4',
	['chimney'] = 'Chimney',
	['chimney2'] = 'Chimney 2',
	['chopper'] = 'Cutting Board',
	['chunk'] = 'Chunk of Soil',
	['cigar'] = 'Hand Rolled Herb',
	['clay'] = 'Clay',
	['cloak'] = 'Cloak',
	['cloak_armored'] = 'Armored Cloak',
	['cloak_feather'] = 'Feather',
	['cloak_foreign'] = 'Battle Cloak',
	['cloak_light'] = 'Light Cloak',
	['cloak_mani'] = 'Ring of Void',
	['cloak_rune'] = 'Runic Cloak',
	['cloak_vindale'] = 'Vindale Cloak',
	['cloak_wing'] = 'Wing',
	['cobweb'] = 'Cobweb',
	['coffee_bean'] = 'Handful of Coffee Beans',
	['computer'] = 'Computer',
	['container_burnable'] = 'Combustible Waste Box',
	['container_compost'] = 'Compost Box',
	['container_delivery'] = 'Delivery Box',
	['container_delivery_modern'] = 'Modern Delivery Box',
	['container_deposit'] = 'Safe',
	['container_magic'] = 'Storage Chest',
	['container_saisen'] = 'Offering Box',
	['container_salary'] = 'Salary Chest',
	['container_shipping'] = 'Shipping Chest',
	['container_shipping_farm'] = 'Farmer's Shipping Chest',
	['container_shippingBig'] = 'Big Shipping Chest',
	['container_unburnable'] = 'Non-combustible Waste Box',
	['coolerbox'] = 'Cooler Box',
	['core_defense'] = 'War Horn',
	['core_zone'] = 'Hearth Stone',
	['corn'] = 'Corn',
	['counter'] = 'Counter',
	['counter_corner'] = 'Corner Counter',
	['cream_stew'] = 'Cream Stew',
	['crim'] = 'Handful of Crim',
	['crimAle'] = 'Bottle of Crim Ale',
	['cross_big'] = 'Grand Cross',
	['cross_big2'] = 'Grand Cross of Goddess',
	['cross_pedestal'] = 'Pedestal',
	['crossbow'] = 'Crossbow',
	['crystal'] = 'Crystal',
	['crystal_earth'] = 'Earth Crystal',
	['crystal_mana'] = 'Mana Crystal',
	['crystal_sun'] = 'Sun Crystal',
	['curtain'] = 'Curtain',
	['curtainL'] = 'Curtain',
	['cushion'] = 'Cushion',
	['cutstone'] = 'Cut Stone',
	['dagger'] = 'Short Sword',
	['dagger_fish'] = 'Fish Slayer',
	['dagger_gaki'] = 'Sugaki',
	['dagger_hathaway'] = 'Hathaway's Dagger',
	['dagger_hocho'] = 'Kitchen Knife',
	['dagger_ninto'] = 'Wakizashi',
	['dagger_pirate'] = 'Scimitar',
	['dartsboard'] = 'Darts Board',
	['dartsboard_wall'] = 'Wall Darts Board',
	['deadbody'] = 'Corpse 2',
	['deed'] = 'Land Deed',
	['deed_move'] = 'Relocation Deed',
	['defertilizer'] = 'Defertilizer',
	['detector'] = 'Detector',
	['diary_catsister'] = 'Younger Sister's Secret Diary',
	['diary_lady'] = 'Lady's Diary',
	['diary_little'] = 'Little Sister's Diary',
	['diary_sister'] = 'Younger Sister's Diary',
	['dish'] = 'Meal',
	['dish_lunch'] = 'Lunch Box',
	['dish_soup'] = 'Vegetable Soup',
	['doghouse'] = 'Dog House',
	['doll'] = 'Stuffed Cat',
	['door_auto'] = 'Automatic Door',
	['door_boat'] = 'Boat Door',
	['door_curtain'] = 'Short Curtain',
	['door_curtain2'] = 'Curtain Door',
	['door_fence'] = 'Gate',
	['door_grass'] = 'Grass Door',
	['door_hole'] = 'Man Hole',
	['door_lattice'] = 'Lattice Door',
	['door_shoji'] = 'Foreign Door',
	['door_stone'] = 'Stone Door',
	['door_swing'] = 'Swing Door',
	['door_trap'] = 'Ditch',
	['door4'] = 'Wooden Door',
	['doorframe'] = 'Door Frame',
	['dough'] = 'Any doughs',
	['dough_bread'] = 'Sack of Bread Dough',
	['dough_cake'] = 'Sack of Cake Dough',
	['drawing_paper'] = 'Drawing Paper',
	['drawing_paper2'] = 'Drawing Paper 2',
	['dreambug'] = 'Dream Larva',
	['drink'] = 'Any drinks',
	['drug'] = 'Any drugs',
	['drug_crim'] = 'Handful of Crim Powder',
	['dry_brick'] = 'Drying Brick',
	['dry_rack'] = 'Drying Rack',
	['dye'] = 'Dye',
	['dyemaker'] = 'Dye Maker',
	['easel'] = 'Easel',
	['ecomark'] = 'Eco Mark',
	['ecopo'] = 'Ecopo',
	['editor_torch'] = 'Editor Light(Floor)',
	['editor_torch_wall'] = 'Editor Light(Wall)',
	['egg'] = 'Any eggs',
	['egg_fertilized'] = 'Fertilized Egg',
	['electronics'] = 'Electronics',
	['electronicsL'] = 'Big Electronics',
	['electronicsS'] = 'Small Electronics',
	['electronicsSWall'] = 'Small Electronics 2',
	['elevator'] = 'Elevator',
	['entrance_mine'] = 'Mine Entrance',
	['entrance_mine_mini'] = 'Trolley Entrance',
	['espresso_machine'] = 'Espresso Machine',
	['EtherDagger'] = 'Ether Dagger',
	['explosive'] = 'Flam',
	['factory_accessory'] = 'Accessory Table',
	['factory_armorHeavy'] = 'Heavy Armorer's Table',
	['factory_armorLight'] = 'Light Armorer's Table',
	['factory_barrel'] = 'Barrel Processing Machine',
	['factory_block'] = 'Block Workshop',
	['factory_bow'] = 'Bowyer's Table',
	['factory_floor'] = 'Flooring Workshop',
	['factory_glass'] = 'Glassmaker's Table',
	['factory_gun'] = 'Gunsmith's Table',
	['factory_hand'] = 'Worktable',
	['factory_metal'] = 'Blacksmith's Table',
	['factory_platform'] = 'Platform Workshop',
	['factory_sculpture'] = 'Sculpting Table',
	['factory_sign'] = 'Signboard Workshop',
	['factory_stone'] = 'Mason's Table',
	['factory_tinker'] = 'Tinker's Table',
	['factory_wall'] = 'Wall Workshop',
	['factory_wood'] = 'Carpenter's Table',
	['fail_dish'] = 'Failed Dish',
	['fail_dough_bread'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_dough_cake'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_drink'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_egg'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_fish'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_fruit'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_meat'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_noodle'] = 'Stretchy And Squishy Noodle',
	['fail_nuts'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_rice'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fail_vegi'] = 'Burnt Bread',
	['fang'] = 'Fang',
	['fence'] = 'Fence',
	['fence_flower'] = 'Flower Fence',
	['fertilizer'] = 'Fertilizer',
	['fiber'] = 'Piece of Fiber',
	['figure'] = 'Figure',
	['figure2'] = 'Statue',
	['figure3'] = 'Card',
	['fireplace'] = 'Fireplace',
	['firework'] = 'Firework',
	['firework_launcher'] = 'Firework Launcher',
	['fish'] = 'Any fishes',
	['fishingRod'] = 'Fishing Rod',
	['floor'] = 'Floor',
	['flour'] = 'Sack of Flour',
	['flower'] = 'Flower',
	['flower_blue'] = 'Blue Flower',
	['flower_white'] = 'White Flower',
	['flower_yellow'] = 'Yellow Flower',
	['flowerArch'] = 'Flower Arch',
	['flyer'] = 'Flyer',
	['food'] = 'Meal 2',
	['food_raw'] = 'Raw Food',
	['fortune_ball'] = 'Prize Ball',
	['fountain'] = 'Fountain',
	['fountain_wall'] = 'Wall Fountain',
	['fountain2'] = 'Fountain 2',
	['fragment'] = 'Fragment',
	['fridge'] = 'Fridge',
	['fried_chicken'] = 'Fried Chicken',
	['fried_potato'] = 'Fried Potato',
	['fruit'] = 'Any fruits',
	['furance'] = 'Furnace',
	['furniture'] = 'Furniture',
	['furniture_big'] = 'Big Furniture',
	['furniture_ceil'] = 'Hanging Shelf',
	['furniture_float'] = 'Floating Furniture',
	['furniture_huge'] = 'Huge Furniture',
	['furniture_pole'] = 'Pole',
	['furniture_tall'] = 'Tall Furniture',
	['furniture_wall'] = 'Wall Furniture',
	['furnitureL'] = 'Gigant Furniture',
	['furnitureL_flat'] = 'Kotatsu',
	['furnitureL_huge'] = 'Gigant Furniture 2',
	['furnitureL_wall'] = 'Huge Wall Furniture',
	['furnitureS'] = 'Small Furniture',
	['gacha'] = 'Gacha',
	['gacha_coin'] = 'Strange Copper Coin',
	['gacha_coin_gold'] = 'Strange Gold Coin',
	['gacha_coin_plat'] = 'Strange Platinum Coin',
	['gacha_coin_silver'] = 'Strange Silver Coin',
	['gachaBall'] = 'Gacha Ball',
	['gallows'] = 'Gallows',
	['gelatin'] = 'Gelatin',
	['gem'] = 'Gem',
	['gene'] = 'Gene',
	['gene_brain'] = 'Brain Cell',
	['generator'] = 'Generator',
	['generator_chair'] = 'Human Power Generator',
	['generator_drain'] = 'Water Drain Generator',
	['generator_man'] = 'Wheel of Pain',
	['generator_snowman'] = 'Snowman Generator',
	['generator_wind'] = 'Wind Generator',
	['generator2'] = 'Generator 2',
	['geyser'] = 'Geyser',
	['gift'] = 'Gift Box of Elin',
	['gift_newyear'] = 'New Year's Gift',
	['girdle'] = 'Girdle',
	['girdle_composite'] = 'Composite Girdle',
	['girdle_plate'] = 'Plate Girdle',
	['girdle_rune'] = 'Runic Girdle',
	['glass'] = 'Glass',
	['gloves'] = 'Pair of Gloves',
	['gloves_composite'] = 'Pair of Composite Gauntlets',
	['gloves_deco'] = 'Pair of Decorated Gloves',
	['gloves_foreign'] = 'Pair of Great Gauntlets',
	['gloves_light'] = 'Pair of Light Gloves',
	['gloves_plate'] = 'Pair of Plate Gauntlets',
	['gloves_rune'] = 'Pair of Runic Gloves',
	['gloves_thick'] = 'Pair of Thick Gauntlets',
	['goodness'] = 'Last Remaining Flicker of Decency In This Wretched World',
	['goods_canvas'] = 'Canvas of Rachel',
	['goods_charm'] = 'Putit Charm',
	['goods_coin'] = 'Lucky Coin',
	['goods_figure'] = 'Figure of Goddess',
	['grape'] = 'Grape',
	['grass'] = 'Tuft of Grass',
	['grave'] = 'Gravestone',
	['grave_dagger'] = 'Dagger Grave',
	['grave_dagger1'] = 'Dagger Grave 2',
	['grave_dagger2'] = 'Dagger Grave 3',
	['grimoire'] = 'Grimoire of Study',
	['grindstone'] = 'Grinding Wheel',
	['guitar'] = 'Guitar',
	['guitar_ash'] = 'Ash's Guitar',
	['guitar_efrond'] = 'Efrond's Guitar',
	['gun'] = 'Hand Gun',
	['gun_assault'] = 'Assault Rifle',
	['gun_mani'] = 'Winchester Premium',
	['gun_rail'] = 'Railgun',
	['hammer'] = 'Hammer',
	['hammock'] = 'Hammock',
	['harp'] = 'Harp',
	['harpsichord'] = 'Harpsichord',
	['hat'] = 'Hat',
	['hat_fairy'] = 'Fairy Hat',
	['hat_feather'] = 'Feather Hat',
	['hat_kumiromi'] = 'Kumiromi Hat',
	['hat_mushroom'] = 'Mushroom Hat',
	['hat_rune'] = 'Runic Hat',
	['hat_santa'] = 'Santa Hat',
	['hat_setsubun1'] = 'Oni Mask',
	['hat_setsubun2'] = 'Okame Mask',
	['hat_witch'] = 'Witch's Hat',
	['hat_wizard'] = 'Wizard Hat',
	['head'] = 'Head',
	['head2'] = 'Head 2',
	['heart'] = 'Heart',
	['helm'] = 'Helm',
	['helm_bucket'] = 'Bucket',
	['helm_composite'] = 'Composite Helm',
	['helm_flower'] = 'Flower Crown',
	['helm_foreign'] = 'Great Helm',
	['helm_heavy'] = 'Heavy Helm',
	['helm_knight'] = 'Knight Helm',
	['helm_sage'] = 'Sage's Helm',
	['helm_seeker'] = 'Mystic Mask',
	['herb'] = 'Any herbs',
	['herb_blue'] = 'Blue Herb',
	['herb_purple'] = 'Purple Herb',
	['herb_red'] = 'Red Herb',
	['herb_tobacco'] = 'Tobacc Leaf',
	['hitchingpost'] = 'Hitching Post',
	['hoe'] = 'Hoe',
	['holyFeather'] = 'Feather of Healing',
	['honey'] = 'Honeycomb',
	['housePlate'] = 'House Plate',
	['ic'] = 'IC Chip',
	['icicle'] = 'Icicle',
	['igloo'] = 'Igloo',
	['illumination'] = 'Illumination',
	['illumination2'] = 'Illumination 2',
	['illumination3'] = 'Illumination 3',
	['incinerator'] = 'Incinerator',
	['incubator'] = 'Incubator',
	['ingot'] = 'Ingot',
	['ingredient'] = 'Ingredient',
	['instrument_violin'] = 'Violin',
	['jam'] = 'Bottle of Jam',
	['jerky'] = 'Jerky',
	['jewelybench'] = 'Gem Cutter',
	['jukebox'] = 'Jukebox',
	['junk'] = 'Junk',
	['junkFlat'] = 'Junk 2',
	['junkWall'] = 'Junk 3',
	['kagamimochi'] = 'Round Rice Cake',
	['ketchup'] = 'Ketchup',
	['klin'] = 'Kiln',
	['kogitsunemaru'] = 'Kogitsunemaru',
	['lamp_ceil'] = 'Pendant Light',
	['lamp_ceil_sun'] = 'Sun Pendant Light',
	['lamp_ceil2'] = 'Chandelier',
	['lamp_table'] = 'Table Lamp',
	['lamp_table_sun'] = 'Sun Table Lamp',
	['lantern_old'] = 'Old Lantern',
	['leaf'] = 'Leaf',
	['leaf_palulu'] = 'Big Leaf',
	['leash_pet'] = 'Leash',
	['letter'] = 'Letter',
	['letter_news'] = 'Letter To Chief Editor',
	['letter_note'] = 'Note',
	['letter_trial'] = 'Letter 2',
	['letter_will'] = 'Letter of Will',
	['lever'] = 'Lever',
	['leverS'] = 'Lever 2',
	['license_adv'] = 'Advanced Adventurer License',
	['license_illumination'] = 'Illumination Engineer License',
	['license_void'] = 'Void Exploration License',
	['light_floor'] = 'Floor Light',
	['lightsaber'] = 'Lightsaber',
	['littleball'] = 'Little Ball',
	['locker'] = 'Locker',
	['lockpick'] = 'Lockpick',
	['log'] = 'Log',
	['loom'] = 'Loom',
	['lovepotion'] = 'Potion',
	['loytel_mart'] = 'Loytel Mart',
	['lucky_coin'] = 'Lucky Coin 2',
	['luckydagger'] = 'Lucky Dagger',
	['lute'] = 'Lute',
	['machine_gene'] = 'Stasis Chamber',
	['machine_gene2'] = 'Gene Machine',
	['machinebench'] = 'Machine Table',
	['magic_stone'] = 'Magic Stone',
	['mailpost'] = 'Mail Post',
	['mancookie'] = 'Ginger Bread Man',
	['mannequin'] = 'Mannequin',
	['map'] = 'Map',
	['map_big'] = 'Big Map',
	['map_treasure'] = 'Treasure Map',
	['martial_claw'] = 'Claw',
	['martial_glove'] = 'Pair of Boxing Gloves',
	['mask'] = 'Mask',
	['mathammer'] = 'Material Hammer',
	['mayo'] = 'Mayo',
	['mb_1'] = 'Memorial Block No.1',
	['mb_2'] = 'Memorial Block No.2',
	['mb_3'] = 'Memorial Block No.3',
	['mb_4'] = 'Memorial Block No.4',
	['mb_5'] = 'Memorial Block No.5',
	['meat'] = 'Any meats',
	['meat_marble'] = 'Marbled Meat',
	['meatbag'] = 'Meatbag',
	['medal'] = 'Small Medal',
	['memorial_block'] = 'Memorial Block',
	['mercury'] = 'Potion of Mercury',
	['mic'] = 'Mic',
	['microchip'] = 'Microchip',
	['microwave_oven'] = 'Microwave Oven',
	['milk'] = 'Milk',
	['milkcan'] = 'Can of Milk',
	['millstone'] = 'Millstone',
	['millstone_wood'] = 'Wooden Mortar',
	['mine'] = 'Mine',
	['miso'] = 'Box of Miso',
	['mixer'] = 'Mixer',
	['mochi'] = 'Rice Cake',
	['mod_ranged'] = 'Modification Tool',
	['mokugyo'] = 'Wooden Gong',
	['money'] = 'Oren',
	['money2'] = 'Gold Bar',
	['monitor'] = 'Monitor',
	['monsterball'] = 'Monster Ball',
	['monument_crystal'] = 'Crystal 2',
	['mountedStuff'] = 'Set of Mounted Animal',
	['mushroom'] = 'Mushroom',
	['mushroom_rare'] = 'Rare Mushroom',
	['musicbox_cat'] = 'Cat Music Box',
	['musicbox_jure'] = 'Cute Music Box',
	['nail'] = 'Nail',
	['natto'] = 'Pack of Soybeans',
	['needle'] = 'Needle',
	['nobility'] = 'Noble Bear',
	['noodle'] = 'Pot of Noodle',
	['nuts'] = 'Any nuts',
	['obj'] = 'Object',
	['offal'] = 'Grotesque Offal',
	['oil_chili'] = 'Bottle of Chili',
	['oil_olive'] = 'Bottle of Olive Oil',
	['onsentamago'] = 'Hot Spring Egg',
	['orange'] = 'Orange',
	['ore'] = 'Ore',
	['ore_gem'] = 'Shining Ore',
	['oven'] = 'Oven',
	['pachislot'] = 'Pachislot Machine',
	['paint'] = 'Paint',
	['painting_reward'] = 'Felmera's Painting',
	['painting1'] = 'Painting of "Queen Sedona"',
	['paintsign_side'] = 'Signboard',
	['paintsign_stand'] = 'Signboard 2',
	['panty'] = 'Panty',
	['parasol'] = 'Parasol',
	['parcel'] = 'Parcel',
	['parchment'] = 'Parchment',
	['pasture'] = 'Pasture',
	['pebble'] = 'Junk Stone',
	['pedestal_power'] = 'Pedestal 2',
	['pedestal_stone'] = 'Pedestal 3',
	['pepper'] = 'Bottle of Pepper',
	['pepper_black'] = 'Bottle of Black Pepper',
	['perfume'] = 'Perfume',
	['photo'] = 'Photo',
	['piano'] = 'Grand Piano',
	['piano_gould'] = 'Gould's Piano',
	['piano2'] = 'Piano',
	['pickaxe'] = 'Pickaxe',
	['pie_fish'] = 'Star Gazy Pie',
	['pie_meat'] = 'Meat Pie',
	['pillar'] = 'Pillar',
	['pillar1'] = 'Big Pillar',
	['pillow_body'] = 'Body Pillow',
	['pillow_ehekatl'] = 'Ehekatl's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_itzpalt'] = 'Itzpalt's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_jure'] = 'Jure's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_kumiromi'] = 'Kumiromi's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_lulwy'] = 'Lulwy's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_mani'] = 'Mani's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_opatos'] = 'Opatos's Body Pillow',
	['pillow_truth'] = 'Strange Pillow',
	['plamo'] = 'Miniature',
	['plamo_bird'] = 'Bird',
	['plamo_box'] = 'Box of Miniature',
	['plamo_stand'] = 'Stand',
	['plank'] = 'Plank',
	['plasma_lamp'] = 'Plasma Lamp',
	['plat'] = 'Platinum Coin',
	['platform'] = 'Platform',
	['play_bar'] = 'Horizontal Bar',
	['play_gym'] = 'Jungle Gym',
	['play_gym2'] = 'Globe Gym',
	['play_mountain'] = 'Dome',
	['play_pool'] = 'Mini Pool',
	['play_ride'] = 'Ride',
	['play_ride_big'] = 'Ride 2',
	['play_seesaw'] = 'Seasaw',
	['play_slide'] = 'Slide',
	['play_swing'] = 'Swing',
	['pole_gunlance'] = 'Gunlance',
	['pole_halberd'] = 'Halberd',
	['pole_holy'] = 'Holy Lance',
	['pole_trident'] = 'Trident',
	['polish_powder'] = 'Polishing Powder',
	['poop'] = 'Shit',
	['poster'] = 'Poster',
	['poster_crowd'] = 'Poster 2',
	['posterBig'] = 'Big Poster',
	['pot_honey'] = 'Pot of Honey',
	['pot_plantBig'] = 'Pot of Big Plant',
	['pot_plantSmall'] = 'Pot of Small Plant',
	['potato'] = 'Imo',
	['potion'] = 'Potion',
	['potion_empty'] = 'Empty Potion',
	['pouch'] = 'Pouch',
	['powder_blue'] = 'Handful of Blue Powder',
	['powder_bone'] = 'Handful of Bone Powder',
	['powder_purple'] = 'Handful of Purple Powder',
	['powder_red'] = 'Handful of Red Powder',
	['preservative'] = 'Preservative',
	['protein'] = 'Can of Protein',
	['ps_front'] = 'Signboard',
	['ps_side'] = 'Signboard 2',
	['ps_side2'] = 'Signboard 3',
	['ps_side3'] = 'Signboard 4',
	['ps_side4'] = 'Signboard 5',
	['ps_stand'] = 'Signboard 6',
	['ps_stand2'] = 'Signboard 7',
	['ps_stand3'] = 'Signboard 8',
	['ps_tap1'] = 'Tapestry',
	['ps_tap2'] = 'Tapestry 2',
	['punish_ball'] = 'Iron Ball',
	['purse'] = 'Purse',
	['quarrel'] = 'Quarrel',
	['queenbee'] = 'Queen Bee',
	['quiver'] = 'Quiver',
	['radish'] = 'Radish',
	['raft'] = 'Raft',
	['ramp'] = 'Ramp',
	['ration'] = 'Travel Ration',
	['ration_basic'] = 'Kibble',
	['rationmaker'] = 'Ration Maker',
	['recharger'] = 'Teleporter',
	['record'] = 'Gramophone',
	['register'] = 'Register',
	['resin'] = 'Resin',
	['ribbon'] = 'Ribbon',
	['rice'] = 'Rice',
	['rice_plant'] = 'Bundle of Rice Plant',
	['ring'] = 'Ring',
	['ring_armored'] = 'Armored Ring',
	['ring_aurora'] = 'Aurora Ring',
	['ring_composite'] = 'Composite Ring',
	['ring_decorative'] = 'Decorative Ring',
	['ring_engagement'] = 'Engagement Ring',
	['ring_speed'] = 'Speed Ring',
	['roadsign'] = 'Signpost',
	['robe'] = 'Robe',
	['robe_pope'] = 'Pope Robe',
	['rock'] = 'Stone',
	['rod'] = 'Rod of Magic',
	['rod_random'] = 'Rod of Magic',
	['rod_wish'] = 'Rod of Wish',
	['rolling_fortune'] = 'Fortune Drum',
	['roomPlate'] = 'Room Plate',
	['rope'] = 'Tight Rope',
	['rottenFood'] = 'Rotten Raw Food',
	['rp'] = 'Recipe',
	['rp_armor'] = 'Armor Recipe',
	['rp_block'] = 'Block Recipe',
	['rp_food'] = 'Food Recipe',
	['rp_random'] = 'Recipe',
	['rp_weapon'] = 'Weapon Recipe',
	['rune'] = 'Rune',
	['rune_mold'] = 'Rune Mold',
	['rune_mold_earth'] = 'Rune Mold',
	['rune_mold_mana'] = 'Rune Mold 2',
	['rune_mold_sun'] = 'Rune Mold 3',
	['sack'] = 'Sack',
	['safe'] = 'Safe',
	['salt'] = 'Bag of Salt',
	['sauce'] = 'Bottle of Sauce',
	['sauce_soy'] = 'Bottle of Soy Sauce',
	['sawmill'] = 'Sawmill',
	['scarecrow'] = 'Scarecrow',
	['scrap'] = 'Scrap',
	['scratchcard'] = 'Scratch Card',
	['scratchmachine'] = 'Scratch Machine',
	['screen'] = 'Screen',
	['scroll'] = 'Scroll',
	['scroll_random'] = 'Scroll of Magic',
	['scrubber'] = 'Scrubber',
	['scythe'] = 'Scythe',
	['scythe_kumi'] = 'Kumiromi Scythe',
	['scythe_sickle'] = 'War Sickle',
	['seasoning'] = 'Any seasonings',
	['seaweed'] = 'Seaweed',
	['seed'] = 'Seed of Api Nuts',
	['server'] = 'Server',
	['sesame'] = 'Sesame',
	['setsubun_beans'] = 'Box of Beans',
	['shackle'] = 'Shackle',
	['shears'] = 'Pair of Shears',
	['shelf_aging'] = 'Aging Shelf',
	['shield'] = 'Shield',
	['shield_composite'] = 'Composite Shield',
	['shield_knight'] = 'Knight Shield',
	['shield_man'] = 'Mandrake Shield',
	['shield_round'] = 'Round Shield',
	['shield_small'] = 'Small Shield',
	['shield_tower'] = 'Tower Shield',
	['shirt'] = 'Shirt',
	['shirt_rune'] = 'Runic Shirt',
	['shirt_wind'] = 'Wind's Wrap',
	['shoes'] = 'Pair of Shoes',
	['shovel'] = 'Shovel',
	['sickle'] = 'Sickle',
	['sign'] = 'Sign',
	['sign_big'] = 'Signboard of The Workshop',
	['sign_big_little'] = 'Signboard of The Little Garden',
	['sign_big_snail'] = 'Signboard of The Snail Torture Club',
	['sign_spawnChara'] = 'Editor Sign(Creature)',
	['sign_spawnThing'] = 'Editor Sign(Thing)',
	['signpost'] = 'Signpost 2',
	['site_mine'] = 'Mining Site',
	['sketch_old'] = 'Old Sketch',
	['sketch_special'] = 'Bundle of Memorial Sketches',
	['skin'] = 'Skin',
	['sleepingbag'] = 'Sleeping Bag',
	['slotmachine'] = 'Slot Machine',
	['smelter'] = 'Smelter',
	['snow'] = 'Handful of Snow',
	['snow_globe'] = 'Snow Globe',
	['snowman'] = 'Snowman',
	['sofa'] = 'Sofa',
	['sofa_single'] = 'Sofa',
	['spear'] = 'Long Spear',
	['spellbook'] = 'Spellbook',
	['spice'] = 'Can of Spice',
	['spinner'] = 'Spinner',
	['spm'] = 'Snow Putit Mochi',
	['spotlight'] = 'Spot Light',
	['staff'] = 'Staff',
	['staff_Cat'] = 'Staff of Cat Paw',
	['staff_element'] = 'Elemental Staff',
	['staff_long'] = 'Long Staff',
	['stairs'] = 'Stairway',
	['stairs_cave'] = 'Stairway',
	['stairs_cover'] = 'Stairway Cover',
	['stairs_cover2'] = 'Half Stairway Cover',
	['stairs_cover3'] = 'Half Stairway Cover 2',
	['stairs_locked'] = 'Locked Corridor',
	['stairsDown'] = 'Stairway 2',
	['stairsDown_cave'] = 'Stairway 2',
	['stairsHoard'] = 'Stairs To The Hoard',
	['stall'] = 'Stall',
	['stand_armor'] = 'Armor Stand',
	['statue_elin'] = 'Statue of Elin',
	['statue_god'] = 'Statue of God',
	['statue_jure'] = 'Statue of Jure',
	['statue_lulu'] = 'Statue of Lulwy',
	['statue_lulu_b'] = 'Buried Statue',
	['statue_opatos'] = 'Statue of Opatos',
	['statue_power'] = 'Shrine',
	['statue_weird'] = 'Wrapped Wooden Statue',
	['statueL_ehe'] = 'Statue of Ehekatl',
	['statueL_itz'] = 'Statue of Itzpalt',
	['statueL_jure'] = 'Statue of Jure 2',
	['statueL_kumi'] = 'Statue of Kumiromi',
	['statueL_lulu'] = 'Statue of Lulwy 2',
	['statueL_mani'] = 'Statue of Mani',
	['statueL_opa'] = 'Statue of Opatos 2',
	['stethoscope'] = 'Stethoscope',
	['stick'] = 'Stick',
	['stone'] = 'Pebble',
	['stone_defense'] = 'Splendid Rock',
	['stonecutter'] = 'Stonecutter',
	['stool'] = 'Stool',
	['stove'] = 'Cooker',
	['stradivarius'] = 'Stradivarius',
	['street_lamp'] = 'Street Lamp',
	['street_lamp2'] = 'Old Street Lamp',
	['street_lamp3'] = 'Street Lamp 2',
	['street_lamp4'] = 'Street Lamp 3',
	['street_lamp5'] = 'Street Lamp 4',
	['string'] = 'String',
	['sugar'] = 'Bag of Sugar',
	['sulfur'] = 'Sulfur',
	['summon_inos'] = 'Heart of Innos Tur'as',
	['sword'] = 'Long Sword',
	['sword_claymore'] = 'Claymore',
	['sword_dragon'] = 'Dragon Slayer',
	['sword_forgetmenot'] = 'Sword of Forget-me-not',
	['sword_katana'] = 'Katana',
	['sword_muramasa'] = 'Masamune',
	['sword_muramasa2'] = 'Muramasa',
	['sword_zephir'] = 'Zephir's Wrath',
	['syringe_gene'] = 'Syringe of Ether Solvent',
	['syringe_heaven'] = 'Syringe of Heaven',
	['table'] = 'Table',
	['table_billiard'] = 'Billiard Table',
	['table_bj'] = 'Card Table',
	['table_casino'] = 'Casino Table',
	['table_cook'] = 'Counter 2',
	['table_mirror'] = 'Mirror Table',
	['table_mirror_small'] = 'Mirror Table 2',
	['table_mirror_small1'] = 'Mirror Table',
	['table_mirror1'] = 'Mirror Table 2',
	['table_mirror2'] = 'Mirror Table 3',
	['tag_sell'] = 'Sales Tag',
	['taiko'] = 'Taiko',
	['talisman'] = 'Talisman 2',
	['tapestry1'] = 'Tapestry',
	['teleporter'] = 'Moongate',
	['teleporter2'] = 'Starweaver's Moongate',
	['telescope'] = 'Telescope',
	['tempurako'] = 'Sack of Tempura Flour',
	['tent1'] = 'Tent',
	['tent2'] = 'Tent 2',
	['test_sword'] = 'Test Sword',
	['texture'] = 'Texture',
	['thread'] = 'Thread',
	['throne1'] = 'Throne',
	['throw_putit'] = 'Putit In Amber',
	['ticket_armpillow'] = 'One Hour Arm Pillow Ticket',
	['ticket_champagne'] = 'Champagne Call Ticket',
	['ticket_fortune'] = 'Old Ticket',
	['ticket_furniture'] = 'Furniture Ticket',
	['ticket_massage'] = 'Shoulder Massage Ticket',
	['ticket_melilith'] = 'Ragged Paper Reading "Ticket To Befriend Melilith"',
	['ticket_resident'] = 'Resident Ticket',
	['tissue'] = 'Tissue',
	['toilet'] = 'Toilet',
	['tomato'] = 'Tomato',
	['tool_alchemy'] = 'Alchemy Tool',
	['tool_art'] = 'Easel 2',
	['tool_bone'] = 'Bone Carving Tool',
	['tool_build'] = 'Build Tool',
	['tool_butcher'] = 'Butcher's Tool',
	['tool_carving'] = 'Carving Tool',
	['tool_jewelry'] = 'Jewelry Tool',
	['tool_policy'] = 'Policy Book',
	['tool_sewing'] = 'Sewing Tool',
	['tool_talisman'] = 'Calligraphy Tool',
	['tool_writting'] = 'Writing Tool',
	['toolbelt'] = 'Toolbelt',
	['torch'] = 'Watch Fire',
	['torch_held'] = 'Torch',
	['torch_wall'] = 'Wall Torch',
	['torchL'] = 'Watch Fire 2',
	['torii'] = 'Torii',
	['torii_pillar'] = 'Torii 2',
	['toro_stone'] = 'Garden Lantern',
	['toro_wood'] = 'Garden Lantern 2',
	['torture_cross'] = 'Cross',
	['torture_horse'] = 'Wooden Horse',
	['trainingDummy'] = 'Training Dummy',
	['trainingDummy_heavy'] = 'Armored Training Dummy',
	['trainingDummy_heavy1'] = 'Armored Training Dummy',
	['trainingDummy_heavy2'] = 'Armored Training Dummy 2',
	['trainingDummy_sandbag'] = 'Sand Bag',
	['trap'] = 'Trap',
	['trash1'] = 'Unburnable Garbage',
	['trash2'] = 'Burnable Garbage',
	['trashbin'] = 'Trash Bin',
	['trashcan'] = 'Trash Can',
	['tree_cherry'] = 'Tree of Cherry',
	['tree_ether'] = 'Tree of Ether',
	['tree_fallen'] = 'Log Chair',
	['truck'] = 'Trolley',
	['trumpet'] = 'Trumpet',
	['vase'] = 'Vase',
	['vegi'] = 'Any vegetables',
	['vine'] = 'Vine',
	['vine_wall'] = 'Vine 2',
	['vmachine'] = 'Vending Machine',
	['wagon_big'] = 'Big Wagon',
	['wagon_big2'] = 'Wagon',
	['wagon_big3'] = 'Wagon 2',
	['wagon_big4'] = 'Wagon 3',
	['wagon_big5'] = 'Big Wagon 2',
	['wagon1'] = 'Small Wagon',
	['wall'] = 'Wall',
	['wall_broken'] = 'Broken Wall',
	['wall_shelf'] = 'Wall Shelf',
	['warmonger'] = 'Warmonger',
	['wasabi'] = 'Tube of Wasabi',
	['water'] = 'Pot of Water',
	['water_dirty'] = 'Pot of Dirty Water',
	['waterdrain'] = 'Water Drain',
	['waterfall'] = 'Waterfall',
	['waterfall1'] = 'Waterfall Edge',
	['waterfall2'] = 'Waterfall 2',
	['waterfall3'] = 'Water Splash',
	['waterfall4'] = 'Water Babbling',
	['wateringCan'] = 'Watering Can',
	['waterPot'] = 'Bottomless Pot',
	['waystone'] = 'Waystone',
	['weapon_anvil'] = 'Ancient Weapon',
	['weapon_broken'] = 'Decayed Weapon',
	['weapon_stone'] = 'Stone Weapon',
	['weapon_wood'] = 'Wooden Weapon',
	['well'] = 'Well',
	['well_holy'] = 'Holy Well',
	['well_modern'] = 'Drinking Server',
	['wheat'] = 'Bundle of Wheat',
	['whip_interest'] = 'Whip of Interest',
	['whip_love'] = 'Whip of Love',
	['whistle'] = 'Whistle of Peace',
	['windbow'] = 'Wind Bow',
	['window'] = 'Window',
	['windowL'] = 'Big Window',
	['workbench'] = 'Workbench',
	['workbench2'] = 'Drafting Table',
	['wrench'] = 'Wrench',
	['wrench_bed'] = 'Wrench of Capacity Upgrade For Bed',
	['wrench_extend_h'] = 'Wrench of Horizontal Upgrade For Common Storage',
	['wrench_extend_v'] = 'Wrench of Vertical Upgrade For Common Storage',
	['wrench_fridge'] = 'Wrench of Cooler Upgrade For Storage Chest',
	['wrench_storage'] = 'Wrench of Storage Upgrade For Storage Chest',
	['wrench_tent_elec'] = 'Wrench of Electricity Upgrade For Tent',
	['wrench_tent_soil'] = 'Wrench of Soil Upgrade For Tent',
	['xmas_bigbag'] = 'Big Gift Bag',
	['xmas_bigbox'] = 'Big Gift Box',
	['xmas_blackcat'] = 'Figurine of Black Cat',
	['xmas_boot'] = 'Holy Boot',
	['xmas_cane'] = 'Candy Cane',
	['xmas_crown'] = 'Holy Flower Crown',
	['xmas_garland'] = 'Holy Garland',
	['xmas_jure'] = 'Figurine of Jure',
	['xmas_pedestal'] = 'Pedestal 4',
	['xmas_sled'] = 'Sled',
	['xmas_socks'] = 'Pair of Holy Socks',
	['xmas_tree'] = 'Holy Tree',
	['xmas_wreath'] = 'Holy Wreath',
	['yakiimo'] = 'Stone Roasted Sweet Imo',
	['yeast'] = 'Bottle of Yeast',
	['yudetamago'] = 'Boiled Egg',
	['zassouni'] = 'Weed Stew',
	['zettel'] = 'Zettel',
	['1'] = 'Piggy Bank',
	['2'] = 'Kitten Bank',
	['3'] = 'Quest Board',
	['4'] = 'Quest Board 2',
	['5'] = 'Quest Board 3',
	['9'] = 'Cabinet',
	['10'] = 'Rich Cabinet',
	['11'] = 'Stone Cabinet',
	['12'] = 'Wardrobe',
	['13'] = 'Ornamental Box 2',
	['14'] = 'Ornamental Box 3',
	['19'] = 'Breathe',
	['20'] = 'Cat's Eyes',
	['21'] = 'Heal Light Wound',
	['22'] = 'Evacuation',
	['23'] = 'Chair',
	['24'] = 'Casino Chair',
	['25'] = 'Chair 2',
	['26'] = 'Chair 3',
	['27'] = 'Round Chair',
	['28'] = 'Rocking Chair',
	['29'] = 'Stone Chair',
	['30'] = 'Modern Chair',
	['31'] = 'Mushroom Chair',
	['32'] = 'Long Chair',
	['33'] = 'Stone Long Chair',
	['34'] = 'Cushion',
	['35'] = 'Cushion 2',
	['36'] = 'Cushion 3',
	['37'] = 'Short Curtain 2',
	['38'] = 'Short Curtain 3',
	['39'] = 'Gate',
	['40'] = 'Lattice Door',
	['41'] = 'Lattice Gate',
	['42'] = 'Stone Door',
	['43'] = 'Stone Door 2',
	['44'] = 'Wooden Door',
	['45'] = 'Wooden Door 2',
	['46'] = 'Wooden Door 3',
	['48'] = 'Bottle of Wine',
	['49'] = 'Bottle of Liquid',
	['50'] = 'Bottle of Ale',
	['51'] = 'Bottle of Ale 2',
	['52'] = 'Bottle of Ale 3',
	['53'] = 'Bottle of Crim Ale 2',
	['54'] = 'Bottle of Beer',
	['55'] = 'Bottle of Ale 4',
	['56'] = 'Bottle of Ale 5',
	['57'] = 'Bottle of Ale 6',
	['58'] = 'Jug of Beer',
	['59'] = 'Jar of Liquid',
	['60'] = 'Flower Fence',
	['61'] = 'Flower Fence 2',
	['62'] = 'Bitterling',
	['63'] = 'Tadpole',
	['64'] = 'Goldfish',
	['65'] = 'Carp',
	['66'] = 'Eel',
	['67'] = 'Goby',
	['68'] = 'Muddler',
	['69'] = 'Bass',
	['70'] = 'Sea Urchin',
	['71'] = 'Tilefish',
	['72'] = 'Scad',
	['73'] = 'Tuna',
	['74'] = 'Arowana',
	['75'] = 'Sweetfish',
	['76'] = 'Striped Jack',
	['77'] = 'Black Bass',
	['78'] = 'Mackerel',
	['79'] = 'Red Bream',
	['80'] = 'Turtle',
	['81'] = 'Bonito',
	['82'] = 'Tuna 2',
	['83'] = 'Blowfish',
	['84'] = 'Flatfish',
	['85'] = 'Sardine',
	['86'] = 'Sea Bream',
	['87'] = 'Salmon',
	['88'] = 'Sand Borer',
	['89'] = 'Whale',
	['90'] = 'Coelacanth',
	['91'] = 'Deep Sea Fish',
	['92'] = 'Ancient Fish',
	['93'] = 'Shark',
	['94'] = 'Sunfish',
	['95'] = 'Moonfish',
	['96'] = 'Assorted Bread',
	['97'] = 'Assorted Vegetables',
	['98'] = 'Pile of Fruit',
	['100'] = 'Meat Roast',
	['101'] = 'Pickled Vegetable',
	['102'] = 'Sauteed Fish',
	['103'] = 'Roasted Fruit',
	['104'] = 'Fried Egg',
	['105'] = 'Mousse',
	['106'] = 'Croquette',
	['107'] = 'Caesar Salad',
	['108'] = 'Stewed Vegetable',
	['109'] = 'Skewer of Grilled Fish',
	['110'] = 'Meat On The Bone',
	['111'] = 'Fridge',
	['112'] = 'Fridge 2',
	['117'] = 'Pear',
	['118'] = 'Pineapple',
	['120'] = 'Gravestone',
	['121'] = 'Gravestone 2',
	['122'] = 'Gravestone 3',
	['123'] = 'Gravestone 4',
	['124'] = 'Gravestone 5',
	['125'] = 'Gravestone 6',
	['126'] = 'Gravestone 7',
	['127'] = 'Gravestone 8',
	['130'] = 'Paint',
	['131'] = 'Paint 2',
	['132'] = 'Paint 3',
	['133'] = 'Paint 4',
	['134'] = 'Paint 5',
	['135'] = 'Paint 6',
	['136'] = 'Paint 7',
	['137'] = 'Paint 8',
	['138'] = 'Paint 9',
	['139'] = 'Paint 10',
	['140'] = 'Paint 11',
	['141'] = 'Paint 12',
	['142'] = 'Head',
	['143'] = 'Head 2',
	['144'] = 'Head 3',
	['145'] = 'Head 4',
	['146'] = 'Head 5',
	['147'] = 'Head 6',
	['148'] = 'Head 7',
	['149'] = 'Head 8',
	['150'] = 'Pot',
	['151'] = 'Pot 2',
	['152'] = 'Dish Pile',
	['153'] = 'Pot 3',
	['154'] = 'Small Plushie',
	['155'] = 'Junk 4',
	['156'] = 'Bucket 2',
	['157'] = 'Globe',
	['158'] = 'Stone Rubble',
	['159'] = 'Tableware',
	['160'] = 'Pile of Tableware',
	['161'] = 'Dirty Tableware',
	['162'] = 'Pile of Dirty Tableware',
	['163'] = 'Small Stuffed Toy',
	['164'] = 'Bowl',
	['165'] = 'Iron Scale',
	['166'] = 'Cup',
	['167'] = 'Vase',
	['168'] = 'Cup 2',
	['169'] = 'Old Globe',
	['170'] = 'Modern Art',
	['171'] = 'Bucket 3',
	['172'] = 'Exotic Teapot',
	['173'] = 'Wig',
	['174'] = 'Tea Set',
	['175'] = 'Chilled Drink',
	['176'] = 'Bowl 2',
	['177'] = 'Tea Set 2',
	['178'] = 'Washing',
	['179'] = 'Bowl 3',
	['180'] = 'Washing 2',
	['181'] = 'Stone Rubble 2',
	['182'] = 'Wood Rubble',
	['183'] = 'Wood Rubble 2',
	['184'] = 'Bone Rubble',
	['185'] = 'Bone Rubble 2',
	['186'] = 'Stone Rubble 3',
	['187'] = 'Stone Rubble 4',
	['188'] = 'Chemical',
	['189'] = 'Letter 3',
	['190'] = 'Letter 4',
	['191'] = 'Paper Scrap',
	['192'] = 'Tool',
	['193'] = 'Book Pile',
	['194'] = 'Research Equipment',
	['195'] = 'Ledger',
	['196'] = 'Book Pile 2',
	['197'] = 'Book Pile 3',
	['198'] = 'Beaker',
	['199'] = 'Beaker 2',
	['200'] = 'Beaker 3',
	['201'] = 'Beaker 4',
	['202'] = 'Cup 3',
	['203'] = 'Bowl 4',
	['204'] = 'Book Pile 4',
	['205'] = 'Paper Pile',
	['206'] = 'Paper Scrap 2',
	['207'] = 'Paper Scrap 3',
	['208'] = 'Stain',
	['209'] = 'Junk Rope',
	['210'] = 'Junk Rope 2',
	['211'] = 'Cloth Pile',
	['212'] = 'Towel',
	['213'] = 'Towel 2',
	['214'] = 'Compass',
	['215'] = 'Saw',
	['216'] = 'Paper',
	['217'] = 'Paper 2',
	['218'] = 'Paper 3',
	['219'] = 'Junk Map',
	['220'] = 'Junk Scroll',
	['221'] = 'Junk Scroll 2',
	['222'] = 'Plate',
	['223'] = 'Plate 2',
	['224'] = 'Plate 3',
	['225'] = 'Bowl 5',
	['226'] = 'Bowl 6',
	['227'] = 'Paint 13',
	['228'] = 'Tool 2',
	['229'] = 'Tool 3',
	['230'] = 'Research Equipment 2',
	['231'] = 'Medicine Bottle',
	['232'] = 'Document',
	['233'] = 'Sea Pants',
	['234'] = 'Naughty Book',
	['235'] = 'Flotsam From The North',
	['236'] = 'Empty Can',
	['237'] = 'Boots',
	['238'] = 'Fire Extinguisher',
	['239'] = 'Basket',
	['240'] = 'Valve',
	['241'] = 'Clock',
	['242'] = 'Float',
	['243'] = 'Wall Decoration',
	['244'] = 'Wall Decoration 2',
	['245'] = 'Wall Decoration 3',
	['246'] = 'Wall Decoration 4',
	['247'] = 'Wall Decoration 5',
	['248'] = 'Wall Decoration 6',
	['249'] = 'Cobweb 2',
	['250'] = 'Cobweb 3',
	['251'] = 'Cobweb 4',
	['252'] = 'Wall Decoration 7',
	['253'] = 'Wall Decoration 8',
	['254'] = 'Wall Decoration 9',
	['255'] = 'Wall Decoration 10',
	['256'] = 'Mushroom 2',
	['257'] = 'Wall Decoration 11',
	['258'] = 'Phone',
	['259'] = 'Backpack 2',
	['262'] = 'Set of Mounted Animal',
	['263'] = 'Set of Mounted Animal 2',
	['264'] = 'Set of Mounted Animal 3',
	['265'] = 'Set of Mounted Fish',
	['266'] = 'Set of Mounted Fish 2',
	['267'] = 'Painting of "Queen Sedona"',
	['268'] = 'Painting of "The Lady"',
	['269'] = 'Painting of "The Cat"',
	['270'] = 'Painting of "Untitled"',
	['271'] = 'Painting of "The Younger Sister"',
	['272'] = 'Painting of "Bewitching Larnneire"',
	['273'] = 'Painting of "Bewitching Rianna"',
	['274'] = 'Painting of "The Lady" 2',
	['275'] = 'Painting of "Queen Sedona" 2',
	['276'] = 'Parasol',
	['277'] = 'Parasol 2',
	['278'] = 'Poster 3',
	['279'] = 'Poster 4',
	['280'] = 'Poster 5',
	['281'] = 'Poster 6',
	['282'] = 'Issue of "Palmia Times"',
	['283'] = 'Poster 7',
	['284'] = 'Poster 8',
	['285'] = 'Big Poster',
	['286'] = 'Pot of Big Plant',
	['287'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 2',
	['288'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 3',
	['289'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 4',
	['290'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 5',
	['291'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 6',
	['292'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 7',
	['293'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 8',
	['294'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 9',
	['295'] = 'Pot of Small Plant',
	['296'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 2',
	['297'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 3',
	['298'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 4',
	['299'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 5',
	['300'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 6',
	['301'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 7',
	['302'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 8',
	['303'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 9',
	['304'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 10',
	['305'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 11',
	['306'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 12',
	['307'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 13',
	['308'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 14',
	['309'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 15',
	['310'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 16',
	['311'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 17',
	['312'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 18',
	['313'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 19',
	['314'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 20',
	['315'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 21',
	['316'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 22',
	['317'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 23',
	['318'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 24',
	['319'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 25',
	['320'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 26',
	['321'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 27',
	['322'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 28',
	['323'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 29',
	['324'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 30',
	['325'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 31',
	['326'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 32',
	['330'] = 'Potion',
	['331'] = 'Potion',
	['334'] = 'Sleeping Pill',
	['335'] = 'Potion',
	['336'] = 'Potion',
	['338'] = 'Potion',
	['342'] = 'Room Plate',
	['343'] = 'Room Plate 2',
	['363'] = 'Farm Sign',
	['364'] = 'Fishing Sign',
	['365'] = 'Ranch Sign',
	['366'] = 'Lumberjack Sign',
	['367'] = 'Garbage Dump Sign',
	['368'] = 'Stockpile Sign',
	['369'] = 'Signpost',
	['370'] = 'Snowman',
	['371'] = 'Snowman 2',
	['372'] = 'Spellbook of Magic',
	['376'] = 'Stairway 3',
	['377'] = 'Stairway 4',
	['379'] = 'Stairway 5',
	['380'] = 'Stairway 6',
	['381'] = 'Stairway 7',
	['383'] = 'Stairway 8',
	['384'] = 'Counter',
	['385'] = 'Counter 2',
	['386'] = 'Sink',
	['387'] = 'Sink 2',
	['388'] = 'Tapestry 3',
	['389'] = 'Tapestry 4',
	['390'] = 'Trolley',
	['391'] = 'Trolley 2',
	['392'] = 'Trolley 3',
	['393'] = 'Vase 2',
	['394'] = 'Vase 3',
	['395'] = 'Vase 4',
	['396'] = 'Vase 5',
	['397'] = 'Vase 6',
	['398'] = 'Vase 7',
	['399'] = 'Vase 8',
	['400'] = 'Vase 9',
	['401'] = 'Vase 10',
	['402'] = 'Vase 11',
	['403'] = 'Vase 12',
	['404'] = 'Vase 13',
	['405'] = 'Vase 14',
	['406'] = 'Vase 15',
	['407'] = 'Vase 16',
	['408'] = 'Vase 17',
	['409'] = 'Vase 18',
	['410'] = 'Vase 19',
	['411'] = 'Vase 20',
	['412'] = 'Vase 21',
	['413'] = 'Basket 2',
	['414'] = 'Basket 3',
	['415'] = 'Basket 4',
	['416'] = 'Vase 22',
	['417'] = 'Basket 5',
	['418'] = 'Basket 6',
	['425'] = 'Wall Shelf',
	['426'] = 'Wall Shelf 2',
	['427'] = 'Small Window',
	['428'] = 'Small Window 2',
	['429'] = 'Trash Bin',
	['430'] = 'Trash Bin 2',
	['431'] = 'Training Dummy',
	['432'] = 'Training Dummy 2',
	['433'] = 'Throne',
	['434'] = 'Throne 2',
	['435'] = 'Table',
	['436'] = 'Big Table',
	['437'] = 'Stone Long Table',
	['438'] = 'Study Desk',
	['439'] = 'Modern Table',
	['440'] = 'Modern Long Table',
	['441'] = 'Modern Mini Table',
	['442'] = 'Stuffed Cat',
	['443'] = 'Curse Doll',
	['444'] = 'Doll',
	['445'] = 'Rocking Horse',
	['446'] = 'Stuffed Bear',
	['447'] = 'Armor Stand',
	['448'] = 'Cloth Stand',
	['449'] = 'Screen',
	['450'] = 'Screen 2',
	['451'] = 'Bathtub',
	['452'] = 'Stone Bathtub',
	['453'] = 'Brewery Barrel',
	['454'] = 'Brewery Barrel 2',
	['455'] = 'Brewery Barrel 3',
	['456'] = 'Bed',
	['457'] = 'Modern Bed',
	['458'] = 'Stone Bed',
	['459'] = 'Poor Bed',
	['460'] = 'Makeshift Bed',
	['461'] = 'Cart',
	['462'] = 'Wheat Stack',
	['466'] = 'Furnace',
	['467'] = 'Oven 2',
	['468'] = 'Furnace 2',
	['469'] = 'Oven 3',
	['470'] = 'Big Crate',
	['472'] = 'Map Box',
	['474'] = 'Map Shelf',
	['475'] = 'Stone Shelf',
	['476'] = 'Cupboard',
	['477'] = 'Rack',
	['478'] = 'Modern Rack',
	['479'] = 'Luxury Cabinet',
	['480'] = 'Blackboard',
	['481'] = 'Menu Board',
	['482'] = 'Side Table',
	['483'] = 'Side Table 2',
	['484'] = 'Mushroom Table',
	['485'] = 'Feeding Trough',
	['486'] = 'Water Trough',
	['487'] = 'Cat Tower',
	['488'] = 'Straw Pile',
	['489'] = 'Road Guide',
	['490'] = 'Big Pillar 2',
	['491'] = 'Broken Pillar',
	['492'] = 'Magic Circle',
	['495'] = 'Stone Rubble 5',
	['496'] = 'Stone Rubble 6',
	['497'] = 'Chair 4',
	['498'] = 'Bar Stool',
	['499'] = 'Bar Stool 2',
	['500'] = 'Chair 5',
	['501'] = 'Bottle of Ale 7',
	['502'] = 'Bottle of Ale 8',
	['503'] = 'Cup of Tea',
	['504'] = 'Can of Soft Drink',
	['505'] = 'Can of Soft Drink 2',
	['506'] = 'Bottle of Ale 9',
	['507'] = 'Bottle of Ale 10',
	['508'] = 'Bottle of Milk',
	['509'] = 'Assorted Fruit',
	['510'] = 'Spicy Stir-fry',
	['511'] = 'Whole Roasted Meat',
	['512'] = 'Salad',
	['513'] = 'Instant Ramen',
	['514'] = 'Shortcake',
	['515'] = 'Tiramisu',
	['516'] = 'Caramel Cake',
	['517'] = 'Flan',
	['519'] = 'Wig 2',
	['520'] = 'Wig 3',
	['521'] = 'Wig 4',
	['522'] = 'Wig 5',
	['523'] = 'Wig 6',
	['524'] = 'Wig 7',
	['525'] = 'Cone',
	['526'] = 'Cluttered Book',
	['527'] = 'Card 2',
	['528'] = 'Card 3',
	['529'] = 'Empty Can 2',
	['530'] = 'Sand Clock',
	['531'] = 'Book Pile 5',
	['532'] = 'Tea Pot',
	['533'] = 'Toaster',
	['534'] = 'Research Equipment 3',
	['535'] = 'Flower 2',
	['536'] = 'Flower 3',
	['537'] = 'Flower 4',
	['538'] = 'Flower 5',
	['539'] = 'Parasol 3',
	['540'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 10',
	['541'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 33',
	['542'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 34',
	['543'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 35',
	['544'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 36',
	['545'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 37',
	['546'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 38',
	['547'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 39',
	['548'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 40',
	['549'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 41',
	['550'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 42',
	['551'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 43',
	['552'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 44',
	['553'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 45',
	['554'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 46',
	['555'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 47',
	['556'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 48',
	['557'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 49',
	['558'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 50',
	['559'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 51',
	['560'] = 'Flag',
	['561'] = 'Flag 2',
	['562'] = 'Pole',
	['563'] = 'Pole 2',
	['564'] = 'Hanger',
	['565'] = 'Big Pillar 3',
	['566'] = 'Pillar 2',
	['567'] = 'Broken Barrel',
	['568'] = 'Side Table 3',
	['569'] = 'Short Pole',
	['570'] = 'Side Table 4',
	['571'] = 'TV',
	['572'] = 'TV Table',
	['573'] = 'TV Table 2',
	['574'] = 'Mini Snowman',
	['575'] = 'Research Equipment 4',
	['576'] = 'Table Lamp',
	['577'] = 'Table Lamp 2',
	['579'] = 'Orb',
	['580'] = 'Exotic Lamp',
	['581'] = 'Stone Lantern',
	['582'] = 'Exotic Lamp 2',
	['583'] = 'Orb 2',
	['584'] = 'Table Lamp 3',
	['585'] = 'Table Lamp 4',
	['586'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 52',
	['587'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 53',
	['588'] = 'Signpost 2',
	['589'] = 'Signpost 3',
	['590'] = 'Round Table',
	['591'] = 'Round Table 2',
	['592'] = 'Round Table 3',
	['593'] = 'Trash Bin 3',
	['594'] = 'Barrel Rack',
	['595'] = 'Barrel Rack 2',
	['596'] = 'King's Bed',
	['597'] = 'Bunk Bed',
	['598'] = 'Prince's Bed',
	['599'] = 'Pipe Bed',
	['600'] = 'Basket 7',
	['601'] = 'Short Curtain 4',
	['602'] = 'Short Curtain 5',
	['603'] = 'Short Curtain 6',
	['604'] = 'Poster 9',
	['605'] = 'Poster 10',
	['606'] = 'Poster 11',
	['607'] = 'Poster 12',
	['608'] = 'Poster 13',
	['609'] = 'Poster 14',
	['610'] = 'Poster 15',
	['611'] = 'Poster 16',
	['612'] = 'Poster 17',
	['613'] = 'Poster 18',
	['614'] = 'Big Window',
	['615'] = 'Stained Glass Window',
	['616'] = 'Window 2',
	['617'] = 'Stained Glass Window 2',
	['621'] = 'Counter 3',
	['622'] = 'Counter 4',
	['623'] = 'Corner Counter',
	['624'] = 'Corner Counter 2',
	['625'] = 'Big Window 2',
	['626'] = 'Laundry Rope',
	['627'] = 'Laundry',
	['628'] = 'Laundry 2',
	['629'] = 'Laundry 3',
	['630'] = 'Laundry Rope 2',
	['631'] = 'Laundry 4',
	['632'] = 'Laundry 5',
	['633'] = 'Laundry 6',
	['634'] = 'Poster 19',
	['635'] = 'Poster 20',
	['636'] = 'Poster 21',
	['637'] = 'Poster 22',
	['638'] = 'Poster 23',
	['639'] = 'Poster 24',
	['640'] = 'Scribble',
	['641'] = 'Scribble 2',
	['642'] = 'Scribble 3',
	['643'] = 'Vase 23',
	['644'] = 'Basket 8',
	['645'] = 'Display Shelf',
	['646'] = 'Display Shelf 2',
	['647'] = 'Display Shelf 3',
	['648'] = 'Display Shelf 4',
	['649'] = 'Display Shelf 5',
	['650'] = 'Decorative Armor',
	['651'] = 'Window 3',
	['652'] = 'Window 4',
	['653'] = 'Chimney 3',
	['654'] = 'Chimney 4',
	['655'] = 'Chimney 5',
	['656'] = 'Chimney 6',
	['657'] = 'Statue of Cat',
	['658'] = 'Statue of Cat 2',
	['659'] = 'Statue of Healing',
	['660'] = 'Loaf of Bread',
	['661'] = 'Giant Shortcake',
	['662'] = 'Omelette',
	['663'] = 'Mini Salad',
	['664'] = 'Stir Fried Vegetable',
	['665'] = 'Breadstick',
	['666'] = 'Bread',
	['667'] = 'Dish',
	['668'] = 'Dirty Dish',
	['669'] = 'Basket 9',
	['670'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 54',
	['671'] = 'Soft And Fluffy Bread',
	['672'] = 'Pile of Bread',
	['673'] = 'Pile of Bread 2',
	['674'] = 'Pile of Bread 3',
	['675'] = 'Pile of Bread 4',
	['676'] = 'Pile of Bread 5',
	['677'] = 'Pile of Bread 6',
	['678'] = 'Grilled Meat With Shiso Leaves',
	['679'] = 'Cream Puff',
	['680'] = 'Jelly',
	['681'] = 'Pie',
	['682'] = 'Crepe',
	['683'] = 'Tempura',
	['684'] = 'Sashimi',
	['685'] = 'Live Sashimi',
	['686'] = 'Fried Fish',
	['687'] = 'Tsukimi Udon',
	['689'] = 'Spaghetti With Meat Sauce',
	['691'] = 'Garlic Spaghetti',
	['692'] = 'Cooked Rice',
	['693'] = 'Curry',
	['694'] = 'Rice Bowl',
	['695'] = 'Cookie',
	['696'] = 'Handful of Api Nuts',
	['697'] = 'Eggplant',
	['699'] = 'White Mushroom',
	['700'] = 'Red Mushroom',
	['701'] = 'Truffle',
	['702'] = 'Onigiri',
	['703'] = 'Cazuela',
	['704'] = 'Potage',
	['705'] = 'Sukiyaki',
	['706'] = 'Stew',
	['707'] = 'Carbonara',
	['708'] = 'Pasta Salad',
	['709'] = 'Ramen',
	['710'] = 'Manju',
	['711'] = 'Sherbet',
	['712'] = 'King Parfait',
	['714'] = 'Boss Chair',
	['715'] = 'Hang Meat',
	['716'] = 'Hang Meat 2',
	['717'] = 'Hang Meat 3',
	['718'] = 'Cup of Coffee',
	['719'] = 'Bag of Rice',
	['720'] = 'Bag of Rice 2',
	['721'] = 'Statue of Knight',
	['722'] = 'Statue of Mage',
	['723'] = 'Big Pillar 4',
	['724'] = 'Pillar 3',
	['725'] = 'Animal Bone',
	['726'] = 'Empty Bottle',
	['727'] = 'Empty Bottle 2',
	['728'] = 'Empty Bottle 3',
	['729'] = 'Paper Scrap 4',
	['730'] = 'Paper Scrap 5',
	['731'] = 'Vomit',
	['732'] = 'Glass of Wine',
	['733'] = 'Glass of Cocktail',
	['734'] = 'Pizza',
	['735'] = 'Take-out Pizza',
	['736'] = 'Kid's Lunch',
	['737'] = 'Holiday Meal',
	['738'] = 'Dead Fish',
	['739'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 55',
	['740'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 56',
	['741'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 57',
	['742'] = 'Broom',
	['743'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 11',
	['744'] = 'Cargo',
	['745'] = 'Cargo 2',
	['746'] = 'Cargo 3',
	['747'] = 'Cargo 4',
	['748'] = 'Rack 2',
	['749'] = 'Table 2',
	['750'] = 'Table 3',
	['751'] = 'Desk',
	['752'] = 'Sack 2',
	['753'] = 'Sack 3',
	['754'] = 'Box',
	['755'] = 'Showcase 2',
	['756'] = 'Showcase 3',
	['757'] = 'Luxury Table',
	['758'] = 'Statue of Element',
	['759'] = 'Statue of Earth',
	['760'] = 'Floor Mat 2',
	['761'] = 'Floor Mat 3',
	['762'] = 'Floor Mat 4',
	['763'] = 'Floor Mat 5',
	['764'] = 'Floor Mat 6',
	['765'] = 'Table 4',
	['766'] = 'Pile of Commodities',
	['767'] = 'Pile of Commodities 2',
	['768'] = 'Pile of Commodities 3',
	['769'] = 'Pile of Commodities 4',
	['770'] = 'Pile of Commodities 5',
	['771'] = 'Pile of Commodities 6',
	['772'] = 'Pile of Commodities 7',
	['773'] = 'Pile of Commodities 8',
	['774'] = 'Pile of Commodities 9',
	['775'] = 'Set of Mounted Animal 4',
	['776'] = 'Bottle of Ale 11',
	['777'] = 'Bottle of Ale 12',
	['778'] = 'Bottle of Milk 2',
	['779'] = 'Rainbow Fruit',
	['780'] = 'Guava',
	['781'] = 'Leccho',
	['782'] = 'Gourd',
	['783'] = 'Cabocchi',
	['784'] = 'Sweet Potato',
	['785'] = 'Lemon',
	['786'] = 'Watermelon',
	['787'] = 'Banana',
	['788'] = 'Cherry',
	['789'] = 'Bowl of Coconut Juice',
	['790'] = 'Palulu',
	['791'] = 'Piece of Watermelon',
	['792'] = 'Piece of Melon',
	['793'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 12',
	['794'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 58',
	['795'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 59',
	['796'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 60',
	['797'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 61',
	['798'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 62',
	['799'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 63',
	['800'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 13',
	['801'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 14',
	['802'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 15',
	['803'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 16',
	['804'] = 'Leaf Dish',
	['805'] = 'Piece of Avocado',
	['806'] = 'Statue of Harvest',
	['807'] = 'Weapon Decoration',
	['808'] = 'Weapon Decoration 2',
	['809'] = 'Weapon Decoration 3',
	['810'] = 'Quiver 2',
	['811'] = 'Rack of Bows',
	['812'] = 'Weapon Rack',
	['813'] = 'Weapon Rack 2',
	['814'] = 'Box of Decorated Knives',
	['815'] = 'Wooden Figure',
	['816'] = 'Wooden Figure 2',
	['817'] = 'Rack of Helms',
	['818'] = 'Wall Rack',
	['819'] = 'Table 5',
	['820'] = 'Poster 25',
	['821'] = 'Poster 26',
	['822'] = 'Poster 27',
	['823'] = 'Scribble 4',
	['824'] = 'Scribble 5',
	['825'] = 'Scribble 6',
	['826'] = 'Scribble 7',
	['827'] = 'Menu Board 2',
	['828'] = 'Statue of Luck',
	['829'] = 'Ship Ladder',
	['830'] = 'Ship Boarding Plank',
	['831'] = 'Mirror',
	['832'] = 'Huge Blackboard',
	['833'] = 'Pendulum Clock',
	['834'] = 'TV 2',
	['835'] = 'Pile of Coins',
	['836'] = 'Crown',
	['837'] = 'Treasure',
	['838'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 64',
	['839'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 65',
	['840'] = 'Bottle of Ale 13',
	['841'] = 'Flower 6',
	['842'] = 'Letter 5',
	['843'] = 'Letter 6',
	['844'] = 'Vase 24',
	['845'] = 'Sword Replica',
	['846'] = 'Axe Replica',
	['847'] = 'Mace Replica',
	['848'] = 'Mirror 2',
	['849'] = 'Fishing Bucket 2',
	['850'] = 'Radio',
	['851'] = 'Clock 2',
	['852'] = 'Door Bell',
	['853'] = 'Wind Chime',
	['854'] = 'Wind Chime 2',
	['855'] = 'Boomer',
	['856'] = 'Cassette Tape',
	['857'] = 'Sailing',
	['858'] = 'Oar',
	['859'] = 'Oar 2',
	['860'] = 'Long Chair 2',
	['861'] = 'Anchor',
	['862'] = 'Mooring Rope',
	['863'] = 'Anchor 2',
	['864'] = 'Door Frame 2',
	['865'] = 'Door Frame 3',
	['866'] = 'Door Frame 4',
	['867'] = 'Fishbowl',
	['868'] = 'Fishing Net',
	['869'] = 'Rubber Duck',
	['870'] = 'Corpse of Wanderer',
	['871'] = 'Float 2',
	['872'] = 'Wind Chime 3',
	['873'] = 'Door Bell 2',
	['874'] = 'Radio 2',
	['875'] = 'Door Bell 3',
	['876'] = 'Water Tank',
	['877'] = 'Junk Gacha',
	['878'] = 'Plant Pot Gacha',
	['879'] = 'Cupboard 2',
	['880'] = 'Wardrobe 2',
	['881'] = 'Table 6',
	['882'] = 'Cabinet 2',
	['883'] = 'Pan',
	['884'] = 'Pan 2',
	['885'] = 'Rope',
	['886'] = 'Valve 2',
	['887'] = 'Bucket 4',
	['889'] = 'Rope 2',
	['890'] = 'Cooking Tool',
	['891'] = 'Scrap 2',
	['892'] = 'Scrap 3',
	['893'] = 'Table 7',
	['894'] = 'Window 5',
	['895'] = 'Paint 14',
	['896'] = 'Paint 15',
	['897'] = 'Paint 16',
	['898'] = 'Paint 17',
	['899'] = 'Paint 18',
	['900'] = 'Paint 19',
	['901'] = 'Paint 20',
	['902'] = 'Paint 21',
	['903'] = 'Paint 22',
	['904'] = 'Paint 23',
	['905'] = 'Paint 24',
	['906'] = 'Paint 25',
	['907'] = 'Paint 26',
	['908'] = 'Paint 27',
	['909'] = 'Paint 28',
	['910'] = 'Paint 29',
	['911'] = 'Paint 30',
	['912'] = 'Paint 31',
	['915'] = 'Paint 32',
	['916'] = 'Paint 33',
	['917'] = 'Paint 34',
	['918'] = 'Paint 35',
	['919'] = 'Paint 36',
	['920'] = 'Painting of "In The Forest"',
	['925'] = 'Stone Circle',
	['928'] = 'Potion',
	['929'] = 'Meat Mincer',
	['930'] = 'Grave 3',
	['931'] = 'Grave 4',
	['932'] = 'Stairway 9',
	['933'] = 'Painting of "Lady In The Mirror"',
	['934'] = 'Pumpkin Lamp',
	['935'] = 'Acid Trap',
	['936'] = 'Teleport Trap',
	['937'] = 'Curse Trap',
	['938'] = 'Sleep Dart Trap',
	['939'] = 'Spear Trap',
	['940'] = 'Ink Trap',
	['941'] = 'Paralysis Trap',
	['942'] = 'Mine',
	['943'] = 'Scribble 8',
	['944'] = 'Grave 5',
	['945'] = 'Grave 6',
	['946'] = 'Grave 7',
	['947'] = 'Grave 8',
	['948'] = 'Grave 9',
	['949'] = 'Grave 10',
	['950'] = 'Grave 11',
	['951'] = 'Grave 12',
	['952'] = 'Grave 13',
	['953'] = 'Ghost Lamp',
	['954'] = 'Mummy Lamp',
	['955'] = 'Putit Lamp',
	['956'] = 'Bat Lamp',
	['957'] = 'Lamp Socket',
	['958'] = 'Painting of "Strange Shadow"',
	['959'] = 'Fortune Telling Crystal',
	['960'] = 'Pedestal 5',
	['961'] = 'Set of Mounted Skelton',
	['962'] = 'Set of Mounted Skelton 2',
	['963'] = 'Round Table 4',
	['964'] = 'Sofa 2',
	['965'] = 'Sofa 3',
	['966'] = 'Wardrobe 3',
	['967'] = 'Pot of Big Plant 17',
	['968'] = 'Wine Celler',
	['969'] = 'Decorative Dish',
	['970'] = 'Vase 25',
	['971'] = 'Bookshelf',
	['972'] = 'Bookshelf 2',
	['973'] = 'Window 6',
	['974'] = 'Round Window',
	['975'] = 'Round Window 2',
	['976'] = 'Curtain 2',
	['977'] = 'Screen 3',
	['978'] = 'Trolley 4',
	['979'] = 'Table Clock',
	['980'] = 'Table Clock 2',
	['981'] = 'Hanging Rack',
	['982'] = 'Hanging Rack 2',
	['983'] = 'Note',
	['984'] = 'Note 2',
	['985'] = 'Rudder',
	['986'] = 'Sink 3',
	['987'] = 'Weird Chair',
	['988'] = 'Clock 3',
	['989'] = 'Clock 4',
	['990'] = 'Cushion 4',
	['991'] = 'Cushion 5',
	['992'] = 'Cushion 6',
	['993'] = 'Cushion 7',
	['994'] = 'Banner',
	['995'] = 'Banner 2',
	['996'] = 'Banner 3',
	['997'] = 'Banner 4',
	['998'] = 'Old Lantern',
	['999'] = 'Ghost Lantern',
	['1000'] = 'Mummy Lantern',
	['1001'] = 'Putit Lantern',
	['1002'] = 'Pumpkin Lantern',
	['1003'] = 'Bat Lantern',
	['1004'] = 'Bomb Rock Lantern',
	['1005'] = 'Poster 28',
	['1006'] = 'Poster 29',
	['1007'] = 'Poster 30',
	['1008'] = 'Festival Flag',
	['1009'] = 'Lectern',
	['1010'] = 'Side Table 5',
	['1011'] = 'Dice',
	['1012'] = 'Pedestal 6',
	['1013'] = 'Illumination',
	['1015'] = 'Balloon 2',
	['1016'] = 'Balloon 3',
	['1017'] = 'Statue of Bell',
	['1018'] = 'Gift Box',
	['1019'] = 'Side Table 6',
	['1020'] = 'Chess Table',
	['1021'] = 'Chess Table 2',
	['1022'] = 'Chess Board',
	['1023'] = 'Bookshelf 3',
	['1024'] = 'Wheel',
	['1025'] = 'Chandelier',
	['1026'] = 'Chandelier 2',
	['1027'] = 'Book',
	['1028'] = 'Breaker',
	['1029'] = 'Strange Switch',
	['1030'] = 'Illumination 2',
	['1031'] = 'Illumination 3',
	['1032'] = 'Illumination 4',
	['1033'] = 'Illumination 5',
	['1034'] = 'Illumination 6',
	['1035'] = 'Gravestone 9',
	['1036'] = 'Gravestone 10',
	['1037'] = 'Illumination 7',
	['1038'] = 'Illumination 8',
	['1040'] = 'Illumination 9',
	['1041'] = 'Illumination 10',
	['1042'] = 'Illumination 11',
	['1043'] = 'Illumination 12',
	['1044'] = 'Illumination 13',
	['1045'] = 'Illumination 14',
	['1046'] = 'Gravestone 11',
	['1047'] = 'Gravestone 12',
	['1048'] = 'Gravestone 13',
	['1049'] = 'Gravestone 14',
	['1050'] = 'Gravestone 15',
	['1051'] = 'Statue 2',
	['1052'] = 'Chair 6',
	['1053'] = 'Fossil',
	['1054'] = 'Wall Rack 2',
	['1055'] = 'Shelf',
	['1056'] = 'Lectern 2',
	['1057'] = 'Illumination 15',
	['1058'] = 'Ice Statue',
	['1059'] = 'Ice Statue 2',
	['1060'] = 'Roof 2',
	['1061'] = 'Roof 3',
	['1062'] = 'Stall',
	['1063'] = 'Changing Room',
	['1064'] = 'Ice Statue 3',
	['1065'] = 'Specimen',
	['1066'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 66',
	['1067'] = 'Shelf 2',
	['1068'] = 'Kettle',
	['1069'] = 'Holy Ball',
	['1070'] = 'Moon Lantern',
	['1071'] = 'Moon Lantern 2',
	['1072'] = 'Mushroom Lantern',
	['1073'] = 'Mushroom Lantern 2',
	['1074'] = 'Skull',
	['1075'] = 'Dish 2',
	['1076'] = 'Statue of Ghost',
	['1077'] = 'Wara Sculpture of Yakasha',
	['1078'] = 'Festival Flag 2',
	['1079'] = 'Banner 5',
	['1080'] = 'Illumination 16',
	['1081'] = 'Bottle of Ramune',
	['1082'] = 'Pack of Takoyaki',
	['1083'] = 'Fortune Cookie',
	['1084'] = 'Dojin Book',
	['1085'] = 'Letter of Indulgence',
	['1087'] = 'Book Pile 6',
	['1088'] = 'Book Pile 7',
	['1089'] = 'Fan',
	['1090'] = 'Air Conditioner',
	['1091'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 67',
	['1092'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 68',
	['1093'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 69',
	['1094'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 70',
	['1095'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 71',
	['1096'] = 'Book 2',
	['1097'] = 'Cabinet 3',
	['1098'] = 'Cabinet 4',
	['1099'] = 'Binocular',
	['1100'] = 'Alarm Clock',
	['1101'] = 'Cone 2',
	['1102'] = 'Cabinet 5',
	['1103'] = 'Cabinet 6',
	['1104'] = 'Cabinet 7',
	['1105'] = 'Pipe',
	['1106'] = 'Pipe 2',
	['1107'] = 'Pipe 3',
	['1108'] = 'Pipe 4',
	['1109'] = 'Pipe 5',
	['1110'] = 'Pipe 6',
	['1111'] = 'Moon',
	['1112'] = 'Roof 4',
	['1113'] = 'Roof 5',
	['1114'] = 'Heater',
	['1115'] = 'Heater 2',
	['1116'] = 'Lever 3',
	['1117'] = 'Lever 4',
	['1118'] = 'Foreign Door',
	['1119'] = 'Foreign Door 2',
	['1120'] = 'Evening Drink Set',
	['1121'] = 'Poster 31',
	['1122'] = 'Chaos Mushroom',
	['1123'] = 'Macaron',
	['1124'] = 'Mandrake',
	['1125'] = 'Moon Dumpling',
	['1126'] = 'Heart Chocolate',
	['1127'] = 'Stollen',
	['1128'] = 'Macaron 2',
	['1129'] = 'Pedestal 7',
	['1130'] = 'Bouquet',
	['1131'] = 'Bouquet 2',
	['1132'] = 'Round Window 3',
	['1133'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 72',
	['1134'] = 'Bottle of Sake',
	['1135'] = 'Sushi',
	['1136'] = 'Cushion 8',
	['1137'] = 'Pot Hook',
	['1138'] = 'Katana 2',
	['1139'] = 'Futon',
	['1140'] = 'Shelf 3',
	['1141'] = 'Shelf 4',
	['1142'] = 'Potion',
	['1143'] = 'Pair of Sandal',
	['1144'] = 'Pair of Sandal 2',
	['1145'] = 'Wall Rack 3',
	['1146'] = 'Wall Rack 4',
	['1147'] = 'Cupboard 3',
	['1148'] = 'Sturdy Treasure Chest',
	['1149'] = 'Box 2',
	['1150'] = 'Statue of Fox',
	['1151'] = 'Sacred Rope',
	['1152'] = 'Hanging Scroll',
	['1153'] = 'Dish 3',
	['1154'] = 'Gravestone 16',
	['1155'] = 'Seven of Wan',
	['1156'] = 'Banner 6',
	['1157'] = 'Banner 7',
	['1158'] = 'Fishbowl 2',
	['1159'] = 'Throwing Circle',
	['1160'] = 'Putit',
	['1161'] = 'Iron Maiden',
	['1162'] = 'Guillotine',
	['1163'] = 'Potion',
	['1165'] = 'Potion',
	['1166'] = 'Furniture Gacha',
	['1167'] = 'Straw Bale',
	['1168'] = 'Small Grass Window',
	['1169'] = 'Snail',
	['1170'] = 'Empty Can 3',
	['1171'] = 'Sturdy Treasure Chest 2',
	['1172'] = 'Completely Worthless Rusted Fake Gold Bar',
	['1173'] = 'Goods Stock Sign',
	['1174'] = 'Scroll of Ally',
	['1175'] = 'Dog Body Pillow',
	['1176'] = 'Cat Body Pillow',
	['1177'] = 'Beach Ball',
	['1178'] = 'Rubber Putit',
	['1179'] = 'Rubber Snail',
	['1180'] = 'Lucky Cat',
	['1181'] = 'Caladrius',
	['1182'] = 'Dried Fountain',
	['1183'] = 'Rack 3',
	['1184'] = 'Bookshelf 4',
	['1185'] = 'Cabinet 8',
	['1186'] = 'Light Stand 4',
	['1187'] = 'Flower Fence 3',
	['1188'] = 'Flower Fence 4',
	['1189'] = 'Decayed Big Daddy',
	['1190'] = 'Statue of Wind',
	['1191'] = 'Statue of Machine',
	['1192'] = 'Vent',
	['1193'] = 'Small Window 3',
	['1194'] = 'Mountain of Dirt',
	['1195'] = 'Mountain of Dirt 2',
	['1196'] = 'Mountain of Ores',
	['1197'] = 'Mountain of Dirt 3',
	['1199'] = 'Mountain of Logs',
	['1201'] = 'Shed',
	['1202'] = 'Roof 6',
	['1203'] = 'Mining Equipment',
	['1206'] = 'Exotic Device',
	['1207'] = 'Pole 3',
	['1208'] = 'Bumping Post',
	['1209'] = 'Log Table',
	['1210'] = 'Table 8',
	['1211'] = 'Table 9',
	['1212'] = 'Log Chair 2',
	['1213'] = 'Deck Chair',
	['1214'] = 'Foreign Chair',
	['1215'] = 'Side Table 7',
	['1216'] = 'Fan 2',
	['1217'] = 'Long Chair 3',
	['1218'] = 'Sake Barrel',
	['1219'] = 'Pedestal 8',
	['1220'] = 'Foreign Door 3',
	['1221'] = 'Foreign Tablet',
	['1222'] = 'Fuel Storage Sign',
	['1223'] = 'Banana Peel',
	['1224'] = 'Guide Sign',
	['1225'] = '(planned) Training Spot Sign',
	['1226'] = '(planned) Prayer Spot Sign',
	['1227'] = 'Dining Spot Sign',
	['1228'] = 'Doll 2',
	['1229'] = 'Younger Sister Doll',
	['1230'] = 'Heart Cushion',
	['1231'] = 'Carved Wooden Bear',
	['1232'] = 'Pile of Gift Box',
	['1233'] = 'Pot of Small Plant 73',
	['1234'] = 'Curtain Door',
	['1235'] = 'Weathered Staff',
	['1236'] = 'Ragged Cloth',
	['1237'] = 'Stone Tower',
	['1238'] = 'Stove',
	['1239'] = 'Stone Tower 2',
	['1240'] = 'Bookshelf 5',
	['1241'] = 'Floor Mat 7',
	['1242'] = 'Exotic Chess Table',
	['1243'] = 'King Piece',
	['1244'] = 'Foreign Doll',
	['1245'] = 'Lucky Cat 2',