
From Ylvapedia

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:CraftingTable/i18n/doc

--Add the languages you wish to use. By creating a template for each language and specifying the language code for each language, you can call the following
return {
	['JA'] = {
		['BlankValue'] = '空白値',
		['CraftingStation'] = '製作設備',
		['ErrorCraftingStation'] = '"製作設備"が入力されていません',
		['TemplateName'] = 'アイテム',
		['Ingredient'] = '素材',
		['ErrorIngredient'] = '"素材"が入力されていません',
		['IngredientNum'] = '素材数',
		['ErrorIngredientNum'] = '"素材数"が入力されていません',
		['IngredientExtra'] = '素材任意',
		['TitleExtra'] = '任意',
		['TitleGourmet'] = '美食家',
		['CraftSkill'] = '製作スキル',
		['CraftSkillLv'] = '製作スキルLv',
		['ObtainRecipe'] = 'レシピ入手法',
		['Or'] = 'または',
		['TextExtra'] = '<small><sup>&lbrack;<abbr title="任意の素材">任意</abbr>&rbrack;</sup></small>',
		['TextGourmet'] = '<small><sup>&lbrack;<abbr title="美食家2フィートで追加された任意の素材">任意</abbr>&rbrack;</sup></small>',
		['TitleCraftingStation'] = '製作設備',
		['TitleIngredient'] = '素材',
		['TitleSkill'] = 'スキル',
		['TitleObtainRecipe'] = 'レシピ入手法',
		['TitleResult'] = '結果',
		['Category'] = '[[Category:Elin クラフトできるアイテム]]',
		['CategoryExtra'] = '[[Category:Elin 任意の材料が含まれるアイテム]]',
		['CategoryGourmet'] = '[[Category:Elin 美食家で材料が追加されるアイテム]]',
--English was used with a translation tool. Please correct the text if you are concerned about it.
	['EN'] = {
		['BlankValue'] = 'Blank',
		['CraftingStation'] = 'CraftingStation',
		['ErrorCraftingStation'] = '"CraftingStation" is not entered',
		['TemplateName'] = 'Item',
		['Ingredient'] = 'Ingredient',
		['ErrorIngredient'] = '"Ingredient" is not entered',
		['IngredientNum'] = 'IngredientNum',
		['ErrorIngredientNum'] = '"IngredientNum" is not entered',
		['IngredientExtra'] = 'IngredientExtra',
		['TitleExtra'] = 'Extra',
		['TitleGourmet'] = 'Gourmet',
		['CraftSkill'] = 'CraftSkill',
		['CraftSkillLv'] = 'CraftSkillLv',
		['ObtainRecipe'] = 'ObtainRecipe',
		['Or'] = 'or',
		['TextExtra'] = '<small><sup>&lbrack;<abbr title="Optional ingredients">Extra</abbr>&rbrack;</sup></small>',
		['TextGourmet'] = '<small><sup>&lbrack;<abbr title="Optional ingredients added by Golem2 feet">Extra</abbr>&rbrack;</sup></small>',
		['TitleCraftingStation'] = 'Crafting station',
		['TitleIngredient'] = 'Ingredients',
		['TitleSkill'] = 'Skill',
		['TitleObtainRecipe'] = 'Obtain Recipe',
		['TitleResult'] = 'Result',
		['Category'] = '[[Category:Elin Craftable items]]',
		['CategoryExtra'] = '[[Category:Elin Extra-ingredient item]]',
		['CategoryGourmet'] = '[[Category:Elin Gourmet-ingredient item]]',