The Strategy skill determines the damage your character deals when engaging in auto-combat by right-clicking enemies. Normally, damage is reduced when in auto-combat, but the Strategy skill restores your damage.
Moreover, while in auto-combat, you will consume stamina to avoid fatal injuries. You can use this to safely gauge the strength of a new opponent.
The player can choose how they act in auto-combat in the Strategy tab of their character sheet. (Press V, then click 'Strategy' in the lower-right of the window). The auto-combat AI profiles include:
- Archer (Uses ranged attacks)
- Fighter (Uses melee attacks)
- Tank (Uses the Taunt ability)
- Healer (Casts healing spells)
- Mage (Casts offensive spells)
- Hexer (Casts debuff spells)
- Summoner (Casts summoning spells)
- Predator (?)
- Paladin (Uses melee attacks, while casting buff spells)
The player can further refine their auto-combat behavior with the Checkboxes:
- Use items and abilities in the hotbar
- Use abilities not in the hot bar
- Use only favorite abilities
Allies' strategy can be changed through Gene Engineering with Brain Cell genes.