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The executioners are hereditary experts in execution, appointed by the king through generation. They are well-versed in weapons, the human body, and the knowledge of iron balls to carry out executions smoothly. They embrace death and can harness their full power when standing on the brink of death.

Class Stats and Feats

Class Str Con Dex Per Lea Will Mag Cha Total Domains Skills Weapon Skills Feat Feat Effect
Executioner 12+60 8+40 5+25 0 0 0 0 0 25+125 Cold



Two Handed(160)





Long Sword (140)



Heart of Death 1

Mana Body 1

Physical critical rate increases as health decreases

Mana can be used as health

Negates Neck Hunt

Cannot die until mana is depleted


The executioner, like the warrior, specializes in melee combat, and his greatest feature is that he can use his MP as a secondary HP. combined with the other feature that the lower the HP value, the higher the critical rate, the ideal state for the executioner would be to have zero HP and live on MP alone. Executioners who are good at melee combat can easily advance through the early stages of the game, but executioners who cannot devote MP to magic chanting will find it more difficult to get around in the middle and later stages of the game than warriors.

In general, this is a profession with a rather special feel, so first-time players of Elin are recommended to get used to playing normally with other professions first, and then use the executioner.


Although the executioner's bonuses to Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, and melee combat skills may make it look like he would be a good match for a close combat-oriented race, the opposite is actually true. To take advantage of the executioner's two occupational feats, he must be paired with a race that has more mana than vitality. Such races tend to have low Strength and high magic, so the actual executioner tends not to have such excellent physical stats. When using an executioner in combination with a race with high magical power, one option is to use Force weapon that references magic in their damage.

The executioner can use MP as physical strength to stay alive even when his HP is zero due to the effects of the mana body feat. In addition, the Heart of Death feat increases the critical rate with lower HP, and when the HP is 0, there is about a 30% chance of a critical hit. Both of these effects are powerful, but they also have their disadvantages, such as the difficulty in allocating MP for magic chanting and the poor compatibility with HP recovery magic, which affect playing and the organization of party. The executioner, who mainly uses melee attacks and has difficulty with magic, becomes difficult to fight when counterattacking enemies such as hedgehogs and slimes, or long-range enemies with bows and magic begin to appear. Fortunately, the executioner has skill bonus for throwing, so it is a good idea to mainly use throwing weapons to fight back. It is also a good idea to bring potions, scrolls, and magic wands to compensate for the lack of spells.

Suggested Races

It is recommended to combine the executioner with a race that has high mana and an aptitude for melee combat. This does not apply to Force weapons, which refer to magical power in their attacks.

You can also use a race with extremely low vitality in combination with an executioner to ensure durability.

  • Wraith
    • It is no exaggeration to say that the Wraith is a profession tailored to the executioner, and the mana body feat is combined with that of the Wraith to add the effect of halving the mana consumption when the Wraith's vitality is low.
  • Fairy
  • Chaos Shape (when acquiring the maximum number of parts)

Suggested Gods

  • Izpalt is a prime candidate for executioner because he is a deity who can acquire a rare means of MP recovery. Izpalt's artifact is a Force weapon, which works well with the executioner, who is often paired with races with high magic.
  • Horome is also a strong choice for an executioner because of its ability to restore MP through faith effects. It should be noted, however, that Horome's artifact has an HP absorption effect, making it somewhat incompatible with executioners who wish to maintain low HP.

Starting Equipment

  • 7 bandages

Lore and Trivia

  • The Executioner is a backer class.