Elin:エウレカ: Difference between revisions

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m (能力や職業などを追記)
m (趣味が喫煙→モフモフ固定に変更)
(4 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
Line 31: Line 31:
{{Template:Monster SMW Ja
|fullnameJa  = [[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|戦禍の奏者『エウレカ』]]
|raceJa  = 半神
|classJa  = 処刑人
|genderJa = 女
|faithJa  = 戦禍のイーヴァン
|level =  36
|life  =
|mana  =
|vigor =
|speed =
|str  =
|end  =
|dex  =
|per  =
|lea  =
|wil  =
|mag  =
|cha  =
|重量上げ  =
|採掘      =
|穴掘り    =
|水泳      =
|木こり    =
|農業      =
|自然治癒  =
|罠解体    =
|鍵開け    =
|窃盗      =
|隠密      =
|探索      =
|採取      =
|読書      =
|鑑定      =
|解剖学    =
|暗記      =
|乗馬      =
|旅歩き    =
|釣り      =
|瞑想      =
|信仰      =
|魔力制御  =
|魔力の限界 =
|魔道具    =
|詠唱      =
|共存      =
|演奏      =
|交渉術    =
|投資      =
|木工      =
|鍛冶      =
|彫刻      =
|宝石細工  =
|裁縫      =
|製作      =
|錬金      =
|料理      =
|両手持ち  =
|重装備    =
|盾        =
|投擲      =
|二刀流    =
|軽装備    =
|戦術      =
|回避      =
|射撃      =
|心眼      =
|見切り    =
|戦略      =
|格闘      =
|長剣      =
|斧        =
|鎌        =
|杖        =
|槍        =
|鈍器      =
|弓        =
|短剣      =
|銃        =
|クロスボウ =
|関係      =友好
|戦闘AI    =
|場所1      =風の眠る場所
|場所2      =
|場所3      =
|固定仕事  =お祈り
|固定趣味  =モフモフ
|先天説明文1  =あなたは半神だ
|先天効果1    =信仰度の上昇増加、無信仰の時に全主能力増加、神々から懲罰を受けない
|先天説明文2  =
|先天効果2    =
|先天説明文3  =
|先天効果3    =
|特徴説明文1  =あなたは味方の士気を高める
|特徴効果1    =同階層の敵の数に応じて味方を強化<br>長剣、鈍器、杖、槍、重装備、軽装備、盾のベース潜在能力+50%
|特徴説明文2  =
|特徴効果2    =
|特徴説明文3  =
|特徴効果3    =
|職業説明文1  =あなたは死を身近に感じている
|職業効果1    =体力が減るほど物理クリティカル率が上昇
|職業説明文2  =あなたはマナと同化している
|職業効果2    =マナを体力として使用できる、マナが尽きるまで死なない、首狩りを無効
|職業説明文3  =
|職業効果3    =
|アビリティ1  =罵倒
|アビリティ2  =拘束
|アビリティ3  =脆弱
|アビリティ4  =血の唄
|アビリティ5  =
|アビリティ6  =
|アビリティ7  =
|アビリティ8  =

== 祝福 ==

== 備考 ==
* エウレカは仕事がお祈り、趣味がモフモフで固定となっています。
* 固定で'''[[Elin:戦禍のイーヴァン|戦禍のイーヴァン]]'''を信仰しており、これを改宗させることはできません。
* 固有フィート「前線指揮官」(同階層の敵の数に応じて味方を強化、長剣、鈍器、杖、槍、重装備、軽装備、盾のベース潜在能力+50%。イーヴァンの使徒のミリタントと同じ能力)
* 固有フィート「前線指揮官」(同階層の敵の数に応じて味方を強化、長剣、鈍器、杖、槍、重装備、軽装備、盾のベース潜在能力+50%。イーヴァンの使徒のミリタントと同じ能力)
=== 備考 ===
* エウレカは仕事がお祈り、趣味が喫煙で固定となっています。

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"

Latest revision as of 03:48, 27 August 2024


















Firebrand Of Strife










Yevan of Strife





名前 戦禍の奏者『エウレカ』
種族 半神 職業 処刑人 年齢 ランダム 性別 信仰 戦禍のイーヴァン
Lv 36 生命力 マナ 活力 速度
筋力 耐久 器用 感覚 学習 意志 魔力 魅力
重量上げ 採掘 穴掘り 水泳 木こり 農業 自然治癒
罠解体 鍵開け 窃盗 隠密 探索
採取 読書 鑑定 解剖学 暗記
乗馬 旅歩き 釣り 瞑想 信仰
魔力制御 魔力の限界 魔道具 詠唱 共存 演奏 交渉術 投資
木工 鍛冶 彫刻 宝石細工 裁縫 製作 錬金 料理
両手持ち 重装備 投擲 二刀流 軽装備
戦術 回避 射撃 心眼 見切り 戦略
格闘 長剣 鈍器
短剣 クロスボウ
関係 友好 戦闘AI 仕事 お祈り 趣味 モフモフ
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所12}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所12}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所12}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所12}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所13}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所13}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
風の眠る場所Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所12}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所12}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所13}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所13}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{場所14}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{場所14}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.


フィート 説明 効果
神秘の残光1 あなたは半神だ 信仰度の上昇増加、無信仰の時に全主能力増加、神々から懲罰を受けない
前線指揮官 あなたは味方の士気を高める 同階層の敵の数に応じて味方を強化
死の真髄1 あなたは死を身近に感じている 体力が減るほど物理クリティカル率が上昇
マナの体1 あなたはマナと同化している マナを体力として使用できる、マナが尽きるまで死なない、首狩りを無効


  • 罵倒
  • 拘束
  • 脆弱
  • 血の唄




  • エウレカは仕事がお祈り、趣味がモフモフで固定となっています。
  • 固定で戦禍のイーヴァンを信仰しており、これを改宗させることはできません。
  • 固有フィート「前線指揮官」(同階層の敵の数に応じて味方を強化、長剣、鈍器、杖、槍、重装備、軽装備、盾のベース潜在能力+50%。イーヴァンの使徒のミリタントと同じ能力)


状況 メッセージ