Elin:Code Analysis/Faith
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This page does not contain information obtained through legitimate play, but rather through Elin's data analysis, debug mode, and internal file viewing. It may contain serious spoilers or information that may detract from the enjoyment of playing the game. please summarize the content in a way that is easy to understand for people who cannot read the code, rather than posting the code as it is. |
Piety and Gift
int num = EClass.pc.Evalue(85);
if (giftRank == 0 && (num >= 15 || EClass.debug.enable))
Chara chara = CharaGen.Create(source.rewards[0]);
EClass._zone.AddCard(chara, point);
giftRank = 1;
return true;
if (source.rewards.Length >= 2 && giftRank == 1 && (num >= 30 || EClass.debug.enable))
string[] array = source.rewards[1].Split('|');
string[] array2 = array;
foreach (string text in array2)
Reforge(text, point, text == array[0]);
giftRank = 2;
return true;
- As of EA23.61, there are two Gift ranks for each god, and each of them is hardcoded at piety level 15 and 30. You will recieve a gift after reach each of these levels then manually pray to the god.
Ehekatl's School of Magic
The relevant code relating to the randomized mana and stamina costs is as such:
if (a < 0 && BaseStats.CC.HasElement(1330, 1))
a = -EClass.rnd(-a * 130 / 100 + 2);
This means that if there is a mana or stamina cost, the new cost is determined by taking a random number between 0 and 1.3 times the original cost plus 2. So in a case where a spell has a cost of 40, it would be randomised between 0 and 54.