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Sword Mage - Talisman Trait (EA23.54)

    case MixType.Talisman:
			int num2 = EClass.pc.Evalue(1418);
			Thing thing4 = ai.ings[1];
			SourceElement.Row source2 = (thing4.trait as TraitSpellbook).source;
			int num3 = thing4.c_charges * source2.charge * (100 + num2 * 50) / 500 + 1;
			int num4 = 100;
			Thing thing5 = ThingGen.Create("talisman").SetNum(num3);
			thing5.refVal = source2.id;
			thing5.encLV = num4 * (100 + num2 * 10) / 100;
			thing.ammoData = thing5;
			thing.c_ammo = num3;
			EClass.pc.Say("talisman", thing, thing5);
  • The "talisman mastery 2" trait of swordmage positively influence the effect of created talismans. Specifically:
    • The number of charges created by swordmage will be (magic_book_charges * num_of_charge_gained_if_read * 2 / 5) + 1.
    • For a normal PC, the number of charges will be (magic_book_charges * num_of_charge_gained_if_read * 1 / 5) + 1.
      • For example, for a magic book with 3 reads left with each read giving PC 10 charges, the number of talisman charge by swordmage would be 13, while by normal PC would be 7.
    • The talisman level created by swordmage is fixed at 120, while fixed at 100 by normal PC.