Elin:Code Analysis/Fishing

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Fish LV

The formula to calculate the fish LV that can be caught based on your fishing level:

fishLV = rnd(fishingLevel * 2) + 1
  • fishingLevel: Your current fishing skill level.
  • rnd: A random number between 0 and the value passed into the function.


If your fishing level is 3, the potential fish LV is calculated as:

rnd(3 * 2) + 1

This gives a range of 1 to 6, meaning you can catch fish with LV between 1 and 6.

Fish LV Range Table

Fishing Level Minimum LV Maximum LV
1 1 2
2 1 4
3 1 6
4 1 8
5 1 10
6 1 12
7 1 14
8 1 16
9 1 18
10 1 20
11 1 22
12 1 24
13 1 26
14 1 28
15 1 30
16 1 32
17 1 34
18 1 36
19 1 38
20 1 40

Code (EA 23.37)

int num3 = EClass.rnd(num * 2) + 1;
thing = ThingGen.Create("fish", -1, num3);

Number of Fish

The formula to calculate the number of fish you can catch based on your fishing level:

numberOfFish = rnd(fishingLevel / (fishLV + 10)) + 1
  • fishingLevel: Your current fishing skill level.
  • fishLV: The fish LV.
  • rnd: A random number between 0 and the value passed into the function.


If your fishing level is 22, and the fish LV is determined to be 1, the potential number of fish is calculated as:

rnd(22 / (1 + 10)) + 1

This simplifies to:

rnd(22 / 11) + 1

The rnd(2) generates a random number between 0 and 1. Adding 1 ensures that you will catch at least 1 fish, and the number of fish can either be 1 or 2, depending on the random result.

Adding Land Feats

The initial chance of catching one extra fish starts at 5%.

If the land feats include Beach (3604) and Fishing Spot (3706), these feats will contribute additional chances to the base chance.

For example:

  • Beach (3604) adds 20% to the base chance.
  • Fishing Spot (3706) adds 25% to the base chance.

Starting with a 5% chance, the total chance is calculated using the following code:

chanceForOneMoreFish = 5
chanceForOneMoreFish += isBeach * 20 + isFishingSpot * 25


  • isBeach is a flag (either 0 or 1) indicating whether the land feat is a Beach (3604).
  • isFishingSpot is a flag (either 0 or 1) indicating whether the land feat is a Fishing Spot (3706).

If both features are present (i.e., both flags are set to 1), then:

chanceForOneMoreFish = 5 + 1 * 20 + 1 * 25 = 50

Checking the Chance to Increase the Number of Fish

The chanceForOneMoreFish value is then compared to a random number generated by the rnd(100) function. The value of rnd(100) generates a random number between 0 and 99 (inclusive).

If the value of chanceForOneMoreFish is greater than or equal to the random number, the number of fish will increase by 1.

This check is done with:

if (chanceForOneMoreFish >= rnd(100))
  • If the random number generated by rnd(100) is 50 or less, the number of fish will increase by 1.
  • If the random number is greater than 50, the number of fish will remain the same.

Thus, the probability of increasing the number of fish is 50% (because chanceForOneMoreFish = 50 ).

Example with Land Feats

Let's say your fishing level is 22, and the fish LV is 1. You calculate the base number of fish as:

numberOfFish = rnd(22 / (1 + 10)) + 1 = rnd(2) + 1

Thus, you could catch 1 or 2 fish, based on the random result.

Now, you evaluate the land feats:

  • Starting with chanceForOneMoreFish = 5 (the base chance).
  • If the land feats are present:
    • Beach (3604) adds 20 to chanceForOneMoreFish.
    • Fishing Spot (3706) adds 25 to chanceForOneMoreFish.

So, the new chanceForOneMoreFish becomes:

chanceForOneMoreFish = 5 + 20 + 25 = 50

Next, the random chance is checked:

if (chanceForOneMoreFish >= rnd(100))

If the random number generated by rnd(100) is 50 or less, numberOfFish will increase by 1. This means that if the random number is between 0 and 50 (inclusive), you will catch an additional fish, making numberOfFish increase by 1.

So, numberOfFish is increased by 1 based on land feats, making it:

  • numberOfFish = numberOfFish + 1 (if the random check passes).
  • If the random number exceeds 50, numberOfFish remains the same.

Number of Fish Table

Fish LV Minimum Fishing Level for 2 Fish Minimum Fishing Level for 3 Fish
1 22 33
5 30 45
10 40 60
15 50 75
20 60 90
25 70 105
30 80 120
35 90 135
40 100 150

Code (EA 23.37)

num2 = EClass.rnd(num / (num3 + 10)) + 1;
int num4 = 5;
if (EClass.Branch != null)
    num4 += EClass.Branch.Evalue(3604) * 20 + EClass.Branch.Evalue(3706) * 25;
if (num4 >= EClass.rnd(100))
if (thing != null)

Fishing Speed

The fishing process involves two key variables:

  • progress: Represents the overall duration or percentage of fishing completion, ranging from 0 to 100.
  • hit: Tracks the number of attempts made during the fishing fight. The following conditions apply:
    • Increase: hit increments on each attempt until either:
      • The fish is caught (when hit > random threshold).
      • Certain random conditions reset hit to 0.


The formula to calculate the success threshold for catching a fish is:

successThreshold = Mathf.Clamp(10 - rnd(fishingLevel + 1) / 10, 5, 10)
  • fishingLevel: Your current fishing skill level.
  • rnd: A random number between 0 and the value passed into the function.
  • Clamp: Ensures the value stays between 5 (easiest) and 10 (hardest).

The actual success logic occurs as follows:

if (hit > rnd(successThreshold)) {
    hit = 100;
    progress = MaxProgress;
  • hit: Tracks the current number of attempts. The fish is caught if hit exceeds the random roll of the successThreshold.
  • progress: Automatically completes when success occurs.


If your fishing level is 20, the calculation proceeds as follows:

  1. rnd(20 + 1) generates a random number between 0 and 20.
  2. This random number is divided by 10 and subtracted from 10.
  3. The result is clamped to the range [5, 10], determining the successThreshold.

For example:

  • If rnd(21) = 10, the calculation is:
successThreshold = Mathf.Clamp(10 - (10 / 10), 5, 10) = 9

A random roll of rnd(9) determines the threshold. If hit > rnd(9), the fish is caught.

Success Threshold Table

Fishing Level Min successThreshold Max successThreshold
1 10 10
5 10 10
10 9 10
15 9 10
20 8 10
25 8 10
30 7 10
35 7 10
40 6 10
45 6 10
50 5 10
55 5 10
60 5 10


The formula to determine whether hit resets is:

resetThreshold = Mathf.Clamp(10 - rnd(fishingLevel + 1) / 5, 2, 10)
  • fishingLevel: Your current fishing skill level.
  • rnd: A random number between 0 and the value passed into the function.
  • Clamp: Ensures the value stays between 2 (easiest threshold to reset) and 10 (hardest threshold to reset).

If rnd(resetThreshold) equals 0, and progress >= 10, the hit counter resets to 0.


If your fishing level is 30, the calculation proceeds as follows:

  1. rnd(30 + 1) generates a random number between 0 and 30.
  2. This random number is divided by 5 and subtracted from 10.
  3. The result is clamped to the range [2, 10], determining the resetThreshold.

For example:

  • If rnd(31) = 10, the calculation is:
resetThreshold = Mathf.Clamp(10 - (10 / 5), 2, 10) = 8

A second random roll, rnd(8), is performed. If the result is 0, the hit counter resets.

Reset Threshold Table

Fishing Level Min resetThreshold Max resetThreshold
1 10 10
5 9 10
10 8 10
15 7 10
20 6 10
25 5 10
30 4 10
35 3 10
40 2 10
45 2 10
50 2 10

Code (EA 23.37)

public override void OnProgress()
	if (this.owner.IsPC && (this.owner.Tool == null || !this.owner.Tool.HasElement(245, 1)))
	if (this.hit >= 0)
		this.owner.renderer.PlayAnime(AnimeID.Fishing, default(Vector3), false);
		this.owner.PlaySound("fish_fight", 1f, true);
		int a = Mathf.Clamp(10 - EClass.rnd(this.owner.Evalue(245) + 1) / 10, 5, 10);
		if (this.hit > EClass.rnd(a))
			this.hit = 100;
			this.progress = this.MaxProgress;
	if (EClass.rnd(Mathf.Clamp(10 - EClass.rnd(this.owner.Evalue(245) + 1) / 5, 2, 10)) == 0 && this.progress >= 10)
		this.hit = 0;
	if (this.progress == 2 || (this.progress >= 8 && this.progress % 6 == 0 && EClass.rnd(3) == 0))
		this.owner.renderer.PlayAnime(AnimeID.Shiver, default(Vector3), false);