
From Ylvapedia

*Major changes were made to the hardness of the material in the beta 22.68 update. This page is based on an older version of the information and may differ from the current specifications.


A player's mining power is determined by the player's mining skill, the hardness of the material of the pickaxe, the enchantment level of the pickaxe, and whether the pickaxe is blessed.

Mining power = mining skill x 1.5 (including bonus from equipped gear such as maces) + pickaxe hardness + pickaxe enchantment level + pickaxe blessing bonus

If the pickaxe is blessed, the blessing bonus is equal to +1. If the pickaxe is cursed, the blessing bonus is equal to -1.

Using the wrong tool to harvest something reduces the power of the tool (e.g. using a pickaxe to chop trees, or using an axe to mine stone). Exception: Leave walls in tree nefias are faster mined with an axe, but give mining experience.

Mining skill can be trained by digging walls repeatedly, but can also be assisted by having faith in Opatos of Earth and equipping weapons with bonuses to mining skill.

The hardness value of the block mined directly affects mining experience gain, hence mining harder materials would grant you more experience.

Upgrading Pickaxe

The primary method to acquire stronger pickaxes is to train your mining skill to be able to dig harder materials.

Instead of mining, items made of harder materials can be dismantled with a hammer. You may need to train your crafting skill instead of your mining skill.

Recommended materials

This section focuses on materials that can be obtained from walls and items in the city, but don't forget that destroying things in the city will lower your karma and may cause citizens to call for guards.

  1. Basalt (hardness 52): Black stone. It is the hardest of all stones.
  2. Iron (hardness 56): Often found in the early layers of Nefia and Vernis mine. Iron ore can also be obtained from machine monster drops.
  3. Obsidian (hardness 60): The hardest ore found in Vernis mine. The appearance rate is low, so you can compromise with iron.
  4. Steel (hardness 67): Steel ores begin to appear around the 30th danger levels. Metal monsters drop steel ore, so if you are lucky, you can obtain it from the beginning of the season. It can also be obtained by digging through the floors and pillars of Aquli Teola. Depending on the hardness of the tool, you can dig if you have a mining or digging skill of around 25.
  5. Chromite (hardness 85): Black ore. Can be obtained by dismantling TVs and TV stands in Palmia. A steel hammer can be dismantled with a crafting skill of 13 or more.
  6. Meteorite (hardness 95): Dull purple ore. It can be dug in Permafrost, but beware of tough enemies.
  7. Rubynus (hardness 110): obtained by dismantling rubynus equipment picked up in Nefia with a hammer or by breaking casino walls. Depending on the hardness of the pickaxe, mining the walls of the casino requires a mining skill of around 40. You can also get it from dismantling Rubynus equipment picked or the red orbs in Palmia and Lumiest with a hammer. Can be mined rarely.
  8. Ether (hardness 120): An ingot can be obtained by dismantling the Prince's Bed in Palmia, and a gem can be obtained by dismantling the moongate given by Nino in Tinker's Camp.

Mining level needed (by tool hardness)

*Mica and jade veins and large rocks in Mica and Jade may no longer appear due to the change in the classification of Mica and Jade in the beta 22.68 update.

The mining power required for big rocks is equal to the hardness of its material + 10.

Big Rock
Name Sprite Granite






Mica Big rock mica cluster.png 4
Plastic Big rock plastic.png 4
Copper Big Rock Copper round.png
Bronze Big rock bronze.png
Iron Big rock iron round.png 11 (at most)
Obsidian Big rock obsidian cluster.png 38 12 (at most)
Steel Big rock Steel.png At most 14
Mithril Big rock mithril.png
Adamantite Big rock adamantite.png At most 46

The mining power required for wall ore depends on the category of its material.
If it contains an ore, it is equal to the hardness of its material + 10.
If it contains a gem, it is equal to the hardness of its material + 20.

Wall Ore
Name Sprite Granite






Mica Wall ore mica.png
Plastic Wall ore plastic.png 4
Gold Wall ore gold.png
Silver Wall ore silver.png
Copper Wall ore copper.png 6
Lapis Wall ore lapis lazuli.png 13
Bronze Wall ore bronze.png
Onyx Wall ore onyx.png
Cobalt CobaltWallDay.png 23
Jade Wall ore jade.png
Iron Wall ore iron.png At most 23
Obsidian Wall ore obsidian.png 24
Steel 29
At most 41
Rubynus Wall Ore
Chromite At most 50
Meteorite Wall ore meteorite.png
Mithril Lavender

The mining power required for huge rocks is equal to the hardness of its material x 3 + 50.

Huge Rock
Name Sprite Granite




Phyllite Huge rock phyllite.png
Granite Huge rock granite.png 11 (at most)
Silt Huge rock silt.png
Limestone Huge rock limestone.png
Slate Huge rock slate.png
Marble White
Diorite Huge rock diorite.png
Basalt Black

The mining power required for crystals is equal to the hardness of its material + 20.

Name Sprite Granite






Coral Crystal coral.png
Bone Crystal bone.png
Crystal Crystal crystal.png
Jade Crystal jade.png At Most 14
Amethyst At Most 25
Titanium At Most 28
Diamond Crystal diamond alt.png 73
Ether Crystal ether.png
Name Sprite Granite






Sulfer Rock.png 8
Rock salt (Limestone)

Calculating required mining level

See: Elin:Code Analysis/Mining
