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Pre-Beta 22.5

5/26 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Natural Appraisal can be learned from regular trainers.
  • Methods for restoring backup data are included in the in-game help.
  • Set the initial attribute of the casino mascot to friendly. The casino mascot will sell casino coins.
  • Allow the information broker to sell fame.


  • Fixed a bug where towns with underground areas were listed multiple times in the home ranking.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • The basic tax will increase by 100 Orens every month for five years.
  • The celebrity tax is a temporary measure, and in the future, I'm thinking to lower it and implement a system where taxes are applied to optional purchasable licenses (adventurer license, pioneer license, etc).

Pre-Beta 22.4

5/26 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Harvest quests will not result in a crime if non-harvestable crops are collected (though nothing will be obtained).
  • Escort targets that have completed their quests will disappear after a certain period.
  • When auto-combat is initiated against an NPC with the "Invincible" tag, auto-combat will be interrupted. The "Invincible to Enemies Only" tag on Faris will be changed to the "Invincible" tag.
  • NPCs with the "Invincible to Enemies Only" tag will take damage from attacks by PC allies.
  • When hovering the mouse cursor over the taxes on the home bulletin board, a breakdown of the taxes will be displayed.
  • The zones affected by influence increases and furniture collection ticket acquisition upon completing quests will be adjusted.


  • Fixed a glitch where the letter received when donating free ether antibodies was being sold in shops.
  • Fixed a bug where furniture and items in concert venues were not flagged as NPC-owned.
  • Fixed a bug where outdoor areas were not regenerating.
  • Fixed a bug where the opening sequence in the Chinese version was not in Chinese.
  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • To receive training from guild trainers, you need to become a guild member and get promoted.
  • The numbers displayed on items like stethoscopes and love whips indicate the number of uses, not the number of items, so they cannot be purchased in portions.

Pre-Beta 22.3

5/25 2024

The first public build of the pre-β phase is now available. Those participating in the α test can update the game via Steam.

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added new explanations for various new base functions to Loytel's dialogue.
  • Improved loading speeds for conversations and other content.
  • Added several new furniture items.
  • Added paintings by Felmera.
  • Adjusted PV and DV modifiers based on enemy levels, making tougher enemies even more distinctive.


  • Fixed a glitch where uploading user maps would cause the PC character to reincarnate and be included in the map.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Please expect a fair number of bugs from the past two months. Please report any issues using the bug report form.
  • Balancing has been adjusted, with a gentler HP growth compared to the α phase. The mid-game might feel tougher as a result. This is intentional, as more powerful artifacts, enhancement items, feats, and features will be introduced later. For now, the difficulty is set to be more challenging.
  • To display damage as numbers, change "showNumbers" to true in config.txt. Note that this setting cannot be changed in-game since mid-α.

Hotfix 1

  • Fixed a bug where excessive amounts of water were being generated.

Hotfix 2

  • Currency will no longer be flagged as stolen.
  • Fishing bait will not be consumed if fishing is interrupted due to taking damage or other reasons.
  • Added a 1-day regeneration period for the Puppy Cave.
  • Changed the "Strategy" details in the character sheet to a toggle format.
  • Lowered the upper random level range for content selection when the content level is low.
  • Slightly increased the number of generated random quests.
  • Cooking requests will now more likely select dishes based on the player's cooking skill.

Pre-Beta 22.2

5/24 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added low bushes of Api berries.
  • Added paintings by Felmera.
  • Various tests and adjustments in preparation for the beta release.


  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • There won't be any special announcements, but around the 25th-26th, the playtest will be renamed to Beta, and the pre-beta build will be uploaded. Once the release is complete, a post will be made in this channel.
  • The general distribution of beta keys is planned for early June. This is to ensure that major bugs and balance issues are fixed before those playing Elin for the first time can play the game, as their fresh feedback are important and I want them to be not distracted by bugs or balance issues..

Pre-Beta 22.1

5/23 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Adjusted the amount required for investments. The higher the investment level, the higher the required amount.
  • Adjusted the prices of taxidermy items. Unique NPCs will have double the price, and larger-sized NPCs will have quadruple the price.
  • Unique and sparkling NPCs will guarantee a drop of taxidermy items the first time they are defeated and have a high drop rate on subsequent defeats.
  • Tax-related policies will not take effect until 30 days have passed.
  • Added a display of the number of days since a policy became effective in the policy tooltip.
  • Adjusted the amount of experience required for feat level-ups. Doubled the amount of feat experience earned by non-PC characters.
  • Added a home skill "Emergency Rations" to mitigate penalties when the number of residents exceeds the limit. Replaced the "Food Supply" job skill of farmers and other similar roles with "Emergency Rations."
  • Set a maximum size for store inventories.
  • Added version data to the metadata of user maps and Moon Gates upload files. User maps that are incompatible with the version will not be loaded.
  • Added version data to the metadata of Mods. Mods that are incompatible with the version will not be loaded.
  • Changed the basketball mini-game from a Mod to being integrated into the main game (temporary measure for SteamDeck).
  • Changed the reward calculation for blackjack to Bet * Consecutive Wins * 2.


  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Due to changes in the metadata format of Moon Gates, using Moon Gates from the alpha version of Elin might result in errors.
  • Mods from the alpha version will not be compatible with the beta version. Starting from the beta, please add a <version></version> tag in the package.xml of the Mod and specify the version in which the Mod's operation is confirmed. Documentation for this will be provided in the future.
  • Save data compatibility will be maintained as much as possible from the beta onwards; however, there might be instances where compatibility is lost due to specification changes. Additionally, since the game is still in development, items that are intended to be quest rewards, such as Moon Gates and Stargazer's Moon Gates, might be obtainable through unintended means before the quests are introduced. Your understanding is appreciated.
  • Due to the short update intervals of the game, Chinese translations are currently lagging by several versions. Options such as releasing the Chinese version on a separate branch are being considered for the future.

Pre-Beta 21.11

5/21 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • When sleeping at home, on the global map, or in random outdoor locations, the passage of time will be simulated for all owned homes.
  • Every time the number of collected sketches in the artbook reaches a certain threshold, Felmera will present a unique painting (which can be displayed or sold). Additional paintings will be added sequentially.
  • Added tourism tags to paintings and posters.
  • Taxidermy, statues, and cards will only count the tourism value of one item per species (e.g., if both a taxidermy and a card of the same species are displayed, only the value of the taxidermy will be counted).
  • Covenant Stones will now automatically level up when they reach maximum experience (manual upgrades and upgrade costs have been removed).
  • Added initial home policies to suppress or promote the growth of Covenant Stones.
  • Updated the dialogue for the Covenant Stone explanation with Loytel, and added explanations about tax-free zones.
  • Adjusted the cost of crops.
  • Set multipliers for the number of furniture collection tickets required by item category. Furniture related to facilities, power generation, and tools will require about 20 times more tickets.
  • Added a new initial home skill, "Heritage Management," which increases the number of heirlooms that can be handled.
  • Added a policy, "Tourist Protection Ordinance," which increases home visitors.
  • Added a policy, "Traveler's Inn," which adds the quality of beds to accommodation fees.
  • Added a policy, "Suite Room," which gouges accommodation fees from the wealthy.
  • Added a policy, "Celebrity Heaven," which increases wealthy visitors.
  • Added a policy, "Mass Exhibition," which counts duplicate tourist exhibits as having a slight tourism value. This cannot be implemented simultaneously with "Solo Exhibition."
  • Added a policy, "Solo Exhibition," which increases the tourism value of tourist exhibits. This cannot be implemented simultaneously with "Mass Exhibition."
  • Added a policy, "Platinum Ticket," which increases tourism revenue from the wealthy.
  • Added a policy, "Rip-Off Shop," which significantly increases the sale price of goods but greatly reduces purchasing power.
  • Added a policy, "Premium Shop," which increases the sale price of goods and reduces purchasing power.
  • Added a policy, "Restaurant License," which raises the selling prices of food and drinks.
  • Added a policy, "Furniture Store License," which raises the selling prices of furniture.
  • Added a policy, "General Store License," which raises the selling prices of items other than food and furniture.
  • Added a policy, "Legendary Heirloom," which increases the appraised value of the top-ranked heirloom item.
  • The Wealth Tax policy now increases tax revenue from the wealthy.
  • The Faith Tax policy now grants additional tax revenue based on faith.
  • Adjusted the costs of home skills and policies.


  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.

Pre-Beta 21.10

5/20 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Guests at the home will now generate with pocket money. The amount will be influenced by their hobbies and jobs.
  • Guests will go to sleep at bedtime. If they still have pocket money, they will pay for accommodation (based on the home’s tourism value) and use guest beds.
  • Tourism value will be set for homes and displayed in the home bulletin board tooltip.
  • Items like taxidermy, statues, and cards will have a tourism tag. Placing items with tourism tags in the home will increase its tourism value.
  • Income can be earned from guests based on the tourism value.
  • If multiple items from the same species are placed in the home, they will not be counted towards tourism value (items of different types are okay).
  • A sales tag tool has been added, allowing items in the home to be toggled as for sale.
  • Guests will spend their pocket money to buy items. A sold-out sign will be displayed where purchased items were.
  • If a spot or container in the spot contains items from the same category as the sold-out item, it will be restocked automatically.
  • Guests with no remaining pocket money will leave the home.
  • Residents will no longer starve if the number of residents exceeds the maximum limit (a penalty to work efficiency for exceeding the limit still exists).
  • Rewards from the home rankings will decrease for homes with multiple entries, with lower-ranked homes receiving less.
  • Some home skills are now non-upgradable, and some have an upgrade limit.
  • Unique policies with very powerful effects that can only be enacted in one or a limited number of homes have been added.
  • Introduction of tax-exempt zones. Income from non-tax-exempt land will be reduced by a certain percentage.


  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


 The concept of tax-exempt zones has been introduced. The initial land is tax-exempt from the start, and players can have two additional tax-exempt zones (currently). Income from non-tax-exempt land will be heavily taxed. This change is to prevent inflation from creating multiple profit-focused homes, especially with the introduction of home ranking rewards and tourism income. Many players may want to minimize home management to focus on adventuring, and the main Elin storyline envisions operating around 2-4 homes. In the future, it might be possible to increase the number of tax-exempt zones by, for example, paying an additional 10,000 Oren monthly tax per zone (assuming each developed home generates more than this amount per month).

Pre-Beta 21.9

5/19 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Changed the maximum level of the Hearth Stone to 7 (The maximum level will be increased further as development progresses).
  • A third land feature is unlocked at level 7.
  • Added "Network" as a benefit of upgrading the Hearth Stone to level 5.
  • Homes connected via Network will share the effects of some land features.
  • The content level (danger level) of a home will now be adjusted based on its distance from the road on the world map (the farther from the road, the higher the danger level).
  • The home bulletin board will display the content level of the home.
  • Added multiple land feats.
  • Added the "Attractiveness" home skill, which affects shipment values and tourism revenue (this skill cannot be manually upgraded and is currently assigned to coastal and snowy lands).
  • When the fishing skill is high, or under the effects of certain land feats, it will be possible to catch multiple fish at once. Catching multiple fish will consume stamina for each fish caught.
  • There is a very low chance of catching a statue while fishing.
  • Enhanced fishing behavior and effects (added random waiting time before catching fish, randomized time to reel in the fish after a hit, etc.).


  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Currently, some land feats, such as specialty products, do not have any specific meaning. These will be adjusted during the beta test along with several policies that are yet to be implemented.

Pre-Beta 21.8

5/17 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Adjustments to various settings, including the initial maximum residents and initial admin points of homes.
  • The value of a home will now be calculated based on the total value of the top X pieces of furniture (treasures) placed in it.
  • If a home ranks above 125th place in the home rankings, monthly rank rewards will be given (applies to all owned ranked homes).
  • The value of a home will no longer affect the content level of the home (such as the strength of appearing monsters).
  • The value of a home will no longer affect the tax amount.
  • The content level of a home will now depend on the level of the Hearth Stone.
  • Experience points will accumulate in the Hearth Stone through item shipments and resident actions. When shipping, experience points will be added to the Hearth Stone of the home that last accessed the shipping box.
  • When talking to the home maid with the Covenant Stone at max experience, the Hearth Stone can be upgraded (currently up to level 5).
  • The current effects of the Hearth Stone will be displayed in the tooltip on the home bulletin board. Upgrade effects will also be shown in the upgrade dialogue.
  • Added management and food supply to the initial skills of a home. Management, food supply, and construction skills cannot be upgraded with gold bars (instead, they are enhanced through Hearth Stone upgrades).
  • Added land traits (features that give specialties or growth tendencies to the land). Each obtainable land will have unique land traits randomly set (fixed for starting maps).
  • When on obtainable land, the land traits set for that land will be displayed next to the map name. They can also be checked from the "Locations" section of the journal.
  • The benefits from leveling up the Hearth Stone will change according to the land traits.
  • Additional land traits will be unlocked by leveling up the Hearth Stone.
  • Tax amounts will be calculated based on (a small fixed amount + adjustment for notoriety + adjustment for elapsed months + adjustments for special adventurer licenses and other optional features + additional taxes).
  • Resident taxes, ranking rewards, and (guild, etc.) salaries from each home will be consolidated into a single package and mailed monthly to the player's current home.
  • Players can make additional tax payments to Mysilia through the home maid or the secretary in Mysilia territory. Return gifts from Mysilia will be given only when additional taxes are paid.
  • The tax evasion skill will not apply to additional taxes. If multiple homes have the tax evasion skill, the total value will be used. Skills that use the combined total value of multiple homes' skills will be specified in the skill descriptions.
  • The ordinance for substitute tax payment has been abolished (no longer necessary).
  • Added "Pioneering Advice" to Loytel's dialogue.
  • Detailed the information that can be viewed from the "Locations" section of the journal.
  • Added "Actually..." options to residents and party members (for displaying various sub-options such as settings).
  • From "Actually...", players can toggle the use of shared equipment or expel residents.
  • From "Actually...", players can appoint maids.
  • Event items like the keys to the depths of Nymelle will now be actually obtained as items under "Important Items".
  • Adjusted the calculation formulas for maximum HP, MP, and stamina.
  • The number of gold bars required for land expansion will now increase according to the size of the land.


  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • With this adjustment, unlike before, the more homes you have and the higher their value, the more benefits the player will receive. The balance of taxes and other elements will be revised and adjusted throughout the beta.

Pre-Beta 21.7

5/11 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • You can now change icons on the home global map directly from the home board.
  • Residents and party members will now retrieve and equip items from the shared container at home.
  • Party members can now retrieve and equip items from the shared container in the player's inventory.
  • Residents and party members will store unnecessary equipment in the shared container.
  • In the Adventurer Rankings, icons will now be displayed to make it easier to identify PCs and their companions.
  • Non-PCs will now have a significantly lower chance of catching rare items like small medals while fishing.
  • The first growth stage of trees will no longer use the common sapling graphic.


  • Fixed a glitch where the item guide display would be misaligned when trying to place items on furniture that has had its height altered.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • With the completion of "Gold Beneath," I can finally start reforming the home system. This home system reform, along with the store and museum operations system if possible, is scheduled to conclude the content planned for the pre-beta.
  • As for the Backer Wishes "Village of Nefu" and "Yevan of Strife," I have already started work on them, but completion may be pushed to after the beta release. I appreciate your understanding in this.

Pre-Beta 21.6

5/9 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added multiple conversation quests.
  • Completed the "The Gold Beneath" quest. Added content related to the quest.
  • The first time you contract Ether Disease, a parcel containing an Ether Antibody and a note will arrive.
  • Added a sturdy box recipe to Loytel.
  • Added a cool effect that prominently displays the boss's name on the screen with cool sound when a boss appears.
  • Added bamboo trees and bamboo shoots.
  • Improved the UI for containers. Changed the setting of container permissions to a toggle icon button.
  • Party members will now automatically retrieve food and items from shared containers in the player's inventory.


  • Fixed a bug where entering a local map while facing north in a transformed state would incorrectly enter the map from the south.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not enter the map and would freeze when fast traveling in a transformed state.
  • Fixed a glitch where the equipment icon remained on the previously equipped fishing bait after changing baits.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • When placing house boards and room boards in build mode, they are installed in an invisible state by default. The invisible flag can be toggled in build mode.
  • It took longer than I expected, "The Gold Beneath" quest is finally finished. It seems developing quests and scenarios takes the longest in Elin, as it involves creating dialogues, settings, and translations. In the beta, I plan to gradually introduce subquests.

Pre-Beta 21.5

5/2 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Introduction of Home Town Rankings, setting zone values for rankings in each zone.
  • Improvements to the user interface for fast travel and other features.
  • Replacement of notary graphics with new ones.
  • Fixed and random quests will now only appear on the quest board when the quest giver is in their home zone.
  • Addition of a home quest line.
  • Addition of a random map to the mine. Implementation of an algorithm to arrange random routes/rails in dungeons (currently only used in the mine).
  • Addition of the 'Flame' bomb item and recipe, which can destroy blocks and harvestable items within its range.
  • Addition of several new map objects such as giant rocks, Gaya, and sulfur.
  • Quest bosses will now drop escape scrolls upon defeat.
  • Enlivening of the mountain biome with the addition of resources like sulfur rocks.
  • Adjustment of the hardness of materials and the necessary skill levels for harvesting each type.


  • Fixed a bug where agents (virtual characters for build mode) could die from overwork.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • The home quest line (Vernis's quest) is still a few days away from completion. Since quest lines involve dialogue, they take the longest to complete. Please understand that the content of update logs may be limited during this time.

Pre-Beta 21.4

4/25 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Tinker's camp is now treated as a town (where quests can be accepted).
  • Added "bulk order" random quests.
  • When there is a bonus reward for quests, the amount of the bonus reward will now be displayed upon receipt.
  • If an escort target is present, failing to maintain proximity when exiting the map will result in quest failure, and a warning dialog will be displayed.
  • The minimum content level of outdoor maps now depends on fame (including during ambush).
  • Introduced a new type of item with very long-lasting(several days) buff effects called "perfume" (perfume effects can use the same system as potions and scrolls, so future additions may include perfumes that extend existing buffs over long durations).
  • Added various perfumes that affect encounters on the global map (such as monster-repellent, monster-attractant, metal-attractant) and made them exchangeable at casinos.
  • Changed the BGM of the Hill Cave to "PSML060 (live performance)."
  • Changed the display to "Harvest" when collecting matured crops. ("Collect" will be displayed for other stuff)
  • Minecarts and similar vehicles can now operate on roads, white lines, and paved gravel in addition to rails.
  • Added multiple vehicles. Added ride-on type vehicles (where character graphics become invisible when ridden).
  • Added several inclined rail tiles specific to different angles.
  • Added several in-game readable items (red books, parchment).


  • Fixed a glitch in build mode where the direction variation button for items with skins was not displaying correctly.


 The pre-beta development is progressing well, and I'm planning to start significant changes to the home and tax systems from next month, aiming to begin the beta in early June. There may be a pre-beta build release for alpha players around the end of next month for testing purposes.

Pre-Beta 21.3

4/23 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Multiple quests can now be tracked in the quest tracker. Improvements made to the UI and usability of the quest tracker.
  • If you die in a request instance zone, the request will fail even if the completion conditions have been met.
  • Adjustments made to the amount of fame gained. Fame now clearly plays a role in determining the level of content generated through requests (Content Level = Fame/100). Requests that depend on fame to determine difficulty will clearly state the content level determined by fame.
  • Fame will now be obtained when defeating bosses.
  • Certain requests will only appear if your fame has reached a certain threshold.
  • Added 1 type with 3 text variations of random monster extermination requests.
  • Added 12x2 types of random cooking requests.
  • Added 1x9 types of random escort requests.
  • Added 1x3 types of random performance requests.
  • Added 1x3 types of random harvesting requests.
  • Adjustments made to the rewards, difficulty, and karma loss upon failure of requests. The difficulty of requests will now be randomly selected from levels 1-6.
  • Requests that include bonus reward elements (such as the value of items handed over or the strength of enemies defeated) will now specify the type of bonus.
  • Hunting requests will include bonus rewards depending on the strength of the enemies.
  • Increased the bonus rewards for collection requests (excluding delivery) based on item value.
  • In war requests, the spawn speed and number of enemies will change depending on the difficulty.
  • In hunting requests, the number of hunts required will change depending on the difficulty.
  • In collection and escort requests, the deadline will change depending on the difficulty.
  • In performance requests, the required score will change depending on the difficulty, and platinum coins will be awarded upon completion based on the difficulty (base reward is 0 Orens).
  • Request tendencies set for each town.
  • Home will predominantly feature procurement, delivery, and cooking requests.
  • A large number of variations added to request descriptions (many imported and revised from Elona).
  • Tips given during performances outside of concert venues will be reduced if they exceed a certain amount. Pets will not give tips at concert venues.
  • Unique NPCs will throw double the tips during performances.
  • Added rides that can also run on tracks as minecarts.
  • When the height of furniture and other items you can stand on is changed, they will adjust to the correct position. When the height of minecarts and similar items is changed, they will continue to run at the adjusted elevation.
  • Background images set for bulletin boards and similar displays.
  • Added item images to "Important Items."
  • Slight improvements made to the natural feel of Japanese tone; adjustment of the selection weight to reduce the use of "ssu."
  • Added graphic variations for cave blocks.
  • Added furniture.
  • Replaced the title logo.


  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.


 Apologies for the late report, Elin's Community Manager Rusty has resigned as of last month. For support related to the game, please message my Kickstarter account directly or use the email form on the official site.

Pre-Beta 21.2

4/20 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added the feature for "Important Items" such as always-on effect items and quest items (similar to Quest Items in Elona). Added a section for "Important Items" in the journal.
  • Effects of important items that are active by possession will now be specified.
  • Wishes at wells now require "Goddess's Faint Scent" (an important item). The power of well wishes depends on the number of "Black Cat's Drool" (an important item).
  • Added portraits and pixel art for each guild master, along with unique dialogue.
  • Rare crafting materials are now clearly noted in item details.
  • Added multiple shrines.
  • Bosses in locations like Nefia will now be strictly drawn from creatures matching the map's level range.
  • Expanded the "Factions" section in the journal and the information related to guild quests. Updated the quest details UI to support scrolling.
  • Introduced guild contribution points and ranks, along with salaries. Players can rank up by talking to the receptionist when the contribution meter is full (currently up to Journeyman).
  • Various perks will unlock as guild ranks increase.
  • Introduced guild-specific tasks.
  • Certain skills can only be trained or learned within guilds.
  • Some guild services will not be available until reaching specific ranks.
  • Added directional assistance options to the receptionist’s dialogue.
  • Unsellable items and stolen goods are now clearly indicated in item details.
  • Stolen items will carry a stolen goods flag, decreasing their value. The stolen goods flag will be removed when the item is sold.
  • Positioned trainers and additional NPCs in each guild.
  • Items sold in the Thieves' Guild will have a stolen goods flag.
  • Healing stores will sell recovery and support items.
  • Little Sister's eggs will not carry Adam's food enchantments.
  • Random maps in fixed zones like Naimeer will be deleted over time to save on save data space.
  • UI improvements.
  • Completed Chinese translation. Plans are in place to enhance the quality of translations and related features.
  • Added atmospheric map objects and items (broken walls, ivy, ruined arches, etc.)


  • Various minor adjustments and corrections.


  • Illustrations from the Backer's Wish and other rough sketches and illustrations created during the alpha will be added to the gallery, which I plan to update regularly.
  • The guilds were initially considered a request-based system, but were introduced passive quests similar to those in Elona. Guild membership can be held concurrently, with promotions up to rank 5 (Journeyman) possible in any guild without restrictions.

Pre-Beta 21.00

4/11 2024

[Out-of-Game Updates]

  • Migrated the server for ylvania.org.
  • Acquired ylvania.com. (It displays the same content as ylvania.org.)

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added Strength Shrines and Statues randomly in dungeons other than Puppy Cave, offering effects like material transformation, equipment enhancement, water creation, and well water strengthening. Plans to gradually increase the variety.
  • Introduced Material Hammer, and discontinued the scroll of material transformation.
  • Added a noShop tag to items. Certain items will no longer appear for sale in shops.
  • PCs now drop overly heavy items upon death.
  • Made it impossible to gather with weapons.
  • Items that together weigh more than 1,000,000s will not stack.
  • Ranged weapons' sockets now come with random enchant mods upon creation.
  • Wand effects now apply to singing magic.
  • Minecarts are now movable.
  • Changed some portraits to be race-specific.
  • Added multiple objects to improve the atmosphere in dungeons, etc.
  • Added multiple pieces of furniture.
  • Added multiple floor tiles.
  • In build mode, items with skins will display recipes by skin type (since few items can be crafted from items with skins, this is mainly for development).
  • Mod Viewer now allows toggling mod activation using checkboxes.
  • Assigned unique editor IDs to NPCs in fixed maps.
  • Certain abilities will not be chosen by adventurers.
  • Changed the formulas for HP, MP, and stamina.
  • Adjusted the costs for magic and abilities.
  • Set a cap on the effect of "Headhunting" activation.
  • Added a 10-turn cooldown to the "Cover" ability (the one that teleports).
  • Parts not supporting item recoloring are now less affected by the item's material color.
  • Adjusted the brightness in dungeons, etc.
  • Fine-tuned the screen's contrast and brightness.
  • Fixed the game's initial FPS to 60 right after launch.
  • Improved response during keyboard movement.
  • Improved the timing of walking frame switches for PCC.
  • Added multiple BGM tracks.
  • Added a language rule file for generating room names, faction names, etc. (Word_mix.txt).


  • Fixed a glitch where the shadow following a jump would be in the wrong position.
  • Fixed a bug where ranged weapon damage multiplier and accuracy adjustments were not affected by ranged weapon skills.
  • Corrected the colors of numerous furniture images that were unintended.
  • Fixed a glitch where wall-mounted items placed in build mode would not align with the marker.
  • Fixed a bug where destroying gatherable items wouldn't play the destruction sound effect.
  • Fixed a bug where calling reinforcements in battle would cause them to be hostile if the PC was a criminal.
  • Fixed a bug where accumulating a certain level of restraint status would display as "dwddwdadwdwd".
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors when NPCs randomly moved during idle actions.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


 Since update logs are piling up, though publication is still a while away, I've decided to start posting just the update content here.


For updates relating to the Alpha, see this page.

Tech Demo

For updates relating to the Tech Demo, see this page.