Elin:Changelog: Difference between revisions

From Ylvapedia
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* 修正了在背包內分堆物品並點擊背包外的地圖時,畫面會閃爍的問題。
* 修正了在背包內分堆物品並點擊背包外的地圖時,畫面會閃爍的問題。
* 修正了無法在有屋頂的建築物外挖掘牆壁的問題。
* 修正了無法在有屋頂的建築物外挖掘牆壁的問題。
=== EA 23.23===
<big>'''11/11 2024'''</big>
* 現在可以使用堅固的繩索上吊。
* 新增啟動選項 "-NOMOD" 停止載入所有 Mod。
* 改善了讀寫地圖資料時,出現錯誤後的處理。
* 在帳篷內無法再攜帶其他帳篷(與鐵球相同方式表示)。
* 訓練介面中新增潛在能力的圖示。
* 移除了浮遊狀態下對恐懼免疫的效果。
* 修正了設定「禁止動物」的政策時,動物生成機率為正常值10倍的問題。
* 其他多項小幅修正與調整。
* 目前無法在火柱的火焰上進行烹飪(需要觸發物品破壞處理)。

=== EA 23.17===
=== EA 23.17===

Revision as of 09:07, 15 November 2024

Early Access

EA 23.27

11/15 2024


  • 在世界地圖上新增玩家死亡地點圖示。
  • 在溫泉中冥想時可獲得緩解以太病的增益效果。
  • 裸體行走會引起城鎮居民的驚叫聲。
  • 為傳送裝置設置ID時,傳送列表中會顯示該ID。
  • 對吊掛的居民進行投擲攻擊時,有機率降低其耐力。
  • 傳送裝置在帳篷內無法運作。
  • 物品分類中的「名稱過濾」輸入字數上限提高至100字。
  • 寵物不會再將攜帶的彈藥存入共享容器中。
  • 顯示堆疊家具的操作選單時,選項順序改為倒序顯示。
  • 背包等物品的可拖曳範圍稍微延伸到視窗範圍外。
  • 優化NPC的物品售賣與清除處理。
  • 無法對複製品使用重組卷軸。
  • 更新了中文翻譯。


  • 官方網站的開發小部屋新增了有關Steam Deck上Mod使用的補充說明。


  • 修正了戰鬥中AI角色在周圍有小兵時會延遲範圍攻擊的問題。
  • 修正了使用搬遷契約時,如果多個據點名稱相同,無論選擇哪一個都會選到相同據點的問題。



  • 使用澤菲爾之怒或是銃槍武器在近戰攻擊時偶爾會發射子彈屬於正常設計。
  • 從月門中取得生物基因目前被視為灰色地帶動作,會在獲得基因的途徑增加後重新檢討。
  • 已從任務追蹤器中移除的任務,可透過日誌中的任務列表中點擊鈴鐺圖示重新顯示。

EA 23.26

11/14 2024


  • 家畜不再需要納稅。
  • 榻榻米地板等不再長出雜草。
  • 降低地雷的傷害。
  • 稍微降低岩鹽的生成率。
  • 具備舉重技能的夥伴現在可負荷至重荷狀態。(測試中)
  • 新增兩種死靈法師的頭像(感謝 minagi!)。
  • 在賭場的獎品中加入了邂逅香水(提高遇到「最後的願望」腳印等奇異事件的機率)。
  • 繩子的配方材料中加入了線,解除繩索、堅固的繩索的草類素材限制。
  • 無法成為夥伴的NPC(如進化種)會顯示不同的友好度標示。
  • 騎乘時,進入陷阱等場合的浮空判定將基於騎乘的寵物,而非玩家角色。
  • 在對話介面中,將性別為「???」的角色稱呼由「人妖」改為「女性」。
  • 當設定為「禁用部分畫面搖晃效果」時,「轟隆隆」不再觸發畫面搖晃。
  • 新增遊戲設定選項「發現陷阱時停止移動」。
  • 自動戰鬥設定中新增「當自身或夥伴的物品被破壞時中斷」選項。
  • 在其他玩家的地圖中無法閱讀不屬於自己的書本。
  • 投擲怪物球時,若球的等級不足將顯示相應提示。
  • 新增「薪資發放」全局政策,可向諾拉(注:帕羅米亞的副市長) 免費兌換。
  • 靜坐、自傷時,新增動畫圖示顯示。
  • 當NPC持有彈藥時會進行彈藥裝填。
  • 使用製作設備時,會自動選擇上次使用的配方。
  • 「混合」「使用」等部分動作在中鍵選單選擇後,該選項將被記憶為物品右鍵的預設動作。


  • 在官方網站的開發小屋中新增有關Mac上Parallels運行與Steam Deck模組的補充說明。
  • 在開發小屋的Elin本地化指南中新增「-UPDATE_LANG」相關資訊。
  • 在開發小屋新增Elin新聞包與標誌素材等連結。


  • 修正啟用側邊小工具時,演奏音符無法對齊的問題。
  • 修正先前更新中在帳篷內可使用快遞箱的問題。
  • 修正任務「最後的願望」中的吊掛信徒未生成於戶外的問題。
  • 其他多項小幅修正與調整。


  • 如果您想在平台的後方放置一堵牆 (這樣就看不到其他平台了),可以試著旋轉平台的地板。


  • 稍微調整了聖騎士的AI。
  • 修正了某些遠程武器在右鍵使用時觸發自動戰鬥的問題。
  • 將「迴音」的附魔效果更改為特徵。
  • 玩家地圖中的NPC所產生的蛋、乳不再具有強化等級。
  • 鐵球現在無法被破壞。


  • 修正了在製作過程中,若最後選擇的配方位於列表的滾動範圍外,則可以在缺少材料的情況下製作花崗岩物品的問題。

EA 23.25

11/13 2024


  • 調整了舉重技能的經驗值計算,現在所有角色的計算方式與玩家角色相同。
  • 降低了刀鋒Ω的出現率。
  • 盟約之石現在只有在設置後才能使用。
  • 農作物收穫任務中的收穫箱不會再被破壞。
  • 降低了因火焰或冰屬性傷害導致物品破壞的機率。
  • 傳送杖的效果已調整為僅對特定目標生效,不再影響一整個格子中的所有物品和角色。
  • (日文版)將種族「昆虫」名稱更改為「甲虫」,以減少指定種族討伐任務中的混淆。
  • 成熟的葡萄樹在採收時會掉落葡萄藤蔓。
  • 無法再使用剪刀進行農作物採收。
  • 房間的存取權限中新增「僅限居民」設定。
  • 客人會離開設定為「非公共」的房間,而居民則會離開設定為「私人」的房間。
  • 新增自動戰鬥的戰術類型「聖騎士」(在近戰時詠唱增益效果)。
  • 肥料箱現在可以將已腐壞的材料轉化為肥料。
  • 與NPC交易後,NPC會鎖定其商人的袋子,以防止在交換或拾取物品時導致物品疊加。


  • 修正了在使用遠程武器時,如果格子上有採集物會優先觸發採集的問題。
  • 修正了種族「小惡魔」缺少一根手指的問題。
  • 其他多項小幅修正與調整。


  • 未來計劃通過支線任務相關的道具製作來強化光源。
  • 從昨天開始電腦發生了好幾次不明原因的當機。如果問題持續下去,可能會需要暫時停止更新直到新電腦寄來為止,避免遊戲檔案損毀。

EA 23.24

11/12 2024


  • 調整大部分火焰屬性的攻擊不再生成火柱(考量到使用不便,火柱效果將限定於火焰瓶等專用道具)。
  • 法杖的效果會作用於範圍內的所有角色。
  • 將寶石原石的名稱更改為「閃耀的原石」(避免重複)。
  • NPC不會裝備結婚戒指或結婚項圈。
  • 減少「不知名肉」(沒有來源角色)的祭品價值。
  • 若在觸怒神明的期間再次冒犯神明,將會立即死亡。
  • 在米拉爾·蓋羅克工房的交換目錄中新增一個帳篷用扳手。
  • 新增水下呼吸附魔。
  • 授乳時嬰兒獲得的特徵點數將僅依賴於奶的強化等級。
  • 在冒險者排行榜中為擊敗過的冒險者標記圖示。
  • 新增施放魔法時的特效等多項效果。
  • 積雪帶的地區在快速旅行時移動所需時間延長。
  • 特定地圖的本地NPC(如韋爾尼斯的動物)若在地圖變為據點後死亡,將不會重生。
  • 「攻擊性技能僅在按住Shift時對友方使用」設定僅適用於友好狀態隊友,且該設定會影響投擲動作。
  • 當物品因盟約之石效果免於破壞時,將不消耗毯子的能量。
  • 新增3種魔像頭像(感謝minagi!)。
  • 若據點設定為店鋪政策的情況下,新增「有標示價格的商品」以便於理解。
  • 若因任何原因導致任務角色失蹤,遊戲載入時會嘗試將該角色返回據點。
  • 當玩家正在進食時,隊友將不會使用玩家的共享容器。
  • 在還款任務中,與羅伊特爾對話時可用「其實…」對話選項重新獲得借款帳單。
  • 現在可以直接從背包中直接使用製作設備。


  • 修正當柵欄上有農作物時,拿著斧頭等工具會優先砍伐柵欄的問題。
  • 修正當攜帶波比但菲亞瑪的任務消失時,無法將波比移出隊伍的問題。
  • 修正裝填靈符時,武器傷害累進增加的問題(由於靈符被視為子彈,受到先前子彈傷害加成更新的影響)。
  • 修正部分按鍵設定為無綁定後,遊戲啟動後還是會自動分配功能的問題。
  • 其他多項小幅修正與調整。


  • 目前,大部分的特殊NPC受精卵孵化後會變成雞隻。
  • 攜帶的寵物以及設為個人據點的場所會將玩家計入居民數量。特殊NPC目前不計入居民數量(未來可能會更改)。


  • 修正了無法繳納稅金的問題。


  • 將背包內製作設備的右鍵動作從「使用」更改為「持有」,防止新手對於如何放置設備感到疑惑。
  • 修正了由於帳篷的扳手導致超額電力供應問題。


  • 當「顯示進階選單」設定啟用時,背包內製作設備的右鍵動作會變更為「使用」(暫時措施)。考慮允許在選單的選項內按下中鍵來為每個項目單獨設定預設的右鍵動作。
  • 修正了在騎乘或是有寄生寵物的狀態下,閱讀卷軸的效果會同時作用於寵物的問題。


  • 修正玩家在已經觸怒神明的情況下,又再次搶奪祭壇失敗導致即死後,滑鼠操作變得完全無效且背包內會產生新的鐵球的錯誤。(鐵球可通過祈禱消除)


  • 修正了在背包內分堆物品並點擊背包外的地圖時,畫面會閃爍的問題。
  • 修正了無法在有屋頂的建築物外挖掘牆壁的問題。

EA 23.23

11/11 2024


  • 現在可以使用堅固的繩索上吊。
  • 新增啟動選項 "-NOMOD" 停止載入所有 Mod。
  • 改善了讀寫地圖資料時,出現錯誤後的處理。
  • 在帳篷內無法再攜帶其他帳篷(與鐵球相同方式表示)。
  • 訓練介面中新增潛在能力的圖示。
  • 移除了浮遊狀態下對恐懼免疫的效果。


  • 修正了設定「禁止動物」的政策時,動物生成機率為正常值10倍的問題。
  • 其他多項小幅修正與調整。


  • 目前無法在火柱的火焰上進行烹飪(需要觸發物品破壞處理)。

Hotfix 修正了演奏會場的部分地板異常問題。新增一種房間地板。

EA 23.17

11/7 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Characters other than the PC can now undress in the dressing room.
  • Power of weapon-based abilities now scales with the user’s dexterity.
  • Eggs are now less prone to spoiling.
  • Furniture related to map transitions, such as stairs, will now resist teleportation.
  • The “Ether Disease of All Living Things” will only manifest at stage 3 of Ether Disease or later.
  • Added new background music and jingle when clearing Nefia.
  • When using side-screen widgets, UI blur effects are disabled.
  • Explosive self-destruct attacks now destroy walls.
  • Increased vitality for the "Rock" race. Significantly reduced vitality for the "Ghost" race, decreased vitality for the "Hermit Crab" race, and the Mirage β no longer summons ice funnels.
  • Invincibility will be removed when moving between maps.
  • Items like bulletin boards are now indestructible and cannot be given as presents.
  • Increased difficulty for decoding ancient manuscripts.
  • Applied a custom portrait for younger sister characters.
  • Teleporters can now only be placed in the PC’s home.
  • The light radius of Cat's Eye also increases attack range.
  • Unique NPC residents who are not livestock will no longer shit.
  • Changed shit classification to “Resource.”
  • Removed the “Action Highlight” option from the map tools menu. Added a new “Display Sign Range on Hover” option to map tools.
  • Item search functionality is now available inside tents.
  • Mining and digging now yield more experience based on the hardness of the target material.
  • Added an experimental option: “Do not pick up ground items with right-click while holding a tool.” Categorized items within experimental settings.
  • Materials in the crafting screen can now be tracked.
  • Added “Switch Hotbar Page” to mouse action settings.


  • Fixed an issue where certain weapon-based abilities were not activating. Also corrected an issue where the enchantment strength of abilities did not affect their power.
  • Fixed an issue where the overlay for Portrait “specialc_f-61” was not loading correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where companions could endlessly retrieve blankets from shared containers.
  • Fixed an issue where Mouse Buttons 4 and 5, when assigned to “Display All Actions,” did not work in stores and similar locations.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • For items with graphic variations, like balloons, try rotating them when placing.
  • If a save file is corrupted, unfortunately, recovery may be difficult. Enhancements to automatic backup features are being considered for the future.
  • The ☆ symbol on throwing weapons currently only affects general features for ☆ items (like resale value).
  • Generating Ether Logs with a hammer is currently considered acceptable.


  • Fixed an issue that had made the maps terrible.

Hotfix 2

  • Fixed an error that occurred when entering the base. I'm sorry for the fixes.

EA 23.16

11/6 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Rolled back the method for changing furniture height to the previous method. Added an input setting to enable height adjustments only when pressing the Shift key while placing furniture.
  • When the option to continue playing music automatically is on, pressing Alt and Tab will no longer interrupt the music.
  • Added a new launch option, -UPDATE_LANG, for updating language files (for translation mod creators).
  • Added a few more dishes that can be cooked with fire-based attacks.
  • Improved performance slightly when the game runs in the background.
  • Plants that don’t require sunlight can now grow inside tents.
  • Solar lamps will have a reduced range of effect when not connected to a power source.
  • Set a 200-turn cooldown for the NPC-based theft ability.
  • Smoothed out the terrain in Vernis (to prevent quest items from getting hidden by elevation).
  • Limited melee and ranged damage to a maximum of 9,999,999.
  • Now checks if all necessary files are present in the User folder when starting the game.
  • Made the four-panel comic in the Palmia Times clickable.
  • Added a button to open the save data folder on the loading screen.
  • Increased the default stamina value by +5.
  • (Japanese version) Changed the name of the ingredient type “生地” to “練り粉” to avoid confusion with fabric.
  • Added fabric as a material for the bandage recipe.
  • Added a “Remove All” option to the PCC editing screen.
  • Items like blankets and lockpicks will now be used from the one with the fewest uses remaining.
  • Equipment slots are now sorted and displayed in the character sheet and companion information window.
  • Equipment can now be freely swapped with companions whose relationship is at “Trust” or higher.
  • Feedback cannot be sent from game data where Debug Mode is enabled.
  • Added an option to character sheet personal settings to “Automatically eat when hungry on the global map.”


  • Fixed issues with attack calculations when the dual-wielding skill has a negative value.
  • Fixed an issue preventing completion of instance-based quests if the quest spans a festival period.
  • Fixed a bug where the menu would not display when assigning “Show All Actions” to mouse buttons 4 or 5 and then using it on an item in the inventory.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when dragging and dropping items with a full inventory at a material hammer shrine.
  • Fixed an issue where unique NPCs would not return to their original map after deleting their personal data from the Covenant Stone.
  • Fixed an issue where tracked skills were not marked with “*” immediately after opening the character sheet.
  • Fixed overly sensitive mouse wheel scrolling under certain settings.
  • Fixed an issue where certain adventurer NPCs would accumulate duplicates of the same equipment in their inventories.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Currently, skills with a negative level due to mutations do not gain experience. This is intended as part of the current system.


  • Added 4 new portraits for the "sister" character.
  • Added 2 new portraits for the "lich" character. (Thanks minagi!)
  • Fixed an issue where the shared settings for containers held by the PC were missing.

Hotfix 2

  • Fixed misaligned equipment positions in the enchantment list on the character sheet.
  • Added a hint regarding hotbar switches.

EA 23.15

11/5 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Mount skin changes are now only possible when a pet is at the hitching post.
  • The status bar for abilities will not be enabled at game start if the screen width is below 1300px.
  • Tools and ranged weapons are now immune to theft by enemies.
  • Added "Unequip held item" and "Shoot" to mouse actions in settings.
  • When the "Continue playing automatically" option is enabled, performance will no longer be interrupted if stamina falls below zero.
  • Bug reports cannot be made while hallucinating.
  • Tax invoices will not be sent if there are no bases.
  • Healers now sell more potions, with healing potions always in stock.
  • Added high-quality appraisal as a level bonus for the appraisal skill.
  • Display sorting settings within containers in tents as well.
  • Feather scrolls can now be used on artifacts.
  • In sparring maps, adventurers and others won’t steal (as items become unretrievable after sparring ends).
  • When moving to a designated point with the mouse, movement stops upon detecting an enemy.
  • Auto-combat actions will not display when holding scissors.
  • When placing an item, height adjustments can only be made while holding the Shift key.
  • When holding tools or similar items, right-clicking on an item (without other available actions at the target location) will now pick up the item.
  • Added Chinese translations.
  • General character graphic adjustments and fixes.


  • Fixed an issue where auto-combat tactic type settings would not take effect until gameplay resumed.
  • Fixed duplicate parent IDs in character generation (existing data may now have young male characters with an archaeologist parent and young female characters with an uncle parent).
  • Fixed a bug where the luck multiplier effect from Ehekatl's equipment bonus did not apply to residents or allies with a base luck of zero.
  • Resolved an issue where equipping multiple weapons with long-range attack ability caused odd behavior in auto-combat.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be transported to strange locations when sleeping at the far left of the global map.
  • Resolved an issue in Blackjack where hitting repeatedly would cause the dealer to burst.
  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Creating a field and digging with a shovel yields soil of that type, currently available in unlimited quantity.
  • Dice rolls decrease when equipping fist weapons, by design (fist weapons’ performance fully combines with unarmed attack capabilities, including enhancement levels and penetration, which can make them overly powerful with enchantments or upgrades).
  • If movement is blocked by an obstacle, self-harm may occasionally trigger teleportation.
  • Piety is a hidden value.
  • If unable to speak with Fiama or Ash, it’s likely they are angry and neutral. Try talking through the middle-click menu, kill them temporarily, or allowing a few days to pass.

EA 23.14

11/4 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Items can now be delivered for procurement requests if their names match, even if the item types differ from the requested ones (this function existed before, but the name matching method has been adjusted).
  • Several new rumors have been added.
  • Items designated as important can still undergo processing, such as charm infusion, without being consumed.
  • User maps now allow exiting via Waystones or Covenant Stones.
  • The Chinese font has been replaced and expanded (Simplified and Traditional).
  • Containers that have contents cannot be recycled.
  • Named containers will no longer display prefixes.
  • Added a game setting: "Use offensive abilities on self only when holding the Shift key."
  • Nerun now trembles when stamina becomes dangerously low during crafting.
  • The property search feature now includes character searches (limited to personal bases and towns).
  • Wishes for land deeds are no longer allowed.
  • The chance for treasure chests to appear at the junk shop has been reduced. Treasure chests can now appear at Loytel Mart.
  • Opening a companion's inventory will now also display their equipped slots.
  • Skills being tracked on the skill tracker will now be marked with an * on the character sheet.
  • The appearance rate of divine statues has been adjusted. Players are limited in the number of times they can use Kumiromi's secret experience.


  • Fixed an issue where items were consolidated even if their prefixes differed when the "Compress Items" option was enabled for containers.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when dragging equipment with acid-proof coating to mix while the inventory was full.
  • Corrected an issue where unarmed attacks were not considered hostile actions.
  • Fixed an issue where characters with the Loyalty feat would attempt to help companions even while unconscious from gene synthesis.
  • Addressed an error that could occur when repeatedly pressing the start adventure button during character creation.
  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.

[Notes] The save data backup function only creates backups; manual copying is necessary for restoration. For more details, please refer to the System section in Travel Wisdom. A solution for lost invoices in the Loytel debt quest is under consideration, so please wait a bit longer. Currently, there is too much feedback to read everything, so finding a better approach is being considered.

EA 23.13

11/3 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • The global map tutorial for Nern now mentions outdoor maps.
  • After receiving the recipe for Flam from Loytel, Loytel will now sell the Flam recipe (for cases where the recipe is lost).
  • Icons will now be displayed on Nefia that have been visited before.
  • Added Gwen’s portrait.
  • Adjusted the food attribute of radishes (previously overlapping with cabbage).
  • In escort requests, maintaining a distance of up to 4 or less between the PC and the target during map transitions is now allowed (previously 3).
  • The map for Vernis will no longer regenerate.
  • Widgets on the side screen can no longer be moved by dragging.
  • Added a troubleshooting section to the "Development Room."
  • The maximum quality of recipes is now displayed in the crafting screen.
  • Added "I can’t pick up items!" to the FAQ in the help section.
  • The map board can now only be used at personal bases.
  • A tinker's table has been added to the tinker’s camp (to assist if the axe is lost).
  • Training from trainers is disabled in user maps (as guild skills could also be acquired).
  • Updated the Chinese translation.


  • Fixed an issue where clicking outside the map’s edge sometimes prevented exiting, depending on the mouse position.
  • Fixed an issue where quest tracker contents sometimes did not display after loading a game.
  • Fixed an issue where only the last item of stacked throwable weapons with the "returns to hand" enchantment returned to the hand when used in auto-combat.
  • Fixed untranslated text in the English version of Nerun’s widget.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • To complete the Flam quest, it is necessary to speak with Loytel in Vernis after breaking the rock.
  • There is an item called stone rubble.


  • Fixed an issue where trainers stopped training in real world, instead of in the user map.

Hotfix 2

  • Improved the content of Lutz’s Diary and added a new entry.
  • Prevented automatic switching to HDR mode when an HDR display is used (the game itself runs in SDR).
  • Fixed an error that could occur when re-entering the city after the festival.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.

EA 23.12

11/2 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Adjustments have been made to the balance and levels of early-stage monsters.
  • The turn progression when placing furniture has been streamlined (reducing the sluggish feeling).
  • Inhabitants will no longer take and equip engagement rings or collars from shared containers.
  • Items generated from shrines now appear instead of being placed in a set state.
  • The game now automatically saves after the opening sequence.
  • FPS is now limited on the title screen.
  • When genes with no feats or traits are generated, they are now re-rolled.
  • When dying from dropping heavy items on the global map, those items are now flagged as "do not pick up automatically."
  • While in a crushed state, the Moon Gate cannot be used if over the weight limit.
  • When the language setting file has not yet been generated at the start of the game, Japanese and Chinese are now automatically detected and selected.


  • Fixed an issue where items in the hotbar could not be moved directly to the main backpack with Shift+click.
  • Fixed an issue where beds placed in containers within the tool belt did not return to their original positions when used for automatic sleep.
  • Fixed an issue where, when multiple shearable targets were on the same tile, the first target on the tile was always selected internally, regardless of choice.
  • Fixed an issue where commercial bone meal had no attributes.
  • Corrected various typos and similar errors.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Currently, it is intended behavior that food-related enchantments are not applied when cultivating medicinal herbs.
  • English translations will be commissioned collectively once the story is completed or if there is significant demand.


  • The Punishment Iron Ball can no longer be picked up.
  • If the Punishment Iron Ball is in the inventory for any reason without having incurred the wrath of a god, praying will now cause the ball to disappear (including under Eyth’s faith).
  • Fixed an issue where casino coins would not increase when winning the first round of blackjack.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.

EA 23.11

11/1 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Prevent residents from reading held doujinshi without permission.
  • When placing a party member in the Gene Splicer, they will automatically be removed from the party.
  • Added "Magic" as the fourth specialization for witches (was previously unassigned).
  • Residents under standby orders will no longer move to the dining hall during meals.
  • Added purple medicinal herbs.
  • Changed the effect of mental stability to the "Peace of Mind" buff.
  • Throwing weapons with the "Return to Hand" enchantment can now be thrown, even when marked as valuable.


  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could steal items from the "Merchant's Bag."
  • Minor bug fixes and adjustments.

EA 23.10

11/1 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added armored training dummy.
  • Attack ratings now display penetration power as well.
  • Added spellbooks and staves for Gravity magic.
  • During a gravity state, pull effects are nullified.
  • When on a floor with a boss of Nefia, the boss’s name now appears next to the location name.
  • Added a cafeteria signboard.
  • Residents now pray at their god’s altar each day if an altar is available at their base.
  • Adjusted and added new behavior settings for NPCs.
  • Mine dogs now avoid setting landmines in the player’s base.
  • A new action on the faction board allows signboards to be toggled on or off in bulk.
  • Changed the name of gloves to “Boxing Gloves” (English version).


  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to pick up a trap as an item.
  • Fixed an issue where reclaimed engagement rings and similar items could no longer be eaten.
  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Mandrake's Scream affects all targets without sound resistance, regardless of friend or foe.
  • Currently, Jure’s feather fragments have no specific use.
  • If a gene already added is removed with a recessive gene, feat points are returned (although the gene itself does not return).
  • Although I wanted to add areas like cafeterias, chapels, and training grounds that would boost effects based on nearby facilities, focus on release testing for EA means this will likely be the final version for the beta test.

Early Access (Pre-release)

EA 23.9

10/31 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added several new NPC rumors.
  • Significantly reduced the duration of burning effects; increased burn damage.
  • Added a new throwable weapon, "Boomerang," now included in the initial recipes.
  • Added a new melee weapon, "Gloves."
  • Expanded NPC behavior settings extensively.
  • Eased the penalty to dice rolls when equipping melee weapons (further adjustments to penalties are planned for future versions).
  • Updated Chinese translations.


  • Fixed an issue where unconscious residents would sometimes move to a bed during map simulations.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.

EA 23.8

10/30 2024 [Additions and Changes]

  • Removed unrelated rare drop lines from NPC dialogue and similar sources, keeping certain favored lines for atmosphere.
  • Revised and organized the content of fortune cookies, removing information unrelated to Elin (excluding intentional false info).
  • Replaced the open graphic for training chests.
  • Altered shrines to be passable items, as they were easily destroyed by rare monsters from the Shrine of Conflict.
  • Removed speed penalties when full.
  • When the Mother Prohibition Ordinance is active, courtesans will no longer approach.
  • Genes generated from Mani statues now depend on the statue’s creation level. When resurrecting a statue with a Golden Material Hammer, a fixed random number is used for gene generation.
  • Adjusted the nutritional effect of spices (they were previously the same as pepper).
  • Added a new weapon category, “暗器 (Martial Weapon).”
  • When items are destroyed by fire, cookable ingredients will now turn into grilled dishes, with dish quality dependent on the heat intensity.


  • Fixed a bug where NPC shells would remain if the NPC died from a trap.
  • Corrected swapped effects for blue and red powders in shops.
  • Fixed an issue with attack ratings on tooltips for stacked throwing weapons, where the entire stack weight was used to calculate the rating.
  • Resolved an issue where severe drowsiness did not lower speed.
  • Fixed an issue where touching Mani statues generated before 23.7 had no effect.
  • Addressed a bug where Mani statue effects sometimes lingered on-screen after generation.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • The speed boost effect on the Seven League Boots is intentional.
  • A dedicated merchant for cassette tapes is planned for the future.
  • Hair on resident animals will only regrow if they are raised as livestock and fed hay.

EA 23.7

10/30 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Refurbished the Truce Grounds (maps from versions prior to this update will regenerate once. As quests will eventually be added to this area, it may be best not to destroy it indiscriminately).
  • Added a statue of Jure, which now appears randomly in locations like Nefia.
  • Added a statue of Mani, which now appears randomly in locations like Nefia.
  • Added a statue of Kumiromi, which now appears randomly in locations like Nefia.
  • Adjusted the probability of each statue's appearance.
  • Nerun will now warn of winter’s approach each November.
  • In automated farming, crops are now harvested before winter to prevent withering, and seeds are planted in their place.
  • Weapons suitable for throwing now display an attack rating in their tooltips.


  • Various minor adjustments and fixes.

EA 23.6

10/30 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Added casting to the "Itzpalt" faith bonus (due to limited skill growth after resistance growth halts).
  • Added two new plants, Blue Grass and Red Grass.
  • Introduced a new item category, "Herbs."
  • Added herbs as optional ingredients for the "Boiled Weeds" recipe.
  • Updated the "Bandage" recipe, removing the need for bones and adding herbs and fabric as optional ingredients.
  • Added production methods for Blue Powder, Red Powder, and Bone Meal to the mortar.
  • Introduced a tutorial by Nerun on item properties.
  • Changed the name of the existing "poison" property to "venom."
  • Added several new properties.
  • Replaced existing properties for hallucinogenic and poisonous effects in items like crim and mushrooms with new properties (older properties on these items may disappear).
  • Removed the throwing attribute from stones, adding it as an enemy-exclusive attribute.
  • Adjusted companions so their hunger recovery rate during meals no longer doubles.
  • Introduced two new feats, "Heavy Eater," which reduces hunger recovery from meals (nutrition remains the same), and its opposite, "Light Eater," assigned to certain races. (Outside of initial feats, it’s under consideration to make this available as a shift option or similar for PCs and companions. The penalty for Light Eater can be ignored with careful meal planning.)
  • Added snow accumulation graphics.


  • Fixed an issue where crop seeds without enhancement levels would be generated when crops wilted in winter.
  • Fixed a problem where AI would sometimes attempt to summon minions even when the minion limit was reached.
  • Corrected an issue where primary attribute-locked NPCs would receive unusable attribute abilities in their genetics.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • The Sun Lamp emits sunlight even when its light is off (also when there is no power).

[Mod Notes]

  • Currently, if a feat is added by a mod and then the mod is removed, any skills or other stats granted by the feat remain. While this is an area of improvement we’d like to address in the core game, changes may need to coincide with a save data reset if required in the future.
  • For loading mods when launching Elin outside of Steam, the feature is already present, so this should be enabled from the EA version onward (currently, it tries to load the workshop folder for the production version of the app, so the feature is inactive).

Hotfix 1

  • Fixed an issue where the effects of the "Heavy Eater" and "Light Eater" feats were not applied correctly.

Hotfix 2

  • The “Seasoning” slot in cooking recipes now requires items categorized as “Seasoning” rather than items labeled as “Seasoning.”
  • Fixed an issue preventing non-food traits from being synthesized during cooking.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when PC or NPCs are pelted with stones during performances.

EA 23.5

10/29 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • In user maps, NPC levels and primary element are now recorded (only for maps created in this version or later).
  • Resistance from faith bonuses now maxes out at immunity.
  • Resistance abilities (main abilities like strength, perception, etc.) are now assigned to each status effect. Status effect impacts will be reduced based on resistance abilities. If a resistance ability is set, it will also be displayed in the status effect tooltip.
  • Various adjustments to ability tooltips, now displaying ability power as well.
  • Added attack effects.
  • Nutritional intake exceeding fullness is now ignored when eating. Additionally, a 10% meal effect bonus is provided when hungry.
  • New behavior settings added for NPCs.


  • Fixed an issue where stacking status effects on bosses did not increase their resistance to that effect.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Item acquisition rates in jobs and hobbies are all influenced by the efficiency of the resident performing them. Treasure hunting will also be attempted based on the number of residents with that job or hobby.
  • Gene drops follow the same conditions as for regular enemies’ loot drops (applies only when not allies, residents, or while in user maps). However, as there are currently limited means of obtaining genes, they will temporarily also drop in user maps.

EA 23.4 Nightly

10/28 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Moved elin.ini to the same location as config.txt. The User folder and temporary Temp folder have also been relocated to the parent folder of config.txt.


  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Files and folders previously stored alongside the executable have now been moved to the same location as save data. This change is intended to prevent files from being overwritten during updates and to avoid potential issues with integrity checks that may detect modifications to these files. If any issues or unexpected behavior arise due to this change, please consider reporting them.

EA 23.3

10/28 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Plants that lack sufficient sunlight in winter will gradually wither.
  • Enhanced sparkle effects for bosses and other notable enemies.
  • Evolved species no longer drop recessive genes but have a high probability of dropping additional dominant genes.
  • Evolved species cannot be recruited as companions.
  • Evolved species and bosses will no longer settle down over time.
  • Genes will not be destroyed.
  • The feat point cost for abilities granted to genes now depends on the ability’s MP/SP consumption.
  • When set to continue performances automatically, performances will be canceled if the PC’s stamina falls below zero.
  • Adjusted probability of status abnormalities occurring (further balance adjustments for abnormalities will continue throughout the remainder of the beta period).
  • Spears can now attack targets two tiles away.
  • Added spore attack effects.
  • Added new action settings for monsters.


  • Fixed an issue where, despite setting Auto Combat to avoid using items on the hotbar, the PC would still throw items suitable for throwing if placed on the hotbar.
  • Fixed a bug that caused unique character traits (such as a Yowyn horse’s speed) to disappear when adjusting levels for characters like infants or bosses during generation.
  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Experience points will be gained upon casting the identification spell, even before an item is actually identified, as intended.
  • Unopened treasure chests with enhancement levels, as well as furniture enhanced with a wrench, already carry intrinsic value as heirlooms, given the associated cost. Further adjustments for added value are not currently planned.
  • Newly added or modified feats for races and professions will not apply to existing characters. Apologies for the inconvenience-due to data limitations, this cannot easily be changed. Possible remedies such as character regeneration or gene-based solutions are being considered.

Hotfix 1

  • Added poison and hallucination effects to certain monster meats.
  • Expanded NPC behavior settings.
  • Fixed an error that sometimes caused freezing when entering a map in winter.
  • Adjusted crops so they no longer wither in winter as long as there is sunlight.
  • Fixed a bug preventing certain spears from applying enchantments that allow attacks on distant enemies.

Hotfix 2

  • Fixed a bug that allowed items, such as those with genetic information restrictions, to be stolen despite being set to prevent theft.
  • Fixed a bug where corpses had an excessive amount of nutrients attached to them.

Hotfix 3

  • During auto-combat, characters wielding long-range melee weapons will now attack from their position if the enemy is within range.
  • On the quest board, fixed quests now appear before combat-related ones.


  • Fixed an issue where plants that don’t require sunlight would wither during winter.
  • Corrected the swapped positions of "Talk" and "Attack" options when using middle-click.
  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Evolution species not being included in the Warrior Guild's bounty hunts is currently intentional, as they are considered neutral beings.

EA 23.2

10/27 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • Evolved monsters in a neutral state that always drop genes now appear randomly.
  • Adjusted the traits of the final traces of faint goodwill left in this unbearable world.
  • Divine blessing equipment can no longer be selected with the Scroll of Reconstruction.
  • Added a portrait to Nino.
  • The value of opened treasure chests now reflects the value of the chest itself.
  • Items modified with a customized wrench will increase in value proportionally to the modifications made.
  • In the PC base, individuals related to residents as close family or lovers will no longer appear as quest-givers.
  • Added a new [Base] entry in the Travel Wisdom section of Help, consolidating base-related pages.


  • Various minor fixes and adjustments.


  • While the Mana Body 2 Feat is somewhat overpowered, this approach allows for some race or class abilities to remain strong. No changes have been made for now, though future adjustments may be considered.

EA 23.1

10/26 2024

[Additions and Changes]

  • New “Brain Cells” item introduced, which alters AI patterns and ability usage rates. When a pet absorbs brain cells, its AI pattern (movement frequency, optimal range, tactical style, etc.) will change to match that of the NPC from whom the brain cells were taken.
  • The mysterious young girl now sells brain cells.
  • The development level of Little Garden now rises based on the number of Littles saved and decreases based on the number of Littles who have perished when the map regenerates.
  • Gene and brain cell prices now scale with the amount of feat points spent.
  • Added an animation of bubbling to the Gene Synthesizer.
  • Reinstated the “Display damage numerically” option under the Experimental tab in Settings due to popular demand.
  • The race “Yith” is now granted the “Fear from Beyond the Stars” trait.
  • Monsters above Lv50 are now set to spawn closer to Lv50, as the current generation method rarely spawns monsters over Lv50 in areas like Squelch.
  • Added and updated some NPC action settings.
  • Stationary enemies will no longer track the PC through pathfinding if the PC moves out of range.


  • Fixed an issue where Heavy Armor Casting was no longer showing as an acquirable feat.
  • Resolved an issue where allies outside of battle were attempting to heal injured allies outside their line of sight.
  • Corrected an issue preventing torii gates from being stacked on pillars outside of Debug Mode (proper placement is on top of pillars).
  • Various other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Feedback on previous versions and ideas for improvements are always welcome. For pet skill acquisition, the current balance will remain (skills through skill books or genes). Given the demand for certain skills, there may be an option for the mysterious young girl to sell genes containing only specific skill memories.
  • In both the Japanese and English versions, the terminology for gene dominance and recessiveness includes playful language.
  • Regarding Specwing’s adventurers, the fairy town is intentionally designed as a gathering place for adventurers.
  • There are no plans for a specific announcement regarding the final beta test version. The update likely set for October 31st is expected to be the final beta version.
  • The current drop rate for genes is intended to remain at its present level, though a way to increase the drop rate (such as items) may be introduced in the future.

EA 23.00

10/25 2024

  • Version number changed to EA.
  • Notes regarding the EA version have been added to the title menu and system menu.
  • Holding down the appraisal spell will now appraise all items in the inventory.
  • For abilities that affect the entire party or have special behavior when held down, the tooltips will now clearly state this.
  • Abilities used by NPCs are now recorded in genetics.
  • When gene synthesis is complete, the target will now move outside the machine tile.
  • Added a "Scroll of Reconstruction" to regenerate equipment.
  • Updated the Chinese translation.


  • Fixed an issue where milk was not turning into cheese.
  • Fixed an issue where, when using ★Storage Boxes as shared containers, items weren't being distributed properly if the number of items inside the container exceeded a certain amount.
  • Other minor fixes and adjustments.


  • Fixed an issue where config settings are reset.


For updates relating to the Beta, see this page.


For updates relating to the Alpha, see this page.

Tech Demo

For updates relating to the Tech Demo, see this page.