Elin:Adventure Log: Difference between revisions

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|-| A Journey Begins =
|-| A Journey Begins =
|text='''Good morning, sleepyhead
|text='''Good morning, sleepyhead.

...Don't worry, you're not hallucinating.<br>
...Don't worry, you're not hallucinating.<br>
Line 52: Line 52:

But...That's not all!<br>
But...That's not all!<br>
By [[Elin:Creating#Processing Stations|processing]] Mr. Log, you can upgrade it into "Planks".
By [[Elin:Creating#Processing Stations|'''processing''']] Mr. Log, you can upgrade it into "Planks".

What...? How do you process it?<br>
What...? How do you process it?<br>
Line 68: Line 68:

The best way to recover from fatigue is<br>
The best way to recover from fatigue is<br>
to get a good night's sleep in a [[Elin:Beds|comfy bed.]]
to get a good night's sleep in a [[Elin:Beds|'''comfy bed.''']]

When you get enough sleep,<br>
When you get enough sleep,<br>
you might get new recipe ideas, train your potentials,<br>
you might get new recipe ideas, train your potentials,<br>
or even [[Elin:Spellcasting|learn magic]] in your dreams.
or even [[Elin:Spellcasting|'''learn magic''']] in your dreams.

If you haven't made a bed yet,<br>
If you haven't made a bed yet,<br>
you can use the [[Elin:Abilities|"Meditation"]] ability to sleep.<br>
you can use the [[Elin:Abilities|'''"Meditation"''']] ability to sleep.<br>
It's not as effective as sleeping in a bed, though.
It's not as effective as sleeping in a bed, though.

During meditation, your natrually recovery of health and magic power increases,<br>
During meditation, your naturally recovery of health and magic power increases,<br>
so it's good to rest through meditation after a battle.<br>
so it's good to rest through meditation after a battle.<br>
Just be careful, because if you're overworked or starving,<br>
Just be careful, because if you're overworked or starving,<br>
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You are now in the [[Elin:World Map|"World Map"]].<br>
You are now in the [[Elin:World Map|'''"World Map"''']].<br>
In the world map, you can travel great distances<br>
In the world map, you can travel great distances<br>
but time also passes very quickly.
but time also passes very quickly.
Line 123: Line 123:
|-| Growth and Feat=  
|-| Growth and Feat=  
|text=''' '''   
|text='''Congratulations on earning a [[Elin:Feats|Feat Point!]]
...Huh? you don't know about Feats?
Feats are special traits you have,<br>
like being really fast or super strong.<br>
You can earn them by using Feat Points.
Do you see the blue feather icon at the bottom of your screen?<br>
When you perform actions and grow, this gauge fills up.<br>
Once it's full, you earn a Feat Point.
Click on the gauge to see a list of Feats you can acquire.<br>
Choose the ones you think will be useful to you.
You can also save your Feat Points<br>
if you don't need anything specific right now.<br>
It's a good strategy to save them for later.
Note that some Feats have prerequisites.<br>
For example, the "Gourmet" Feat won't appear<br>
unless you've learned the [[Elin:Skills|"'''Cooking'''"]] skill.'''   
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
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Line 129: Line 150:
|-| Fame=  
|-| Fame=  
|text=''' '''   
|text='''Wow, you've gained fame!<br>
You can earn fame by completing quests<br>
and exploring Nefia.
As your fame increases, you'll be asked to take on more challenging quests,<br>
and more dangerous Nefia will appear.<br>
Earn lots of fame and<br>
become a renowned adventurer soon!
By the way...<br>
if your fame gets too high and the adventures become too tough,<br>
you can sell your fame to the town's informant...
Well then...'''   
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
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Line 135: Line 174:
|-| Karma=  
|-| Karma=  
|text=''' '''   
|text=''' ...
Did you just do something bad...?
Yes... I felt your karma drop.<br>
In this world, your karma decreases if you do bad things,<br>
and if it falls below zero, you become a criminal.<br>
... Becoming a criminal makes life very difficult.
Complete quests, return lost items,<br>
and always strive to do good deeds to increase your karma.
...By the way, the most serious crime in this world is tax evasion.<br>
If you don't pay your taxes for four months,<br>
you'll be immediately wanted, and your life will be in danger.
So...be careful, okay?'''   
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
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Line 141: Line 196:
|-| Criminal=  
|-| Criminal=  
|text=''' '''   
Stay away from me, you pervert!
I can't believe you've become a criminal.<br>
I'm really disappointed in you.
...That's right, if your karma drops below zero, you'll be wanted.<br>
Guards will come chasing you, merchants will refuse to trade with you,<br>
and even your sisters will look at you with disdain.<br>
You'll live a miserable life as an enemy of society!
Sigh...It's okay, there's still a path to redemption for you.<br>
When your karma is negative, it will slowly increase over time.<br>
If you stop committing crimes and patiently wait, things will eventually calm down.<br>
In the rogue town of [[Elin:Derphy|Derphy]], where there are no laws,<br>
you can pay your taxes, and merchants wills till trade with you.
Don't worry, I believe in you.<br>
Make sure you atone for your sins and come back.
Until then...'''   
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
|-| Weakness and Restoration=  
|-| Weakness and Restoration=  
|text=''' '''   
|text='''Oh... Have you become weaker?
What? What do I mean by that...<br>
Just check your primary attributes for a moment, okay?<br>
You'll notice they're lower than usual, right?
Some enemies can weaken your attributes with their attacks.<br>
At first, it's not a big deal, but if it piles up, it can become troublesome.
If you have a [[Elin:Potions|'''Potion of Restore Body''' or a '''Potion of Restore Mind''']]<br>
drinking one of those can restore your weakened attributes.
If you don't have a way to recover, you can ask a healer in town.<br>
It will cost you some money, but they can treat you...
Well, it's best not to get hit in the first place.<br>
For enemies that are troublesome up close,<br>
it's always better to attack them from a distance.
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
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Line 155: Line 249:
|-| Ether Disease=  
|-| Ether Disease=  
|text=''' '''   
|text=''' So, you've finally been [[Elin:Ether Disease|afflicted by the illness...]]
Don't be surprised.<br>
Even if you do nothing, the ether's enroachment<br>
will gradually progress over time.
Your symptoms are still minor and can be ignored for now,<br>
but if you leave the illness untreated,<br>
the symptoms will worsen and eventually you'll die.<br>
...We need to find some way to slow down the disease.
Hehe, don't make that serious face.<br>
We have plenty of time, so let's find a solution, okay?
Come to think of it...<br>
There was a [[Elin:Miral and Garokk's Workshop|hillfolk in a workshop]] south of [[Elin:Noyel|Noyel]]<br>
who was collecting strange items. Maybe he could...'''   
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
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Line 161: Line 271:
|-| Tinker's Camp=  
|-| Tinker's Camp=  
|text=''' '''   
|text='''[[Elin:Tinker's Camp|Wow, look at all the tinkers!]]<br>
They're selling all kinds of things!
It's like a little corner of a town.<br>
Look, that notice board seems to have<br>
[[Elin:Requests|quests for adventurers]]posted on it.
Completing quests earns you various rewards,<br>
so make sure to check the notice board regularly!<br>
Be careful with quests that have many ★. They're more difficult.
Oh, this camp also got a healer.<br>
The healer can cure status ailments, and the mage there<br>
can appraise unidentified items... though it does cost money.
[[Elin:Nino|That caravan leader...]]
S...so cute!<br>
He's wearing a cat costume.<br>
Hey, let's go check him?
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
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Line 167: Line 299:
|-| Towns=  
|-| Towns=  
|text=''' '''   
|text='''It's a town!<br>
So lively with all the people bustling around.
[[Elin:Vendors|Buying and selling]],[[Elin:Skills|training]], trading, gambling, [[Elin:Requests|quests]], healing...<br>
there are so many services here.<br>
Even if you get lost, don't worry.<br>
Just talk to a guard, and they'll guide you. Hehe.
Of course, every [[Elin:Locations#Towns|town]]] in North Tyris is different.<br>
They vary in development, the items they sell,<br>
the services they offer, and the skills you can train.
The quests posted on the bulletin board also differ from one to another,<br>
so it will be a good idea to explore various towns.
But, for now, how about we explore this town?'''   
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|image=[[File:Elin UI Nerun.png|250px]]
|style=border-width:1px; border-color:inherit; background-color:inherit; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:5px 5px 0 5px; text-align:center; width:80%;  
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Revision as of 06:06, 13 June 2024