![]() | Some of the text on this page is from the Beta build of the game. |
Players can take Monster or My Home's inhabitants as their companions (hereinafter referred to as "pets") and make them fight.
How to obtain pets
1.1 Get from Fiama
If you talk to Fiama after acquiring the right to the land of My Home, she will give you a pet of your choice among a puppy, a kitten, a bear cub, and a girl.
By the way, even if the story progresses without talking to Fiama and she has left My Home, you can still get a pet by talking to her.
1.2 Buy from Animal Tamer and Slave Merchant
You can purchase animal pets from trainers in cities such as Mysilia, Yowyn, and Derphy, and human pets from slavers in Derphy for Orens.
1.3 Hatch fertilized eggs
When you collect birds' nests or lay eggs in livestock or NPCs, you can get fertilized eggs in very rare cases.
Fertilized eggs can be placed on a bed and left there for a while, or placed in the water of a hot spring, or they can be used in an incubator and instantly hatch to produce a new pet.
Pets hatched from fertilized eggs have a higher status growth than normal pets, as they have a large bonus to their primary ability and skill potential instead of a lower level.
For more information, please also refer to the “Raising Pets” section below.
1.4 Capture wild monsters
Throwing a monster ball at a monster that is low in health will get that monster.
Monster balls can be redeemed for small medals and casino chips at Miral and Garokk's Workshop and Fortune Bell, or they can be sold at any shop.
1.5 Use certain items to join them:
You can read scrolls of reinforcements to join random monsters and NPCs. There are also items that make certain NPCs from Young Sister's diary join you.
Other items will also join Snow Putit from the New Year's gift you will receive on 1/1.
1.6 Get an apostle from God
If you manually pray (active ability) to God with your faith skills enhanced (at least 15) and your piety deepened through offerings ("Oneness" message), your Deity will grant you their apostle as companion.
However, if you take more than three apostles with you, they will start fighting each other, so you can only have a maximum of two apostles in your party. The others may be residents (even in the same settlement).
For more information about apostles, see Gods.
1.7 Befriending and recruiting NPCs
When you befriend (affinity 75+) an NPC, you can invite them to join the player.
To join, your charisma must be higher than their highest attribute after any buff, favor, and equipment boosts. This applies to your charisma and the NPC's highest attribute the moment you ask.
In the case of unique NPCs and adventurers, you must beat them in a hand-to-hand combat. Keep in mind, that they will get a random ally for each ally you bring into combat. 'Dying' in a challenge combat will revive the player without penalty.
Recruited adventurers, retain their ability to spawn a nearby nefia when asked and enough time has passed, provided you speak with them when they're outside of your party.
See Affinity for detailed specifications.
1.8 Brushing to befriend
If you brush an NPC and become friends with him or her, he or she may join your party.
It does not matter if you fail a bit in brushing, as long as you have reached the required level of affinity.
To become a friend, your Charisma must be higher than the other person's highest Charisma attribute.
See Affinity for detailed specifications.
1.9 Take a resident you hired for gold bars
From the quest board, you can hire a prospective immigrant for gold bars. Like quest, these refresh from time to time.
You can also take the resident with you on your adventures as a pet if your charisma outweigh their highest attribute.
1.10 Advance through quests and events to join them
Unique NPCs may join you after completing quests.
See Quests for details.
Some unique NPCs also join by completing mini-events that are not quests, such as Older Younger Sister.
Number of pets you can take
The maximum number of pets a player can carry is determined by the player's Charisma and Party Animal feat, with a maximum of 8 pets.
The number of pets a player can take is increased by one for every 10 Charisma, up to a maximum of 5 pets.
In addition, the player can take up to 3 additional pets by gaining Party Animal feat.
It is possible to take more than the maximum number of pets, the player will be strongly penalized for the speed by the Overcrowding status. Expect -50 speed with the first ally over cap. The minimum speed is 10, from thereon you are not further penalized.
Interference with pets
3.1 Revive
Pets that have fallen in battle will automatically revive and return to My Home after 7 of days or the next day if a resident has the nurse hobby.
Paying a bartender in town will instantly revive a fallen pet. Talking to Fiama can revive the pet she provided you for free. Resurrection spells and scrolls can also be used to revive. However, Lay on Hands cannot revive a pet that is already dead.
If you are unable to revive the pet and it has not returned to My Home, it may have been revived on another property you own. Keep in mind that you start in Meadow, which becomes My Home. The Vernis questline changes it to Vernis. You can set My Home at the Hearth Stone.
Fiama also revives your pet if you talk to her for a -10 affinity with her.
3.2 Gift items
You can gift items by standing next them, holding (or grab as furniture if the item has a primary use. E.g. bows, potions, ...) the item and right clicking on them. If it is an engagement ring/amulet, it will increase affinity by 40. If it is a favorite item of them (see notes on their character sheet) it will increase affinity depending on value of the item (expect something around 0-7 affinity). If you hold a stack of items, it will gift only 1 at a time. NPCs you gift an item they do not like for the third time turn hostile. Gifted items are marked as gift (red triangle) and are heavily penalized (affinity and -1 karma) to take away from allies. Gifted items may end up in a shared chest if discarded (still with its gifted tag). Allies you do not host or ride may sell gifted items while in a settlement.
If you gift and NPC (allied or not) a consumable, they will automatically use it. They will reject dream larva (with heavy affinity penalty). They will use acidproof potions correctly on their equipment.
Notes on pickpocketing: items are stacked in their inventory, but if you gift for example 3 iron ore (which stack), then 1 other item, then another 2 iron ore (which form their own stack), this will result in 3 different stacks, as items are placed chronologically in their inventory. Pickpocketing removes the gifted tag from the item. Keep in mind, that you cannot pickpocket your residents (including those your take with you as allies on journeys)
3.3 Trading Items / Equip them
You can give and take items to your companion (not allies) by using the trade command. You can only take equipped items, if affinity is at 75 or higher. Allies will not take junk and stolen non-equipable items (e.g. furniture).
Allies will also refuse to return Orens (which they will spend on training).
Unless ordered not to (by "Actually..." dialogue), the NPC will automatically equip equipment that is in a shared container their home while present .They do not need to be released ("wait at home") to do that.
Each pet has its own preferred weapon and its equipment style (shield-wielding/two-handed/dual-wielding) and armor style (heavy/light) and chooses its equipment accordingly. The preferred weapon and style are determined by the pet's highest combat skill. Also, the pet will give preference to equipment that is more valuable than its performance. You can equip your pet by talking to it, prohibiting the use of shared equipment, and then using the trade command to put only the equipment you need into your inventory.
While your affinity is below 75, your karma will decrease by 1 each time you take and equipped item (marked with an E) from your pet.
Gifted items can be sold in a non-player settlement by the NPC without notice.
Allies will use ranged weapons in their inventory, even if they cannot equip those. Only equipped ("E") items can be switched out with items in shared containers. Zephyr's Wrath and Gunlance, which are melee weapons that can also shoot, count as ranged weapons.
3.4 Reading spellbooks
If you gift the spellbook to the pet, it will use (read) it right away like all consumables. It will not learn spells this way! Only by Gene Engineering it can learn spells.
If the spell is too difficult, they will fail with the same effects, that players experience (you can often see this with secretaries. They generate books in their inventory as pickpocket loot, but read them right away). That NPC will train their Literacy skill, but will not learn new magic.
Reading Doujins or naughty books works as intended.
3.5 Check the status
You can check your pet's simple status (DV/PV, equipment type, and resistance) on the trade screen.
- Equipment (DV/PV, equipment type, equipment weight)
- Resistance
- Trait (Feats, Mutation, Ether Disease)
- Growth (total feat points, gene engineering)
- Notes (weapons & armor styles, favorites, hobby and work etc.)
You can also check your companions detailed character sheet by using the stethoscope, which can be purchased from Farris.
3.6 Other
- Using a leash for your pet will prevent your pet from wandering too far away from your PC when you are not fighting. If your PC is faster than your pet, the distance between them will usually increase, but using a leash will prevent this.
- You can set “Always stay by you while in combat” in the Strategy tab of the player character sheet.
- If you gain the Magic Manners 2 feat, items will no longer be destroyed by fire and cold attacks used by your pet.
Raising Pets
4.1 Raising from Eggs
Note: Unique NPCs with 『』 cannot be hatched from fertile eggs, and instead will give birth to chickens. However, unique adventurers with 「」 can hatch clones.
Pets hatched from fertilized eggs have lower levels but have a large potential bonus on their attributes and skills, so they grow faster than normal pets.
See Ally/Baby for more information.
4.2 Feed them food
NPCs eat food and grow the same way as the player, but with a bonus to efficiency. While not residents, they become hungry over time.
If you give food to your pet in a trade or as a gift, your pet will eat the food when it is hungry.
Also, if there is a shared container with food on the current map (including player inventory if shared) they will automatically eat that food.
4.3 Have them trained
If the pet has some money, it can be trained with that money when it is in town. This is also possible in My Home if there is a trainer as a resident.
Pets will sell off unwanted belongings for money on their own, but you can also give them a portion of the player's money through the trade command.
4.4 Let them use the training facilities
If there are training dummies near the companion, the pet may use them to train their attacks.
Also, if the companion is strapped to a gallows or torture device set up in your settlement, the companion can attack it (or be attacked) to train their skills.
4.5 Let them learn skills
If you gift your pet a specialization book (Skill book) to read, you can make your pet learn that skill.
Some skills also can be learned by having the pet perform a job or hobby as a resident of the Home, and the pet can learn skills that correspond to the job or hobby.
Most of the skills that can be acquired through jobs and hobbies are unrelated to pets, such as weightlifting, bows, guns, and magic devices.
See Housing for more information.
4.6 Gene Engineering
You can use your pet's feat points to perform gene engineering, which will allow you to increase your abilities and body parts.
For more information, see Gene Engineering.
4.7 Make them believe in a god
Pets randomly have faith in some god and receive a faith bonus by the value of their faith skill.
You can convert your pet by giving it a God's dojin book to read. However, some pets with fixed faith, such as divine messengers, cannot be converted.
If the player has the Model Follower 2 feat, you can make the pet pray to God and train its faith skills.
Summoned Monsters
NPCs from summon spells are temporary allies. They do not consume a companion slot, but once they die, they cannot be revived. The max number of summons at the same time can be increased to a maximum of 15 by taking the feat of “Shepherd”.
You can display the current/max number of summons by changing the settings of the “Info Bar” from the widget menu.