Elin:Gene Engineering: Difference between revisions

Added detailed explanation of genes and brain cells
(Created a page on Gene Engineering. Just an outline for now)
m (Added detailed explanation of genes and brain cells)
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The Gene Machine is a machine that can be purchased from Nino at Tinker's Camp, and in order to use it you need to obtain “Gene”, which can be obtained with a low probability when you defeat enemies.
The Gene Machine is a machine that can be purchased from Nino at Tinker's Camp, and in order to use it you need to obtain “Gene”, which can be obtained with a low probability when you defeat enemies.

Genes contain DNA about the [[Elin:モンスター|'''monster's''']] attributes, skills, body parts, etc., and you can use the Gene Machine to incorporate them into your pet.
Genes contain memories about the [[Elin:Bestiary|'''monster''']]'s attributes, skills, body parts, AI, etc., and you can use the Gene Machine to incorporate them into your pet.

Genetic modification requires '''[[Elin:Feats|feat points]]''', and generally costs more than voluntarily learning a feat.
Genetic modification requires '''[[Elin:Feats|feat points]]''', and generally costs more than voluntarily learning a feat.

The maximum number of genes that can be inserted is three, and the inserted genes can be reset individually by using recessive genes. Recessive genes can be dropped by monsters in the same way as normal genes, and they can also be crafted using a millstone.
The maximum number of memories that can be inserted is three, and the inserted memories can be reset individually by using recessive genes. Recessive genes can be dropped by monsters in the same way as normal genes, and they can also be crafted using a millstone.

For now, gene synthesis is a feature limited to pets, but according to the creator, there is a possibility that gene synthesis will be possible for PCs in the future.
For now, gene synthesis is a feature limited to pets, but according to the creator, there is a possibility that gene synthesis will be possible for PCs in the future.
== DNA ==
DNA is an item classification and is a general term for genes and brain cells.
=== Genes ===
There are three types: dominant, normal, and recessive. Dominant genes have more and rarer memories than normal. Recessive genes are used to delete memories.
Genes can be obtained at a low rate by defeating enemies. In addition, “Evolved” monsters, which wear a pink spiral aura, always drop genes when defeated.
Evolved monsters are formidable opponents as they learn abilities and magic that are not normally learned. They are generated in a neutral state, so avoid challenging them before you are confident in your skills.
'''Included Memories'''
* Attributes
* Skills
* Feats (both innate and class)
* Abilities and spells
* Equipment slots
=== Brain Cells ===
Brain cells, like genes, are DNA that can be used for Gene Engineering and are sold by a Strange little girl in '''[[Elin:Little Garden|Little Garden]]'''.
To trade with her, you must rescue the Little Ones.
'''Included Memories'''
* Combat AI (movement frequency, proper distance, combat style, etc.)
[[Category:Elin Mechanics]]
[[Category:Elin Mechanics]]
