Elin:Code Analysis/Feats: Difference between revisions

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* The benefit of feat Devout is about 12.5% per level of that feat (15 of 120).
* The benefit of feat Devout is about 12.5% per level of that feat (15 of 120).
=== featTourist (Vacation Vibe) ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1">
case 1406:
featRef[0] = (a * 20).ToString() ?? "";
featRef[1] = (a * 5).ToString() ?? "";
if (!sell)
p *= 1f + 0.2f * (float)c.Evalue(1406);
        num = num * (float)(100 + EClass.pc.Evalue(1406) * 5) / 100f;
* The price for tourist will be increase by 100% (0.2f * lvl 5), the stock of shops will be increased by 25% (100 + 5 * 5)/100.
=== featPianist (Musician) ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1">
if (p.progress > 2 && (EClass.rnd(100 + 50 * owner.Evalue(1405)) == 0 ||
          EClass.rnd(4 + (int)MathF.Max(0f, song.lv - playing.index * 25 - playing.index * playing.index / 2)) == 0))
if (EClass.rnd(2) == 0)
LevelSong(2 + 2 * EClass.rnd(owner.Evalue(1405) + 1));
if (playing.mistakes >= 10)
playing.index = 0;
    num = (EClass.rnd(c.LV * 2 + 1) + 1) * (100 + toolLv * 2 + owner.Evalue(1405) * 10) / 100;
* The feat of Musician (lvl 2 by default) decrease the mistakes made by players
** Specifically, if the song is of progress more than 2, the mistake possibility is decreased by 50%.
** By a possibility of 50%, the experience of player's song is increased.
*** If normal player, the number of increase is 2.
*** If Musician, the number of increase is a number among 2, 4, 6.
* This feat also increase the reward earned by player.
** Specifically, increase 10% per level of feat (i.e. 20% total).

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